• Published 2nd Sep 2017
  • 852 Views, 28 Comments

The Alien Warriors: Battle for Equestria - Texas Style Brony

After about six months since the original story, the human warriors and ponies find themselves in the crosshairs of a hostile human army sent from Earth to eradicate any evidence of human encroachment in Equestria

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"... and that is my stance on the matter." The Doctor Strange-looking pony declared before the Royal court. Despite the vote conducted by the court a few days ago, Prince Blueblood convinced the court to keep on investigating into the Equestrian Rangers and their weapons. Of course, the Rangers themselves had to be there, much to their annoyance. Unfortunately, Blueblood had a new trick up his sleeve...

"Thank you Chancellor Neighsay for your 'academic' opinion on the issue. I would now like to put forth some new evidence that I have discovered in the Haysead swamp..." Ramirez smirked, believing that Blueblood was about to shoot himself in the foot by revealing the research and scientific advances made on nerf weapon samples at the base there. However, his look of confidence was wiped clean from his face as Blueblood broadcasted the images of the smoldering ruins and dead bodies of ponies onto his projection. Looking to his side, Ramirez found that the rest of the Rangers were also staring on in shock at the scene.

"Blueblood, what the hell is this?!" Ramirez stood up and interjected.

"These are the remains of a Royal Research facility in the Everfree Forest. It's a combination of a fort and a laboratory. I went to visit it a few days ago when I was met with the odor of smoke and blood."

"What... happened?" McLaughn was gazing at the images with a horrified look on his face.

"I was hoping that you boys would be able to answer that, seeing as how I found these on the site..." Blueblood then showed images of blood-soaked darts and bootprints in the ground. Many of the ponies in the room gasped and then started crying bloody murder at them. Blueblood then had to use his gavel to call the court to order.

"That..... was not us." Ramirez stated flatly.

"Are you certain about that Sergeant? Who else could have been capable of using guns AND leaving behind human footprints?" Blueblood looked at them smirking. The whole courtroom looked on in shock at the humans.

"I'm telling you, WE DON'T HURT PONIES!" Ramirez shouted at Blueblood while slamming his fist on the table. He was suddenly pushed down back into his seat by a magic aura.

"ORDER! CALM YOURSELF, HUMAN!" the bailiff exclaimed, having used his magic to restrain Ramirez. McLaughn observed the picture closely. He noticed a small detail to the far right of the screen.

"That was definitely not us your highness."

"And what proof do you have of that?" Blueblood inquired.

"Look closer at the image with footprints. See those vertical lines on the right? Those are tire-tracks."

"Of course you would understand what they are. They are undoubtedly the prints left by a human weapon." Blueblood answered.

"Those tracks had to come from a car or something. You have no idea how complex something like that is. It would take a year, maybe more, for us to build something like that. Also, we would need materials and tools that Equestria has no access to in order to make one." Smith replied.

"But the 'car' is of human origin, yes?" Blueblood inquired. Smith hesitated before he answered.

"...yes.." The entire courtroom gasped and shouted bloody murder at the Rangers.

"ORDER!" The bailiff called out again. Blueblood then seized his opportunity to deal with the humans...

"THAT IS IT! Since you've clearly admitted that this evidence does prove that you went rogue.."

"WE DID NOT HURT AN-" Ramirez got up and yelled, right before Blueblood cut him off.

"I'M NOT FINISHED! Thanks to this new evidence, I will put forward another vote to confiscate your weapons AND to throw you all in the royal dungeon!!!"

Rooftop above the Royal Courtroom

"Ready to deploy sir!" One of the six nerf agents radioed. It was a grueling journey, but Commander Stevens, Captain Finn, and four other agents snuck through the backstreets of Canterlot before the sun came up. Along the way, they captured a frightened young mare who pointed them to the Royal Palace's courtroom. Despite Finn's insistence to take her out to keep the operation under wraps, Stevens let her go. Now, the six men had scaled the building and nailed ropes to the roof shingles in order to rappel into the building. Stevens, Finn, and two of the other agents carried regulators in submachine gun configuration while the other two agents had twinshocks. Every man also wore gas masks..

"I don't like this Commander, letting that horse go might have just spoiled the element of surprise..." Tyler radioed.

"I understand Finn, but as long as we do this quickly, we probably won't have anything to worry about. Everyone get your smoke ready." Everyone grabbed the small canisters on their vests and pulled the pins...

Inside the courtroom

"... And maybe at that time, I'll have your citizenships revoked!!" Blueblood finished his rant.

Suddenly, the stained-glass windows around the courtrooms shattered as something flew through each one. The audience screamed at the glass breaking and the bailiff went and looked at one of the cylinders that went through. Parker looked at one and immediately recognized what it was...

"NO! DON'T!" Parker yelled, but it was too late. The smoke grenades began spewing their tear gas all over the room, blinding many ponies and humans alike. The bailiff, whose face was a few inches from the grenade he was investigating, suddenly screamed and dropped his spear as he grabbed his face, coughing on the smoke and trying to wipe his eyes...

"AAGHH!!! SOMEPONY HELP ME!!!" Blueblood also began hacking and crying as the gas took it's effect. At that moment the windows broke again, only this time, humans wearing gas masks and dressed in full combat gear moved in. The ponies in the room screamed as they heard their heavy boots storm through the room. The bailiff opened his eyes just in time to see the intruders. He picked up his spear and pointed it at one of them.

"H-HALT!!!" The human turned to him, raised his regulator, and put three darts in him.

"OH MY AUNT!!!" Blueblood screamed from behind his pulpit. One of the strange humans leveled his Twinshock at him and fired. Fortunately (or unfortunately), Blueblood ducked just before the human shot at him.

The Rangers were still on the floor coughing and bawling their eyes out when they felt somebody tackle each of them and put zip-ties around their wrists behind their backs. Whoever was doing it also picked them up and started pushing them toward the back of the courtroom. Parker was able to open his eyes and see the assailants.

"Crap. It's the feds..."

The door at the back of the courtroom burst open and four royal guards tried to see into the room.

"WHAT IN TARTARUS IS GOING ON IN HERE?!?!?!" One of the guards yelled. The one agent who wasn't handling the Rangers then shot at the guards. Two of them fell while the other two scrambled for cover. The agents then rushed out with the Rangers, finishing off the two guards who were hiding behind pillars on the other side of the hall.

"Who are you?! What the hell are you doing!?!" Ramirez coughed out as he and his men were being rushed through the Royal Castle.

"You all have the right to remain silent, should you chose to speak, anything you say may be held against you..." Stevens began reciting the Miranda rights as they were rushing through the hall. When they came to a second door and found it locked, one of the men with a Twinshock used his shotgun to breach it. Upon opening the door, however, the group was stopped in its tracks.

On the other side of the door were Princess Celestia and Princess Luna backed by about fifty royal guards. Neither the princesses nor the guards looked happy at the sight of the new humans...

"Excuse us please...." Stevens called out to the two powerful alicorns...

"No. You have invaded our land, destroyed Royal Property, murdered and kidnapped our subjects..." Celestia replied sternly, with a growing look of anger on her face.

"Last chance horsey, move it or lose it!!" Finn called out as he switched magazines

"Why should we fear you? You are in Equestria now. Surrender now and nopony else will be harmed." Luna called out. The agent who was handling McLaughn then pushed him aside, aimed at Celestia, and opened fire...

... only to watch his darts bounce harmlessly off of her magic forcefield.

"Very well, you have made your choice, invaders..." Celestia flared her wings and powered up her horn, causing her eyes to glow white. She then fired a high-powered magical ray at the agent who shot at her, disintegrating him where he stood.

"LIGHT 'EM UP!" Stevens yelled. The agents raised their guns and fired at the ponies, only to find that their blasters had no effect against magic forcefields. Luna also began to fire her own powerful beam at the strange humans as the Rangers dropped to the ground to avoid getting hit. Two more agents were completely disintegrated by the alicorns powerful magic. Stevens then grabbed Smith and tried to drag him along as he and his remaining agents started to retreat.

"RELEASE HIM AT ONCE!!" Celestia bellowed in her Royal Canterlot voice. Stevens tried to shoot back at her, only to find the red indicator on his regulator blinking. He then drew his disruptor and shot back at her, but then Smith stomped on his foot and kicked him in the shin before ducking back onto the floor. Celestia then fired another magic beam, disintegrating Stevens.

"NOOOO!!!!" Finn yelled as he saw this. He wanted to keep fighting, but the other surviving agent held him back.

"Sir! We can't fight those things! We gotta go!" The soldier then broke the closest window and jumped out, with Finn following shortly after. After they were gone, the Royal Guards moved into the building to assist the wounded ponies in the courtroom....