• Published 13th Aug 2017
  • 664 Views, 21 Comments

What Once Was - Chocolate Pony

The true story behind two life long enemies.

  • ...

Filly Days

"Princess. Princess, time to wake up" A cheerful voice echoed through the haze.

Groaning gently, Celestia was eventually able to open her eyes. Upon examining her surroundings, she found she was in her room. Her...old room.

"Good morning young princess. Did you sleep well?" A maid, whom she remembered was called Maiden Starla, asked.

"Um...yeah. I think so" Celestia answered.

She gasped shortly after. Her voice...it was so high pitched. So small. So weak. What was going on?

"Good to hear! Head to the bathroom, would you dear? I put in extra bubbles!" Starla said, smiling brightly.

Celestia nodded obediently. Slowly stepping down from her bed, she made her way to the bathroom. Her height was the next thing she noticed. Seeing as she was so short she couldn't reach the bathroom mirror. Looking around, she spotted a stool next to the towel rack. Using her magic she set it in front of herself. After much effort spent clambering onto it, Celestia could finally see her reflection. She was stunned to say the least.

"I'm...I'm a filly" Celestia said out loud, examining her face.

"Well I couldn't start you off as an adult. That wouldn't make sense" A familiar voice spoke.

Celestia took a defensive stance. "Discord! Where are you? What have you done to me!?"

"Now relax, princess. You're not in any danger. I've just sent you back to the good old days. Honestly you should be thanking me. You're not an old bat anymore!" He replied, laughing.

"You return me to my own time! Now!" Celestia exclaimed, stomping her hoof.

"Aww! I almost forgot how adorable you are when you get mad. Especially when you're so tiny and defenseless. Anywho, just go about your everyday life. You will understand why I've done this soon enough. Enjoy yourself!"

His voice faded off, and Celestia was alone. She groaned in annoyance. She was seriously starting to regret ever releasing him from stone! But before she could throw a tantrum, Starla entered the room.

"You haven't gotten in the tub yet, princess? I'm surprised. Any other day you'd have dived right in!" She said, motioning towards the tub.

Celestia looked in the direction she pointed. Starla wasn't lying when she said "extra bubbles" had been put in the tub. It was practically overflowing with them!

A sudden feeling of child like excitement filled her chest. Celestia loved bubble baths when she was young. So did Luna. Luna! What had happened to her!? Celestia wasn't quite sure how old she was, but depending on that Luna might not have even been born yet.

"Um...Maiden Starla?" Celestia asked.

"Yes dear?"

"How old am I?" The question was so odd rolling off her tongue.

"Well I don't suppose you're very good with numbers yet. But I'll give you a hint. It comes after that great big number called 5" Starla said.

Celestia hated being spoken to as a child! At the moment, she was though. Discord had told her to go about her everyday life. Suggesting she should play along. So she decided to do just that. Pretending to think for a moment, she tapped her hoof against the tile floor thoughtfully.

"S-Six?" Celestia asked, as though unsure.

"Very good! You're getting smarter and smarter everyday! Soon enough I'll bet you'll be able to count to ten!"
Starla exclaimed, her voice filled with encouragement.

Though she hated being treated dumb, in a way it was nice to have others treat even the smallest of accomplishments like massive ones. You didn't get support like that as an adult.

"Alrighty then. Math lesson done with, it's bath time!" Starla said, levitating Celestia in the air before gently setting her in the bubble infested, warm water.


After her bath, Celestia had her mane brushed. She had forgotten just how pink it was back in the day. It didn't flow when was she little either. It was still and pink. Not to mention very soft. It always reminded her of...cotton candy.

"And for the finishing touch. What's a princess without her...?" Starla let the question linger, obviously waiting for Celestia to answer it.

"Crown?" Celestia one again played dumb.

"Absolutely! There you are my dear."

A small, golden tiara was placed on her head. It was so tiny compared to the crown she wore as an adult. But it was pretty none the less. She recalled that her father had it made for her shortly after her birth.

"Alright, princess. You're free to go play now. But stay on the castle grounds" Starla said, shooing her out of the room.

Celestia began making her way to the royal orchards. Guards nodded at her and servants bid her a good morning. While on her way, she stopped in front of a large door with a sun painted on it. But it wasn't her sun. She didn't even have a cutie mark yet. It was dark red, with flames rolling off it. It was obvious who it belonged to. She gently knocked on the door, hoping somepony would answer.

"Enter" A feminine voice called from the other side.

Slowly pushing the door open, Celestia poked her head in. A mare was seated behind a large wooden desk. Her dark red mane had magical flames rolling off it. Her fur was pure white. Her red eyes slowly rose from her work to gaze at the young filly. A warm smile soon graced her features. Celestia's heart was almost overwhelmed at the sight of the mare.

"M-Momma?" Her voice shook slightly.

"Good morning my little sunshine. How are you today?" The queen asked.

"G-Good. You?" Celestia was unsure of what exactly to say. She was too emotional.

"Alright. Just doing some important business. And having a bite to eat. Your sister has been craving biscuits like crazy."

That answered her previous question. Luna hadn't entered the world yet. Her mother was currently pregnant with her.

"Would you like to come say good morning to her?" Her mother placed an affectionate hoof on her stomach.

Celestia slowly stalked her way over to her mother. Once close enough, she nervously placed a hoof against her stomach. Almost immediately she was greeted with a small kick. She instinctively giggled a little.

"Good morning, Luna" Celestia said.

"I do believe she said good morning back" The queen said, smiling gently. Her smile suddenly faded. Extending a hoof she gently stroked Celestia's cheek. "My dear, why are you crying?"

Celestia hadn't noticed the tears that had started working their way down her face. Emotion had crept up on her so suddenly. She wiped her face and sniffed.

"I'm sorry. I'm j-just excited to have a sister is all" Celestia said, swallowing hard.

"Well, I'll bet she's every bit as excited to be with you too. You're gonna be a great older sister" The queen replied, gently patting her head.

"Well I'm afraid I have more work to get finished. But we can talk more later. Go play now dear." She leaned forward and planted a kiss on her daughter's head, nuzzling her nose.

Celestia began making her way towards to door. But before she exited, she looked back one last time. "Mom?"

"Yes my love?" The queen asked, lifting her head to look at her.

"I-I love you" Celestia said, holding back more tears. How she wished she'd told her that more times when she had the chance.

Her mother smiled. "I love you too, my little sunshine."


Celestia had sat herself under one of the many apple trees in the orchard. Some workers were busy harvesting the few ripe trees, but they paid her no mind. The rolling hills and mountains could be seen off in the distance. Canterlot had barely even gotten started. The bustling town she knew as an adult was a beautiful countryside now. With only a few houses here and there. Ponies were busy working, while fillys and colts were playing. Celestia had forgotten what it was truly like to just sit and admire her surroundings. To be young and care free. Discord had been right about one thing, these were the "good old days."

"Well, well. Look who it is" A snide voice broke the peace.

Celestia looked towards the voice, spotting three young colts and a couple fillys. Suddenly she remembered who these ponies were. They'd bullied her relentlessly when she was young. They were poor kids who were jealous of her royal position. So they picked on her for it. Teasing and putting her down for the smallest of things.

"Shouldn't you be sitting on your fancy throne? Telling others what to do like the spoiled brat you are?" The main colt, whom was called Snake Eye, sneered.

"Yeah I thought you'd be busy lording yourself over all your little puppets" A filly named Rosie, joined in.

"They're not my puppets. And I do not lord myself over any pony. Just cause I'm royalty doesn't mean I have to be cruel to others" Celestia replied.

"Is that so? Funny, cause I've heard your father is a wicked hearted stallion. Who tortures innocent ponies for fun" Another colt said, shoving his face in hers.

"T-That's not true!" Celestia exclaimed.

Seeing as she was just a filly her emotions were quick to get the better of her. She didn't feel like a powerful queen who wasn't fazed by the unkind words of others. She felt like a defenseless pony being attacked.

"It is to! I also heard your mom is pregnant with a demon. It's gonna destroy us all once she gives birth to it. Hopefully it'll get you first. Last thing we need is another mare like you ruling over us" Snake Eye said, shoving her to the ground.

"Ow! Stop it! Luna wouldn't hurt any pony! She never will!" Celestia shouted.

Suddenly she realized she'd just lied through her teeth. Young her didn't know it at the time, but Luna would end up hurting others. And it would be her own fault.

"Aww what's the matter, princess? You gonna cry? Want me to get your precious maid to wipe your tears for you? Bet its not the only thing of yours she wipes!" Rosie taunted.

The others burst into laughter, continuing to taunt and mock her. Celestia cowered at their hooves, tears stinging her eyes.

"If you don't leave her alone, I'm gonna wipe the ground with your face!" A voice suddenly exclaimed.

The laughter and cruel words of the other ponies stopped. Celestia popped an eye open, peeking up above her. She didn't see anything but an apple swinging from one of the branches above. It soon tumbled to the ground in front of her. A loud hissing sound emanated from it, causing the other ponies to scream and run away.

"That's what I thought" The apple said.

Celestia cautiously picked the apple up in her magic, pulling it closer to her. While examining it, a pair of red and yellow eyes suddenly appeared on it. She screamed and dropped it, taking shelter behind a nearby tree.

"Oh come on. I'm not that scary" The apple spoke.

"Last I checked, apples weren't supposed to talk" Celestia replied, still hiding behind the tree.

"Fair point. Good thing I'm not really an apple then."

Celestia heard a noise that resembled magic being used. Mustering up some courage, she peeked her head out from behind the tree.

A creature unlike any other stood before her. His body parts consisting of multiple creatures. His eyes a bright yellow with red irises. He had a fang protruding from his mouth. He was short, but obviously not one to be reckoned with. And she didn't need to ask his name.

"D-Discord?" The old Celestia returned for a moment at the realization of who it was.

"The one and only" He said proudly, holding a paw to his chest.

"Have we met before?" Celestia asked uncertainly.

"I don't think so. I'd remember meeting a princess. That is what the others were calling you anyway. Not to mention only royalty wears something like this."

Young Discord held in his other hand, which resembled a birds claw, a very familiar tiara. Celestia gasped, touching the top of her head just to be sure. It was nowhere to be found.

"Give it back!" Celestia shouted.

"What's it worth to ya?" Discord asked, twirling it around on the tip of his claw.

"Everything! My father gave it to me" Celestia said, reaching out a hoof.

"Not good enough."

"Look, just please give it back. I'm asking nicely. Isn't that enough?"

Celestia started pouting. That look worked on every pony else when she was young. Maybe it could work on him too.

"Nice try, princess. Bug pouty faces don't work on me. Gonna have to try harder" Discord said, examining the tiara. "Wonder how much I could get for this?"

Celestia lost all sense of patience and charged at him. Just as she was prepared to pounce he teleported away. The only thing she came on contact with was a tree. She rubbed her sore head and growled, searching for the troublesome creature.

Discord sat atop a branch, laughing his butt off. Celestia could feel her small cheeks turning pink from embarrassment. She'd glared bitterly up at him.

"Ah that was hilarious. But seriously if you want the tiara back, you can have it. One one condition" He said.

"And what might that be?" Celestia asked.

"Fly up here and get it" Discord replied, a challenging grin on his face.

Celestia looked back at her tiny wings. If she remembered correctly, she was in the process of flying lessons at the age of six. Perhaps she could reach him.

She took a deep breath and started flapping Her wings strained to lift her off the ground. After just a few seconds she collapsed on the ground, panting. Looking up she could see Discord snickering to himself. Determined not to give up, Celestia blew a strand of hair out of her face and tried again.

Three tries later, she gave up. Her wings were too sore and she'd gotten tired of crashing into the ground. Panting for breath she laid on the grass in defeat. Discord suddenly appeared in front of her. Instead of laughing at her as she expected, he gently placed the tiara back on her head.

"Even though you didn't make it, you tried your best. That's all what matters. And don't listen to those losers who talk bad about your family. They're just jealous. I'm sure you'll rule this kindgdom just as fairly as your parents one day" Discord said, his voice entirely sincere.

He offered her a paw, and she took it. Celestia smiled gently at him. He returned it.

"Princess Celestia! Breakfast time!" Starla called.

"I'm coming!" Celestia called back.

When she turned back around, she found Discord has disappeared again. Starla trotted up to her side.

"Were you playing with somepony?" She asked.

"Um...yeah. Yeah I was" Celestia replied.

As the two started to head back to the castle, Celestia looked over her shoulder. The apple she'd seen earlier was sitting underneath one of the trees. A pair of eyes popped from it. One winked at her. She smiled and winked back.