• Published 13th Aug 2017
  • 664 Views, 21 Comments

What Once Was - Chocolate Pony

The true story behind two life long enemies.

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Chaos of Love 2.

Celestia was surprised to find that Discord left her in a certain state of memories for a long time. In fact, in the memories she was currently residing in, she was left there for a few years! How long this was taking in normal time she had no idea. All that was kind of fuzzy to her anyway seeing as the memory she was in was meant to be like the present. In fact it felt like the present. At times Celestia would forget entirely that this was all Discord’s doing. It felt like she truly was her young self again. This had it’s ups and it’s downs, but it wasn’t unbearable.

Celestia sat in the garden, under some cherry blossom trees. It was summer. Her favorite time of year. The air was warm and inviting, filling eveypony with a sense of expectation. Whatever the summer would bring it had to be delightful!

Celestia breathed in heavily and sighed. Although she was now in charge of Equestria, she still wasn’t as busy now as she was grown up. She had time to relax and enjoy the things this world and her subjects had to offer. What a privilege it was! If only she had enjoyed these times more while they were still readily available.

As Celestia went to sip some of her tea, she was met with quite a shock. This was not tea, but rather, chocolate milk! She did not dislike chocolate milk. It was just so unexpected!

Celestia lowered the mug down from her magical grip. Normally she would’ve pondered the cause of this phenomenon. Now, though, she had become accustomed to such occurrences. She knew exactly who was responsible before they even made their presence known.

“Most humorous, Discord” Celestia said, her tone completely void of emotion.

A delighted chuckle filled the air as the creature of chaos appeared before her. “I am quite the genius aren’t I? Chocolate milk instead of tea? It’s so inspired!”

“Yes. A foal certainly couldn’t come up with anything better.”

“Now that’s just mean. You know how long and hard I think such things up?” Discord asked, pouting slightly.

“I doubt I want to know. Time is a precious thing and shouldn’t be wasted on trivial matters” Celestia replied.

“Like you would know” Discord muttered, barely loud enough to be heard.

Celestia noted, though, that his voice sounded genuinely bitter and slightly hurt. As though he wanted her to react in a more...positive manner. To be more impressed with his abilities and behavior. Unfortunately for him she merely saw it as childish. But she also didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

“Alright it was...relatively clever” Celestia sighed.

“Really? You think so?” Discord begged to know, his cocky attitude fading momentarily into excited sincerity.

It surprised Celestia. He really did value her compliments, didn’t he? Her checks turned a shade brighter than her mane at the prospect. Her confidence and grace disappearing a bit as she stuttered, “Y-Yes, Discord. I really think so.”

Discord leaped for joy. Well more like the upper half of his body removed itself from his lower half to do a dismembered summer-salt. Celestia couldn’t help but give a genuine giggle at his antics. Although he wasn’t as clever as he thought he could make her laugh at times. Removing the weight of royal duties from her shoulders for a fleeting moment.

“Well if you thought that was impressive, wait till you see what comes next” Discord said, having reattached his body parts.

“What do you mean?” Celestia asked.

“Oh come now, princess. One does not simply spoil a surprise, does one?”

“No, I suppose one does not. Alright, Discord. What’s the surprise?”

“Close your eyes. And no peeking.”

Celestia cocked a suspicious eyebrow. Discord gave her his best “innocent” smile. She eventually relented, shutting her eyelids. Celestia could sense the scenery around her change as her eyes remained closed. The warm area around her quickly changed to a more chilly one. Though she wasn’t frightened she did become a bit uneasy.

“Alright. Now open them” Discord said.

Celestia’s eyelids fluttered open and she took in the new surroundings. Discord must’ve teleported them into a cave of some sort. For all around her was solid rock. She rose to her hooves, looking at Discord.

“Why’d you bring me here?” Celestia asked.

“Oh I just thought we could have a little “friendly” competition together. I want to challenge you to a race! Whomever reaches the end of the cave first, wins!” Discord exclaimed.

“What’s the prize for winning?” Celestia teasingly asked.

“Oh that’s easy.”

Discord walked over to one side of the cave and gently poked it. Suddenly, the whole cave began to shake and tremble violently. Celestia had to fight to steady herself. She gave a confused look to Discord, who in turn, smiled wickedly. His next words made her heart practically drop.

“You get to live. Good luck!” With that, he snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Celestia momentarily felt panic rise in her chest. She knew Discord could be a tricky bastard, but not flat out insane! She looked all around for an exit, but this cave was particularly large so the exit was obviously nowhere nearby. She was gonna have to make this quick. Otherwise she’d be nothing but a pony pancake!

Celestia took off down one direction of the cave. She saw what appeared to be an opening at the end of it. At first she believed it to be the exit. But, her hopes were dashed when she found it was just another opening. And opening to six different pathways!

“Oh pony feathers!” Celestia exclaimed, stamping her hoof in frustration.

The cave was beginnning to spill rocks onto her and even covered some of the options of escaping. She had to think lightning fast! Celestia suddenly had an idea. Using her magic, she could try to put out a spell that was powerful enough to see through the walls and find which option was the exit.

Thing was, Celestia has been struggling to perform this type of spell for ages! This wasn’t just merely seeing through the ground. This was seeing through solid rock, some of which was quickly tumbling down. Her magic may not be powerful enough, she may not be focused enough. But she had to try.

Celestia strained to concentrate on seeing through the rock walls, trying to decipher which exit was the right one. Just when she thought she would give out, a clear image of the cave exit appeared ahead of her! She had done it!

Celestia decided, though, to celebrate when she was no longer in danger. She charged down the correct pathway just in time to avoid being crushed by a massive boulder that had fallen from the ceiling. She ran with all her might before throwing herself out the cave exit, just as the rocks covered it.

Celestia would’ve sighed in relief had she not realized she’d begun falling to what would’ve been her untimely demise! Fortunately, she opened her wings just in time to stop herself from being innard jelly.

Celestia gently landed upon the soft grass below, gasping for breath. Her attempt to recover from that...traumatic experience was halted by sudden applause.

Celestia turned her head to face Discord, who was clapping most animatedly with a smug look on his face.

“Bravo! Bravo! You survived the challenge. I would say I’m impressed, but it’s nothing I couldn’t have done” Discord said.

Celestia glared at him hatefully before turning on her hoof and trotting away, head held high. She wasn’t sure what had compelled him to pull such a nasty prank on her, but she didn’t care. She wanted nothing to do with him after that performance! Celestia bumped into something and stopped. She was annoyed to find Discord standing in front of her, looking confused.

“Where are you going, princess? Aren’t you up for another competition?” He asked.

“Competition? What competition? You mean you attempting to murder me!? I should think not!” Celestia angrily exclaimed.

“Murder you? Why heavens no! I was merely testing you” Discord replied, feigning innocence.

“Testing me!? For what!?”

Surprisingly enough, Discord remained silent. It was almost like he knew something she didn’t. Celestia didn’t care at the moment, though, she was too upset. She stormed past him and flew away, not bothering to look back.


Celestia later sat in her bed chambers, doing some paperwork. She really didn’t have anything to do at the moment, she just desperately wanted to think about anything, anypony, other than Discord. How could he do something so cruel? So dangerous? Did he want her to be injured? Or worse, killed?

Celestia shuddered at the mere concept. No, she shouldn’t think like that. He was just being an idiot teenager. Nothing more, nothing less. Still, she had managed to successfully pull off a spell she’d been struggling with for so long. Maybe, maybe it wasn’t all bad. She never even knew she could run so fast! To be honest, Celestia was a tad pleased with herself.

“I beat you at your own game, Discord” Celestia chuckled to herself. If he ever pulled something like that again, she’d be ready for it.

A soft knock suddenly came at her door. “Enter.”

One of the maids walked into the room.

“A letter, your highness” She said, laying it, and the silver platter it was on, upon Celestia’s bed. She then bowed and made her leave.

Celestia picked up the letter with her magic and opened it. She scanned over the words carefully, a look of surprise filling her face. It was soon replaced with shock. She cursed to herself in frustration.

Celestia had been so distracted by Discord earlier, she’d completely forgotten her soon-to-be husband was coming to prepare for their wedding!