• Member Since 11th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen April 13th


I am a Simple 18 year old girl.........Who is really freaking agressive and has a pretty messed up mind! Bet You'll see alot of interesting stories!


Twilight wakes up in a dark, Stone room. Nothing is in there besides a Lantern, a box and a door. She steps out of the room and sees a long dark hallway, as she keeps going she realizes she's in Some sort of Maze. Where exactly is she? How did she end up here? And most importanly, Is sompony watching her?

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 4 )

Hmm... it needs to be super dark. You want people to puke with fear on their minds. It needs more details but, we may never know what's the next chapter is going to be. Well sense it's your first dark fiction I have a few words to say. It's not bad start. I like how things are going with this and you know how much story content needs for a mystery? A lot... story lures and scenes that make it very good. However, that's just my opinion.

Overall this first chapter is decent till we see more of this story.

Yes, i'm aware it wasn't so good, it Could have been alot more detailed, but i'm building up the Darkness and Gore by each chapter, I learned alot from TheLostNarrator's reading of "Silent Ponyville 2" so i'm taking more time with the next chapter to make sure it's Much better then this chapter

No, not exactly. Although, i was inspired by the Fanfic "Silent Ponyville 2". However it's more just my Dark Imagination going loose for once, and i took a few ideas from the game "Amnesia"

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