• Published 23rd Aug 2017
  • 512 Views, 24 Comments

Slimy Adorable Adventures: The Birth of Yibble-Bibble - Animatorsnake

A truce was made with the Spirit of Chaos and the Alicorn Sisters; to stop the gluttonous Slimes. However... a promise was kept with the outcast slime, Smooze was made... and it has been kept. Thousand or so years later, a slime egg hatched.

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Baths & Introductions

Thousand years in the past; Castle of the Two Sisters, before the rise of Nightmare Moon and the fall of Discord.

Where is that chaotic abomination? Luna was busy pacing in the throne room, her sister Celestia sitting upon her throne. News of the carnivore slimes have spread and have destroyed three of their settlements… No survivors were found after the attacks.

“Sister! Why doth we wait for this fool!? He is just a problem waiting to be unleashed upon our defenseless ponies!” shouted Luna, having no faith on their late guest.

“Luna Luna Luna… You should have me trust on others,” said a distorted voice. Appearing before the two sisters was the master of chaos himself… Discord. “Sorry for my lateness your ‘highness-es’ but I had a sudden visit with a friend.”

“Discord… While our goals do not aline, we share something that is both a threat to us… The Carnivore Slimes; The V-Slimes. I wish to make a truce with you, until the slimes have been wiped from this land… Will you help us?”

Surprisingly, Discord stopped to think, rubbing his chin hair with a thoughtful look. While Luna stared with agitation, Celestia had a neutral expression. Discord then nodded, and gave a smirk, chuckling for a while.

“Oh Cellie Cellie, Cellie… While we may had our fights… of course I’d help you. Those awful boogers have been a pain to my spine since they showed up. If I’m to rule this world, I’m going need something to entertain me…”

“Well? Will you help us you fiend, or do I need to blast you to ash!” said Luna, snarling.

“Hold your panties Luna,” said Discord, smirking. Luna blushed but snorted her snout, looking away. “But yes, I will help… So what exactly do you want me to do?”

Celestia leaned forward, staring straight toward Discord. “I want you… to infiltrate the slimes’ nest… and destroy their eggs.”

Discord smiled viciously, and with a bow, he followed the only order from Celestia until the next thousand years.

The pleasure… is all mine.

A thousand years after the end of the great war with the V-Slimes; deep within the Everfree Forest… a place hidden from the outside world.

Kept hidden for centuries, a grove aged through time has kept a secret from times before the modern cities of Equestria. The chattering and skittering of creatures are heard from the forest, but the grove was quiet… silent even; the sun shines upon a small nest, the size to fit an average-sized animal, like a small cub or a foal.

An egg was nestled upon the center of the nest… but it was larger than any egg known to Equestria, larger than a chicken egg… Bigger than a dragon egg. The egg was a strange coloration as it was a simple yellow tint, and shone like gold.

The egg’s existence felt unreal, as if its very appearance wasn’t meant to be. The grove had aged but was unhampered… no life having step hoof here for centuries.

The quiet melodious sound of somepony whistling was heard, it caused the animals to sway in delight to the sweet music, following in rhythm to the music. The egg reacted, as it bounced on its little nest; it continued to bounce until it fell off it little pedestal of a nest and cracked… A yellowish blob begins to spill out and crawl toward the humming. Nearby animals and creatures run in fear of the sudden creature… Gurgling in delight to the music, making its own strange array of noises.

“Grumeb Burbliy Plop Plop Lope!” said the creature, making a sound reminiscent of giggling.

The strange creature continued its small crawl, sticks, stones, and leaves getting stuck in its gelatinous form. The vegetation it touched left a strange residue behind, causing any animals touching it to slip and fall. The creature ignored all the other sounds and fearful running of the other inhabitants of the forest, only following the strange humming. The creature began to copy the humming in its own strange way.

“Hrm Hrmmm Hrmm Uirel.”

Near the Everfree Forest, the only denizen how lives close with nature and its creatures is the element of Kindness and the shiest of the Mane 6; Fluttershy. It has been a month since the return of Luna after her new friends have defeated Nightmare Moon. Fluttershy was busy humming a melody she knows while enjoying the company of her animal friends. Her pet bunny Angel sat on Fluttershy’s lap as she hummed her song; the bunny listened happily as the other animals.

Nothing like having some tea with friends and humming a tune… Its such a wonderful morning, and I was happy that Rainbow could make it sunny today… I wish everyone wasn’t busy today, but they have something things they need to do.

The shy pegasus sighed; while she was timid she was more open to her animal companions, being more assertive than she is to ponies or other races. The mare had a happy smile when she heard noise coming from the trees near her home. Suddenly, bursting out came a stampede of animals and beasts from the Everfree Forest – one of the beasts was the manticore Fluttershy helped.

“What’s happening? What are you all running from, if you want to talk about it?” asked Fluttershy, shyly.

The stampede ended shortly as all the creatures ran past her cottage to Ponyville. Ohhh, I hope everypony will be alright. Fluttershy stop mid-thought when she heard a terrifying noise, something she hasn’t heard before since he stay near the Everfree.


Fluttershy was shaking in her hooves staring where the noise was coming from; she had the strange urge to run screaming. While Fluttershy was shy before, she has never once felt such a strange force command her to run. Most often she would just hide or overreact when it was just one of her animal friends coming to visit.

What’s wrong with me, I never became this scared before in my life! My mind is telling me to run the opposite direction of that noise… but my body… it won’t move!

Fluttershy realized she was alone as her animal friends have run and hid in the cottage, even Angel too was scared hiding inside a plant pot. The noise began to grow over time, and Fluttershy was shaking violently – her teeth chattering, wings spread wide as her fly-and-run instincts were activated – her body was ready to leave any second.

Expecting some horrible monster to come out the Everfree she waited… and waited… and waited… Then nothing happened; the noise even ended as nothing had come out of the Everfree at the slightest.

I… I guess the animals and creatures were just frightened by somethi-


Fluttershy stood still like a statue; “Where did that sound come from” she thought. It sounded close and… was that… purring? Looking down she saw something… well… she wasn’t sure what it was.

It was covered in sticks, stones, leaves, and a lot of dirt. Small patches of it was clear as it revealed a yellow-tint and looked… see-through. The most noticeable features was that it had two large pupil-less eyes the size of a big stone, and formed something that resembled a mouth of sorts.

The strange thing was currently purring before Fluttershy and as it reached her with a strange appendage covered in leaves… Fluttershy screamed.


Now usually in these situations, both the protagonist and the strange creature both scream simultaneous without the other realizing their both screaming until another force stops their screaming… Well, that won’t happen because our little friend can’t scream… yet.

The strange creature was spooked by the noise and instead of attacking Fluttershy like assumed… it began to cry like a foal. It started to make a noise similar to young foals make if startled. “WAAAAAA WAAAAAAIIII WAAAAIIII!” It continued crying until Fluttershy stop screaming and began to calm and soothe the poor creature.

“I-I-I’m sorry, don’t cry. P-P-Pl-Please don’t cry. Ohhhh what did I do; I made a poor baby cry.”

Fluttershy was beginning to panic and when she reached for the strange creature… her hooves became covered in a strange slimy residue and was covered in the same objects stuck to the creature. Fluttershy made a face and started swinging her front hooves wildly to get the strange residue off.

“This stuff is slimy, more slimy than trying to hold a fish,” said Fluttershy, causing bits and pieces of sticks flying everywhere.

Fluttershy wasn’t bothered by the strange substance but as she swung her hooves crazily… She heard giggling. The small creature stopped crying and was gigging happily, a cute smile on its small form. “Ieieieie Hieieiheihei!”

“Ohhh? You find that funny do you?” said Fluttershy, her fear of the creature now gone. “You're in big trouble mister… I’m also sorry for screaming… You scared me… You probably also scared the poor creatures of the Everfree… Come here; let’s get you cleaned up.” Fluttershy attempted to lift the creature but ended with more slime on her than before.

“Oh… I guess I’ll bring a basin to clean you in; wait here.”

Fluttershy trotted in her home as she left a trail of slime and other objects; her animal friends watched from their hiding spots as the strange creature stood still where it was told, loyally.

She returned with a basin, a bucket of water, a sponger, some soap, and a towel. With an exhale she was able to carry the necessary things to clean the strange creature and herself. “Whew… That was heavy; now, let’s get you clean.”

Grabbing some soap and the sponge with a hoof she begins to scrub the filth from the creature, and cleaning off everything with the bucket of water. All the sticks and stones simply fell off the creature and fell to the basin, the dirt and water swirled making a brownish color. Leaves were pulled off from the creature by hoof leaving behind the creature’s true form.

It was the size of a big dog, having eyes big as rocks; it was made of a strange see-through slimy substance. Its mouth was simply a gaping hole that opened when a certain part of the creature’s slimy body split open upon will. The creature had zero signs of any internal organs, even its eyes did not look natural and seemed to be glued on.

In general it was a yellow slimy… thing… While its age was unknown, by looking at its eyes, Fluttershy could tell from experience it was a youngling, possibly recently born. With the knowledge she has, it was an infant, creature that she has never heard or seen before, made of a strange slimy viscous substance as its main body.

I should ask Twilight what this thing is? Maybe she might have an idea what it is?

Fluttershy was busy with her own thoughts that when she looked back, she found the creature drinking the remaining clean water from the bucket. “Oh my, you must be very thirsty.”

In seconds the bucket went completely empty, the water simply being absorbed by the creature. It made a burp noise and gurgled happily. “Buaw Pwop Mwahhh!”

“Ohhhh, you're so adorable… You should have a name though… Oh I almost forgot, I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Fluttershy, I live here and take care of my animal friends; speaking of which,” said Fluttershy, turning to face her cottage. “Now don’t be afraid everyone, he won’t hurt you, I promise.”

Slowly but surely all of Fluttershy’s animal friends appeared; Angel approached the creature and prodded it with a paw only to end up having his paw all sticky with the slime.

“Oh be careful, he is a bit slimy so try not to get too close.”

After a few moments, the animals kept a safe difference but were curious of the new arrival. The creature made some cute noises, happy to meet future friends. “Gwa Ba Buubuu!”

“It seems he likes you all… Now… you need a name, since you’ve been recently born… How about… Charlie!”

The creature made a noise of disapproval. “Mwah!”

“Ohhh… well I can’t think of any other name. I never had any trouble thinking of names for new creatures, especially something like you.”

The creature began to bob up and down before making a noise that sounded like it was speaking. “Yi… Yibble… Bibble; YIBBLE-BIBBLE!”

“Yibble? Bibble? Is that what you want your name to be?”

It nodded ecstatically as it hopped in excitement. “YIBBLE-BIBBLE! YIBBLE-BIBBLE!”

“Okay then, its settled; your name is now Yibble-Bibble. Come along Yibble, let’s visit my friend Twilight.”

Fluttershy looked around and found a small pail, but as she brought it realized it wouldn’t fit Yibble. Suddenly, Yibble shrunk and fit snugly within the pail, its now tiny head popping out. It was so adorable that Fluttershy petted the top of Yibble’s head, and didn’t get sticky at all.

“Come on, I want you to meet my friend Twilight, she might know what you are? So let’s go visit her at the library. She lives in a tree,” said Fluttershy, picking up the pail with her teeth.

The creature, now named Yibble, made noises of interest as the duo left the cottage and headed to the nearest town; Ponyville. Yibble stared curiously at the town… for some reason it made the creature bob in joy, making a cute squeal. “Vwiiiiiii!”

Fluttershy and her new slimy friend trotted down the dirt road to Ponyville… the sun’s rays of a new day beam down toward the pony and the surrounding area. The start of a new day has begun… and the beginning of a new life.

Author's Note:

Trying something new with the dialogue of Yibble-Bibble; for the start of its journey, it will usually speak (or make noises) beginning with Capitals because it is speaking loudly... well, because it's a baby slime.

And if this story is shorter than usually, mostly because I'm having fully laid out how I want the story to go out... sort of. In general the first few chapters are going be that Fluttershy meets Yibble, befriends it, brings Yibble to Twilight where she'll do her research mumbo-jumbo, and send a letter to Celestia for help.

The rest of the story afterwords I'll figure out, and I'll try writing at least four chapters per writing session. Two to be pre-read (yep I got a pre-reader), and while their being pre-read I write the next two, and so forth.

Hope you enjoy this new story, and is probably my first attempt at an AU and my first time writing outside my personal world of characters, meaning any characters of mine aren't connected with my other stories (canon or dimensionally).

(This chapter is going to be updated to check for any mistakes, while being pre-read; it is only published for purpose of the story can be submitted for the 1000 word requirement. Everything you see here may be changed.)