• Published 23rd Aug 2017
  • 514 Views, 24 Comments

Slimy Adorable Adventures: The Birth of Yibble-Bibble - Animatorsnake

A truce was made with the Spirit of Chaos and the Alicorn Sisters; to stop the gluttonous Slimes. However... a promise was kept with the outcast slime, Smooze was made... and it has been kept. Thousand or so years later, a slime egg hatched.

  • ...

Plan Cake, Gifts, & A Whole Lot of Apologizing

Ponyville, Town Hall; after Luna was calmed down, and a couple of fires put down.

“I am deeply sorry for my behavior earlier… but…” Luna stared at Yibble who was still oblivious to her surroundings and tried to calm down a very scared Fluttershy – shivering still from the whole chase. “That ‘thing’ is not some house pet! It is a threat to our ponies and this nation!”

“I’m confused here Princess Luna but… What’s so threatening about Yibble?” asked Twilight.

After the chase, the group spoke privately in the town hall, and while this did not stop the party, some planned events had to be postponed until the quick talk was done. Pinkie was the only one not present, having went off to prepare another cake – she was of course not bothered by the other cake having been destroyed and oddly saw this coming… hmmmm…

“Yibble, or to be more precise, its kind-”

“Yibble-Bibble is a she,” said Fluttershy correcting Luna. “If, you’re okay with that...”

Luna looked off to Fluttershy but sighed. “As I was saying… ‘Her’ kind are a vicious race of beings known by many names but are known as; The Carnivore Legion.”

“The… Carnivore Legion? Who or what are they?” asked Twilight. “I read many of the history books but a lot around the Age of Chaos was lost… and while much of it focused on the Spirit of Chaos, Discord, there were mentions of other… ‘creatures’.”

“You are not wrong my student, and there is a reason for any records of this race not being found in the Royal Archives or any known libraries… You see… it was done intentional the knowledge of such beings were not to be remembered.”

Twilight was shocked; the pony that taught to search and try every possibility and that anything is possibly. The pony who taught her that knowledge was the greatest asset to be used… It completely caught the book-hungry pony off guard – and off her thoughts about Yibble.

“Intentionally! Princess… don’t tell me you...”

Celestia nodded, and continued to explain something that was meant to be kept hidden for a long time. “Indeed… Years before Luna’s fall to become Nightmare Moon and the imprisonment of Discord… a war was waged against the Carnivore Legion. The was was so brutal, not even the events and atrocities done by other villains that came to Equestria could compare to the things the V-Slimes had done to both the ponies and many other races. The incident was so brutal that kept information that we learned about their race had to be burned in order for future generations to learn and create or even find remaining remnants of their kind… It was a dark for Equestria.”

Oddly enough while the majority of the ponies in the town hall were silent because they did not understand or knew of such events happening, only Luna and Celestia held an eerie quietness that showed the seriousness of it all… which was of course interrupted immediately by-

“I GOT THE PLAN B CAKE READDDYYYYYY… What I miss?” asked Pinkie. Pinkie pushed a stroller which held a sizable cake for everypony and the Princesses.

“Well… Pinkie-”

“We simply spoke about Yibble and her kind… Nothing interesting; now, what flavor is this cake?” asked Luna, approaching.

“Oh really, that sounds cool; and the cake’s flavor is blueberries – Yibble’s favorite.”

“Blueberries… How… ironic...” said Luna, muttering to herself.

“Luna? Is something the matter?”

“Huh, oh nothing… it just reminded me of something from the past.”

Coughing awkwardly, Applejack stepped forward. “Well, that was awkward and all but let’s get back to the party; I don’t think its right to talk about something that happened a long time ago, when Yibble hear hadn’t nothing wrong to us… She is just a baby so she doesn’t understand the world correctly.”

Luna glanced at the baby slime, and watched it as it cutely nibbled on a piece of its cake, while Fluttershy adorably nuzzled the top of its head – pieces of the cake and some blueberries stuck to its slimy face. “I suppose… We can’t blame future generations for the past mistakes of their ancestors...”

“That’s the spirit,” said Appljack, smiling. “Now let’s get this party started.”

With that, everypony partied and had a swell time; later on in the party, it was time for gifts. The first to give Yibble her gift was Rarity, followed by Rainbow, then Pinkie, Applejack, Twilight and Spike, and finally Fluttershy.

“Here Yibble, this is my gift to you,” said Rarity. Rarity levitated a small box, and placed in front of the slime. Yibble used her tiny tendrils and picked up the top and gently put it aside; inside was a black bow, a glow was surrounding it meant it was enchanted. Yibble picked up the bow and put on her head; the enchantment worked and the bow was slime-free.

“Whak Yu Wawity!” said Yibble.

“Oh it’s alright darling, you enjoying your gift is enough thanks from you I need.”

“Nice gift but you got to try mine next! You’ll love it!”

“It better not be some sort of prank Rainbow,” said Applejack, becoming suspicious.

“Its not, I promise… Its just something I got from the joke store.”

“Rainbow… While jokes are harmless and all, I don’t think she’s ready for… pranks,” said Fluttershy, worried.

“Fluttershy… not you too.”

Yibble ignored the mares and busily unwrapped her gift; after removing the interesting wrapping paper, inside she found the most interesting – and possibly best gift she was able to find. A loud squeak was heard as Yibble squeezed her gift out of delight. This caught everypony – and dragon’s – attention. Held in one of Yibble’s tendrils was a rubber duck wearing a tophat with a mustache, making a loud and obnoxious quacking noise.

“That’s your gift Rainbow?” asked Spike.

“Its… interesting…” said Twilight.

“Come on, it can’t be that bad; she likes it, look!” At that same time everypony looked, Yibble put the toy into her mouth and squeeze it like a dog, making loud quake noises, repeatedly.

“I guess your not wrong with that...” said Applejack. “Okay Pinkie, time for your gift.”

“I already gave Yibble her gift?”

“You did? When?”

“BY BEING HER FRIEND!” In that short amount of time Pinkie gave Yibble a big hug which Yibble did the same and nuzzled Pinkie back, making the pink mare giggle from being tickled. “Oh I like you too Yibble!”

“I… um...”

“Its Pinkie, what do you expect?”


After the hug – and a quick cleaning – Applejack brought her gift which was Granny Smith’s famous apple pie. Fluttershy was able to save this as Yibble was about to eat the whole thing. “Now now Yibble, too much sugar can be a big problem for your age. We can have some later, okay?”

“Pokey Nobie!” said Yibble, attempting to copy Pinkie’s line.

“Ahhh; she’s trying to imitate me!”

“I think we only need one Pinkie in Ponyville, thank you. Ehehehehhhhh...” said Twilight, coughing. “Now then; the gift Spike and I got Yibble is this!” Twilight levitated an interesting book; luckily, Spike was able to convince Twilight to get her a picture book. The book was something both Twilight and Spike agreed on was a good book for Yibble’s age; it was titled, “Creatures of Equestria for Foals”.

“Oh this is a wonderful gift Twilight; now what do you say Yibble?”

Yibble looked up at Twilight with her big eyes – which oddly seemed to be in a constant puppy dog eyes mode, for some reason – and spoke back with a bow of her form. “Whak Yu Twabiw N Spoik!”

This caused two things – and several reactions – a majority of everypony either fainted of over cuteness, which were mostly the Royal Guard who were mares and a few of the stallions. Secondly, was that Spike said the word “Awwww!” that the second he turned to Twilight, she was busy between a mixture of “Awwww!”ing herself and laughing – at Spike, not Yibble… you fool.

“TWILIGHT! Don’t tell Shining… Ever...” said Spike, warningly.

“Right right,” said Twilight, in mock fear.

“Shining who?” asked all of Twilight’s friends.

“Oh, Shining Armor; my brother,” said Twilight, nonchalantly.

Everypony who knew Twilight for a short time opened their mouths in a gasp, and equally asked their own questions about Twilight’s brother and her family. While they were distracted, Yibble was approached by Luna and Celestia. The baby slime – again who was oblivious to everything – titled her head in curiosity. Luna looked back with a mix of fear and anxiety until Celestia nudged her lightly, as she pointed her head toward the slime. Luna sighed, and knelt down to Yibble’s level as she did a half bow with her head.

“I… Princess Luna of Equestria, am sorry for reacting that way; I hope that you may forgive for my attitude and that we both become friends...”

Celestia watched too with a slight bit of worry toward her sister… however, the unexpected happened. Yibble inched closer to Luna, and reached with her tendrils; the guards were busy and did not notice to exchange, with only Luna and Celestia knowing, and being left alone to do what they needed to do.

At first Luna felt the strange tendrils until she felt it; it was quiet… like a whisper, but she understood the message… and Luna smiled. She was slowly beginning to tear up; Celestia was a bit worried, but leaned forward onto Luna’s forehead, and after a few seconds, Yibble stopped making contact with Luna.

Luna wiped her tears and stood back up; the two sisters watched as Yibble crawled back toFluttershy, not noticing Yibble was gone. “What did she tell you Luna?”

“Its… Its not what she told me… but what she knew… Yibble… Yibble knows nothing about her kind or about anything from before her birth… Every V-Slime is genetically told of their purpose or role in the hive… but Yibble… is the first slime to be free from such a fate...”

Celestia was still confused, but Luna’s next words shocked the Sun Princess.

“She used her telepathic minds and saw everything; the countless battles I waged against her kind many more battles to come, the many friends that passed… and yet…” Luna’s tears returned and did not stop at the slightest. “All she responded with was simple, ‘I am sorry’, and wished only one thing from me.”

“What would that be?” said Celestia, a small smile creeping up.

“She said… ‘I like to be your friend.’” Luna fell to tears as Celestia comforted her sister; Luna had suspicions about the baby slime… and yet she worried the slime would blame or hate her for the crimes she would possibly know or hear about Luna… and yet… The simple blind kindness from Yibble – an act that Yibble did unintentionally, having not understood Luna’s past – was enough for Luna to forgive the actions she’s done in the past… so far.

The party continued on, and soon ended slowly; decorations were cleaned up, leftovers were either taken by those who attended the party or Pinkie herself – by either eating it or something – and everyone said their good nights and farewells.

Before the Princesses left, they spoke to Twilight alone as the rest of her friends began to leave. “Twilight… while what you heard of Yibble’s past, I wish that you keep this to yourself; your friends are the only ponies of the modern age that know of this dark time of Equestria’s past… but also wish for you not to see Yibble in the same light.”

“What you mean Princess?”

Celestia sighed, and stared at the night sky; the stars twinkling and the moon curved, shining its glow. A small grin came to Celestia, having remembered an aged lesson by her own teacher before.

“I was taught not to judge another by one’s looks… and by their actions… This goes the same for Yibble; while she is a baby, her kind have down horrors that not even Tartarus was enough to have sealed them away. She does not deserve to be judged for something she did not know of… she is just a baby… and like a child she must learn about the world… So I ask of you, and the ponies of this town to teach Yibble to follow a different path… a path that maybe… others won’t see her for what she is or could be… But what she can be… I hope you understand my message… Now; have a good night my student.”

“You too Princess, and I hope your recover goes well Princess Luna. I promise that I’ll teach Yibble about life in Equestria; maybe I can bring her to Canterlot sometime!” shouted Twilight, waving goodbye.

Twilight watched the two royalties and the guard leave by train, as she watched them leave, she turned to see her friends leaving, except for Yibble and Fluttershy. The pair were sitting a patch of grass, watching the stars; Twilight and Spike joined them – Twilight sat beside Fluttershy, while Spike sat near Yibble.

The baby slime was busy playing with her rubber duck – which she named, Miestah Qwaky – when Twilight and Spike sat with them, she too stared at the stars, more deeply than the others.

“What did the Princess say Twilight?” asked Fluttershy, still staring at the stars.

“She said that… we shouldn’t judge others by their looks… or about who they are… She wants us to teach Yibble that there are better things in this world… While I know you wish to take care of her yourself, but I think that we can each show her something about this world… and… maybe learn something from her too. So… do you think Equestria will accept Yibble?”

Twilight glanced toward Fluttershy; the pegasus had a far-off look, and Twilight could not describe it… but before she could respond Fluttershy spoke, and it was enough for Twilight’s curiosity. “No matter what others see Yibble to be… I’ll be there for her… always.”

The four sat alone, quietly stargazing; the soft hum of the wind and insects washed over them. They were deep into gazing the sky… A small melody played, unnoticed by any of them, but fitted the moment… The future was filled with unknowns… but they’d do it together; as friends.

Author's Note:

With this, it is the official to the prologue chapters of the story; these chapters are basically post to show how each of the major characters react to Yibble and to see how they see as Yibble either a threat or a friend.

The only two under the neutral/unknown category when reacting to Yibble... is Celestia and Discord.

The next chapters to come are shorter but that's because they'll be chapters both representing moments in the shows episodes, but the next major episodes are to come around the finale of S1 and beginning of S2... in other words; the return of Discord.

The coming chapters are also going to be one-time character introductions, for example, Yibble may meet for the first time, the CMC, Derpy, Lyra & Bon Bon, and more characters that appear in S1... Hope you enjoy the coming chapters.