• Published 16th Jul 2012
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Rohh Fireclaw: Monk of Equestria - Eagle Heart

Rohh Fireclaw. The monk from Azeroth, journeys to a whole new world, only to make it his new home.

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Becoming an Exile

I had sat in my library, alone of course. Reading my books as I always have. Currently, I'm reading one of my favorite books. It's called, "Walking My Path. "I've re-read it many times. It's a true story about a man trying to find out who he is, and what he wants to be. All he'd known was being a soldier and when the Second War ended, he did not know who he truly was. After he had lost his family by the hands of the brutish orcs, he had considered ending his life there by his own sword. But, he saw a bright light as if it was from the titans themselves and it told him to stop and think about what he was doing. After he had realized how wrong his current thoughts were, he had gone on a long journey throughout Azeroth to find out who he was. It was a very captivating experience to read about all his travels and the different cultures that he had visited. Except of the ones sided with the horde of course, that would be suicide all over again

My name is Rohh Fireclaw, I'm still young, about the age of fifteen judging by my last and recent birthday. I've been a lonely child growing up, a sick mother and a neglecting father. My mother currently has a horrible disease that causes high fever, nausea, and dizziness. I know not the name or what it is. What I do know, is that, if we cannot find the proper doctor soon. I may loose a parent. My father is often busy with his business, being the owner of the biggest fishing and weapon supplying company in Gilneas. I know, strange combination. He was rarely home but when he was, he would always shun me away and return to whatever he was doing, I don't even know what he does because I never talk to him. He doesn't let me. I suppose I still respect him though, he is a hard working man after all.

I am almost always in my library when I'm not in school. My library has been my true parent and teacher. School was always too easy, for the things they teach there is often something I learned two years ago. This is the largest private library in the northern kingdoms.

I am writing this now as a sort of auto-biography, it speaking of myself in the past, but it also being in first-person. But, we will get to that later. For now, just enjoy what I have to offer you.

November 24th

I sat in the schoolhouse listening to the teacher, answering some questions, but I do have to let some of the other children have a chance. Assuming all of them actually studied. By the time it was the time for all the children to retrieve their lunch-boxes or bags, I had been wanting to speak to my friend, Roventon. A bright young lad the same age as I am. We had much in common, some would call us insane, we call each other normal. Roventon always had an interest in weapons and armor. While I had always had the interest in science. So we would always get the practice swords and I would show him things about them and he would show me. To us this was fun, but to others, it's just another school outside of school.
I had met up with him under a tree in the yard behind the school, we were just on the edge of the school-grounds so we wouldn't get into trouble. We both sat down and opened our lunches, inspecting what was prepared for us. "Ugh, Sigfreid made me another fish sandwich." Roventon said. "Well, I had made a special order with my chef Douglas. Fox meat cooked with special Peacebloom seasoning. "I said to him, showing him the meat prepared on a plate. Roventon rolled his eyes at me and began to eat, so I did so too.

After a couple minutes of eating I finally asked him what I had been wanting to ask all day, "So, what job are you going to take next year? "Roventon finished chewing and said, "I'm most likely going to go under apprenticeship with a blacksmith. You know my fascination with weapons and armor," I nodded and thought for a moment, "I'm most likely going to be one of two different things a scientist, or a guard. I have yet to really decide. Though, becoming a guard would take a long time of training, and so would a scientist. I would most likely be of age by the time I fully become either of those." Roventon nods at my answer, seeming to approve.

We both finished our lunches and packed them away, we then had to go our separate ways since we are in different grades...me being 2 above him. We said our goodbyes and returned to class.

Nothing else interesting happened today, except that one question and answer stuck in my mind all day. When I was leaving school to walk home and return to my library. The whole walk I thought to myself 'Is that really what I want to be? I'm really not sure.' I'll have to think more about it later, for I have other issues on my hands, like getting home safely.

December 27th

My mother's sickness has gotten worse. She no longer on occasion can leave bed and she can barely keep her food down. I'm really beginning to worry. I can't even read, because all I do is worry about her and if she'll be all right...
We did find a doctor but he will come tomorrow, since his schedule is very busy today. I just sat there in my library, in my favorite reading chair, thinking very deeply about what will happen. I've learned so much about disease from my library, but even it contains no information on the one she has, it was a mess from all the searching I had done. I'll clean it when this is all over, no matter the outcome.

I walked to the window, it was raining, again. Here in Gilneas our skin is as white as a pearl due to the lack of sun. It was almost always clouded in the sky, and even more often raining. Gilneas is a very dark and depressing place to live in, though being born here, you tend to get used to it. I returned to pacing in the mess of my library, perhaps cleaning it now would keep my mind off my worries, I needed to re-shelve anyway.

I got to work, it took me hours upon hours to finish, it being night I decided to go to bed.

December 28th

After a very sleepless night of deep worry and concern. I got up and had my pre-prepared breakfast that I always have sent to my library. I ate it and sat there for a while. The doctor arrives and I can hear him walk into my mother's room, my library being right next to it, I could hear everything they say.

After a few minutes, I finally heard the doctor tell the news to my father. They were not good. I was devastated hearing the news. She will most likely be gone in one month...I had cried for at least an hour in my chair. I loved her, before she had gotten her disease, she was the only one who was there for me when I was young. By the time I finally calmed down and sat there in silence.

After a while I began looking through my books again, primarily in the health section, searching, searching, searching...a ha! I may have found something! I pull out the book and look inside, scanning through the pages until I find one of interest. By the Titans I found one! "Garrock's disease...that is an Orcish name...damn those bastards!" I read on, the symptoms specifically, no known cure, but treatments are available. Perhaps if I studied these treatments... I can synthesize a cure.

I immediately leave the library and head down to my brother's lab. Ah yes, my brother. His name is, oddly enough, similar to mine. His name is Ronn he is two years younger than me, but an absolute genius in alchemy and engineering. He's taught me much about compounds, and mixtures. As I walk in, I nearly yell to him, "Ronn! I've got something that they be able to help mother!" Ronn looks at me with an interrogative face and asks, "How did you manage to do that? We don't even know the name of this disease." I laugh at him for a second, "I do know the name, it's called Garrock's Disease, it is from Orcish origins. I figured if we studied the treatments, we could synthesize a cure for it." Ronn stops to think for a moment, "Well from what I heard though, we only have one month to do something that often would take years to do."

I nod and put the book down on his lab table, having the page open that explains the treatments. "Is it not worth a try to save our mother's life?"I ask him as he looks them over. "I suppose, but this will take all of our time, no reading, and no other experiments. Only this research," he says after he finishes reading. I nod and we both begin work, I go and tell the caretaker the different treatments and how to do them. Meanwhile, Ronn would be trying to figure out in what ways should he experiment first.

January 20th

We almost have it! After so much hard work we are finally close, but as time went on, mother has gotten worse. The fever is reaching up to 105' and she can't even move her body without being overcome with dizziness. We worked hard and fast, it being almost a month since the doctor had diagnosed her time limit. I was as worried as I was going to get when we worked, barely even being able to focus. I could tell Ronn was similar, I could see his hands shaking as he works, dropping paper, nearly breaking beakers. I hope this all works out well.

January 22nd

We have it almost finished, we just have to wait for it to finish heating up and we will have saved our mother! But, she is fading fast, today, we could tell was the last day, if we do not succeed...She will die. After a few more minutes that felt like hours, it was done. I ran over and grabbed the serum and syringe.

I ran up the stairs, Ronn following along. We burst through the door to my mother's bedroom and...her lifeless body was resting on the bed, unmoving, not breathing, dead. I restrained myself from destroying the serum and put it in my pocket, both me and my brother walked over to the bed. We had both cried over her still warm body, letting out emotions escape ourselves, but deep down inside, I knew it was worse for me.

My father had always taken a liking to Ronn, they are fairly close. It's horrible, it's not even like he's my own father, I haven't talked to him in months not even a 'Hello.' My mother was the only true parent I ever had, and now she is forever gone...

4 years later, October 7th

Ever since the war between Gilneas and the rebels, I have been alone, my father had fled to Lorderon and took Ronn with him. Roventon has gone missing, he just vanished off the face of Azeroth one day. I finally decided to become a guard, to protect those who need protection, ever since what happened to my mother, I never wanted anyone else to ever have to experience anything of the like. I want to protect them, so their family does not go through what I did. For nearly a year, I went into a deep depression after her death, sealing myself in my library, even more than I normally did, locking the door and staying quiet. Feeling lost and alone, I enlisted in the Gilneas City guard once I was of age. Perhaps this time, I can actually make a difference...and not be too late again...

With the war against the rebels raging, the guards have been put on high alert, I've been on gate duty for a few hours now, my shift should end soon. One good thing about this, is that it gives me time to think. I thought about the war, Roventon, the only friend I ever had. I also discovered my love for coffee, after thinking about it so much I finally tried it and loved it.
My shift ended and I switched out with another guard. I walked back to where the barracks were in the city. Lately, my reading has slowed down a bit, due to training and guard duty, but I do what I must, put my desires aside to protect others. Sometimes I just want to yell at the world for how corrupt it is but, all I can do is whisper to myself...

"Rohh! Your late for your patrols! Get your ass out there before I have to give you 30 whip lashes!" I hear the guard-captain say. I quickly salute and rush to go start my patrol. I leave the barracks and I walk through the cobblestone streets, enjoying the kind of, dark beauty of Gilneas City.

After two hours of patrolling, nothing of interest happened, things have been strangely quiet for being a time of war, but I suppose it just makes my life easier.

After I finished my patrol, I headed home, to my library. Alone in the dark with nothing but candle light, reading my favorite book...

October 5th

I was up all night finishing the book for the sixteenth time, I set it down on the little lamp table next to me. But that was odd...I saw a strange glow in the distance coming from my window. I stood up and walked over to it to find Gilneas City was under attack! Damn rebels!

I had left my home to go to the barracks and get my gear, rebels were everywhere! Fighting the guards and burning the buildings, by the titans they are attempting to take over the city! I ran, but making sure to stay out of sight, I eventually reached the armory to find two of the rebels collecting the gear. Good thing they had not taken my things, I managed to grab a longsword without them noticing. I crept up behind them and stabbed one through the back and through the stomach. They other one was surprised and pulled out his weapon. He swung his blade downward at me but I deflected it out of the way and kicked him in the gut. He stumbles back and hits the stone wall and charges at me, going into a full blown lunge at myself. I just barely moved out of the way, seeming to know he was going to do that. I sent my sword up, removing his hand then I stabbed him in his abdomen.

These were the first lives I've ever taken away...I cannot think about that now, I need to go help the citizens. I rushed over and grabbed my armor, putting it on piece by piece. I put the face-mask on and tabard. I then took my shield and ran outside. The captain was no where in sight, either dead or somewhere else in the city, it was just me, my comrades, and the rebels.
Suddenly something told me a man was attacking me from behind...I had spun and shield bashed a sword that was lunging at me from behind. I then kicked the man in the gut and stabbed him in the back as he was bent over he fell to the ground dieing as I rushed off.

What was this? What had told me he was coming? This is strange, for now, I can use this to my advantage and not even bother why it's here, but thank the light for it coming now. I continued running down the streets, taking down rebel scum as I go. I then reach the northern gate, I see two men engaged in mortal combat on the wall above.

Then I realize one of them was the captain! I have to go up there and help him! I run to where the entrance to the walls were and start running up the stairs. By the time I reached the top. The Captain had fallen dead in front of the mysterious soldier.
He turns around and looks at me through his plated helmet and charges forward. I pull out my sword and knock his to the side with it. I send the top edge of my shield at the back of his head, he ducks under and turns, swing his sword up at me. I lean back and the sword barely flies in front of my masked face.

We both step back. I say, "You fight well for such scum like you." He chuckles and replies to me "For a motherless son of an ogre, I suppose you aren't so bad as well." After he says this, I snap and charge him, swinging my sword down, yelling in rage. He spins and hits me with the flat of his shield.

I fall on my face on the hard stone, he is about ready to thrust his sword into my back, but I turn over and sweep my feet, I bring my shield in front of my face, he falls on top of me, his helmet protected head smashing into the shield. I quickly push him off and stand up, trying and failing in recollecting my sword.

As I was picking up my sword, he already swung his, in some sort of strange reflex, I front flipped and kicked the blade from his hand, sending it way into the air, I had landed and spun, sending two palms to his chest, knocking him back onto his back. I had caught the sword and threw it straight into his heart like a spear.

Then I saw...his helmet had fallen off. It was...Roventon?! What?! NOOOO! I rushed to his now lifeless body. Pulling the sword out and holding his head up. "I'm so sorry, if only I'd known it was you!" I would yell at his lifeless body, "I'm sorry!" repeadingly while shaking the body, I had broken down into nothing but a torrent of endless negative emotion. I cried over Roventon's now dead body. Roventon's now dead body. The one last person I cared about died, rebel or not he was still my only and best friend...
The fires burn around me, but I didn't care for these few moments, I could hear yells and cheers of victory, we had clearly won this battle and defended the city. I gently lay his body upon the stone and walked back down the stairs, to the barracks, as a I walked, nothing but sorrow filled my mind, even as the blazing fires raged around me.

Explosions, yelling, screaming for help, all muffled to my own thoughts of guilt, self-pity, and regret. I eventually reached the ransacked barracks and put my armor back in its place. I then left and returned home, it being one of the few places unscathed by the battle, due to it being so well defended.

I walked into my room and got into my night clothing and went to bed.

October 15th

My father had returned from Lorderon after the battle, but Ronn not coming with him, it seems he wants to help fight for the Alliance. So, he is living there with my uncle Benford.

I could hear yelling from my father's study, one of his advisors had come. It seems to be really bad for him to raise his voice this much. Then crashing is heard. Is he drunk again? I go and open the door just a crack, only to have it fly open and send myself across the room and hitting the floor fairly hard.

I look to see two guards storming in to grab me. I quickly stand to my feet and run to the back of the library, pulling out a hidden sword. I didn't even know why they were attacking, so naturally, I defend myself. The first swung their sword in a downward cut at me, I spin to the side and send my blade to the back of their knees, directly cutting the tendons and making him fall over, I then stab him in the chest while he lays on the ground.

I grab a book from the shelf and use what I've named my sixth sense, to throw it at the man, the book opening and paper cutting his neck, causing him to loose a lot of blood and die.

I looked to the door and guards then just come pouring in and practically tackle me, binding my hands behind my back with ropes. They force me to stance and out to the hallway, next to my father, who is also in bindings. He says nothing to me, even after I asked what was going on. He just looked ahead and remained silent, that bastard, I hope whatever happens, he gets the worst of it.

They had led us to the Market Square, were a scaffold was, and two nooses were hanging on it, the trap doors being under them...this was an execution. I had become worried as I was shoved up there. There was nothing I could do though. I had been put in my designated noose and strangle enough, Genn Graymane walked upon the scaffold and spoke to the crowd of people.

"Citizens of Gilneas, these two men are hereby charged with treason! Halford Fireclaw, accused of trading with both the Horde and the Rebels, disgusting pig of a man I say!" The crowd cheers in agreement and he continues, he points at me and yells out to the crowd, "Rohh Fireclaw, accused of being an accomplice, the murder of the guard captain, resisting arrest, and the murdering of two guards! These horrible monsters we call men have been sentenced to death!"
The crowd cheers with excitement, the executioner walks to the lever that controlled the rope of my father's rope and trap door...he pulled the lever and my father choked to death...good riddance. I hope you find yourself in the darkest void of the twisting nether you neglecting piece of shit. The executioner walks over to the lever next to me, but as he does so, my head begins to buzz and throb, I close my eyes as it hurts. I then kicked his arm just as it touched the lever and broke the elbow, I removed the noose from my neck and slid between my dead hanging father and the executioner, crossbow bolts rained down on everything...except me.

I got up and ran, it was a little hard due to the restraints, but I managed to be faster than the armored guards. I always did train harder than everyone else. My sense would warm me of incoming arrows, bolts, anything, it was amazing and scary all at the same time. A guard tried to intercept my path and he swung his sword in a downward arc at me. My sense did it's thing and I spun and slid on me knees, going backwards, I bent forward and the sword cut the rope off my wrists. I quickly stand and kick him in the back, to force him into the rest and slow them down. I ran, getting close to the Eastern Gate.

While I was running, I did something I never thought I could ever do. I caught an arrow and threw it back at the archer, killing him, it got him right between the eyes. It was like everything moved in slow motion, that arrow, coming at me, I saw it slowly creeping toward me, so I acted, and that happened. I kept running and eventually reached the stairs to the wall. I climbed them with the guards closely following. I reached the top and ran along the top of the large city walls, only to be cut off my more guards.

I looked in both directions with only one option left, I hopped on the fence and jumped out of the city, taking the 70 foot fall into the water, keeping myself as straight as possible. I made it in the water and they lost me. Sadly, I'm not the best of swimmers. I struggled but I eventually reached the muddy land that lead to the forest. I lay there on the wet mud and rested, I was now an outcast, and exile. Something that suits me rather well...time to start my journeys in the forest.