• Published 16th Jul 2012
  • 2,473 Views, 37 Comments

Rohh Fireclaw: Monk of Equestria - Eagle Heart

Rohh Fireclaw. The monk from Azeroth, journeys to a whole new world, only to make it his new home.

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Man vs Wild

I stood up, stretching my muscles as they were sore, from both the fall and the fighting. I sighed when I saw how steep the rocks were and began to climb up the rocks that lead to the Northgate forest. Once I reached the top, I took a second and bent over holding my knees for support, breathing heavy breaths. I then stopped my resting and took off my shirt, the water would make me colder. Also, due to the extra weight, it would slow me down and make me expend more energy. Which would be bad if I were to get into a fight with a woodland creature.

I slung the white shirt over my shoulder and began to walk into the forest. Just my luck, it began to rain even harder, a complete downfall, you'd think it was a thunderstorm, but it wasn't.

I walked for nearly two hours, searching for good shelter. I found an open area with plenty of small trees around for me to gather firewood and leaves to create a cover, or a makeshift pillow. After about an hour and a half of nothing but gathering sticks and leaves, I had manages to form a fire, and a makeshift tent made out of sticks, with leaves covering so the rain does not get me wet while I sleep. I also had to sacrifice some of my 'tent' to cover the fire to keep the rain from making it go out, but also so nothing would burn that isn't meant to burn.

I noticed it was beginning to switch from day to night, I was hungry. I thought about hunting, but that would take too long, i'll just have to find breakfast in the morning. I lay down to rest in my makeshift bed.

October 16th

I barely got any sleep that night, all the noises of the wild creatures, beautiful, but frightening. Hearing the sounds of all the bugs flying around me made it worse though. Eventually morning had come and I got almost no sleep. I suppose that was okay, but I need as much energy as possible if I am to survive. I got up and grabbed a loose stick, one that was sharp, and strong. I then took my journey into the forest. I searched for about an hour, when I spotted an orange fox. Perfect. I went around and snook up behind the creature. I took the stick and threw it like a javelin, using this strange new sixth sense, aiming was a breeze. The stick hit right on target and went through the side of the fox, I quickly ran up to it and broke its neck to end its misery.

I dragged the body back through the forest and made breakfast. Fox meat was one of my favorite kinds of meats. Just something about the taste I've always liked. I sat there and ate for a while, filling my stomach and enjoying the sights of the wilderness. I kind of wished I had a book at the moment, so I could read with nothing but peaceful noises around me but, this is almost just as good. After I finished my food, I attempted to try something my books had taught about, meditation. I managed to meditate for the rest of the day.

October 23rd

A week had gone by and I had gotten good at this Meditation. It helped keep my mind at ease. I sat there looking around at the forest until I saw something...a dim light in the distance, coming from the path that leads north. It began to get brighter and brighter. Then, I saw the light source...guards. They must've sent a scouting party to look for me...

My sense went off and I leaned forward, a longsword swishing right over my head. I leap to my feet and got into probably the worst fighting stance ever. I had been surrounded by at least 5 of them. If I can get a weapon, I may be able to handle them.

One charged from behind and swung his sword down, I spun to the side and grabbed him, using the momentum I threw him toward one of his comrades. I could really get used to this sixth sense, maybe i'll come up with a name for it. I spun around and sent my own fist downward straight to a sword being swung at me, I hit the hand of the guard and knocked the sword from his hand. I Kicked him back and picked up the sword, getting into my fighting stance. "Have at thee!" I yelled at them, they look to each other a little nervous but attack anyway.

The one in front charges first, swing his sword down, but I deflect it out of the way and punch him, causing him to stumble away, I lunged forward and stabbed him in the back. I then pulled my sword out of the now dead guard's back. I turns and leapt back, avoiding an incoming sword, my sense goes off and I jump toward the guard, sending my sword forward and poking/stabbing him in the neck. I land and turn to the three. One missing their weapon. They all look fearful. Then, a man from the shadows appears out of no where, the strange man throws a strange herb into my eyes. My vision blurs and I trip, falling onto my back, I could only hear the sounds of hitting, bones breaking, and men screaming in pain.

My vision then clears up, the rest of the guards on the ground unconscious, various limbs bending the wrong way. A rather old man was standing above their bodies, he walks over to me and offers a hand. I take it and stand up, I ask him, "Who are you?" The man puts a hand on my shoulder and says, "I am Harold Reyton, I assume you're an exile too? Taking refuge in the forest, like I have."

I nod and I offer him a seat near the fire. He explains how he was exiled, he was accused of a murder against a noble he had not committed. He had no proof and they banished him from Gilneas. Little did they know he's been hiding in the forest the whole time.

We get into a conversation about combat, after a long discussion about swordsmanship, we begin talking about Martial Arts. He offers to teach me and after I think about it. I eventually accepted his offer. Little did I know, this would be the rest of my life...that I knew of...

5 years later, February 21st

Harold Reyton, my master in the art of Ash Karra, I had reached the level of what I assume is Adept. He taught me how to make the most of my Wolf Sense, as I began to call it. I gave it that name due to my first name translating to Wolf in the language of the elements, Kalimag. The training I had received over the years made my body physically superior to that of two normal men, strong and agile.

My master had to leave Gilneas and travel to Stormwind to meet up with some old friends. So I am left in the forest by myself, and today, I'm getting into Gilneas City, and taking care of some unfinished business with the king...

After about an hour of running through the forest, I reached the North gate. Two guards with crossbows were standing up on the top, alert for any intrusions. I walked forward in plain sight toward the gate. They instantly recognize my face and aim, my Wolf Sense buzzes in my head, they both fire and I turn to the side, the bolts fly past me on both sides. I then sprint forward and leap to the wall, scaling it, bringing my fingers into anger crevice or ledge I could grab onto. Terrible craftsman ship and time ruined this wall and made it easy to climb. By the time they had reloaded, I leapt over the railing and kicked the guard in the face, he stumbled back and tried to retake aim, only to have my foot knock it out of his hands, when I land, I spin and send two fists out to send him flying back onto the ground.

I catch the crossbow and fire it at the other guard just as a bolt flies by my head, the bolt lands in the guard's leg and he falls to the ground. I turn my attention to the stunned guard and kick him in the head to knock him out. I run along the walls, but i notice something strange...I could hear the howling of wolves in the distance...wolves don't live in Gilneas...

People were missing from the streets...no one was there. I could see paper flying by in the light breeze. I walked along the walls and decided to hop down, a leap to a building and quickly descended down. I walked through the empty streets, wondering if this is either a trap, or something is really wrong...

I hear another howl, but it sounds closer. Then a I see a man running for his life, screaming for help, then he gets tackled by a strange creature. It tears him to shreds and I take a step back. It catches my scent and it charges at me. It leaps up and I do too, we clash in the air and fall to the ground, it manages to bite me in the shoulder, then I break its neck. I slowly stand up, holding the wound, it looks bad, it throbs with pain and gets green around the edges, but it shoulder heal over time.

More of them come from the roof tops, I run and I see people running out from their homes, wolf men chasing after them. I continued down the street, at least 7 of them still following. I then turn and leap to a building, climbing up it and onto the rooftops one leaps, but I catch it and throw it over the edge using the momentum. I then continue running jumping onto the top of the walls, reaching where the gate was. One of the wolf-men managed to tackle me and cause us to fall off the edge, falling down to where the bridge was. I punched the wolf man in the face and we hit the ground, luckily I landed on top of the large creature and was fine. I stand up and inspect the wound...this is not good. Black hair was beginning to grow around the wound.

The wolf men not able to figure out how to get down, they quit their search and return to hunting the humans of Gilneas. I begin nearly sprinting back to my camp. Could this be what I think it is? I've read about this in books. The Worgen curse...

After an hour of running, I inspected my shoulder. It was covered in black hair. Then I felt a sharp pain in the same arm. I could see, the bone structure was changing, it hurt worse than anything i've ever felt. I fell to my knees, roaring in pain. My voice changing and getting deeper, more bestial. My eyes had turned a blood red. My hand grew long sharp claws and grew bigger, growing black hair all over it. Then I felt my spine, he curled forward, becoming hunched over, I could hear the bones breaking and reforming making loud cracking and snapping noises. "AAAAARRRRRRGH!" I roared out, sounding like one of the beasts, my knees bent back, breaking in half and reforming, causing me to fall to the ground in pain, tears come out of my eyes as my arms get longer, my face elongates and forms a muzzle, my teeth growing so long and sharp they come out of my mouth, my entire body had grown hair, my clothes torn off except for my pants. I was no longer human...I was worgen...