• Published 16th Jul 2012
  • 6,616 Views, 618 Comments

If Smosh Were Ponies - Regidar

Ian and Anthony find themselves in the magical land of equestria

  • ...

Pony Hard

“Ian, you can’t go around beating the Barbershop Pole with small foals. Somepony’s bound to complain.”

“I’m not sure you understand the magnitude of this situation. HE SLEPT WITH MY FUTURE WIFE!”

“But if she’s your future wife, how do you know she’s not a total bitch, and her cheating on you was the perfect excuse to leave her?”

Ian tried to respond, but Pinkie’s logic dumbfounded him.

“Well damn. Nice one!”

Pinkie Pie jumped up on the table and said triumphantly “PINKIE THE MASTER OF COMEBACKS!”

Ian starred with pure loathing at the pink pony. “THAT’S MAH LINE...”

Anthony returned with an alligator attached to his face.

“Um, can somepony help me? I think it’s eating my soul.”

Pinkie Pie coaxed the alligator off of the pegasus’s face. “Sorry. Gummy was just excited to see you! OOH! That reminds me! We have to throw a party! Lyra set up screenings of you guys that everpony watched every friday, so everypony will by dying to meet you guys! OOH! This is going to be great!”

“OH MY GOD I’M GONNA GO TO ONE OF PINKIE PIE’S PARTIES!” Anthony squealed in delight.

“Ok, don’t jizz yourself,” Ian said as he rolled his eyes.

“This is going to be awesome! I better get to planning it! You guys go over and get Celestia! She loves your show!”

Anthony fainted again.

Pinkie Pie poked his face. “Does he do that often?”

“Unfortunately.” Ian kicked Anthony in the wing.

“Ian, why don’t you like Equestria?” Pinkie Pie gave Ian a hard look.

“I’m just not into ponies like Anthony is, and besides…” Ian blushed and looked to the side.

“Besides what?”

“Um… I really want to rub Twilight Sparkle’s horn.” Pinkie Pie gave Ian a blank stare.

“Um, anyway, you should probably go to Princess Celestia now…”


Ian dragged Anthony over to the train as they set out for Canterlot. Once reaching the royal Palace, Anthony woke up again.


Ian lost his patients. “SHUT THE F-” A barrel dropped from the sky and hit Ian on the head.

“Sorry!” Derpy yelled down to them as she flew overhead carrying many barrels behind her.

“Man, I’m glad we’re not Pewdiepie, or else that would have been terrifying.” It was Anthony’s turn to drag his friend around.

Entering the palace, Anthony trekked with the unconscious Ian to the throne room. There, Princess Celestia was drinking tea, which she promptly spit out when she saw the two entering.

“Luna? Get out here now!”

Luna’s voice resounded from somewhere in the back of the castle.

“Not now, I just got a Bandos god sword, do you know how long it took me to get that from God Wars Dungeon? General Grandos is not a very easy boss monster, Tia, not at all-”

“Smosh is here!”

The two youtube celebrities heard several doors banging and Luna flew at full speed into the throne room.


Luna surveyed them.

“Oh course, it would have been better if it were Pewdiepie, Antvenom, Regicidal1, Tobuscus, Nova, Cavemanfilms, CaptainSparklz, Steve and Larson from Top Ten FTW, or Ross Scott from Freeman’s Mind, but you guys are good too!”

“Um, thanks?” Anthony said feeling slightly offended.

“Wh- ah? Where are we?” Ian said, rubbing his head.

“Anyway, why have you graced our presence?” Luna asked, still looking them over. Anthony smiled and answered.

“Pinkie Pie is throwing a party in our honor, and she thought you guys might want to come!”

“Of course we’ll come!” Celestia stood up excitedly.

“Wow, you really like us, don’t you?” Anthony grinned.

“I do, you guys are extremely hilarious, and you’re pretty much the only thing that isn’t game-related that Luna will watch.” Suddenly, a guard ran up, huffing and puffing.

“Pr-princess Celestia! We have had reports one of the elements of harmony beating the living crap outa a pony who reportedly had sexual relations with her sister. What should we do?”

Celestia waved him away. “Let him have his fun for now I’ll send him to the moon later.” The guard saluted and trotted off.

“Let us go to the party now!” Luna and Celestia said in unison, then brohoofed and trotted out, Ian and Anthony walking behind them.

At the party, the instant the two newly ponified humans entered, they were mobbed by thusand different ponies.

“OH MY GOD, IAN IS SO CUTE AS A UNICORN!” shrieked Carrot Top.

“Let me feel your wings, Anthony!” Colgate squealed, grabbing Anthony’s flying appendages, and rubbing them. Anthony fell to the ground, quaking in pleasure.

“I loved ‘Firetruck!’” Cheerilee said, drooling over Ian.

Anthony soaked up the attention, while Ian slipped off to go and try and find Twilight Sparkle.

“I swear, I will rub your horn! I must get the mystical unicorn mayonnaise my father told me of!” Ian determinedly looked around, then proclaimed “I WILL NOT STOP SEARCHING FOR HER UNTIL I FIND HER, NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES!”

“Who are you talking too?” Twilight Sparkle, who was standing right there asked as she turned around.

“Well, that was fast,” Ian said, surprised.

“Hi, I’m Twilight Sparkle!” Twilight Sparkle held up her hoof. Ian shook it while he planned out his next move in his mind very carefully. He knew he was going to have to be very subtle if her were going to pull this off.

“Hey, can I rub your horn?”

Twilight looked taken aback by this question. Ian smiled and hoped she wouldn’t kill him.

“Um, ok… but let’s take this somewhere more private…” Twilight grabbed Ian’s hoof and dragged him away into the bedroom.

Anthony, who was watching this, seethed in envy. “He doesn’t even like the show! He’s just using her for her horn! To get back at him, I’m gonna have sex with the first pony I see!” Anthony turned around and stared straight at Big Macintosh.”

“God damn it!”