• Published 16th Jul 2012
  • 6,616 Views, 618 Comments

If Smosh Were Ponies - Regidar

Ian and Anthony find themselves in the magical land of equestria

  • ...


Anthony soon grew tired of the couch. Sure, it was delicious, but it lacked in the relationship department. So, he broke up with it.

"I'm sorry... it's just that we've grown apart. It's not me, it's you. Now, I'm going to shove you outside so i don't have to look at your ugly face anymore."

Anthony carried out this plan with surprisingly good results.

"Huh. If only that had worked as well with my last girlfriend."

Anthony was now bored. Which was normally Ian's job, but...

Heh, it's funny, because there's a show called Ian is Bored on... screw you guys, that was funny!

*cough* Anywhore, so Anthony decided to investigate the basement. Not because he thought there was anything suspicious going on, but because he's a creeper that way.

"Hey, Fluttershy, somepony who was definitely not me broke in and ate your couch. Also-" Anthony stopped in mid sentence when he reached the basement. It was a large cavern with multiple fires illuminating it, giving it a pleasant hell-red glow. Skeletons adorned the walls, and a shed lay at the far end of the cavern. All around, he could see ponies hanging from the walls by shackles, and in the very center was a large stone slab with a pentagram written in red paint(?) directly in the middle. Surrounding that were heads impaled on torches made of bones.

"Come one! How come everypony has a better basement then me?"

"Anthony? Is that you?" Anthony turned around, his hair flipping in the process.

"AAH! MY OVARIES!" Anthony was staring at Lyra, who he assumed would be clutcher his lower abdomen had her arms not been chained to the wall.

"Lyra!" Anthony ran over to unchain her, but found that his feeble hooves were no match for the cheap plastic that binded her.

"Anthony... I just... got new ovaries... you bastard..."

Anthony smiled sheepishly. "Sorry 'bout that." He took another good look around. Also chained were Tobuscus, Pewdiepie, Cavemanfilms, Shane Dawson, and various others were also chained.

"She takes famous youtubers... and kills them for Shmooz... she's gotten Ray William Johnson, Fred (thank Celestia), and... Nigahiga already... now she's going to- sh*t! Hide!" Anthony hid behind Lyra as he saw a cloaked figure walk over and unchain Tobuscus from the wall.

"Well, well, well, Toby. Looks like you'll be having some time in the spotlight tonight!" Rarity said as her hood fell back. Tobuscus tried to scream, but Rarity had placed a dirty sock in his mouth.

"Now now. Don't fight it! It'll only hurt for a seconds, and then you'll die."

Rarity dragged the ponified web star up to the sacrificial altar and threw him there. She removed the sock from his mouth.


Rarity giggled. "It's always more enjoyable when they scream!"

She plunged her knife into Tobuscus's stomach. Toby screamed in pure agony as the blade tore his insides asunder.

"Lord Shmooz will be pleased!" Rarity's eyes looked in opposite directions as she dealt the final blow to Tobuscus, and he promptly died.

Anthony would have been horrified, if he had not been staring at Lyra's plot the entire time.

"Anthony! They're going to kill Ian next! You have to do something!"

"Uh huh..." Anthony started to stroke Lyra's left flank.

"ANTHONY! If we live, I'll let you fondle my flank as much as you want! Now go out there and save them!"

Anthony glided over to the altar, where he stole Tobuscus's wallet. Quickly, he hid under the altar as Rarity returned.

"Alright, Cult Leader Fluttershy wants me to sacrifice Lyra and Shane Dawson before we get to Ian, so say goodbye to them one last time."

No pony said goodbye, so Rarity got right to it and untied Lyra first.

"Wait, I can't use you, your ovaries are damaged. We need you to be in perfect sexual health to sacrifice, or else- wait... there's only one pony I know who could do that..." Rarity stared at the altar. Anthony began to sweat, and not just from the fire that was raging on his left wing.

"Spike! He probably did this..." Rarity turned around to find the purple dragon.

Anthony jumped up. "No, you idiot! Spike isn't even a pony!" Then he realized he had just blown his cover.


Rarity pulled out her dagger and charger Anthony. Anthony grabbed her front hooves and threw her over backwards into a pool of lava that was conveniently stationed behind him.

"That was easy."

"Not too easy, I'm afraid."

Anthony turned around, flipping his hair again. "AAH! MY BACK-UP OVARIES!" Lyra shouted iin the background.

Fluttershy stood up on the altar, holding the unconscious Ian by the horn. "So sorry to ruin this, but I can't have you killing my favorite cult followers like that. While I go fix Rarity, Twilight will commence the ritual. Don't try to save us from the demonic corruption by attacking her or anything."

Anthy frowned. "Damn, I was just about to do that, but now I can't... gonna have to think of another way to-"

"God damn, you bloody poof!"

Anthony looked around. "Charlie?"

"Yeah, it's me yah wanker! Now listen up! The demons have taken over Fluttershy and Rarity's minds! Twilight's only here to kill Ian while she has a legit reason, but you're going to have to use your power to stop it!"

Anthony boldly stepped up, and charged Twilight Sparkle. The lilac unicorn looked confused for a second, then screamed when Anthony flipped his hair. Clutching her lower abdomen, she fell to the ground, writhing in pain from her exploded ovaries.

Fluttershy pulled a seemingly unharmed Rarity from the lava pit.

"Wait... how is she not..."

"You wouldn't think I'd put real lava in here? Somepony might get hurt! It's just orange soda."

Anthony ignored this perfectly logical decision and turned back to Twilight. She was still laying on the ground, clutching her ovaries.

"Anthony!" Rarity shouted. Anthony hair flipped again, causing Fluttershy to squeak in pain as she grabbed her lower abdominal region. "We still need a sacrifice to placate Lord Shmooz!"

Anthony looked around. Finally, he decided on Nova.

"Sorry, Nova."

Anthony picked him up, threw him onto the slab, and killed him.

Nothing happened.

"Lord Shmooz is pleased! Hooray!" Rarity ran about, letting ponies free.

Ian opened his eyes. "Unghh... what happened?"

Anthony laughed.

"If only you knew... if only you knew."

Ian gave him a hard stare. "That is the lamest way to end a chapter ever."

But it's not them end, oh dear Ian!

"AH! Who said that?"

Me! I'm the writer!

"Cool! Can you-"



In a few hours, all the youtube stars, along with Rarity, were visiting Fluttershy, Lyra, and Twilight in the hospital as they waited to have their ovaries replaced.

"Jesus, Anthony, you may want to contain your hair, or else they might run out of ovary doners. by the way, where are you getting these ovaries from?"

"I was told there were going to be free silver spoons here-" Silver Spoon bagan, but was cut off by Rarity.

"There's one! Get her!" Two security gaured shoved Silver Spoon into a bag and carried her and Twilight off into the operating room.

"Oh. Ok then."