• Published 1st Oct 2017
  • 534 Views, 9 Comments

High Noon At Dodge Junction - Gpizano

The stakes have never been higher for Applejack when a small matter of love turns into an all out showdown at Dodge Junction. Can Applejack get her feelings off her chest? Or will she not only lose Cherry Jubilee but also her life?

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As nice as the breakfast was, the following day found Applejack having to return home to tend to her own farm. Things had been quite nice between then and that point however, more working and talking but it was different in a way. Like the conversations were more intimate, and Cherry even leaned against her shoulder when they were watching the evening sun on the porch! Applejack was almost sad to go, but with a nuzzle from the older mare, she promised to be back in a couple months to help in the fall.

So far it was turning out to be the longest couple of months ever.

The first couple of weeks weren't so bad, mostly she was just acting a little goofy around the farm, daydreaming about Cherry and when they'd get to see each other again. It wasn't hard for her friends or family to notice but the blonde didn't feel she'd offer up the information unless asked. That wouldn't happen until about week four, when she and her friends were all together just hanging out at the park with their pets.

"So Applejack..." began Rarity, keeping an eye on Opal for a moment as the testy little ball of fluff went about minding her business, claws ever at the ready. "How have you been lately?"

"Jes' dandy, Rares." said Applejack, a nice, bright smile on her face as she used her tail to fling a stick far for Winona to chase after. Everything really did seem brighter now that she had confessed to Cherry, even more so since Cherry was willing to give her a chance!

"Quite. It's just that you've been exceptionally cheery these past couple of weeks since you've been back. Did something happen in Dodge Junction that you've left out, hm?" asked Rarity, she and the others already knowing most of the details of the ordeal that had happened to Applejack in that dusty town but obviously sniffing out that the cowpony had left something out.

"Well..." began Applejack, smiling a bit of a goofy smile as she scratched the back of her head.

"Oh do tell!" said Rarity, she and the others attention now caught as the normally candid mare was being all hush hush. "Because if I didn't know better Applejack, I'd say you act as though you're quite smitten!" she teased with a giggle which turned into a full squeal as she saw the orange mare blush a bit. "I knew it! Who is it darling? Some strapping farm hand you've met at Cherry Hill Ranch?"

"Oh gag." said Dash, pointing a hoof at her open mouth before looking back to Applejack "But seriously? Who'd you even meet in a town like that? Was it some cool lone ranger kind of pony?"

"Nothin' like that you two." said Applejack, waving them off with a hoof.

"Then who?" pressed Rarity as Pinkie Pie started to bounce up and down.

"Ooo! This is so exciting! Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Wh-" that was thankfully stopped by Dash shoving her hoof over Pinkie's mouth so that Applejack could get a word in edge-wise.

"Cherry Jubilee."

That brought on a bit of silence and some shocked looks from her friends. "... Cherry Jubilee of Cherry Hill Ranch?" clarified Rarity.


"CONGRATULATIONS!" sang Pinkie Pie, swooping the blonde mare up in a monstrously strong hug that very few could weather. "We gotta' throw you and Cherry a big party! A happy getting together party! With chimi cherry changas and apple fritters and lots of good stuff!"

It broadened Applejack's smile as she took the hug in stride and replied with a laugh "Thanks Pinks, but we don't need nothin' like that!" She managed to squirm free as she added "We're still tryin' it out n' all, might jes' need to hold off on it fer a bit."

"Isn't she old?" chimed in Dash, which earned her an elbow from Rarity.

"She's older n' me. What of it?" asked Applejack, raising a brow to the blue pegasus.

"Yeah, old enough to be your mom-oof!" again she was elbowed by Rarity.

"Now Rainbow Dash, don't be crass!" admonished the fashionista before her gaze got that starry look in it as she continued "Actually it's quite romantic! It's like a novel! The farmpony and the mistress of the ranch! Love found amidst bandit attacks and ex-husbands resurfacing!"

"But she's still old." deadpanned Rainbow Dash.

"Now Rainbow Dash, it's not odd for there to be an age difference between ponies. Even if the gap is a bit... noticeable." coughed Rarity as she noticed the look from Applejack. "But age is hardly a bad thing, now is it?"

"Not at all." chimed in Twilight, of course having her own two cents to put in "In fact it wasn't uncommon in the classic age of Equestria for older lovers to take younger lovers and vice versa, it was the experience that the elder had to guide the younger and-"

"Not interested." said Dash, sticking her tongue out before looking back to Applejack and giving a shrug "But hey, if it's what you want then whatever I guess. Still kinda weird though."

"Right, thanks anyway." said Applejack, knowing Dash could be a bit of a dunderhead at times but could mean well in her own way.

"Congratulations Applejack." said Fluttershy, giving a soft smile and her support in her own quiet way.

"Thanks gals. Y'all r' swell." said Applejack, glad that at least one camp was happy for her. That just left one other to break the news to...

"Beg yer' pardon?" asked Granny Smith at the dinner table, a brow highly raised as she stared at her granddaughter. Well this wasn't quite going the way she had expected. At least for Granny Smith, she kind of expected Big Macintosh to be quietly surprised, and Applebloom...

"Who's Cherry Jubilee again?" asked the youngest Apple with a small tilt of her head.

"She's the mare that took me in ta' work after Ah came second place in the Canterlot Rodeo." explained Applejack.

"Oh! Well then she sounds nice!" said Applejack with a smile and a nod.

"Um... yup." was all Macintosh could say, the surprise wearing off as he gave a stoic nod.

"Now hold on there!" said Granny Smith, raising a hoof and cutting off any more chatter "That might be well'n fine fer all y'all but Ah still got questions! Ain't she older n' you AJ?" asked the old mare, narrowing her eyes a bit as the interrogation of her granddaughter's potential marefriend had begun!

"Yeah, she is." said Applejack, scuffing a hoof against the table "Ah knew that before Granny, it don't matter much to me."

"Ah see. N' she has her own orchards n' business n' all?"

"Yeah, she's the most successful cherry and cherry products distributor in Equestria Ah'd say."

"Hrm..." mused Granny, leaning back in her seat and steepling her hooves, musing for a moment before saying "Nope."

"What do you mean 'nope'?" asked Applejack, bristling slightly "Ya' can't say who Ah can't n' can't date!"

"Ah could ifn' Ah wanted too n' Ah ain't too old Ah can't take ya' cross mah knee fer not lettin' me finish!" declared Granny, feebly banging a hoof against the table "Ah meant 'nope' as in Ah need ta' know more 'bout her! She might be successful n' such but that don't mean donkey spit that she's good 'nough fer mah grandchild!"

"Uh..." said Applejack, a bit dumbfounded as Granny scooted herself off of her chair and stood.

"It's tradition ta' meet the one yer kin is eyin' to be sweet on AJ, n' Ah ain't just lettin' anypony come in sweepin' ya' off yer' feet without meetin' 'em first!"

"Granny, Ah think Ah'm old enough-"

"Nope! If'n yer so serious 'bout this mare then Ah'm meetin' her to see if'n she's really up ta' snuff! So when ya' go back to Cherry Hill Ranch in a few weeks, Ah'm comin' with!" That seemed to be the final word on it as Granny Smith marched out of the kitchen and up the stairs, probably to start getting ready for bed.

"... Ah hope Granny's not like that when Ah decide Ah like someone." said Applebloom, shaking her head a bit as Applejack's head sank into her hooves.

Her next visit with Cherry was going to be... interesting, to say the least.

Author's Note:

Lol, it's fun writing for Granny Smith sometimes. XD