• Published 1st Oct 2017
  • 537 Views, 9 Comments

High Noon At Dodge Junction - Gpizano

The stakes have never been higher for Applejack when a small matter of love turns into an all out showdown at Dodge Junction. Can Applejack get her feelings off her chest? Or will she not only lose Cherry Jubilee but also her life?

  • ...

It's Still Complicated, Darlin'

The gallop back to Dodge Junction would take up the rest of their day, passing a posse lead by the sheriff along the way that would be after the bandits. Unfortunately the smaller stallion Rope Tricks and the mare had gotten free, leaving the big stallion still unconscious and facing the music on his own. Applejack felt a bit smug when the posse came back, she and Cherry had come in that morning to watch them drag the gruff stallion in to the prison, ranting about how he'd give up the ring leader of this operation if they let him go. Of course that wasn't going to happen and he was set in a nice, cozy cell for his troubles.

"Serves 'im right." said Cherry, looking satisfied as she turned back to Applejack and they started trotting away from the jail back towards Cherry Hill Ranch. "Too bad the rest of 'em got away."

"It happens." said Applejack with a small shrug "Doubt they're comin' back though, no way no how with how e'erypony is on lookout." It was a nice piece of drama that could be put behind them and Applejack was looking forward to her next couple of days being drama free.

"Shoot, 'fore Ah forget, Ah wanna stop by n' see Draw Out."

Well, almost drama free. Applejack just gave a nod as they changed course a bit, heading for the doctor's building. It was a simple layout, waiting room up front, beds in the back, enough of a set up to treat most things or to keep a pony hanging on until they could catch the next train to a hospital. Applejack would sit out front as Cherry went to the back, trying to keep herself distracted with what few months old magazines were offered. It was proving less effective as the time ticked by, Applejack glancing to the doorway that lead into the back every now and then.

'What're they talkin' 'bout that's takin' up so much time? Ugh, ya' gotta' stop thinkin' all that and don't you get no fool ideas about sneakin' over n' spyin'!'


'NO! No way! It's n' absolutely scummy thing to do! So you jes' keep yer flank parked missy and-!'

Thankfully she was cut off mid-mental rant by Cherry trotting out, looking perturbed as she just moved past Applejack and out of the clinic. The blonde mare hastily threw aside the magazine in her hooves and followed the older mare out, calling her name to get her to stop. "Cherry! Cherry, what happened?" asked Applejack, catching up and scowling softly "If'n Draw said somethin' ta' you Ah'll-"

"It's nothin' like that Applejack." Cherry said, quickly cutting the other off. She was quiet for a moment before finally saying "We'll talk back home. Ain't the time or place fer' talkin' 'bout it here."

Despite petulantly wanting to push the subject, Applejack resisted giving lip and just nodded, trotting back to Cherry Hill Ranch in silence. It wouldn't be until they were in the kitchen of Cherry's home that the red headed mare spoke up "Draw proposed ta' me." Seeing the look on Applejack's face, she raised a hoof and said "Ah know, Ah know! Ah said no." She was about to go about making some lunch when Applejack placed a hoof on her shoulder, motioning with her head for Cherry to take a seat.

"Said bein' stabbed made him think 'bout things. 'Bout how things would be better if'n we were together again n' how Morello misses me..." Cherry trailed off as she watched the orange mare move about the kitchen, contemplative as Applejack made up some Daisy sandwiches for them with a side of cherry lemonade.

"Sounds like ya' were considerin' it." said Applejack, bringing a plate and glass over to Cherry before fetching her own.

"... Ah honestly was." sighed Cherry, hiding her face against her hooves. "... not all the times were bad, Applejack. Some were right nice n' Ah do miss Morello. But after the way things ended Ah jes' don't think Ah could try e'er bein' with him again. And of all the fool times fer' him to try that." she said, laughing a tad bitterly before giving a sigh. "He ain't been 'round long n' it feels like mah life is all mixed up."

"Ah can't imagine it, but all things considered it's been a wild couple a days." said Applejack, taking a bite of her sandwich since the drama didn't seem to put a dent in her appetite. "Bound ta' mix anypony up after all this."

"True. Sorry it's been stressful, sugar." said the older mare, offering an apologetic smile.

"Don't worry 'bout it none."

"Yer sweet."

"Ah mean it." insisted Applejack "Ah don't mind it, s'long as Ah can help you out."

That earned a small, grateful smile that sent Applejack's heart skipping, the orange mare happy her words seemed to give Cherry some kind of appetite back as she took a sip of cherry lemonade. "Thanks darlin'." was all she said before digging into her daisy sandwich. With a smile and nod in turn, Applejack dug in as well, things tasting just a bit sweeter for a moment.

For the next couple of hours they'd spend their time just relaxing around the manor, Cherry feeling they deserved the time to themselves and just let the farmhands handle the work for the day. Applejack had to admit this was a nice side to see, just the two of them sipping from glasses of cherry lemonade as they enjoyed the warm day, passing the time talking about this and that. Applejack was happy to hear stories about when Cherry tried her own hoof at the rodeo when she was younger, stories of set backs in the orchards that left the years a little lean but how things would work out in the end. Even stories of little accidents like when she was so tired from working she accidentally used salt instead of sugar in a big batch of cherry fritters were fun to hear about.

It was only when the sun was setting did they realize how many hours had gone by but they took the time to appreciate the view as the sky turned into different shades of red, leading into the dark purples of night. "Ah gotta' say, lovely as the day is, Ah love seein' it turnin' to night." sighed Cherry, leaning back in her seat and looking content. "Ah ne'er really appreciated the night 'til Princess Luna came back. She makes the view mighty fine." she said as the first few stars started to come out.

"Can't argue with ya' there." agreed Applejack with a nod, her own seat right next to Cherry's as they watched night overtake the sky slowly but surely. "It's a nice sight."

"More n' nice." said Cherry, not taking her gaze off the sky. "What could be prettier n' what we're seein' now?"


It slipped out without Applejack even thinking. In her state of comfort and contentment, the word had just slipped out, causing Applejack to freeze up in the next moment when her mind caught up with what she'd said. Dark green eyes dared to glance over, catching sight of lime green eyes that were a little wide but returned to normal as a small giggle escaped Cherry. "That's sweet of ya' to say, sugar."

That giggle... normally she'd love it but at that moment she felt it dig into her like a thorn. Cherry was just brushing it off. Applejack's jaw clenched for a moment before she continued "Ah mean it. Yer' more beautiful n' the day or the night, Cherry." She turned to look the other full on now, lime green eyes wide again as Cherry seemed speechless. "Ah... Ah like ya' Cherry, a lot, n' Ah know it's comin' at a bad time maybe-"

"Yer dang right it is!" That made Applejack recoil in her seat, things not quite going how she'd hoped as Cherry bit her lip and looked away. "Applejack Ah... Ah swear if this is some fool prank-"

"It ain't!" was Applejack's quick response, feeling a bit hurt that the other would think that.

"Then ya' were right, it's a bad time to be tellin' me." said Cherry, standing up from her seat before looking to Applejack "Ah... Ah'm sorry. Ah jes' need some time, alright? Between Draw earlier n' now you sayin'... Ah need time ta' think."

The orange mare felt her stomach drop as she watched Cherry trot inside, just sitting there even as the temperature began to lower and a small chill was in the air. Finally she stood and headed in the opposite direction into town. No way could she sleep now... no way could she go back in there. Just needed to clear her head, just needed-

A scream caused her head to snap up, a few other ponies out that night hearing the noise too and galloping with Applejack to the jail. Applejack would be the first on the scene, spotting a shadowy figure limping off down the alleyway. "Hey!" she shouted, charging after the pony, catching them turn around the corner just as she reached halfway and then spotting them turn again between two buildings.

When she made it to the spot, she didn't see anything except a window open and without a second thought she leaped through inside. It was too dark to see anything but Applejack was sure she felt herself bump into a bed. However, the next thing she knew something solid hit the back of her head, causing her to hit the ground and pass out...

Author's Note:

Eh, felt this chapter could of been better but at least I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing.

Hope you guys enjoy!