• Published 27th Feb 2018
  • 1,855 Views, 13 Comments

Geoverse Part Seven: Evil Rising - GeodesicDragon

Geo and Twilight face their biggest challenge yet, in the form of a magic-eating demigod. However, one of them is about to undertake an unexpected journey...

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Part One

Ever since our unexpected promotions to Prince and Princess, Twilight and I had both been wondering what our purpose was. We had spent many a night talking about what our duties would be, aside from Twilight learning how to do 'Princess things' – such as smile and wave – and me bashing out trade agreements.

In public, we performed our duties as expected; behind closed doors, however, we felt like the most useless royals ever to have existed — which is saying a lot considering that Blueblood somehow became a Prince, and he doesn't even do anything.

But then Tirek came along, and began stealing the magic of everypony in Equestria. That bastard Discord was quick to turn traitor and begin helping him, and now Tirek was after alicorn magic. I stood and watched as Celestia, Luna and Cadence imbued Twilight with their combined powers, citing the fact that Tirek was unaware of the existence of a fourth Princess.

In that moment, it became apparent that Twilight was destined to defeat Tirek and send him back to Tartarus where he belonged. But as I watched her trying to get to grips with her new powers, I began to realise... what the hell was I supposed to do?

As Twilight teleported around, trying to control the awesome power she now wielded, I stood around like a spare part, wondering just what part in this saga I was meant to play. As a human, I cannot use magic, so I couldn't help my wife by sharing her burden.

All I could do was... smile and wave.

Twilight eventually got the hang of it and teleported next to me. She saw the solemn look on my face, her own showing concern.

"Geo?" she asked. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, Twi," I replied. "Really."

Twilight narrowed her eyes at me. "Don't lie to me, Mister," she said. "You're worried about something, now what is it?"

I sighed. "I'm just... I don't know what I'm supposed to do. You've got all that magic now, meaning you can easily take care of Tirek, whereas all I've got is this." I stuck both my thumbs up and gave her a half-arsed smile. "I want to help you, Twilight, but I want to do more than just stand on the touchlines and cheer."

Twilight's eyes softened and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Just having you around is all the help I need, Geo," she said. "You, the kids, my friends... having all of you near me will give me a reason to see this through to the end. You, Azure and Evening are the lights of my life, my reasons for living, and what I will be thinking of while I look for the monster who seeks to end us all."

I smiled, genuinely this time, and gave her a hug. "You and the kids mean the world to me, Twi, and I will do anything to protect you. We've faced a lot of crap together, you and I, and we've always come out on top... but I guess this time, I'll have to sit it out and know that you will prevail, just like you always do."

Twilight shook her head. "No," she replied, following it up with a quick kiss on the lips. "We will prevail, just like we always do." She pulled away from me and unfurled her wings, hovering above my head. "Get back to the house and keep the kids entertained while I look for Tirek; he's the size of a house now, so it won't take long."

I nodded and turned around, Twilight's departure kicking up dust around me. Satisfied that all would be well, I began walking home.


Back in Ponyville, I instructed the rest of my friends to get the townsponies to take shelter. I wanted to stick around, but John was quick to tell me to 'get my Princely arse back to the library.'

So, I did; keeping my children safe was my top priority, and I knew that my friends would keep the townsponies safe.


I turned to the source of the voice; Azure and Evening were sitting on the couch, looking just as concerned as I was. I tore myself away from the window and walked over, sitting between the two of them so that I could bring them in for a hug.

"Is mum going to be okay?" Azure asked. "Do you think she will beat up Tirek and save everypony?"

"Of course she will, you big dummy!" Evening replied. "She's as tough as Dad's cooking – no, wait, she's twice as tough – so she'll definitely win!" She glanced at me. "Right, dad?"

I gave her a half-smile in return; I didn't know what to say, but at the same time I didn't want to upset either of them.

"Honestly, sweetheart?" I sighed. "I don't know what will happen. Tirek is a much stronger enemy than your mum has faced, and he has the power he's stolen from everypony in Equestria. I know Twi has all the magic from the Princesses, but I fear even that might not be enough. To tell you the truth... I'm scared."

Azure and Evening both squeezed me as tightly as they could, wincing at the sound of Tirek shouting in the distance. Whatever happened, I could only hope that Twilight would come out on top.

"There's no sense in sitting here worrying," I said. "We need to have hope, and faith in your mum to kick Tirek's sorry butt. What do you think she would say if she was here right now?"

Azure and Evening thought for a moment.

"She'd tell us not to be afraid," Evening replied. "And that harmony would always find a way to triumph over evil."

Azure nodded. "She would also tell us not to worry about her, that she loved us, and that she would come back."

I chuckled. "She'd also tell me to stop fretting so much and make myself useful keeping you two entertained. So, how about I fetch the Monopoly board and we can play a game to take our minds off the epic magical battle that will soon be raging outside?"

"Aww, not Monopoly," Azure grumbled. "The last time we played that, you got mad that mum bought Canterlot Lane before you."

"I wasn't that upset, son," I said.

Evening rolled her eyes. "You threw the board across the room," she muttered. "And then you went off in a huff."

I muttered angrily under my breath. "All right, fine; we won't play Monopoly. What do you want to play instead?"

"Snakes and Ladders!" Azure and Evening said in unison.

I groaned at this but, since I had been outvoted by two to one, I had no choice but to go and fetch the box.


"One, two, three, four... yes, a ladder!" Azure moved his piece with a large grin on his face. "I'm in the lead now!"

"Not for long, little brother." Evening picked up the dice, shook them, blew on them for good measure, and rolled. "Really, a one?!"

"Serves you right." Azure realised what his sister had said. "And we're still twins, Evening; you were just born a minute before me."

"Exactly." Evening stuck her tongue out at him. "I'm still older."

"All right, you two, knock it off." I took the dice from Evening. "It's my turn now, so watch how a professional does it." I threw the dice, landing a six... which led to a snake. "When I said 'a professional,' I meant 'a professional snake slider.'"

Azure picked up the dice, but delayed throwing them so he could look at the window. "I hope mum is okay," he said. "I can't hear what's going on out there; has she found him yet?"

"PRINCESS TWILIGHT!" a loud booming voice cut through the air, startling all of us. "You have something that belongs to me!"

I gulped. "I think it's safe to say that he found her," I replied.

There was a period of silence before I heard Tirek speaking again.

"You're going to give me what I want."

A few seconds later, I heard a pop as Twilight appeared on the outside balcony where she keeps her telescope.

I went to the foot of the stairs. "Twilight?" I shouted. "What the hell is going on out there? Are you all right?!"

Suddenly, Twilight gasped. "GET THE KIDS!" she screamed, grabbing Owlowiscious. "GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! NOW!"

She flew off the balcony, holding Owlowiscious; I ran back into the living room to do what she had asked of me, where I saw the kids packing up the snakes and ladders.

But before I could do anything, I saw a streak of magic heading towards the library. There was no time to get out of the house so, without even thinking, I threw myself over my children.

Soon after, there was an explosion, and everything turned black.


I woke up to a clear blue sky overhead, with birds singing from trees thick with the greenest of leaves. I groaned and shook my head, then looked beneath me to make sure the kids were safe.

I let out a cry of shock upon noticing that they weren't with me.

"Azure?!" I shouted. "Evening?! Where are you?!"

"It's okay, Prince Geo," a voice said. "Your children are perfectly safe." I turned to find myself looking at a human whom I did not recognise. "You, however, did not fare so well."

"I don't understand," I replied. "Who are you? Where am I?"

"My name is Anthony." the other human placed a hand on my shoulder. "And the place you find yourself in... is Paradise."

"Paradise?" I shook my head. "No, because that would mean—"

"I'm afraid it's the horrid truth, Your Highness." Anthony nodded solemnly. "This is the afterlife — and you, my friend..."

"Are dead."