• Published 27th Feb 2018
  • 1,855 Views, 13 Comments

Geoverse Part Seven: Evil Rising - GeodesicDragon

Geo and Twilight face their biggest challenge yet, in the form of a magic-eating demigod. However, one of them is about to undertake an unexpected journey...

  • ...

Part Three

I stood rooted to the spot as I once more watched Tirek's magical attack heading towards me; my life flashed before my eyes again, and time seemed to slow down to a mere crawl. I steeled myself, threw myself over Azure and Evening, and got ready to meet my end, all the while wondering why I was back.

It took me a while to realise that I wasn't merely imagining that time had slowed down, and that it had slowed down.

Seconds before the blast hit the library, the kids and I were all blinded by a flash of purple light; a loud explosion was soon followed by the sound of debris falling to the ground. Unfortunately, Fate decided to mess with me one more time, by way of ensuring that a piece of wood the size of Big Macintosh hit me on the back of the head, rendering me unconscious.



"Huh, wha—?" I opened my eyes and sat up, holding a hand to my head where the wood had hit me. Looking around, I saw that I was in the hospital; Twilight was sitting on a chair next to the bed, while Azure and Evening were both on the bed itself, on either side of my body so as not to disturb me while I was in the Land of Nod. Both of them were also fast asleep, which was nothing new.

"This is a good day indeed." Twilight got off the chair and kissed me. "Tirek has been defeated, and you are finally awake."

"I am so glad to see you, Twi," I replied. "You will not believe the crazy dream I've had. I dreamt I died and went to the afterlife."

"That wasn't a dream." Twilight shook her head. "You did die and go to Paradise, Geo; everything you saw was real."

My eyes widened. "What?!" Now it was my turn to shake my head. "No way, Twilight, that's impossible; it was a dream, it had to be! How could I have died if I am lying on this bed in front of you?!"

Twilight held up a forehoof. "Calm down, and I'll tell you." I rolled my eyes and sighed, then crossed my arms and nodded. "You died, and while I was elated that you had saved the kids, I was devastated to learn that none of you made it out of the library before it exploded. Hearing the cries of our children as they were pulled from the rubble afterwards was the most heart-wrenching thing I have ever had to experience. When we pulled you out, I thought you were unconscious; when Doctor Haywick confirmed the worst..." She looked right at me. "I screamed with such raw power, everypony in Canterlot reported hearing me."

"Your funeral was one befitting royalty, and your friends from all over Equestria gave a eulogy. Even Chancellor Bronzebeak broke down while speaking of how you much of a difference you had made in his life, and gryphons very rarely show emotion as it is."

I brushed away a tear. "But how did you go back?" I asked.

Twilight waved a forehoof at me. "I'm getting to that," she replied. "A few months later, the girls and I found ourselves in a village populated by ponies who all had the same cutie mark. To cut a long story short, the village was being run by a mare named Starlight Glimmer, a unicorn who believed cutie marks to be the cause of many problems. She felt that everypony should be equal, without any special talents to get in their way. In the end, she took the cutie marks of my friends and I; we managed to get them back, but Starlight escaped. A few months later, she showed up in Ponyville, with a scroll she used to send her, myself and Spike back in time to when Rainbow Dash performed the Sonic Rainboom that earned us all our own marks. She succeeded in preventing it from happening, and changed Equestrian history forever. After a lot of back and forth through alternate timelines, I finally managed to convince Starlight to give friendship another try. She accepted, and became my student in the field; she soon went on to save Equestria herself, when Chrysalis and the Changelings returned."

"Two years after your death, we faced a villain called the 'Shadow Pony' after I accidentally brought some of Equestria's greatest heroes back from the past. But you'll soon know all about that; a year later, after the third anniversary, the grief I had been living with finally got to me, and I had a breakdown because I couldn't bear the thought of not having you in my life any more. I hated being alone, but I especially hated all of the 'suitors' who fancied themselves as my next husband, thinking that I would ever want to replace you. So, I got Starlight to cast her time travel spell on me again... only this time, I asked her to make sure that it would be a one-way trip. This way, I could simply 'meld' with my past self; I would still keep all of the memories I had of the years that had passed, however, but I would be able to alter the past without fear of causing a paradox. Starlight wasn't sure at first, but I managed to convince her by explaining that my life wasn't worth living if I didn't have you there to complete it."

Upon hearing this, I made no attempt to wipe tears from my eyes.

"And so, I returned to the past, to that fateful day when Tirek attacked the library," Twilight continued. "Only this time, I used my excess magical power to teleport all of us out of the library: you, me, Owlowiscious and the kids. The Golden Oaks was still destroyed, but I don't care about that; all that matters to me is the fact that you, Azure and Evening are safe." She smiled. "I hope that explains everything; I've made a diagram if you want more details."

She levitated a piece of paper into my hands; sure enough, she had indeed created a small diagram explaining everything.

I put the paper aside and looked at my wife with tears running down my face. "Jeez, Twilight, I... I don't know what to say," I said. "What you've done... it's the most wonderful thing anyone has ever done for me." I reached over and pulled her onto the bed, making sure not to disturb Azure and Evening, and brought her in for the most intense kiss I think I have ever delivered in my life; we finally separated after a minute. "I hope that went some way to showing you just how grateful I am, Twi, because I don't think for a minute I will ever be able to find the right words to tell you."

"Just promise me one thing, though," Twilight said.


"Don't you ever die on me again."

"I promise." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, just as Azure woke up. He looked at his mother with a raised eyebrow, but then he finally saw that I was awake and squealed with glee.

"Daddy!" he clambered over Twilight and wrapped himself around my neck. "You're awake! I'm so happy!" He looked over at his sister, who was still asleep. "Evening, you dope, wake up!"

Evening woke up at once, wondering what the noise was all about; within seconds, she too had latched onto my neck and was squeezing me as hard as she possibly could.

"I missed you so much!" she said. "The doctors were all saying that you were really badly hurt; they thought you'd be 'out of it' for a good while longer, but you sure showed them, huh?"

I ruffled their manes. "I sure did, kids, I sure did." I looked at Twilight. "What happens now?" I asked. "Since the library has been demolished, we're gonna need to find somewhere to live."

"No we won't!" Evening chirped. "We've—"

"Yeah!" Azure interrupted. "We've got a castle now!"

"Aww, no fair!" Evening pouted. "I was gonna tell him!"

"A castle?!" I parroted. "How?"

"Well, you know that box we found when we gave up the Elements of Harmony all those months ago?" Twilight asked, to which I nodded. "Well, as you know, our friends have all faced challenges which tested their element; each of them was given a special item as a result. It turns out those items were the keys we needed, so we used them to open the box, which granted us the power to defeat Tirek. Once he was sent back to Tartarus, the box sank into the ground and grew into a castle... our castle."

"Wow, that's really—" I trailed off. "Hang on a second, you said you needed six keys, but I don't recall you facing a challenge."

"My challenge came during the struggle," Twilight replied. "Tirek inevitably turned on Discord and took his chaos magic; he'd given him a necklace which – he said – belonged to someone close. The necklace belonged to his brother, and actually meant nothing to him; Discord then went on to give it to me, as a way of saying that our friendship actually meant something. The necklace was the last key we needed to open up a can of rainbow power whoop-ass on that magic-stealing, tree crushing, home demolishing sack of—"

"Okay!" I clapped my hands together. "I get it, Twi, thanks."

Twilight blushed. "Oh, right." she giggled. "Sorry. Um, anyway, I'll let Doctor Haywick and the others know you're awake." She levitated Azure and Evening onto her back. "Come on, you two, let's give Daddy some breathing room and get something to eat."

The two of them nodded, waving until they had left the room and were out of sight. I waved back, then threw myself back on the pillows and sighed contentedly.

It's good to be home, I thought. But I think I'd better tone down on the adventure for a while; I've got a promise to keep, after all.

I heard voices outside my door and turned my attention towards it; Doctor Haywick was the first to enter, closely followed by John and the rest of my friends. Their faces lit up upon seeing me, and they crowded around the bed eagerly.

John looked me up and down, then grinned. "How many times have you died?" he asked. "I'm actually getting impressed."

I rolled my eyes, then looked over at Applejack. "That's one thing I didn't miss when I was in Paradise," I said. "Your crap jokes."

John snorted. "Paradise?" he replied. "Geo, mate, you do realise that somepony can only visit Paradise if one, Princess Luna takes them there, or two, they die and end up there anyway?"

"Well I did die, John, so there." I stuck my tongue out at him. "It's actually a rather interesting story if you want to hear it." Everyone nodded. "Right. Well, it all started when I died, of course; I ended up in Paradise, and met that Anthony guy Celestia told us about. Anyway, we had a bit of a chat about stuff, but then I—"

"Then you woke up here in the hospital, having had a really weird dream." Twilight said as she walked in, with the kids still on her back. "Remember, Geo? None of that stuff happened." She narrowed her eyes at me to get her point across.

I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly. "Oh, right," I said. "Sorry, folks, I guess I forgot about it being a dream."

"Wow, Geo, you're right; that was really interesting," Rainbow Dash said sarcastically. "Hey, tell us again about the part where you got knocked the eff out by a big ol' piece of wood."

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight hissed. "Not in front of the kids!"

"Sorry," Dash replied. "Anyway, big guy, we just came by to see that you were all right, and drop off a bunch of 'Get Well Soon' cards and gifts that the townsponies have been asking us to bring. We'll leave you, Twi and the kids in peace." She punched my shoulder gently. "But just you wait until you see your new digs, though, man; you are gonna love them."

"I'm sure I will, Dash." I waved them out. "Anyway, thanks for stopping by, everypony; I really appreciate it."

"No worries, mate," John replied. "See you later!"

They all waved as they left; as soon as the last one – Applejack, who dipped her hat – was out the door, Twilight locked it.

"You cannot tell them about what I did," she said. "The future I saw is still going to happen, but nopony else can know about it; the fact that you and I both know is already bad enough."

"How can you be so sure that the future you saw is still set?" I asked. "Things might be different now that I'm around."

Twilight shook her head. "I merged with my past self, remember? So it stands to reason that I am going to live the same three years all over again, meaning the same things will happen; the only difference this time is that you are alive to see them with me. Using that spell the way I did – to alter the past – is frowned upon — if anypony finds out what I did, then the consequences could be dire."

I made a zipping motion over my mouth. "My lips are sealed."

Twilight smiled. "Thank you so much, Geo, your support means a lot." she leaned in and kissed me. "I love you."

"I love you too, Twilight." I kissed her back. "I love you—"

I was cut off by a sudden commotion coming from the hospital lobby. Twilight and I both looked at each other with concern; just as she was about to investigate, Rainbow Dash burst into the room, taking the door clean off its hinges in the process.

"Guys, come quick!" she shouted. "Applejack's gone into labour!"

With that, she shot off again. Twilight and I exchanged a smile with each other, followed by another kiss, and then she helped me get out of bed so that we could both be there for our friend.

While I hobbled along the corridor, I had time to reflect on the fact that I now knew what the future held in store for me. At the same time, though, I also knew if it wasn't for Twilight...

I wouldn't have a future to look forward to in the first place.

Author's Note:

And so a story that was years in the making - literally - is over within a few minutes. I sincerely hope that it was worth the wait, and that my explanations regarding time travel are somewhat plausible.

Thank you for waiting this long; your support means a lot to me, but now you have to wait another three years for Part Eight to be published. :trollestia:

If you can't read the font I've used for Twilight's diagram, you can click here to see a version which uses Verdana instead of ColdSpaghetti BTN.

Comments ( 9 )

And the Geo-Saga continues

Be very careful with doing a causal loop. If you havent explicitly arranged a Vanderdeckens Children event, you can end up in Hard Reset.

The basement didnt survive? Then again, canon was extremely messy in that set of particulars, given the roots surrounding the basement cellar didnt appear scorched?

Still, any attempt to close up storylines is to be applauded.

Thank you.:twilightsheepish:

So a time travel saving fate spell eh? Have to say, things are going to get pretty crazy, and considering the many times Starlight went back and forward to mess with the past, I wouldn't be surprise if this adventure Twilight did give birth to any other adventure for Geo. Something like.

At that exact moment on the ruins of the human town, a spark of light ignite, a magic tornado comes to life and from its core a figure emerge, the wind dies down and in the middle of all a figure rise. A human with the same face than the prince of friendship. Just as Equestria face of Nightmare in Luna, it will soon will face of Neo! the human with magic!

Or something like that, time travel can have weird and confused consequence, there is a reason what Twilight did was forbidden, now she and Geo will have to face whatever ripple effect they create.

Wow.....we've come such a long long way..... From the first story and now, we will soon be getting an 8th in the future. Amazing.

...You're alive.

Aight, so... am I the ONLY one who thinks Geo looks a little bit like Frank West in the Cover Art? :rainbowlaugh:


Just replace the bulky tie with a bulky camera, and you're set!

... Ironically enough, I can even picture his reaction to looking at a massive, hulking beast being spot-on! Have you covered wars, Geo?! :derpyderp1:

Probably cured with Magic?

SPOILER FOR DEAD RISING 4: Or maybe he doesn't need Zombrex anymore because he, technically, went into some sort of machine that cured him from actually BEING a zombie? ^_^'

This was a Amazing story to read truth be told I would like to see it continued using season's 5 to 9 of MLP:fim as reference

This is a great series i finished reading the saga in the distant future of 2024 and i eagerly await the 8th part of this series not the alternate universe of this series as i only just started reading it as well as the side stories that have been uploaded

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