• Published 8th Oct 2017
  • 2,103 Views, 35 Comments

Rainbow and Rarity's Embarrassing Day - The Dark Wolf

Rainbow Dash and Rarity get super humiliated.

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Comments ( 13 )

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::twilightsheepish: nice work.

I agree with this guy. I adore the subject matter, but god damn are you fucking awful at writing. I realize that a lot of fetish stories get downvoted by assholes who don't like the fetish itself, but you don't have to worry about that; your stories are getting downvoted to hell and back because the writing quality is somehow in the negatives. How somebody can write 42 stories and yet not improve in any meaningful way is almost impressive in how pathetic it is.


I'm doing the best I can and trying to improve. Obviously that's not enough

I think you're being too harsh. Maybe you didn't like the writing, that's perfectly understandable. But saying he hasn't improved at all is proof that you haven't really looked into all his content. I've been reading almost everything he's uploaded, and I definitely believe you're missing some notable improvements in his writing. Of course, it's not perfect, no one's writing is, but whatever flaws you're finding so terrible, I feel you're exaggerating them. The thing that truly is impressive is how you can actually miss the improvements this author has made in his content. Not improving in any meaningful way? Sorry, but you're very wrong there.

Of course it is. Don't let negative comments affect you. I've been in several sites where writing stories is very common, and I'll tell you something: no matter how good you get, there's always someone that's going to criticize you for something. I still believe your stories are good, so don't let this bring you down. I know you have improved a lot since your first stories, and I'm sure you can keep improving even more if you keep trying.

I don't see you doing any better

Wow dude, maybe this wasnt exactly the best fic on the site, and yes the writer does need to improve, but wow. Instead of providing him specific ways to improve youre just being a dick. Thats not helpful at all, and I hope the writer keeps trying to improve just to spite pieces of garbage like yourself.

Maybe, alone of the stories I've written, I should delete this one. It got the harshest comments from people with the fetishes

Ever heard of Evictus? If not, why not go check him out? If you think the writing here is so terrible, it can get much, much worse.

what the FUCK :twilightoops:

I know, my fetish fantasies are pretty weird and disgusting, and I'm thinking about not writing anymore again so as to not associate the characters too deeply with the fetishes.

I don't think you should stop writing all together. I'm just saying this story (and others you made) are a bit of a mind-fuck. Perhaps you can tame it down?

I've tried, but my fantasies are just too hardcore I can never resist playing them to a bigger extent. I'd like to think they're tamer in The Adventures of Smelly Rainbow Dash (plus scat is mostly absent) but I know, especially from Chapter 11 onward, that I mention them too much and make their fetish fuel a HUGE part of their character in the story (hence changing the rating there to Mature). I'm really sorry for freaking you out.

I bet Dirty Rarity, The Extreme Fetish Series, or Extreme Fetish Sirens are other ones on this level.

I hope the wam ones are at least better, my interest in that is platonic unless it's soap/washing or combined with one of my fetishes. (Yes, the Pinkie chapter in that one story gets weird, but she's Pinkie Pie, she's supposed to be weird)

And trust me, I've found my own fantasies to be weird and disgusting for years before I MOSTLY embraced them. The only other way to avoid this war with myself is castration. Which is a last resort, as it's permanent, and I don't think it's necessary at the moment.

Besides, this story was requested.

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