• Published 19th Oct 2017
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An Honorary Father's Love for His Honorary Daughters - Creativa-Artly01

Thrilled to have Starswirl, their mentor and honorary father back from Limbo has the royal sisters thrilled, and they tell him everything that he missed while he was away.

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Chapter 1-Tell Me Everything

A few weeks after his return from Limbo, Starswirl comes to Canterlot to visit the royal sisters for the first time in a very long time. "Hey Celi, hey Luna," says Starswirl as he stands in the door.

"Hello, Starswirl!" reply the sisters as they hop from their thrones and fly into his arms. "It's so good to see you."

Starswirl embraces them in a hug. "It's good to see you, too. Now, tell me everything about your lives that I missed while I was away in Limbo."

"Gladly!" squeals Luna.

"Sure, we'd love too," agrees Celestia.

"Well," says Luna, "I will say this. Be glad you didn't see me at my worst. I was a monster when I was Nightmare Moon." She rubs her hoof up and down with her other hoof nervously.

"We all make mistakes, sweetie," says Starswirl as he comes over and takes Luna into his lap and begins to stroke her mane just like he did all those years ago when she was just a filly.

"We then faced several more villains after that: Discord, Tirek, Chrysalis and the changelings. It was always an uphill battle," adds Celestia.

"We also had a special day named in your honor while you were away. The first weekend before Nightmare Night is dubbed Starswirl the Bearded Day," adds Luna. "It will now remain a holiday even after your return."

"And for that, I am honored," replies Starswirl. "I'm glad you look up to me like that."

"Well, you're like a father to us, the only real father figure we ever had," reply the sisters. Celestia comes over and gives him and her sister a great big group hug.

"I'm glad you see me that way," replies Starswirl. "What else did I miss?"

"The coronation of two new princesses and the birth of the first alicorn in Equestria," replies Celestia.

"What are the names of these three princesses?" responds Starswirl.

"You met Twilight, she helped free you. Then there's Cadence and her daughter, Flurry Heart," replies Celestia.

"Oh yes, I remember Twilight. She is my biggest fangirl," Starswirl responds as he semi-rolls his eyes.

The three then get up and go to the old library wing that has all his spells. Once in the room, Starswirl looks around wide-eyed. "You kept all my spells, after all these years!" he says.

"Yes, they were the only part of you we had left. We thought you were dead for all those years until Twilight gave us a glimmer of hope that you might still be alive in Limbo," responds Celestia. Starswirl then uses his magic to pick up an old dusty book off an old table. He then blows off the dust and reads the title.

"Journal of the Two Sisters?" he says curiously. "How did your journal of our time together fall into disrepair?"

"I guess I just forgot about it after Luna's banishment," replies Celestia as she rubs her neck with her hoof. "I'd come in here and read it when I was sad but that was really it."

The three then leave the room in the library and go outside and into the gardens. In the gardens, Luna rushes onto their old childhood swing and sits down and Starswirl gladly goes over and begins to push her causing her to giggle and laugh. Celestia just smiles. "Luna missed you most of all," sighs Celestia.

"I can tell," replies Starswirl. "I missed both of you so much. When I left, Luna was still little. My! How she's grown!"

"Indeed," replies Celestia.

The three stay in the garden for hours, Luna and Celestia taking turns on the swing with Starswirl gladly pushing both of them on it just like old times. He can't help but agree that he's glad to be back. He's glad to see how much they've grown. He still remembers the first time the three of them met. After three more hours in the garden, the three head off to the royal dining room for dinner. The three continue to catch up over dinner. They are glad to add so much joy back into each other's lives.