• Published 19th Oct 2017
  • 949 Views, 2 Comments

An Honorary Father's Love for His Honorary Daughters - Creativa-Artly01

Thrilled to have Starswirl, their mentor and honorary father back from Limbo has the royal sisters thrilled, and they tell him everything that he missed while he was away.

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Chapter 4-The Talk

The next morning, both Celestia and Starswirl are up with the sun. As she raises the sun, he can't help but smile. "My, you've gotten better, Tia!" says Starswirl.

"Thanks," replies Celestia as she turns to face him. "But I have something to ask? It's been eating away at my heart lately."

"Sure, what is it, my child?" asks Starswirl.

"Are you glad to be back in Equestria? Are you glad to be out of Limbo? Are you glad to be here with us?"

"Of course I am, why would you think otherwise?" replies Starswirl.

"I don't know," replies Celestia as she rubs her hoof with her other one. "I just thought you looked sad at dinner last night."

"I was sad but not because I wasn't glad to be back. I was sad because I missed seeing you and your sister grow up," replies Starswirl as he embraces her in a hug. "Now, how about some of your amazing pancakes?"

"Of course, let's go to the kitchen," replies Celestia. The two head off towards the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen, Starswirl watches as Celestia mixes a nice blueberry pancake batter that she then gets going on the skillet. As they begin to cook, she flips them over onto their other side. She then repeats this for the rest of the batter. Once all the pancakes are done, she stacks five then tops them with faces made out of blueberries, bananas, and whipped cream. She then smiles as she takes out the three plates and places them in front of herself, Starswirl, and the now awake Luna.

"Oh, joy! Breakfast time!" exclaims Luna. She then begins to dive into the pancakes along with her sister and Starswirl. Celestia is glad that the three of them get to share a nice breakfast together for the first time in what seems like forever. As they eat their pancakes, they can't help but smile. They can all agree that Celestia definitely is the best chef in the entire castle which makes Celestia smile and blush. She's so glad they like her baking.