• Published 3rd Nov 2017
  • 2,143 Views, 32 Comments

MLP: Carrie - efug25g

A shy unicorn named Carrie White is suffering from a misunderstood life in the School of Gifted Unicorns. When Princess Twilight Sparkle heard about the incidents that Carrie is suffering from she decides to takes action.

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Margaret's Final Conviction

The moment Twilight, Spike, and Carrie entered the Castle of Friendship, Twilight took the bloodied unicorn to the bathroom, while Spike gathered some soap, shampoo, a brush, and a towel from the Castle's Storage Area. Unbeknownst to the two ponies and the little dragon, Margaret infiltrated the Castle and hid somewhere deep within the hallways.

"Just you wait, Carrie." Margaret muttered to herself. "As soon as you're alone, I'll put you out of your misery, forever."

When Carrie started bathing in the tub with warm water caressing her body, Twilight help scrub all over her fur coat to rinse all of the bloodstains off her body with shampoo and a brush. After several minutes of scrubbing, all of the pig's blood finally came off of Carrie's coat. As soon as Carrie got out of the bathtub, Spike picked up one of the towels and wiped all the wetness off her fur coat. While Carrie was being escorted back to her bedroom with Twilight, she still was crying in silent. Despite this however, Twilight still continue to embrace Carrie in her hooves, her that everything is going to be okay at the Court tomorrow morning. As Twilight left Carrie in her room, she and Spike went back to their other room, using her magic to turn off all the lights in her Castle. But for Margaret, she snuck her way through the guest rooms in utter darkness, trying to find Carrie, while carrying her knife around.

Back at Twilight's room, Spike went to sleep on his bed right next to Twilight's bed. As Spike slept the night away, Twilight used her ink quill to write her latest report on her journal about everything that happened since this night.

"Man, that was a very long, terrifying night me and my friends ever had!!!" Twilight said to herself while writing in her journal. "I'm sure everything will settle down, once we pass on the sentences to Chris and her thugs, as well as giving Carrie a fair sentence at the trial."

For Twilight's pet, Owlicisous, he started to sense something ominous from within Twilight's Castle. With it's blinking in alarm, he flew off its perch and went to investigate the strange presence lurking in the shadows.

During the time Twilight was writing her notes in her room, Carrie couldn't stop shaking at everything that happened since during the Gala. She could not believe to herself on what she almost became. Carrie felt that because she caused so much destruction at the Canterlot Palace and that she's expecting herself to be presented at court for murder, Carrie is starting to feel very afraid that the Royal Sisters, Element Bearers, and Twilight Sparkle will not forgive her that easily; Not after they deal with Chris Hargensen for her crimes. Carrie also feared that if she was deemed guilty at the trial, they might do something harsh to her, such as being sent to live the rest of her life at Tartarus, banishment from Equestria, or be sent towards public execution at Canterlot. Whatever punishment they would give her, Carrie felt that her entire life will be ruined forever, no thanks to Chris Hargensen. As Carrie looked out towards the window, she could not imagine on how will Ms. Rita, Sue Snell, and Tommy Ross would think of her right now after that terrible incident back at Canterlot. They might not forgive her either since they almost got hurt during the Gala. In her mind, Carrie blamed Chris for everything that she did to her, since on the very first day that she attended Celestia's School. Hopefully, Twilight and her friends will find a way to help Carrie avoid her sentences at the trial. But before Carrie went to sleep, she heard some footsteps and scratching on the walls in the castle hallways coming from outside of her room. Little did Carrie know, that some pony is out there still trying to get her.

"T-Twilight, is that you?!" Carrie asked, while shivering in fear.

After a few minutes of silence, a sinister voice spoke from outside Carrie's bedroom.

"No, it's not my dear." The dark voice spoke in a creepy tone. "It's time to face your judgement for all the sins you have caused while you and that wretched Princess left me to rot in that Mental Institution!!!"

Upon hearing what the dark voice just said, Carrie's face fell totally blank, realizing that her zealous mother Margaret White is here, prowling around in Twilight's Castle in the middle of the night. The moment she saw the shadow of a blade emerge from underneath the door, Carrie immediately went to find a safe place to hide away from Margaret. After making a few loud bangs on the door, Margaret finally kicked the door down with her hooves, while her holding the butcher knife with her teeth. As Margaret looked around the bedroom, she wasn't able to find Carrie anywhere. Unknown to Margaret, Carrie was hiding inside the closet while holding her breath with her hooves. Just when Margaret was about to leave, she spotted a little fold on the floor rug pointing straight at the closet.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!!!" Margaret hissed as she walked towards the closet with holding her knife with her right hoof as the blade glistening in the moon light.

The moment Margaret White opened up the closet with her magic, Carrie unleashed a shield spell from her horn, shoving Margaret away from where she was and crashed into the side of the bed. The moment Margaret felt dazed, Carrie makes a run for it out of her bedroom and into the hallway.

"Come back here, you little demon!!!" Margaret snarled as she got up on her hooves and drew out her butcher knife from her sheath. "You can't escape your fate; you will die for all of your sins, Carrie!!!"

As Margaret chased Carrie down the hallways, the raging elder unicorn started shooting out magic spells at her daughter, with Carrie casting a shield barrier behind her back to ward off Margaret's attacks. Margaret teleported herself in front of Carrie and swiped her butcher knife at the frightened unicorn. As Carrie backed away from Margaret, she screamed out loud.

Back at Twilight's room, after she finished writing in her journal about her recent report, Twilight heard screaming echoing throughout her Castle hallways, alerting her and Spike immediately. At the same time, Twilight's pet Owlicisous came bursting into the room, screeching and chirping in fright, as if he's trying to tell Twilight and Spike that something bad is happening to Carrie.

"Sweet Celestia, w-what was that noise??" Spike shrieked as he woke up from his sleep, hearing the startling noise.

"I don't know!!!" Twilight spoke in an alarmed tone. "But I think some pony is after Carrie again!!! Spike, go raise the alarm, NOW!!!"

"I'm on it!!!" Spike responded as he immediately got up from his bed and activated the alarm.

As the silent, buzzing alarm went off, Twilight stormed out of her bedroom to find the source of Carrie screams, with her pet owl following her from behind.

"Hang on, Carrie!!" Twilight muttered to herself as she lit her horn up to illuminate the dark hallways. "I'm coming!!!"

Meanwhile, back at the other side of the dark hallways of Twilight's Castle, Carrie ran all the way to the end of the hallway and went inside another guest room. Before she could find another place to hide, Margaret blasted her way into the room that Carrie is in, cornering the frighten unicorn at the back of the window facing the doorway where the crazy unicorn lady is.

"NO!! P-Please, don't hurt me!!!" Carrie pleaded with her mother.

"It's too late, you little she-devil!!!" Margaret hissed as she raised her blade above her head. "SAY YOUR BUCKING PRAYERS, GIRL!!!!!"

Before Margaret could stab Carrie with her butcher knife, Carrie used her magic to shield herself from Margaret's attack. In just less than a second, Carrie shoved Margaret away from her and hurled several objects from the wardrobe nearby. However, Margaret used her magic to blast away every object heading straight for her. After every object was pushed aside from Margaret, she sees Carrie teleported herself right behind her before Carrie made another run for it. As the chase continues throughout the castle hallways, Carrie eventually lead her rampaging mother down to the kitchen and grabbed an nearby spatula. The moment Margaret entered the kitchen, she was met with a whack in the face by Carrie's spatula. Unfortunately, before Carrie could run out of the kitchen, she felt her right hind leg being grabbed by Margaret's magic. Carrie started screaming again as she felt her mother dragging her through the kitchen floor.

"You think you can escape from me, just because they let you live in this wretched Castle, do you?!!!" Margaret sneered as she drew out her butcher knife again. "It's time to end this, she-devil."

Just as soon as she was about to stab Carrie with her butcher knife, Margaret felt a shockwave of magic hitting her in the chest. Before Margaret knew what was going on, Twilight Sparkle appeared from the darkness and used her magic to push her away from Carrie. Just like that, Margaret crashed into a nearby cupboard and fell flat on the kitchen floor. As Twilight helped Carrie up on hooves again, they see Margaret draw out two knifes with her magic.

"So, Princess Twilight, are you here to finish off where we started from?!!!" Margaret snarled as she is preparing herself to lunged at the purple alicorn and the peach unicorn.

"Why don't you go pick on some pony your own size?!" Twilight growled as she charged up her horn with her magic. "Actually, screw that!! If it's a fight you what, it'll be fight that you'll get, Margaret White!!!"

As Margaret charged forward, Twilight lunged at the crazy unicorn with a surge of magic surrounding her purple body. In an instant, both the old unicorn and the purple alicorn clashed into each other, with various kitchen utensils, pots, pans, and glasswares flying all over the place. After battering each other with their spells and sharp objects, the two ponies jumped on each other, trading blows with their hoofs, until they took their fight all the way to the main foyer, with Carrie following from behind. Upon seeing Twilight fend off her evil mother with such daring intentions and fighting her battles for her, Carrie could not help but think of Twilight as part of her family than Margaret White. In fact, it became clear to her that Carrie made the right decision to have Twilight let her live in this Castle with her. Unlike Margaret, Twilight was able to show how a true family member takes care of others and looks out for them. Just when Twilight gained the upper hand, however, Carrie spotted something that caught her attention in which made her eyes widened with horror. Suddenly, when Twilight pinned her down onto the shinning floors, Margaret drew out another knife from underneath her cloak and made a sneak attack by stabbing Twilight in her side. Upon feeling the knife piercing her flesh, Twilight gasped in pain as she hit the ground on her right.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Carrie screamed out loud as she charged straight at her mother without hesitation.

Before Margaret could see what was coming, Carrie immediately swiped the knife away from her mother, slammed her right hoof across her face and damaged Margaret's cheekbone, and rammed her horn straight into her mother's chin with her horn piercing right through her skull. The moment she felt Carrie's horn piercing her skull, Margaret let out a deathly, choking gurgle as blood started spilling out from her mouth and skull, with her eyes widened in a blank stare. As Carrie pulled her horn out from her mother's head, she blasted Margaret away with her magic, slamming her mother's corpse into the palace doors. Upon impact, the doors were forced them widen open, with Margaret's corpse hitting the grassy fields outside of Twilight's Castle.

The moment she turned around, Carrie sees Twilight bleeding in her side while lying on the ground going in and out of consciousness. As soon as Carrie went over to Twilight, she sees the purple alicorn slowly closing her eyes while clutching her bleeding wound. Much to Carrie's horror, Twilight fell unconscious and bleeding to death.

"No! No! No!! Twilight, please hang on!!!" Carrie wailed as she let her tears come out of her eyes. "SOMEPONY, HELP ME!!!!!!!!"

Just when Carrie started wailing out loud for help, several guard ponies, Spike, and the Mane 5 appeared only to see Twilight Sparkle badly injured from a critical stab wound. As soon as the medical team arrived, along with an escort of Pegasus guards, they immediately took Twilight to the Hospital in Canterlot to be treated of her injuries. However, the rest of the Mane 5, Spike, and Carrie could not help but worry a whole lot when seeing Twilight suffering from a deep wound. For Carrie, she started crying in her hooves again, fearing that the very same pony that treated her like a sister is walking on a thin line between life and death. As for Margaret's corpse, they put it inside a body bag and took it to the morgue. With Carrie seeing Twilight get hauled off to the hospital, the rest of the Mane 5 comforted her and told her that Twilight will hopefully be okay.