• Published 3rd Nov 2017
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MLP: Carrie - efug25g

A shy unicorn named Carrie White is suffering from a misunderstood life in the School of Gifted Unicorns. When Princess Twilight Sparkle heard about the incidents that Carrie is suffering from she decides to takes action.

  • ...

First Days in Ponyville

Back at Canterlot, on the next day after the locker room incident, Princess Celestia ordered one of the best PE teachers at the School for Gifted Unicorns to have the every female unicorn that was in the locker room line up outside onto the exercise field. As soon as every unicorn was out onto the field, an elder unicorn appeared before them. She was none other than Ms. Rita. She had a red fur coat with the green mane and tail. Rita bears the cutie mark of a white soccer ball. Upon standing in front of the female unicorn PE students, Rita makes her announcement without hesitation.

"All ladies. Listen up and listen good." Rita shouted at the top of her lungs. "Princess Celestia had a talk with me about the incident that you insensitive little whores have caused in front of Carrie. She's not a doll that you could screw around with; SHE'S A PONY WHO HAS FEELINGS JUST LIKE THE REST OF YOU BRAINLESS LOT!!!"

Upon hearing Rita's angry shouting, the rest of the females unicorns started at her in shock. Others started looking at each other for a couple of seconds before they faced Rita again. Upon realizing what they had done, the entire crowd remained speechless, afraid of what kind of punishment will Rita throw at them. Before any pony could say another word, Rita continues her speech in front of the crowd.

"I was contemplating on having all of you worthless maggots suspended from this Faust-Forsaken school and banned from the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala." Rita said in anger. "However, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna went over these punishments with me and they suggested for me to have you all spend one-week of detention in this gym resorting to boot-camp style exercises. So, unless you all follow through this one-week of exercise, you will be banned from the Gala until next year. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!!!!"

"YES MA'AM!!!" The entire unicorn crowd responded, not wanting to enrage her any further.

"GOOD. NOW GET YOUR FLANKS UP ON THE TRACK!!!" Rita said as she shouted orders to the female unicorns. "You all owe me twelve laps around the field. GO!!!"

First week; Day 1

At the Train Station in Ponyville, Twilight and Carrie have both arrived. When they both got off the train, Twilight's guards helped carry Carrie's luggage all the way to Twilight's Castle. Upon arriving at the Castle of Friendship, Carrie could not help but see so many gorgeous features all around Twilight's domain. It was a giant crystalized tree with a purple house with golden rooftops way up above the top floor of the castle. At the entrance, there is 2 huge golden doors with a golden staircase in front of it. On both sides of the door, there are purple windows. Up above the left side of the Castle, Carrie sees a golden flag post and on it there is a purple flag that displays Twilight's Cutie Mark. At the top of the purple house, there is a huge light-blue crystalized star behind the castle tower in the middle. Upon seeing all of this, Carrie stood there awestruck by such beautiful Castle designs.

"Wow, Twilight. Is this where you live?" Carrie asked while still in shock. "It's so beautiful."

"That's right, Carrie." Twilight chuckled with a smile on her face. "A true princess is not without a good castle. Ever since me and my friends defeated Tirek, this Castle was established for me by a magical lockbox that was located in the Everfree Forest, right where the Tree of Harmony was at. It's got more than 50 guest bedrooms, a library, a kitchen, a map room, a top floor pool, and a dinning area. So please, make yourself at home and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or Spike."

"Who's Spike?" Carrie asked nervously.

"He's a young dragon that I raised ever since I started attending Princess Celestia's school." Twilight answered. "He's my first friend and my number one assistant. I was the only one who treated him like he was my little brother."

"He's a dragon???" Carrie shrieked.

"Yes, but try not to get the wrong idea. Spike was already well-adapted to living in Ponyville and in Canterlot with me." Twilight acknowledged. "The guards will help you store your stuff inside one of the Castle's guest bedrooms. I'll introduce you to my other friends in Ponyville later on."

"T-Thank you, Princess." Carrie said as she smiled weakly.

"Oh and by the way, you don't really have to call me 'Princess' if you don't want to." Twilight suggested. "Just call me Twilight; I feel more comfortable in not being addressed formally by my friends too often."

"O-Okay, Twilight." Carrie responded as she lets herself inside the castle, with Twilight's guards following her while carrying her luggage.

As Carrie went inside the castle, along with her escort guards, Princess Celestia appeared right next to Twilight. The moment Twilight turned around to face her former mentor, Celestia stared at her with one of her eyebrows lifting up above her eye out of curiosity. Before Twilight could say anything, Celestia asked first about what happened since yesterday.

"I just received word that you arrested and locked up Carrie's mother in Ponycadero yesterday." Celestia explained in a suspicious tone. "Do you want to tell me why?"

"I did asked for her approval if I can let Carrie stay with me for awhile but she just flipped out in an instant." Twilight explained. "Before I even knew it, Margaret just assaulted me and the Royal guards. You should see the look on her face when she gave us quiet a scare. Three royal guards were sent to the hospital to be treated of their minor injuries after they locked Margaret up."

"Well, I guess it seems that Margaret went way beyond our control. I'm glad you were able to put her down, just to ensure Carrie's safety." Princess Celestia. "I was just asking because I was trying to make sure that you're alright. Truthfully, I was having serious doubts about her when I first met her on the very same day that she first attended my School at Canterlot."

"You mean Margaret White was...." Twilight asked before Celestia interrupted her speech.

"When I first met her, even before you were born Twilight, she did showed herself to be a normal young unicorn who was harmless, or so I thought." Celestia explained. "During the years of her semester, I did noticed that she had small cuts all over her body with a few strands of her mane pulled out of her head. The rest of her classmates were getting pretty scared of her. One day, after I caught her crucifying one of the students in this one classroom, I had no choice but to expel her from the school for displaying such dangerous behavior in the public. When she was a little filly, she used to live in the countryside of Appleloosa and attended church there every week. For her parents, she was despised by her mother and father after accusing them for their sins with extreme prejudice. When she turned into her mid-30's, I heard screaming and ranting coming from her house back in Canterlot. I tried to help her, but she eventually turned me away, believing in the name of Faust that she can still take care of herself. A couple of years later after you were born, she gave birth to Carrie, right after her husband left her. During the time she raised her daughter, Margaret became even more zealously forceful than ever. Sometimes, when I take strolls around the city streets of Canterlot, I see her through the windows of her house, dragging and chastising her daughter Carrie all over the place due to reasons that I don't understand. Just when I was about to enter her house, Margaret used her magic to form a huge barrier around it, preventing all means of access, and warned me that 'If you ever set hoof in my house again, I'll crucify you and make you bleed to death!!!' Upon hearing this, my face turned pale and I just stood there scared not knowing what to do."

"Why didn't you do anything about it when you still had the chance, even before I was born??" Twilight asked the sun princess. "She almost strangled me to death when I first met her, as if she thought I was going to kidnap Carrie."

"She was scaring me, the same way Nightmare Moon scared the living vibes out of me. I thought she was just a messed-up mother of a unicorn that needs to calm down. So, I gave her a week or two to see if she was able to come to her senses." Celestia explained to Twilight. "Well, I guess it's like what you said. You arrested her for assaulting you and the Royal guards. I should've dealt with Margaret sooner before you came in, but no, it was already too late."

"I do wonder what they'll do to Margaret in Ponycadero?" Twilight asked to herself.

"Well, one can only hope my dear. I'll be heading back to Canterlot." Princess Celestia announced as she unfurled her white wings. "I'll report back to you to check up on how Carrie is doing while visiting Ponyville. For now, just do your best to keep her safe."

"Understood, Princess Celestia." Twilight acknowledge as she sees her mentor flying up into the clear, blue sky before disappearing from plain sight.

Back at the School of Gifted Unicorns, Ms. Rita ordered the students to conduct several more exercises, ranging from push-ups with their hooves to one hour of relay races in three repetitions. Just when every pony was cooperating, Chris Hargensen, who was doing 20 more laps along with the rest of the students and Sue, finally snapped.

"I can't take much more of this. Why would any pony want to help Carrie anyway?? She's nothing more than a worthless little whore." Chris muttered to herself while running with Sue. "I'm going to give that Rita piece of my mind!!!"

"Chris, don't do it. You'll be facing more bigger punishments if you do." Sue protested as she lit up her horn.

"You wanna bet, Sue?" Chris snarled as she turned towards the light-brown unicorn with hostility in her eyes.

After a few minutes of silence, Sue could feel the horror crawling up in her spine and backed away from the hostile unicorn mare. Chris turned her face away from Sue and faced Rita. Behind Chris, the rest of the students stopped running and stared at Chris in horror. As soon as Chris got closer to Rita, Chris started issuing verbal threats right behind her back. Suddenly without warning, Rita smacked Chris across the face, enraging the unicorn even more.

"WHY YOU.....!!!" Chris roared as she lit up her horn and was about to use her magic on her PE Teacher.

Unfortunately, by the time Chris fired her magic at Rita, the light-brown unicorn reacted by casting a red shield barrier to block Chris' magic. Before Chris could do anything else, she was met by a powerful shockwave that Rita unleashed from her horn and is sent crashing into the bleachers. As soon as Chris got up on her hooves, Rita teleported herself in front of her face and lifted her up above from where Rita was standing with her hooves.

"YOU WANT MORE? YOU WANT MORE? HUH??!!" Rita shouted at the top of her lungs before throwing her to the ground in anger. After a few minutes of silence, Chris shook her head in fearing for her life. Before she knew it, Rita makes her speech towards Chris out of anger and frustration.

"Chris Hargensen, you are hear by banned from the Grand Galloping Gala until next year. NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!!!"

Without giving it another thought, Chris got up on her hooves again and grabbed her bags with her magic before leaving the area but not before she gave Rita an evil smirk while making her last speech in front of her face.

"This isn't over, Ms. Rita." Chris snarled at the PE Teacher. "IT'S NOT OVER!!!"

As Chris stormed her way out of the school temporarily defeated by Rita, the rest of the unicorn students went back to their boot-camp exercise routine, along with Sue Snell.

"I never like Chris' greedy ambitions." Sue muttered to herself as she went back to continue with her laps around the track. "I just hope Princess Twilight is able to do better with Carrie at Ponyville."

Meanwhile, back at Twilight's Castle in Ponyville, Carrie was able to unload her luggage and set everything up in her guest room. Her new room up on the second floor of Twilight's Castle, which is near the grand staircase in the main foyer. As soon as she is done, Carrie laid on top of her bed facing the ceiling from above, with her arms and legs spread out wide. After resting for a couple of minutes, Carrie starts to wonder what will it be like living someplace else, way from the other areas where her bad memories took place at. Just when she was about to fall asleep, Carrie hears a knock coming from outside of her bedroom. The moment she used her magic to open the door, a little baby dragon appears before Carrie. The dragon had purple and green scales. He only appears to be a few feet shorter than an average pony. Upon seeing the little dragon, Carrie couldn't help but see such an adorable creature like him. Before Carrie could say anything, the little dragon approached her holding a small tray of food for her to eat.

"Hello. My name is Spike." The dragon said as he introduced himself. "Twilight told me that you're going to be staying in our Castle for quiet some time. Carrie White, isn't it?! Well, you're going to love living in Ponyville with us because it won't matter what kind of pony or creature we meet, we'll always find solutions to make peace than rather war with them. Here, I've brought something for you eat."

"T-Thank you, Spike." Carrie said as she used her magic to lift the tray close to her while eating the food that Spike gave her. "So, is there any pony else that you and Twilight would want me to meet?"

"Why, yes." Spike answered in a positive tone. "They're all waiting for you outside of the Castle entrance."

After Carrie finished eating, she put the tray away and walked down to the main foyer with Spike. As soon as she came down the stairs, Twilight appeared in front of her with a smile on her face. Not a moment too soon, Twilight and Spike led Carrie at the main entrance, only for her to greet five more ponies. Unlike back in Canterlot, Carrie notices that not every pony is actually a unicorn. The only unicorn out of the five ponies is none other than the white unicorn fashionista. She had lovely, blue eyes and a purple mane and tail, bearing the cutie mark of three shiny diamonds. On her right, there is an female orange farm pony with the blond mane and tail, tied with a red braid, that bears the cutie mark of three bright red apples. The farm pony is wearing a cowboy hat on top of her head. Next to the farm pony, there is a hyperactive pink pony that enjoys jumping up and down. She has a pink body and mane, who also bears the cutie mark of three balloons. On the right of the pink pony, there are two female pegasus. One happens to be a yellow mare with the pink mane and tail that bears the cutie mark of three butterflies and the other is a light-blue mare than has a rainbow mane and tail that bears the cutie mark of white cloud with a rainbow-like lighting bolt. Upon seeing all five ponies smiling at her, Carrie starts getting nervous and immediately cowers behind Twilight's back.

"Come on, Carrie. They're not really bad ponies." Twilight spoke to the frightened unicorn before introducing her to the Mane 5. "From left to right, this is Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. I've known them for a very long time and that they never hesitate in helping other ponies out."

"B-But, there's so many of them. I-I don't w-where to start!!!" Carrie stammered while freaking out.

"Man, this poor young sugar cube is ah thousand times more scared than ah young chicken!!" Applejack muttered.

"OOOoooooooo!!!" Pinkie exclaimed as her eyes bugged out from her face out of curiosity. "Looks like some pony needs to have a cheer-up party!!!"

"So Twi, what's her story?" Rainbow Dash asked the purple alicorn.

"Well, from the account of her background at the School of Gifted Unicorns of Canterlot, it's my understanding that Carrie had a bad history of violent abuse, bullying, and humiliation in front of her classmates." Twilight explained. "What's worse is that, her mother cannot help her at all."

"Why not, darling?" Rarity asked. "I thought for sure that she had parents that could support her like we do, right?"

"Maybe for us Rarity, but not for her. You see, Carrie's mother, Margaret White, happens to be a religious fanatic that was forcing her daughter to repent from her sins, every single day, like buck am I ever going to believe that!!!" Twilight said as she answered Rarity's question, followed by a grunt. "And her father was never there with her during the time that Carrie suffering against her own will."

Upon hearing what Twilight just said, the entire Mane 5 all gasped in horror upon realizing how hurt Carrie was. After a few minutes of silence, Applejack finally stepped in.

"Whoa, neilly. Ah bet she had a horrendous bucket of mental, scary habits that were never cooled off for even da slightest." Applejack exclaimed in shock. "She must've had a really bad family to start off with, ah?!"

"You got that right, Applejack." Twilight acknowledged. "You guys should've seen it. That crazy lady unicorn almost took it out on me and the royal guards."

"So, what did you do, exactly?" Fluttershy asked in a soft-spoken tone.

"I arrested Margaret White for her immediate assault and locked her up in the Ponycadero Mental Institution." Twilight said as she spoke to Fluttershy. "This may be a very harsh thing to do, but it's the only way to make sure Carrie's mother doesn't interfere with her daughter's rehabilitation in Ponyville."

After hearing their conversation, Carrie reluctantly came out from behind Twilight and introduced herself to the group.

"I'm wondering, how did you guys able to live here happily without suffering??" Carrie asked nervously.

"Well, sugarcube. We were able to gain a good reputation here by pursuing our dreams to fulfill our destinies." Applejack said.

"L-Like what??" Carrie asked while still nervous around Applejack.

Before any pony could say anything, Applejack stared at Carrie while she raised her eye brow up above her left right eye, followed by a smug on her face before answering Carrie's question with a song.

I'm serious, silly, and stern. My glaring could hurdle cattle.
And violence wise, my hooves are not the cleanest.
But despite my roughneck look, and my freckles, and my hat,
I've always yearned to be an Apple Farmer
Can't you see me bucking apples from the trees,
Knocking them into the buckets till they pile
Yes, I'd rather be called kicker for my strength shows true harvest
'Cause way down deep inside, I've got a dream

Before Carrie could understand what's going on, she sees Twilight and the rest of her friends lifting themselves up and down with their heads as they started singing along.

She's got a dream, She's got a dream

See, I ain't as hard and rough as I seem
Though, I do like breaking wood,
You can count me with the dreamers
Like every pony else, I've got a dream

As the Mane 6 started making a joyful choir, a strange creature appeared behind Fluttershy, much to Carrie's fright. However, Fluttershy told her that it's alright because the creature happens to be none other than a draconneques named Discord who's also her "Best Friend For Eternity Times Two." As Discord joined in the melody, he adds his singing voice along with the rest of Twilight's friends.

I've got scales and feathers and fur
Plus something here that oozes
And let's not even mention my complexion
Despite my different horns, my goatee, and my tail
I really want to make a love connection

During his singing, Discord used his magic to summon a rowboat, with him and Fluttershy riding in it. Without further a due, Discord summoned an oar to paddle with as he and Fluttershy rowed down through the grassy fields.

Can't you see me with a special little mare,
Rowing in a rowboat down the stream
Though I'm one freaky blighter,
I'm a lover, not a fighter
'Cause way down deep inside, I've got a dream

As Discord lifted Fluttershy above his head, the yellow pegasus unfurled her wings and flew in a circle above the Mane 5.

I've got a dream (He's got a dream)
I've got a dream (He's got a dream)
And I know one day romance will weigh supreme
Though my face leaves ponies screaming,
There's a filly behind it dreaming,
Like every pony else, I've got a dream

Lily would like to quit and be a florist
Rarity does fashion designs
Rainbow is into Wonderbolts
Pinkie's cakes are sublime
Derpy delivers
Vinyl scratches
Claude does little puppet shows
And Fluttershy raises animals

"Well, what about Spike?" Carrie asked Twilight. "What's his dream??"

"Heh. Heh. Heh." Spike snickered before he starts singing. "Well Carrie, now that you mentioned it, it goes on like this:"

I have dreams like you, no really
Just much a less touchy-feely
They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny
On an island that I own, tanned, rested, and with Rarity
Surrounded by enormous piles of Gems.

Lastly, Twilight unfurls her wings and flies up into air, announcing her dream in front of Carrie and the rest of the mane 5 while flapping her wings.

I've got a dream (She's got a dream)
I've got a dream (She's got a dream)
I just wanted to see every pony accept our friendship (Yeah!!)
With every passing hour,
I'm so glad I left Canterlot
With all you lovely ponies, I've got a dream

Finally altogether, the entire Mane 6 decided to finish their song with one exciting speech. After listening to their song, Carrie started smiling out of relief and excitement.

She's got a dream!
He's got a dream!
They've got a dream!
We've got a dream!
So our differences ain't really that extreme,
We're one big team!

Call us Crazy, Funny, Awesome, and Excitedly Optimistic
'Cause way down deep inside, We've got a dream
I've got a dream (I've got a dream)
I've got a dream (I've got a dream)
I've got a dream

Yes, way down deep inside, I've got a dream!!!!

After the Mane 6 and Spike finished their song with a loud cheer, Carrie could not help but clap with both of her hooves in a happy, positive way.

"Wow, that was wonderful. I never knew all of your dreams were that amazing." Carrie said as she smiled. "I hope one day, I will be able to discover my dream too."

"Don't ya worry, sugar cube." Applejack said. "One day, you will find your dream and your destiny here in Equestria."

"So darling, who do you want to start with??" Rarity said as she asked Carrie.

"Well, I want to see what I could learn from Fluttershy first." Carrie responded.

"Be my guest, Carrie." Fluttershy said as she acknowledged Carrie's request. "If you're ready, my cottage will be up north of Ponyville. See you then."

As soon as Fluttershy and Discord left the area, the rest of the Mane 4 went back to their homes to rest up for the next day. After realizing how entertaining and supportive Twilight's friends are, Carrie was able to find a bit of happiness once more. As for Twilight, she called Carrie back in for some magic teachings. Without hesitation, Carrie accepts Twilight's request and studied magic with her. After several hours of practicing magic, Twilight notices that Carrie possess very powerful telekinesis after Carrie used her magic to lift up all of the objects in the Castle Library. Upon seeing how amazing Carrie was with her magic, Twilight decided to give a couple of lectures in harnessing it.

"I'm pretty impressed on how intense and how powerful your telekineses spells are. However, if you're going back to Canterlot for any reason, I strongly advise you not to get too carried away with it." Twilight told Carrie, leaving her with a fair warning.

"Why not?" Carrie asked.

"Ever since I met you, I could sense your desire for revenge against some particular pony back in Canterlot." Twilight Sparkle said in a serious tone. "I should warn you, though, that your grudges will not get you anywhere because you'll be heading down towards a path of destruction and death in its wake. As a result, it will not end well for you or either of us."

"Well, there was this one unicorn pony named Chris Hargensen. She and her gang where the ones who wouldn't stop picking on me, the moment I set hoof in Princess Celestia's School." Carrie explained while worrying about her future and her life. "I mean, what am I supposed to do if I were to face them again?"

"You don't; I'll deal with them, Carrie. After all, I still have full royal authority to subdue any pony that proves to be a threat to our very existence. Besides, Princess Celestia already taught me on how to use magic for good than rather use magic for bad." Twilight said as she answered Carrie's question. "For now, just train yourself to let go of what you fear to lose."

Meanwhile back at Canterlot, after hearing about how Chris was suspended from the school and banned from the Gala, her father came storming into Princess Celestia's office and threatened to sue her and the school staff for not letting her attend the Grand Galloping Gala. Unfortunately, because how strong the evidence was when they claimed that Chris' misbehavior towards Carrie really was, they threatened Mr. Hargensen back with an intent of deducting half of his entire vault of bits to cover up the damages done on Carrie and the School. After her father gave up on her, Chris' anger started boiling over. As a matter of fact, Chris still blamed Carrie for what Rita did to her.

"Dammit. I hate Carrie White!!" Chris muttered to herself in anger as she left the school.

Back at home, Chris decided to contact her friends and her boyfriend Billy Nolan and his gang for an important meeting. In her mind, Chris is planning to pull of the most excruciating prank on Carrie, a prank where no pony will ever forget. As soon as she met one of her friends outside the Hargensen residence, Chris makes her decision.

"Tina, send word to Billy Nolan, his gang at Manehattan, and to the rest of our friends." Chris ordered. "Tell them to meet me at Ponyville."

Author's Note:

The song that Twilight, Spike, and the Mane 5 just sang is a parody to that of "I've Got A Dream" from Disney's 2010 film, Tangled.