• Published 5th Nov 2017
  • 1,273 Views, 8 Comments

Borris the Crying Storm Creature - Onyxfire408

With the Storm King defeated and harmony returning to Equestria, one question remained. Whatever happened to that one storm creature that was crying after talking with Fluttershy? Why was he crying? Where is he now? Oh.....he's with Fluttershy now.

  • ...

Well What Do We Have Here?

Author's Note:

Hey lads, if you tuned into this story I must give you fair warning. I wrote this immediately after watching the movie and my favorite scene was when Fluttershy and the Storm Creature who I dubbed Borris were having a tearful conversation. I had the question of what happened to him after that? They some sort of connection, so I wrote this.

Just be warned that I wrote this completely unedited and off the bat. I might eventually go back and edit the story for grammar and such, but yeah. I just wanted to get this off the grill. Hope you enjoy, cheers lads.

The events of the Storm King’s invasion had passed for about a month now.

Twilight Sparkle was walking to Fluttershy’s cottage with a basket balanced on her back. Inside were a few apples courtesy of Applejack, cupcakes from Pinkie Pie, and sweet potato muffins baked by herself. They were going to have lunch together and chit chat just like normal friends.

But when Twilight got to the cottage, she was shocked to see a display of multiple animals and critters all outside of the cottage. All of them were crying, releasing tears of bitter and sorrow like rivers down their cheeks. “What in Celestia’s name happened? It’s like somepony died today.”

Mentioning the word “die” only made all of the animals cry even louder than before. Twilight gasped at the scene of these and ran to the door, opening the door with gusto from her magic. She jumped in with a voice like a stern eagle. “Fluttershy I’m here to save…..you?” To her dismay and fortune, Fluttershy was not in grave danger.

Inside she saw Fluttershy, sitting perfectly normal on her chair. She had small drops of tears on her eyes. Next to her was a massive black and dark gray creature with white hair on its back. It was a storm creature from the Storm King’s army. And it was…..crying?

“F-Fluttershy…. are you okay?”

Fluttershy looked over to Twilight and was surprised to see her. “Oh...Twilight. What are you doing here?”

“Remember? We planned for lunch.”

Fluttershy’s mind popped and she placed a hoof on the side of her head. “Oh, I’m so sorry Twilight. I’d forgotten that we planned for lunch today. Do you think we still can, but with a new friend?” She asked pointed towards the storm creature.

“Well….” Twilight felt unsure. It was a massive, brutish gorilla like beast inside her cottage But she supposed it looked harmless. “I guess.” Twilight said levitating all of the treats in her basket on top of Fluttershy’s coffee table.

Fluttershy and Twilight sat down opposite from the storm creature who had picked up a cup of tea with his massive claws. “HHeeerrroo.” He said muffling through his mask.

“Eh heh...hello.” Twilight said nervously.

“Twilight, this is Borris. He’s a storm creature, and such a gentle sad giant.” And as soon as she said that, Borris suddenly starting bawling into his hands as streams of tears staring flowing down his face.

“Umm….I’m sorry if this sounds weird but...why is an ex soldier of the Storm King here? In your house? And crying of all things?”

“Well Borris here is crying and releasing all of his emotions.” Fluttershy said as she flew next to Borris and patted him on the back.

Borris stopped weeping for a second to nod in agreement. “Uhhhhuhh.” He said along withhis nod to continue crying.”

“Huh….so what kind of emotions? And from what?”

Borris stopped crying for a moment to look at the lavender alicorn. “Harruhruuru. Rauuriri Rinntherorm Ring.” He said through numerous grunts and tiny roars.

Twilight didn’t know what he said. “I’m sorry...but what?”

“He said he didn’t like working under the Storm King. He was such a big meanie to him and he never showed him any kindness.”

“Oh, I see then.”

“Furthermore, he didn’t allow any fun at all. So Borris here couldn’t do what he wanted. Ooh, wait here please, I want to show you something.” Fluttershy then got on her hooves and started to trot up the stairs.

Twilight was left alone with Borris. She stared awkwardly at the storm creature, who was now currently putting a sugar cube in a cup of tea. He then presented the cup of tea to Twilight, wanting her to take it. “Hrr uu roo.”

“Oh umm….thank you.” She said in minor surprise. She took the tea and brought it up to her lips.

Suddenly, Borris made a series of mini roars and shook his hands vigorously making Twilight stop. He then handed her a small bottle filled with honey. “Hroouneey ii rheetter.”

Twilight took the bottle of honey and began to think, trying to decipher what Borris had said. “Hmm…..did you say that honey is better?” Borris nodded as Twilight smiled.

“Oh, I guess we can both agree on that. I also prefer honey with my tea.” Twilight said squeezing the honey bottle, having the thick golden nectar dip into her tea. Borris then handed her a tiny spoon fit for mixing. “Oh, thank you Borris.”

“Rurr Relcom.”

The sound of hoofsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. Twilight looked over her shoulder to see Fluttershy who was wearing a very well made sweater. It looked like it was knitted professionally. It was made with green yarn and had her cutie-mark stitched as a big logo on the front of it. She was also holding a few balls of yarn in different shades of purple along with a set of knitting needles.

Twilight looked at her sweater to find it very stylish and amazing. “Wow Fluttershy! Looks like Rarity is getting you set up for the holiday huh?”

Fluttershy looked down at her own sweater and giggled. “Oh hehe, Rarity didn’t make this for me.” Fluttershy then flew over to Borris and handed him the knitting yarn and needles. “Borris made this, show her Borris.”

Borris nodded happily with gleeful closed eyes as he took the needles and yarn and with swift speed he worked away with the needles and yarn. Twilight saw as he did what a factory could do as he immediately knitted a full light purple sweater with a tiny version of her own cutie mark knitted at the upper left corner, all in a matter of seconds. He then presented it to Twilight who brought it up closer to herself with her magic.

Her jaw was open so wide, it felt like it was stuck. She was absolutely shocked that a massive beast had such talent. “Wow...I...uh...Borris did this!?” She asked in pure shock and surprise.

“Ohh yes. He’s always had a secret passion for knitting and with the Storm King gone, he could express himself with kitting.”

Twilight looked over to Borris who had tears forming in his eyes. She smiled at him. “Thank you Borris. This is really nice of you, and this is a really nice sweater.”

Borris had tears forming in his eyes and a few sniffles came from him. He reached over and grabbed Twilight with both of his arms, squeezing her like a plushie and crying tears of joy. “Uhuhuhuh, *sniff* Raaankk Rououoo..” He managed to say through his crying.

“He said thank you.” Fluttershy said, clearing away any pronunciation barrier for Twilight.

Twilight felt like her life was being squeezed out of her, literally. “Your….*Erhh* welcome…*gasp* Borris...now please..*gasp*....can I breath.”

Borris let go with Twilight making several gasps for air. “Oh thank Celestia.” She shook her head, releasing any shock or inner tension as she held up the sweater again. “But again and honestly, this is a really nice sweater.”

Twilight looked over to Borris who still had streams of tears flowing down his face. But fortunately those streams were coated with joy. She noticed the upward arched pupils of his, confirming his happiness.

“Hmm...Fluttershy, has he ever considered going out to Ponyville? Maybe make more?”

“Oh….you mean have him go out in public?” She asked with a concerned tone making Borris shrink back.

“Yea, y’know have him expand his passion for others to see.”

“Ummm..” Fluttershy leaned in closer to Borris’ ear and whispered a few words to him. Borris started to shake his head quickly. That pretty much says no.

“Oh well I mean, have you ever tried?”

“Uh Uhh.” Borris said slowly shaking his head.

“Would it really hurt to try?”

“Well you see Twilight. Borris is shy when it comes to criticism. He’s afraid that the ponies might be mean about his sweaters.”

“How could they be mean? I mean I love it.” She said sliding on the hand made sweater over his chest. “See?”

“Yes, we can both see that...but he’s still afraid.”

“Hmmm…” Twilight started to scratch her chin. “Well Borris, don’t you think it’d be nice to have others be nice? To like your sweaters, to want you more?”

“Hmmm….RHurruroooruu. rururuoRouhhro.”

“Borris says, “yes that sounds nice, but there’s always meanies out there”.” Fluttershy translated for Twilight, who in turn could only giggle. Fluttershy and Borris were left confused at Twilight’s action. “Whats so funny Twilight?”

“*giggle* Oh Borris I understand. You’re afraid of bullies huh?” Borris nodded with a sad whimer. “Well I mean, we all have bullies and meanies in our lives. You know, I was afraid to show off my magic to Princess Celestia.”


“Yes really. I was so nervous and timid, that I really didn’t want to do it. But I had one thing that had me push myself further.” Borris leaned in, wanting to hear how. “I had my friends, well in this case I had my brother and my family’s support which inspired me to move past my fears.”

“Hmmm” Borris placed a check shaped hand under his chin and started to scratch it.

Fluttershy placed a hoof on his hand. “If you want to Borris, you’ll have my full support.”

Then Twilight placed a hoof on top of Fluttershy’s. “And you’ll have my support too. And we can help you get past all those bullies. What do you say.”

Tears were forming from Borris’ eyes with a few sniffles coming from his nose as he opened his arms and captured both ponies in a joyful and powerful squeeze of a hug. Fluttershy made a squeaking noise while Twilight made a grunt, struggling for air once again.

Borris then started crying once again with tears of joy. Twilight managed to squeeze herself out of Borris’ death hug (much thanks to Pinkie Pie for that) and placed a hoof on his back. “Now, do you wanna come with me to Ponyville? I think my friend Rarity can help you with your passion for knitting.”

Borris looked up at the alicorn and nodded with a happy whimper. Fluttershy then walked in front of Borris and offered a hoof. Borris took her hoof with his hand and stood up with his knitting equipment held in the other hand. Twilight opened the door with her magic, and outside waiting for them were all of Fluttershy’s animals. And all of them had sweaters, all hand stitched from Borris, showing support of his passion and talent.

Harry the Bear was wearing a large blue sweater with a picture of a honey bee’s nest on it.

A few chipmunks were wearing tiny sweaters with pictures of nuts on them.

The fawn and deers were wearing sweaters with grass on them.

The pigs were wearing brown sweaters.

And Angel, who was hard to find approval from, was wearing a dark blue sweater with a picture of a carrot on it.

Borris recognized their full support by wearing his handmade sweaters he started crying again. Both Fluttershy and Twilight giggled at Borris as Fluttershy tugged his hand gently. “Cmon Borris, let’s go meet Rarity.”

Borrid nodded after wiping a few tears away with a ball of yarn as the two ponies and the storm creature started to head for Ponyville, together.

Comments ( 8 )

Good story. I was also wondering about this paticular Storm creature when I saw the movie. I also find it funny that the animals are all wearing sweaters.

cute story found these for you.

“Borris made this, show him Borris.” [ her ]
Harry the Bear was wearing a large blue sweater with a picture of a honey bey’s nest on it.
[ bee's ]
Borris took his hoof with his hand and stood up [ her]

Well I did warn you in the beginning. I'll fix it later though, thanks lad.

Alright, found a bit of time to fix them lad. Thanks again, 'pretiate it. Cheers

Is Discord going to get a sweater next?

Y'know I actually did think about Discord, like if he was gonna get a sweater. But then I remembered. He had no part in the movie...so I decide to not put him in the story. Don't get me wrong, I would have, and I really like Discord. But I was like...."mmmmmm nah." Don't ask why.

Awww...he's adorable.:raritystarry: Now I might as well call him Boris from now on.

However, one little thing I would like to point out that bothered me. I don't know if you read the prequel comic, but there it was actually showed that the Storm King was surprisingly nice to his minions as long as they were useful to him, even planning parties and stuff for them to keep them loyal. Sure, it was all an act, and he didn't really care about them, but it still kinda clashes with how he's mentioned to handle things in this story.

Oh yea I'm aware of the prequel comic. I'm also aware that some of the storm creature are actually capable of speech. I just didn't care because I might as well make up some sort of back story just to make Borris more lovable. Which worked. But hey, that's your opinion. I'm cool with it lad.

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