• Published 21st Jul 2012
  • 1,186 Views, 51 Comments

The Pony Parade - Regidar

A pony interpretation of My Chemical Romance's rock album, The Black Parade.

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And if your heart stops beating, I'll be here wondering...

Twilight felt the darkness fall off of her, like a warm blanket being forcibly ripped off in the morning by a rude intruder who then went on to shove a knife to your throat.

Opening her eyes, she looked around. She was in another hospital room, but this one was brighter, and had a window. Another cot lay beside her, a white coated male, who was too old to be a foal but too young to be a stallion slept. Looking around some more, she saw Nurse Redheart staring down at her.

"Ah good, you're awake. You have some visitors."

The door opened, and Rainbow Dash shot in, huggin her friend. The places where her hooves touched her purple fur screamed in agony, but she ignored it.

"Twilight! Thank Celestia! We thought we had lost you!"

Pinkie Pie bounced in through the window. "Yay! Let's throw a 'you didn't die from heart failure' party! I'll get the balloons!"

Rarity, Spike, Applejack and Fluttershy all walked in, and gathered around the sick mare.

"Well, you look... alive," Rarity said, grimacing. Twilight frowned. Did she really look that bad? She looked around for a mirror, but couldn't find one.

"Oh, I'm so happy you're awake! They were afraid you died a few days ago, but now you seem to be fine... sort of," Fluttershy said, smiling softly.

"Twilight! I sent out a letter to the Princess! You're going to be fine!" Spike smiled the biggest he had ever before. Twilight tried to smile back, but it ended up looking more like a grimace.

"Well, sugarcube, did th' doctors tell yah anythang?" Applejack inquired, looking right into the purple unicorn's eyes.

"Wait... a few days? What's wrong with me?" Twilight's voice sounded like somepony trying to talk through a rusty drainpipe.

"You have something called "Motifonian Delirium" but the Princess will be able to fix it!" Spike said cheerily.

"Yes! And then we can have a 'Welcome home from the hospital' party and-"

"WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP?" shouted the white teenaged colt laying down on the cot next to Twilight.

"Sorry, if the a patient is being disturbed, then you guys have to leave," Nurse Redheart said apologetically, leading the mares and the baby dragon out of the room.

"We'll send you cards! Get better Twi!"

"Why did you do that?" Twilight asked the colt.

"Because they were giving us false hope. We're already dead."

Twilight's eyes opened in shock.

"What? We died?"

"Not yet. but we have the same condition. And it's fatal. Princess Celestia won't be able to help. Sometimes ponies get over it... but mostly..."

The colt sighed and closed his eyes. Twilight had just noticed his mane was mostly gone.

"Is my-"

"Mane going to fall out? Probably."

Twilight gulped in fear. She didn't want to die!

Suddenly, the room began to spin. The lights flickered, then went out. Twilight was thrown out of her cot, landing on the floor with a hard smack.

She was lying in a field, with a group of colts and fillies throwing rocks and paper balls at the white coated one. He looked younger, but not by a lot.

"Atlas, why don't you just leave? No pony likes you!" A brown coated one near the center shouted.

"Yeah! You don't have any friends! Just go and leave us alone you freak!" This was a pink maned filly shouting at him.

"Fine! Maybe I wil! But there's one thing I'm certain of! You guys will miss me when I'm gone!" The white maned one was crying, and he ran off.

"Man, he's so lame."

"I know. I hope he gets cancer and dies."

"Wow, that's a little harsh."

"Whatever. No pony would miss him."

Twilight's eyes shot open. Had she just been in the colt's head?

She looked over at him. He was crying in his sleep, tears slowly sliding down to land softly on the sheets of his cot. Twilight felt so bad for him. He must have had a very rough foalhood.

"Hey... what's your name?"

His eyes opened, and he looked at Twilight, who tried to smile again, but knew she probably was failing horribly at it.

"I'm Atlas."

"I'm Twilight Sparkle."


Twilight had a good night's sleep, mostly devoid of nightmares. She looked over at Atlas, who was coughing rather loudly.

"Are you ok?"

Atlas hacked a few more times, then smiled weakly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Did you sleep well?"


"Well that's good. I'm sorry I snapped at your friends earlier, I was just tired."

"It's ok. I don't blame you, Pinkie Pie was rather loud," Twilight said, smiling, this time with more energy.

"Oh my gosh... you're tooth..."

Twilight looked down, and saw one of her teeth laying on the bed covers. "Oh no!"

"Yeah, I lost a few of mine a couple of weeks ago... it sucks."

"When were you diagnosed?"

"Eight months ago..."

Twilight felt her headache get worse. Could she handle eight months of nightmare like the one she had just witnessed? She didn't know if she could even handle just one month of that!

"Wow... I'm sorry."

"It's ok... they say I haven't much longer anyway."

"How long?"

"Two weeks."

Twilight's jaw dropped open, exposing her tooth hole. "ONLY TWO MORE WEEKS?"

"Yeah. I guess I'm dead."


The doctor looked over Twilight's medical results and cringed. This was not looking good.

"I don't know how I can break this to her. But... I think I may be able to get some results from this next operation."

The doctor walked into Twilight and Atlas's hospital room, and he along with Nurse Redheart carted the two out.

"Where are we going?" Twilight asked the doctor.

"To the operating room. I think I may be able to cure you two!"

Twilight looked at Atlas. Atlas had a dead look to his eyes that had nothing to do with his illness.

The four ponies entered the operating room.

"Alright, I'm going to put you guys to sleep..."

The doctor put injected the two patients, and they drifted off to sleep.

"Ok... this will be tricky."

The doctor, who due to budget cuts, was also the surgeon, began to open Twilight's chest. He went past the rib cage, and exposed her heart.

"Oh no. This is not good."

Her heart was plagued by small blue streaks and small lumps. The disease had already spread here.

"I can't just replace her whole heart... she's not going to make it."

The doctor sewed her up, and moved over to Atlas. His heart was in similar condition, but without the lumps. The doctor sewed him back up, and ordered them to be carted away.

"I must be able to do something!"


Twilight awoke to be back in her room. Her friends were there, crying.

"What happened?"

"Oh... Twilight... it's terrible," Rarity said, then started to sob very hard.

"Am I..."

The others nodded, and Twilight felt her heart stop for a moment. Except it lasted longer then a moment, and her vision filled with spots. Head falling to pillow, Twilight punched herself in the chest and she felt it beat again.

She looked up to see her Applejack grinning.

"What? Why are you smiling? I nearly died!"

"Ah just realized somethin'!" Applejack was smiling wider than anypony had seen her smile before.

"What would that be?"

"Life's just a joke!"

Everypony looked at her with confusion. Was she crazy?

"If life ain't a joke, then why am ah laughing?" Applejack was giggling, which soon erupted into full laughter.

"Yeah!" Pinkie said, laughing too. "If life ain't a joke, then why am I laughing?"

Together the two friends laughed so loudly they could be heard outside of the hospital.

"If life ain't a joke, then why are we laughing?" They chorused.

"If life ain't a joke, then why am I dead?" Twilight screamed at the two.