• Published 21st Jul 2012
  • 1,186 Views, 51 Comments

The Pony Parade - Regidar

A pony interpretation of My Chemical Romance's rock album, The Black Parade.

  • ...

The Sharpest Lives

"Well it rains and it pours when you're out on your own..."

Twilight lay in her cot, reading a book about Sea Ponies when she heard the hospital window open.

"Psst! Twilight!" Pinkie Pie slipped in through the window.

"Oh. Hey, Pinkie."

"I heard you're doing better! Let's go out and celebrate!"

Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes. "Look, I don't think a part would be the best course of action to take... while they did say I'm improving, I probably want to get a lot of bed rest that will-"

"Oh, come on, Silly-Twilly! One party isn't going to hurt you!"

Twilight Sparkle sighed, and put her book away. "Alright... let's go!"


Twilight awoke on the Pinkie Pie's couch, a burning sensation in her stomach, and a pounding pain in her head. Running to the bathroom, she threw up a large amount of bile, and felt herself collapse. Memories of last night flooded through her mind...

"Come on, Twilight, it's just one shot. It's not going to kill you," Berry Punch said, rolling her eyes as she poured Twilight a shotglass of a dark brown lager.

"I dunno... isn't 'daterape' a bit strong?"

Berry Punch laughed at Twilight's skepticism.

"Silly girl. It'll be fine! Loosen you up a bit." Twilight shrugged, and downed the drink. It burned her throat, but at the same time, filled her up with energy. This place that Pinkie was throwing the party... it was different, to say the least. Had a changeling theme, built like a hive, and some ponies were dressed up like the monsters. Leave it to Pinkie to make party fodder out of a horrible experience like that. Of course, the nightclub wasn't hers, but the idea behind it was. And Twilight was pretty impressed with how it had turned out.

Twilight looked heard the music beats electronically assile her eardrums, and saw Vinyl Scratch working her magic. She also saw another being which she cringed at the mere image of.

The human from her nightmare was tuning a guitar and getting ready to go onstage. Twilight ran over to confront the monster.

"What are you doing here? Why hasn't anypony noticed you?"

The human gave Twilight an unconcerned shrug. "Maybe it's because you're imagining me. You are supposed to be sick with a disease that grants dementia."

"Oh ha ha. We both know I'm not imagining this. The delusions went down three days ago," Twilight hissed.

"This pony bothering you, Eli?" Twilight turned to see Vinyl Scratch head over.

"See! I knew somepony else could see you!"

Vinyl smiled, showing off sharp incisors. "Well yes, but that's because I'm... different."

Twilight's jaw dropped. "You're a vampony!"

"Indeed. And me and several of my friends use this place as a convenient blood bank. We take some of the drunks and pop 'em down to the Beast Lair down below and relieve them of some blood. Never to kill, though. We have ourselves a little cult..."

"Does Octavia know?"

Vinyl Scratch shifted uncomfortably. "Well... not yet. Don't go telling her, or else I'll taste your magic-spiked blood. One bleeds the lusty commands, drop the dagger and laugh at the blood on your hands..."

Twilight slowly slid back into the crowd, away from this creepy spectacle. Those last words... she knew it had to be done. Twilight could feel the alcohol messing with her brain... and that stallion over there by himself looked fairly cute...

Pulling her head up from the toilet, Twilight realised what she had done. She had sex with that stallion, and she had done... other things... and she was experiencing the worst hangover of her life.

Pinkie bounced in. "Oh good, Twilight! You're ok! I was scared that you might have died! Partying is fun, but sometimes even I have to draw the limits!"

Twilight wondered how Pinkie Pie could stay so light throughout all the hardships that hit her.

"Anyway, shouldn't you go back to the hospital? I hear that they're pretty worried you're gone..."

At the word "hospital", Twilight remembered that today was Atlas's last day before he finally died. Rushing out of Sugarcube Corner, she ran to the hospital, and made it just in time to see Atlas flatline.

"No!" Twilight hugged the stallion, his lifeless body unmoving. She sobbed, having gotten to know him over the last few weeks, and these sobs were not enough to convey her sorrow.

"Atlas... I'm so sorry..." Then, the burning in her stomach reached a peak, and she fell to the floor. Looking up, her vision blurry, she saw Elijah standing over her.


"Shh... even the sharpest lives, Twilight..." Elijah put a finger up to her lips. Twilight found it very hard to breath, and suddenly, she couldn't. At all.

Atlas's heart monitor started up again, and the stallion awoke. The Doctor rushed in. "Damn, Atlas, don't- Twilight?"


"Well, it's official."

"I'm so proud! I think we should tell Twilight right away!"

Cadenza kissed Shining Armour on his snout. "Yes, you wouldn't want the future aunt to be upset at you like she was about the wedding, now do you?"

Shining laughed. "Definitely don't need that again." He turned around to see a messenger staring at him.

"Yes? Can I help you?"

"Um... it's about your sister."

Comments ( 22 )

Kind of confused as to what happened here, but I'm confident you'll get back to that later. After all, you're barely halfway through this thing.

1120598 Let me clear it up a bit for you, then:

Basically, the drink negatively impacted Twilight's liver, sending her into remission.

1120624 okay I like it. A couple of problems, though
Define she "bucked" a stallion because there is two connotation there.
Next, I not saying it is a bad thing but what is with everyone making vinyl a vampire?
Great ending and I can see where this is going. Is cancer next because I don't have the entire album on my iPod.
Last but not least, I wrote a story based on the song the ghost of you, and I want you to check it out. The title is the name of the song

1121197 Ok, I meant bucked as in "fucked" but I'll changed it to "had sex"

I was making an allusion to "my roommate is a vampire," I love that fic.

Also, "Welcome to the black parade is next. Cancer is the eight song on the album, I think.

1122105 okay then, the next chapter is going to be great then as I can see how you might get the the story to lean to.
I can see y she is a vampire but I still don't like it.

1122390 Hehe, it actually makes sense in chapter 14... you'll see.

Of what story the vampire one? I can see because of vinyl's night life, her need to use sunglasses, pale complexion etc. I still don't like one of my favorite characters being a vampire.

1122458 *stares at story. Looks at list of stories that he is behind on* I have too many stories to catch up on. Even in my read later list I have over seven stories that I didn't touch yet.

1122485 Heh. Well, it't a good read.

1122497 it probably is...It has over two thousand likes...I only have two. Oh well on to the next depression story I shall write.

I'm sad.....You sick fucking bastard....you made me sad....
Just clarifying, not many stories make me sad.

1122914 Excellent. You'll bawl in the next chapter, then.

On hiatus?? Fuck...you always beat me to the good ideas

3005295 Good idea, terribly executed. A similar, yet revamped and distinctly different Black Parade story will be done as a part of my Chemicalverse.

3006407Since you're my friend, I have to say you could've done better, but I also know you can also bounce back.

And if I may share my interpretation of The Black Parade, I think that the story not only follows the character in the afterlife, but someone close to him/her who is alive

3007043 In my interpretation, many of the songs go to show what happened to him LEADING UP to his death. I also think he was one of the soldier from "The Ghost Of You"

3007582That would make sense, but what about the "Cancer" song

3008282 You know
him being diagnosed with cancer and everyone seeing how he and his family react to the news


I mentioned before but I'm not big on keeping up with music. That said, the story was quite decent in my opinion. I'm a bit sad to see this one on hiatus. :/
-Reader Out-

4298216 I'm going to be rehashing this idea, (the original one this one was going to go with ended up being tainted like my earlier shit) with Shining Armor as the main character because it fits the album better (soldier dying of cancer and facing his life and death)

you should listen to the album, it's MCR's best

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