• Published 28th Nov 2017
  • 395 Views, 5 Comments

The real MacColt - ChiefKitsune

Want to ask your favorite character some questions? Well then tune in to watch "The Real MacColt" where we explore all the interesting ponies and non-ponies in the world. You mind have a laugh.

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The Questioning

The Real MacColt Studios, [REDACTED]

*Opening Music*
Studio lights flashing, Camera pans in from above.

Visible on the stage is a conversation between NightMare Moon and Wall Flower, both of whom seem to be finishing up a lovely conversation.

"Hello, and welcome back to The Real MacColt, with our First ever guest The Mare in the Moon, NightMare Moon." Wall Flower cheers to the camera with a ecstatic wave. "Before we continue, I know the NightMare Moon is a mouth full to say so from here on I'll be referring to her as Moon for ease of conversation." Flower flashes a smirk to NMM, "Isn't that right Luny-Moonie, since we're the best of friends." To which a wave of light laughter is heard.

NMM growls threateningly towards me, with a glare promising a thousand painful deaths for what I have done. All easily ruined by the increasing blush of embarrassment. "I hate you so much right now." Moon replies as serious as a heart attack, though the twitching on her lips shows she is playing along. After several seconds of holding her glare Moon just heaves a sigh and rolls her eyes at my antics.

"Awe I love you too Moonie" I retort genuinely. "Now though we must move on to the questions that you promised answers for. Ready?" Flower asks as she shuffles some papers about the desk. She answers with a simple nod.

"Alrighty, first off why don't I start with something simple. So since your return and subsequent battle with the Elements of Harmony in the throne room of the Castle of the Two Sisters, where you were defeated, have you tried to continue your plot for Global... Domination?" Flower asks.

"Well after my defeat I spent several months recovering from being ripped from Princess Luna, rather painfully. I was found by a friendly pony who help nurse me back to health as well as educate me on why Eternal Night would not be simple Global Domination but rather Global Extinction. She was kind enough to also help me get over my unending Rage towards Celestia." Moon explains drearily and the whole time looking down at the floor.

I still have a smile though it has turned thin and grim at the dower mood Moon is in. "Okay why don't you explain why you were so angry with Princess Celestia?" Flower asks gently.

"Well most of it came from Celestia neglecting somepony important to me, who means the world to me, my Mother. Celestia's neglect caused so much suffering for ponies that I held dear, who I still do. So in an attempt to help my Mother I found an artifact of great power that would let me help my Mother. There were however complications with the artifact such as it was fueled by Corrupting Magic, without truly knowing what I possessed I activated the artifact. What happened next I don't truly know, what I do I have had to piece together about the artifact." Moon takes a shuddering breath to keep her composure. "When I used it, it drove me mad with its power while also erasing me from the memories of those who knew me. After which the artifact drove me to possess my Mother, thus beginning NightMare Moon's reign of terror and threat of Night Eternal." Moon is visibly shaking with tears flowing down her cheeks. Flower not able to stand her friend hurting so moves to comfort the dark mare with soothing words and a warm hug, Flower doesn't move for several minutes.

The audience is stunned to tears, though they are not the only ones.

Palace of Friendship, Ponyville, Equestria

"Whaa! That's so sad!" Pinkie is bawling her eyes out while the rest of her friends are barely holding it together. Though they remain silent they sadly nod in agreement with the Pink mare.

Canterlot Royal Palace, Canterlot, Equestria

Both Royal Sister's are so shocked that their usually flowing manes stop moving for the news while far fetched rings true to the Sisters though they can't remember what happened all those years ago. Tears glistening in their eyes as they realize they can't remember there is nothing more than a hole filled with nothing grief and anguish.

Author's Note:

Sorry everypony, I tried to pick it up where I left it all those months ago. I just don't really know how I can get out of this. I think I'm going to try starting a new story and hopefully I'll comeback and do a rewrite.