• Published 28th Nov 2017
  • 399 Views, 5 Comments

The real MacColt - ChiefKitsune

Want to ask your favorite character some questions? Well then tune in to watch "The Real MacColt" where we explore all the interesting ponies and non-ponies in the world. You mind have a laugh.

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Okay I have written myself into a corner with this story, however I liked some ideas of it that I have decided to completely redo it I mean I won't be the same. So I guess I'm going to leave this on hiatus in case I think of a way to get out of this corner. Because I do plan on it if the idea comes to me, but until then I'm going to be using this as a blueprint at best.

I am NOT abandoning this story! I've just happen to run full speed into a brick wall of a writers block.

PS. I'm not sure if that counts as a rewrite of doing such an overhaul in changes that they are completely different. Also please check out my new story and let me know how you feel, as well as informing me whether or not it should be called a rewrite.

P.P.S. Thanks for reading!:pinkiehappy:

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