• Published 4th Dec 2017
  • 1,094 Views, 35 Comments

Time Bubbles - Janicethelight

Doctor Whooves and Derpy go on adventures through time and space

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Chapter 29: Ascension

“Derpy!” Doctor knelt down by Derpy, catching his breath from the exhausting run. Derpy slept on the floor, shaking and murmuring. The Doctor pat her hair, gently, “Derpy, can you hear me? You're dreaming.” he kept his voice calm, reassuring her. When she didn't wake, he gave a gentle nudge. Her eyes snapped open, and she gasped, looking around her. She saw the Doctor, squeezing him as tears flowed down her face. “Shhhhhh. You're safe. I'm here.” he held her as she cried, shaking from whatever dream she had. “do you feel like you can talk about it?” he asked after the shaking lessened.

Derpy nodded, slowly scooting back, and wiping her eyes with her hoof. She steadily began to tell him what happened. She told him about the windows becoming more common, her head ache, and the sudden exhaustion. She recalled each part of the dream, remembering it vividly this time. “the thing is...it felt so real, Doctor. Every moment felt so...real.”

“Dreams often do, Derpy.” the Doctor nodded, “but they are usually manifestations of our subconscious playing at the forefront of our minds.”

“Manifestations of our what?”

“Basically, it's a way for your brain to tell you something you don't want to admit to yourself.”

“What did this one mean?”

“I'm not sure. If I had to guess, I would say that you became frightened of all the rifts showing so close together, and went to the worst case scenario.” the Doctor reassured, retrieving the sonic from his the, “Hold still a moment.” He scanned Derpy with his sonic, looking it over, “it says you'll be alright. How's your head?”

“It still throbs a bit, but it doesn't hurt as bad as it did before.”

“I'm glad to hear it.” the Doctor sighed, “I worried about you.”

“Sorry….Doctor, did you find Sombra?”

“I did.”

“Oh thank Celestia. So, we won't have to worry about any fighting? And he's going to be okay?”

“He's... turned himself into an alicorn!”

“Wait. What? How?!”

“I'll explain as we head back. Can you stand?”

“I...think so.” The Doctor held out his hoof. Derpy took it, standing. Her head spun. Her legs wobbled underneath her. The Doctor held her tightly, keeping her from falling. “I've got you.” he smiled, moving while explaining what he had witnessed with Sombra. Derpy’s face betrayed her emotions, changing from confused to horrified to worried to relieved yet concerned.

“I'm glad he's okay, but that sounds like dark magic. I'm worried about what that sort of spell might do to a pony.”

“Trust me, I can understand what you mean. I don't know what made the ground that black, but it couldn't be good. Whatever it was, it seemed temporary. Like a venom being turned into a medicine.” His mind went back to Derpy’s dream and her physical reactions. He was worried about Sombra, But he was also worried about Derpy. The sonic didn't pick up anything, but it was obvious that the number of rifts affected Derpy, and he wasn't sure why.

He brought her closer to their room. “Doctor, aren't we going to check on Sombra?”

“Nah. He said he was going to see Luna and I think they deserve some time. If anything happens she’ll call for help. We will see Sombra in the morning. As for you, miss Hooves, you need your rest.”


“No butts. You've had a long day. We’ll figure this out in the morning.”

Doctor tucked her into bed, staying with her until she drifted back to sleep. “I need to know more.” He looked to Derpy, sleeping soundly. This time, he wasn't going leave her alone. He peeked out of the room, waiting patiently for a pair of guards to swing around on their patrol. “Pardon me, sirs. My friend is exhausted. I was hoping to enjoy the night, but I don't wish to leave her alone. She's been waking up from nightmares recently. Would you know of a guard who would be willing to watch over her until I return from my stroll?” The two nodded, and, not too much later, a red crystal pony came in.

“Would you like me to wake her if her nightmare returns?”

“Yes, please, Mr….”

“Just call me Ruby. All my friends do.”

“Careful, Doctor, he'll talk to you all night if you let him.” the other two warned, laughing as they went back to their watch.

“You are a talker, are you?”

“Not usually. They are just giving me trouble since I recently had my first.”

“Oh, a new dad. Congratulations!”

“Thanks, she's the cutest foal. Takes after her mom.” He looked out a window towards the sky, “Tell you what, when the Heart acted funny, no pony was more nervous about it than me. Imagine a tiny pink foal shivering from the cold. She wouldn't leave me for a moment.”

The Doctor smiled, wondering if it was the same little pony they saw before. “How has the Heart been?”

“It started working fine not too long ago. Everypony was so relieved when the snow stopped. No pony really knows what caused it.” the Doctor sighed, relieved.

“I'm glad to hear everything is back to normal. Thank you again for watching over her.”

“Think nothing of it. Enjoy the view!”

The Doctor nodded, walking out of the castle. He had toyed with the thought of asking Sombra, but he was undoubtedly indisposed at the moment. Plus, Sombra only had a limited knowledge of the rifts himself. He wished that Starswirl was still around to bounce theories off of, but Starswirl would want more tests on Derpy that the Doctor wasn't comfortable with. There was a possibility of gaining more information but at a great risk. He walked through the streets, passed the glowing crystal homes that still had bits of melting snow on them. Most ponies seemed calmer now that the crystal heart was behaving normally again. The homes spread out more and more until there were hardly any around. He found himself at the edge of the barrier. There seemed to be a break in the storm. The skies were mostly clear except for some tiny snowflakes falling. The wind was relentless though, wildly blowing snow across the landscape.

The Doctor paced at the edge, “This is a bad idea. The odds of getting to the Tardis in this snow are minimal at best. The sonic can help pinpoint the location, but at this point, there was no telling how many feet of snow was covering her. “Alright, find a shovel, and then find the Tardis.” He decided. “See what information it can give me of the various rifts. Maybe pop back to Derpy’s time and find a book on Crystal Kingdom history, or what they consider magic, and see what the drawbacks can be. It's possible that the two are connected. I'll be back before Derpy even knows I left. I don't like the idea of leaving without her, but she’s in no condition to travel through this weather. The best thing is to find a way to help her. Right? Right!”

With his mind settled, he went about, looking for a shovel. It took some time, but he eventually found one in an unlocked shed. He borrowed the shovel, making his way back to the edge, pacing again, “Wait, I can't walk on two legs. How can I handle a shovel?. Maybe I can find a way to strap it to my back. I need... I need. I need a rope. Yes, some rope to keep the shovel on my back until I need it. There you go, Doctor, thinking like a true pony. Now, a rope, a rope. Where to find a rope.”

He took longer finding a rope, finally finding some holding banners that hadn't been taken down from the Crystal Fair. He kicked the pole to try to get them down, amazed that it worked the first time. It took a lot of trial and error to tie it on himself, but eventually, he had the shovel on his back, staring again at the edge, “Here goes nothing.” He took out his sonic, scanning the stark white landscape, slowly. He walked around the edge until the sonic’s pitch heightened. “Alright, this is my best bet.” He stepped into the bitter cold.

Sombra probably should have waited, and made certain that the Doctor made it out alright, but he was so excited to show Luna, that the thought didn't cross his mind until he was at his room, inches from the door. “Ah well, he found his way in, so I'm sure he can figure his way out.” He was suddenly nervous; even more nervous than when he proposed. He wasn’t entirely sure why, but he took a guess that it was how the situation felt. He trusted Luna completely. With her, he knew what to expect. But now, he was up against so much more, so many unknowns, some that seemed intent on getting in his way; things he had no ability to influence. But then why be afraid? He had done the impossible; something that had never been done before. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

Luna jumped slightly and looked towards the door as Sombra entered and silently shut it behind him. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the crimson horn protruding from his forehead. “Sombra?”

“Yes, my love, it’s me.” He slowly approached and noticed the wetness beneath her eyes. “Have you been crying this whole time?”

“I slept, but I don’t think for very long, and it was one terrible dream after anoth--” She looked at the horn again. “What... is... that?”

“It’s me. I told you I wouldn’t let this keep us apart.”

“You’re... a... unicorn? But ho--”

“Not just a unicorn.” Sombra slowly unfolded his tar-like wings and extended them to their fullest.

Luna’s eyes became as wide as saucers.

“I told you so many times; anything for you. Your sister told you ‘no’ because of my mortality… so I took care of it. Now I am like you. Like her. I am Alicorn.”

“...that’s impossible.”

“Not impossible when you care enough; as I care for you.”

Luna seemed caught between confusion and joy for a moment before she leaped up off the bed and wrapped herself around him. Sombra immediately returned the gesture, folding his wings around her as she cried into his shoulder.

Sombra’s voice was as soft as silk. “My moonflower, it’s alright now. Everything is going to be alright. We’ll never have to fear anything again.”

“I thought this was going to be our final night,” Luna said, sniffling.

“The only way our final night will come is if the final night of everything comes.”

The two of them embraced in the darkened room; the only light coming from the moon outside. Luna trembled. Sombra trembled. That long and difficult day now yielded to the serenity of the dark as all of their fears were driven away. They were free now, to feel what they wanted, in the pale light from the ethereal heavens. They looked into each others’ glassy eyes, longingly.

“I thought I had lost you,” Luna said.

“Never,” Sombra replied, pressing his lips against hers as if he’d been dying to taste her kiss for eons. They whimpered together with both desire and joy; the feeling of limitations being torn down was an overwhelming experience. They paused, just staring at each other, breathing heavily.

Sombra gently brushed his hoof through her mane. “You know how I always said I wished we could ride the night together?”

“Yes,” she said, resting her head against his neck.

He kissed the top of her head. “I can fly now. You lead. Wherever you go, I’ll follow.”

Luna’s spirit soared into ecstasy. The feeling was so great, she felt like her heart could burst. After so much time in solitude as the guardian of the night, Sombra would ensure that she never felt alone again, and she trusted him in that. “Are you sure you’re ready? Have you flown with those yet?”

“Try me,” he said, smirking.

Luna slowly walked over to the window, opened it, and then stepped onto the ledge, looking up towards her moon. A lunar halo had formed from ice crystals in the north air, wrapping around it like a shield. She placed a hoof to her heart. “I’ve dreamed of this for so long,” she said before stepping off the ledge into the frosty air. Sombra galloped towards the window and leaped through the opening, unfurling his mighty wings as the pair of them went aloft, ascending higher and higher towards the silver clouds; basking in the gentle glimmer of the full moon and the turquoise glow of the northern lights. They climbed until they were indistinguishable from the glistening stars that surrounded them; lost in a sea of tranquility.

Sombra twisted in excitement. Flying was as easy as breathing. From above, his kingdom had a soft glow like giant stars stuck to the ground in a rainbow of hues. Ponies on the ground took strolls, holding hooves as they marveled at the beautiful aurora. Only a handful momentarily noticed the flight of the two, rubbing their eyes to check if they were seeing correctly, only to have the two be out of sight when they looked again. The lovers went higher still, seeming to meld into the sea of stars. Sombra began to laugh without knowing why. Luna joined in as they embraced each other, flying in sync. Sombra gingerly kissed Luna, Luna blushing a bit before they shared a passionate kiss. They circled around the kingdom a few times more, then landing on a balcony of the castle.

“That was the most magnificent feeling.” Sombra grinned.

“I feel like I could fly with you forever!”

“And you shall!”

Luna giggled, looking away as a blush covered her face. She waited for the light burning sensation to pass before she went on, “We've seen the inside of your kingdom, my dear Sombra. Would you like to see the snow as it shimmers in the night?”

“ I would love to, but isn't the snow dangerous? That is why the Crystal heart is needed to protect us.”

“we should be fine, so long as we stick very close together.” Luna lightly bumped flanks with Sombra before the reaction to what she had just done in a fit of giggles.

Sombra found a sudden fascination with his hooves, “Oh. Um. Yes. Right. L-lead the way then.”

Luna flew off, beyond the crystal heart’s protective canopy with Sombra following close behind. The snowfields below them were like glitter. The whole world seemed to sleep in such weather, while tiny white crystals fell from the sky. Luna stuck her tongue out and caught a snowflake. Sombra followed suit, having a harder time. Luna took the opportunity to playfully lick his cheek. Sombra flushed crimson red, Luna smiling. They enjoyed the frozen stardust falling from the sky until Luna started to shiver. Sombra took her hoof, leading her back into the warmth of the kingdom but when they reached the barrier, they were surprised to see a couple of earth ponies nervously out into the tundra.

“I wonder what they are looking at? They can't possibly see us up here.” Sombra started to fly to them only to be immediately stopped by Luna.

“My love, nopony knows of your ascension. Your new form would most definitely startle them. Please, allow me to figure out what troubles them. I am to be their new princess before long. Return to the castle and I’ll see you there?”

“Very well. I hadn’t considered that. And that poses a problem. How to deliver the news of my transformation.”

“We will figure that out together.” Luna kissed Sombra’s forehead before descending to the land next to the onlookers, “Hark, dear citizens!” she shouted, causing them to jump, “What seems to be the trouble?”

“W-well…” one pony stammered, heart still pounding from the unexpected shout, “th-there...there seems to be...that is-”

“A downright crazy stallion wandered straight out into the tundra!” the other infuriated, flailing his hooves.

“What?! Why would anypony do that? Even the new train station is impossible to get to without-- did this pony wear any snow gear?”

“No, he didn't even wear his coat!” the quieter of the two spoke, “He just pointed a strange stick at the snow, and walked out.”

“I see. A quandary to be certain. Thank you, dear ponies. I shall search for this stallion.” She flew off in the direction she was looking. Going right back into the cold only made her shiver more. She would have to do this quickly or be forced to turn back. The wind-blown snow had already started to cover the pony’s tracks. Random larger indentations suggested he had fallen over more than once. She found him after a few short minutes laboring in a deep hole. Luna took a brief moment, confusion freezing her to a stop. She shook the initial shock away as she flew down to the odd pony. “Earth Pony!” He jumped at the sudden sound of her voice as she continued, “Return with me at once before you catch your death in this weather.”

“I can't yet!” the Doctor shouted back over the whipping wind, “ I need to get to her!”

“Her?! Is there a pony trapped inside in the snow?”

“No. It's just...something I need to help her!”

“You have something to help another pony… in the snow?”

“Yes! I need to get to it! I think I'm getting close.”

“Stallion, staying out much longer could end up in illness or worse. I must insist you come back into shelter immediately.”

“Not until I get this out. Time is of the essence.”

Luna looked at the hole, seeing no sign of anything. Thinking this pony had hit the Lumiwine too hard, she decided to try a different tactic.

“You certainly wouldn't want to risk your life finding this thing, correct?”

“For my companion.. for my friend... oh in an instant.” Luna narrowed her eyes. This pony wouldn't listen to reason! Her horn lit up, lifting the Doctor effortlessly in the air, pulling him back into the safety of the crystal kingdom. “No! Stop! Please!”

Once he was back in the warmth, she brought him down so his eyes met hers, keeping the magic locked on him, “ You shall thank me for this one day, young stallion. I do not know how you think about digging in the snow will help anypony, but I do know that you can not help your friend if you are dead!”

“Look, I know it's hard to wrap your mind around, but I need to get to that spot so I can dig-”

“Do not contradict me, stallion!” Luna’s voice boomed, “Show me to this friend, and perhaps we can find a place for you to rest until you are of sound mind.”

“She's back in the castle, but--”

Luna ignored the Doctor, pulling him magically to the castle while he flailed his legs around in protest. If his friend was indeed in the castle, then perhaps Sombra would know what this was really about.

Luna marched into the throne room. Sombra sat on his chair, holding back a smirk as if he had just heard the punchline of a joke. When he noticed the serious face on Luna, he coughed a bit, calming himself down enough to speak, “My dearest, I see you have met my newest friend, The Doctor! He has come for a visit from your kingdom.”

“And why was your friend digging a large hole in the snow in the middle of a blizzard?! Surely, you agree he has had far too much Lumiwine.”

“Moonbeam, I promise I will take care of the stallion. Would you give us five minutes?”

“Indeed, please help him sober up.”

Luna walked out, closing the doors behind her. The two stood in silence for a bit. Their silence was finally broken by Sombra’s laughter. “Forgive me, Doctor. But...seeing you in such a state when Luna brought you into the dome--”

“Wait, you saw that, and you did nothing before now?”

“I didn't wish Luna to know I hadn't gone. I trust her, but I was worried when she went back into the harsh weather. Imagine my surprise when she came back carrying you.”

“Sombra, this is serious! While you were undergoing your ritual, Derpy was looking for you in another part of the castle. She was alone!”

“Did she see another rift?”

“she saw several! I think it was at least four.”


“That's not the worst of it…”

“How so?”

“She said she was fatigued. And her head was throbbing and she fainted! When I woke her, she said she was having another nightmare. Something about this place seems to make the sighting more frequent, and it's hurting her. I was hoping to figure out more about this and come back before she knew I was gone, so I went out to get to my ship, and that’s when miss Luna found me and put me in some sort of stasis field.”

“You left her alone to get in your ship?”

“A guard is keeping an eye on her.”

“Derpy fainted-- do you think it was the rifts or the pain that caused it?”

“I can't fathom the reasons for any of it. I'm worried, Sombra. Truly, deeply worried. She could barely walk when she woke up. I don't know if it would be better to stay here and find out why these rifts keep happening, or if it would be better to go and get Derpy away from so many opening at once. I honestly feel trapped between helping a new friend and an entire nation. Find a way to keep the rifts from opening while helping you mend ties with Princess Celestia, or help my companion and friend before whatever is going on with her ends up destroying her in some way, shape, or form.”

Sombra bit his bottom lip, thinking far longer than expected. Finally, he spoke, “My dear friend, I know you are worried. You have every reason to be. However, I do agree with Luna that your reasoning to go out in the cold like that...well...you could have prepared a bit more.”

“But Derpy’s safety is-”

“Of great concern, yes. And I doubt any doctor could figure out what is going on. Perhaps Starswirl can help?”

“...Starswirl had to go back.”

“Hmm, unfortunate. Starswirl might be able to help. After Luna and I announce what has transpired on this night, I’m certain we will be seeing Starswirl again very soon. Celestia will be back in one of her moods, and Starswirl will be dying to put me under his magnifying glass and ask me ten billion questions.” He chuckled for a moment, thinking about how excited Starswirl would be. “However, he isn't our last chance to help Derpy. We know she hasn't seen these so long as someone is with her, so that can help. Yes, the best thing right now for her is to stick close to her!”

“Well, yes, that does make sense, but I feel like that is putting a bandage on the problem.”

“It may be, but it is only temporary. It will help her until it is safer outside. And, perhaps with my new powers, I can help.”

“How so?”

“I can use my new magic to lift your ship out of the snow easily. All you have to do is show me where you were digging, and I’ll bring it to the castle.”

“That would make it easier to go back to my time to get what I need.”

“Exactly. Leave it to me, my friend! And promise me you will never do something that crazy again.”

“I promise.” the Doctor knew full well that was one promise he probably wouldn't keep, but it made Sombra happy.

“Glad to hear It! Now, it's been a long night, and Luna and I need some rest.”

“Yes, of course. Forgive me for worrying you.”

“Think no more of it, but please, do apologize to Luna on your way out.”

The Doctor nodded, walking out to see Luna close to the door, pacing a bit. She noticed his entrance and straightened immediately. “Did Sombra talk some sense into you?!”

“We had a bit of a chat, and I do owe you an apology.”


“I won't apologize for trying everything in my power to help my friend, but I will apologize for making you worry, and forgoing a teensy bit overboard. “

“A teensybit...sure.” Luna sighed, “I will admit, your care for your friend is commendable. You are obviously a stallion of grand integrity.”

“Thank you, I-”

“and this...Derby-”

“Derpy.” Her name is Derpy.”

“Yes. She must be a truly special friend to go to such great lengths for her .”

“Yeah, Derpy is fantastic.”

Luna breathed, turning to look him square in the eyes, “Then for her sake, do not be so thoughtless again. If you had died out there, then who would she have to care for her as you do?!” The doctor opened his mouth to protest, but Luna raised her hoof to stop him, “I have seen eyes like yours in my sister, Doctor. Eyes that have far too much worry and overthinking. Looking through eyes like that could well get you into trouble.”

“I’ll be sure to think on that. And speaking of her, I really need to check in on her now, and get some rest.”

“Sleep on what I've told you.”

“Of course, Princess.” The Doctor nodded, walking back to the room where the guard stood ever vigilant at the door, his eyes trained in Derpy.

“Ah, Doctor. Did you enjoy your stroll?”

“Uh, well, it was a nice view, but I didn't get to do what I hoped.”

“Well, I don't know how long you’re staying, but there is always tomorrow!”

“Thank you, I'll try again soon. How was she?”

“Well…” The guard hesitated. “She's had a few nightmares while you were gone. I woke her enough to rouse her from them as you asked. Poor mare hasn't slept well…”

The Doctor sighed, “Thank you for telling me. I'll be sure to keep an eye on her.”

“Well, I must get back to my patrol. I hope she has a better night sleep.” He walked off into the castle grounds.

The Doctor snuck over to Derpy. She seemed to be sound asleep for the moment, breathing deeply, but looking closely, the Doctor noticed her shiver every so often, murmuring in her sleep. After a few minutes of this, she tossed and turned, whimpering in fear. She started flailing her hooves as if attempting to run away, her breathing quickening.

The Doctor put a hoof on her, shaking gently, “Derpy, everything is alright now. It's just a nightmare. Shhh.” Derpy’s eyes snapped open. For a brief moment, the Doctor thought he saw her eyes glowing like when she saw the rifts, but it faded as quickly as it came. Derpy wanted in fear until her eyes met the Doctor’s. Realization dawned on her, and she slowly calmed down. “Do you remember anything?”

“Just...windows, and darkness.” Derpy yawned. Her eyelids already drooping from sheer exhaustion. She fought to keep them open. “A giant hood held a baby,” she said groggily, “and the castle was jello.” She seemed almost drunk, eyes closing before she forced them open again.

“Anything else?” the Doctor questioned confusedly.

“So many windows. Need to close…”

“No, Derpy. These windows can close on their own,” the Doctor reassured.

“You're cute!” she giggled, hugging his hoof.

“Clearly, you are exhausted.” the Doctor said, gently pushing her back into her pillow, “Try to get some rest.”

“O-kay!” Derpy agreed, closing her eyes. The Doctor started to make his way to the couch when he felt her hoof on his back. He looked back to see her eyes wide open again, tears in them, “Please don't leave. I'm scared.”

The Doctor sighed, shaking his head, “Alright, how about this.” He laid down, putting a hoof around Derpy. “I will stay here until you fall asleep.”

She wriggled closer, slowly falling back to sleep.

“You know,” he whispered, “this isn't the first time I ended up in the same bed as a companion. The last time was in the 1800s.” He laughed, “There was barely room for us on that bed, let me tell you.” He sighed as Derpy rolled over, hugging on him. “I've never had so many questions, Derpy. Mostly concerning you at the moment. I worry about you. Don't get me wrong, I've been in tight scrapes before. I've saved my companions from worse, but I've also lost...so many to problems that pale in comparison as well. The truth is...I’m scared, Derpy. I'm terrified of losing you! And yet.” He gave another deep sigh, “I still can't figure out how to save you…” he looked into her closed eyes, kissing her forehead, “Well, good night, Derpy.” He tried to get up and Derpy tightened her hug around him. He fought for a few moments only to hear her whimper in her sleep. He stopped. “Alright. You win. I suppose when you said don't leave, you really meant it. Fair enough.” Derpy smiled a bit in her sleep, and the Doctor found himself smiling back, “Maybe staying here will stop the nightmares, and you can have sweet dreams for the rest of the night. I hope so.” He yawned, “You deserve peace.” He fell asleep easily, as he and Derpy cuddled through the night.

Luna walked in with Sombra, “Will you please explain what happened? The stallion did not seem drunk when he apologized.”

“Oh, he’s drunk, just not on Crystal berry wine.”. Sombra grinned, “I'm certain he probably talked about a mare...well, this mare has feelings for him. I'm pretty sure he has similar feelings…”

“Uh-huh,” Luna smirked.

“what?!” Sombra questioned innocently.

“Now it makes sense.” Luna smiled, shaking her head, “You just can not help yourself, can you? Let me guess, you met the mare and stallion, and noticed her little embers of love in her heart, and, instead of leaving it be like most ponies, you decide to play cupid. Probably hoodwinked you entire kingdom into your little matchmaking mission.”

“...you caught me, but, honestly, he has embers of love too. He just doesn't know it yet.”

“I am still a bit curious them.”

“As am I, my love, but I can promise you that they are wonderful ponies. The Doctor has an intelligence that could rival Starswirl, and Derpy is such a sweet pony.”

“I'm certain any friends of yours I will get along with as well. That is, so long as Doctor doesn't go and pull stunts like that all the time.”

“I'm certain he’s only worried for Derpy’s sake.” Sombra yawned.

Luna smiled. She had many more questions, but Sombra had stayed up longer than usual. “Sombra, let's get you to bed.” She smiled, a thought crossing her mind as they made their way to his bedchamber. She opened the door with her decision made, laying Sombra down before laying down next to him.

“Lu-lu lu…”

“Is it too much?” Luna blushed, “I just thought...seeing as we are engaged...but perhaps I'm being too forward…” she began to leave only to have Sombra stopped her, pulling her back down, and kissing her passionately.

“Not at all.” Sombra managed, blushing himself, “I was just surprised. I would be delighted to sleep together with you.” The two talked happily about their future together until Sombra nodded off, Luna lying peacefully beside him.

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