• Published 4th Dec 2017
  • 1,094 Views, 35 Comments

Time Bubbles - Janicethelight

Doctor Whooves and Derpy go on adventures through time and space

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Chapter 37: Surprises

“Derpy.” The Doctor prompted. It had been about two weeks since they had escaped the Crystal Empire. Derpy was walking in her mail carrier uniform, trying to feel some sense of normalcy after everything that happened, “Derpy. Have you nearly finished your job?”

Derpy looked at him, startled for a moment as if pulled out of a deep thought. She took a breath, digesting the question. “Oh. Sorry, no, Doctor. I still have to give out five letters. There's one for Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. They seem really important!” Derpy answered.

“May I join you while you deliver the rest of them?”


The Doctor smiled, walking close to her as she delivered her letters to each of the ponies from all over Ponyville.

“Princess Celestia requested the Apple family to work on the food for the summer sun celebration? Well, I'll be hogtied in the middle of a cornfield, I sure as sugar didn't see that coming!” Applejack whistled.

“Well, of course, the princess wants me to clear the sky that day. I'm the fastest flyer in Ponyville! Maybe even all of Equestria!” Rainbow Dash boasted.

“Oh my. The princess herself wants me to take care of the decorations. I think I may faint.” Rarity sighed.

“Oh dear...I don't know why the princess would want me to get the birds together to help with the songs...I hope I do it well…” murmured Fluttershy.

“Huh. Well, that's unexpected. The Princess thanked me for my service of helping everyone feel welcome in town and hopes I continue to do so in the future. I had no idea she knew about it. Maybe I can send her a thank you gift for noticing! Or even better, a thanks for noticing party!” Pinkie laughed.

The Doctor puzzled over this as Derpy lead the way back to the post office to sign out for the day. “Seems rather odd of Celestia to send those specific ponies letters.”

“Applejacks family founded Ponyville, so it's no surprise to ask for their help. Rainbow Dash is the fastest, so clearing the sky wouldn't take long for her. Rarity has been trying to make a name in the fashion world for a few moons now. I don't really understand how she would know Fluttershy of all ponies, but every pony in Ponyville knows about Pinkie’s welcoming parties, so I guess four of them aren't really odd if you think about it.”

“That would make sense...except...is Applejack the head of the family?”

“No, Granny Smith is.”

“Than why specifically send the letter to Applejack?”


“And asking one pegasus seems to be an odd thing to do. Wouldn't it be faster to have a group clear the sky?”


“same with rarity. One unicorn decorating everything? Seems like a lot of responsibility.”

“When you put it that way…” Derpy thought aloud.

“It leaves us with another mystery!” The Doctor smiled as Derpy clocked out, now free. “I want to know what her highness is up to.”

“are you sure? After everything-”

“Derpy, I’ve had enough time to think about it, and honestly, if I stopped traveling every time I had a bad experience, we would have never met!”

“Then why keep doing it?”

“Because for every bad experience I have had, I have also had wonderful ones. For every death I have witnessed, I have saved thousands more. Plus, there is so much to see, so many worlds to visit. Worlds that I've never seen. Worlds that don't know me. I can start over and become the doctor that I've always wanted to be. Just passing through. Helping where I can.”

“Oh.” The words ‘passing through’ hurt. She reminded herself that the Doctor was just passing through Equestria as well, staying to figure her out. She let out a small sigh as they walked.

“At any rate, since I will be here for longer than I first thought to see as all those portals were opening like crazy...you haven't seen one since we've been back, have you?”

“Just one a few nights ago outside my window. It seemed like a peaceful one at least.”

“Plus, one in a week’s time is better than one every few minutes.” Derpy silently nodded, causing an awkward silence for a few minutes. The doctor coughed to make some sound before continuing. “That's not what I wanted to ask about though...the thing is, there are still things that need investigating. These portals, why you are the only pony in this time to see them...as well as other questions...so, I'm traveling again starting today. Had a nice rest, but I want to see more...know more. I know we went through a terrible experience with Sombra. I need to continue to travel. It's in my nature, and I would never want that to be the last adventure I had...you, however, seem to be still getting used to being home. You’ve been through so much, Derpy...I would understand completely if you don't want to travel with me anymore.”

Derpy stared at him, dumbfoundedly, “That's what you wanted to talk about? Doctor, I told you...I will stay with you! Where you go, I'll go.”

“Are you sure you're up for it?”

“Are you kidding?! After all of that, we can handle anything that comes our way!”

The Doctor laughed, “Oh, Derpy. You are always full of surprises.” He stood next to his beloved blue box they had walked to, “I can't tell you how grateful I am for you staying with me, but I thought I could show you.” He pulled a chain from his tie pocket. On the chain dangled a small key. He walked over to Derpy, slipping the chain around her neck. The chain and key disappeared beneath her fur. One of Derpy’s eyes looked down at her neck in confusion before looking back up at him. “Now, you can come into the Tardis any time you want.” He grinned.


“Of course. Best way to help you stay safe if things get dicey again, after all.” The doctor winked. Derpy beamed, taking the key from under her fur, holding the precious item. “And, I have a favor to ask you.”

The Doctor opened the Tardis, looking around. “A favor, Doctor?”

“If you wouldn't mind. Usually, the Tardis changes when I regenerate...but she hasn't yet. And, truth be told, I'm not sure how I would see it with this new magical world. So, I thought maybe we could try something new. A first for her and myself, and ask somepony who has lived in this world to help. Somepony who knows this world's magic, and has had experience in the Tardis...and there is only one pony that fits that description.”

“Wait...you want me to redecorate your Tardis?! But I could break something.”

“Oh, don't you worry. All you need to do is picture what the Tardis would look like if it had come from this world. Talk to the Tardis. Tell her about your world. Your life. When she's ready to change, she'll let you know.”

“Doctor...are you sure...it's your tardis!”

“Absolutely. I'm sure she will add a bit of me to her as well. But, I am hoping she gets to know you as I have.”

Derpy felt her face redden as she smiled unconsciously. “Well...if it means that much to you...I'll try my best!”

“Wonderful. I'll be in the library when you're finished.”

“But...but Doctor, you have been in the library all week. Are you planning on reading every book in there?!”

“Yes, as a matter of fact. I have a lot to catch up on when it comes to your history and way of life. The differences between pegusi, Earth Ponies, and unicorns are the most interesting so far. As well as the marks on your flanks...cutie marks, I believe. How your three tribes come together. Cloudsdale actually being made of clouds. How extraordinary! And don't get me started on your mythology.”

Derpy smiled. “I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. I'll meet you there when I'm done. “ Derpy trotted into the Tardis while the Doctor went off presumably to read. “Alrighty, Tardis...where do I begin…?” Derpy wondered before talking all about Equestria, Ponies, and all the life she could remember.

The doctor closed the latest book, looking up to the sky. The moon had risen high in the sky. He yawned as Derpy came in, half asleep herself. “Glad to see you back.”

He walked her home, certain the Tardis was undergoing some sort of transformation. Like every other night, he ‘slept’ by the door, sonic out to warn for unexpected visitors of the stone variety.

The next day, when he woke up, he noticed there was still no sign of the other two weeping ponies. He wanted to think that they had given up on Derpy, but he knew better. The longer they took to come, the more powerful they would be.

Derpy walked out with a yawn, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, ready for work. The Doctor pulled her in the wrong direction.

“Wah! Doctor! Work’s that way!”

“I know, Derpy. But I couldn't sleep a wink last night! All I could think of was all the infinite possibilities of the new Tardis. I need to see it with you. We can check with your work after.”


“Aren't you just brimming with curiosity?”

“I guess I do want to see what she came up with.”

The two came over to the blue box, the doctor bouncing with anticipation. He stopped briefly to turn to Derpy, “why don't you do the honors.” He smiled.

Derpy nodded, pulling out her new key. She pushed it into the lock, turning it with ease. The Doctor watched in amazement as Derpy opened the door. She took the key back, hiding it in her gray fur once more as they both stepped inside.

The time column in the center of the console bobbed up and down and slowly rotated; the chrome mechanism highlighted with tiny white points of light. The whole thing appeared to be contained in a cylindrical force field that separated it from the control console that surrounded it.

The Doctor noted that the console was lower than before, making the controls more accessible to anyone with four legs. The design of the control room was much brighter than his room of copper, brass, and turquoise green lighting. It had an inviting, almost organic feel to it. Curvy rods connected to the console and twisted up into the ceiling like the branches of a tree. The metal of the rods and most of the control room was like white gold. It was trimmed with a dull lime green metal. He likened it to an abstract painting of a panoramic field on a hazy day. The roundels of his earlier regenerations had returned to the walls of the room but seemed to be combining to project an image of what lay outside the TARDIS.

The doctor marveled at the new layout. “Derpy. It's beautiful!”

“Well, I mean, the TARDIS did all the work. I just talked to-”

Derpy stopped, blushing at the sudden kiss to her cheek.

“Thank you again...for saving me.” He hugged Derpy, “I've been meaning to thank you...I just...couldn't think of how.”

Derpy blushed deeply. “This was to thank me? But, we saved each other. If you hadn’t helped me, I would be...well...!” Derpy admitted, “I know we’ve been trying to sort of...put it behind us, but it’s hard to do.”

“I know what you mean. It feels nice to talk to you about it more though.”

“Yeah. I feel a bit better too.”

“And...ready to go on a new adventure?”

“Well...we do need to test out the new Tardis! Right?”

“Absolutely, Derpy! Andiamo!”


“Fun way to say let's go. It's Italian. I love Italian. Their pasta is delicious. I once created the bow tie noodle once. It was during a unique time in my life when I loved bow ties. At any rate, I end up in the 16th century and craving pasta, so I made my own. Oh, those housewives were so confused when I asked, but they had extra anyway.”


“Do ponies have bow tie pasta?”

“I don't think so.”

“Well, then I can invent it here too.” He mused, looking over to Derpy. He couldn't let her know about the knots in his stomach or the fact that he wasn't really ready for a new adventure. He knew it was too quiet. All week, too quiet. With weeping angels after her for a crime she didn't commit, too quiet was worrying. He wanted-no. He needed to figure this out...for Derpy's sake.

Piloting the Tardis was easier now with bigger buttons and knobs to make it less likely to push two buttons at once. He began to push, pull and prod all around the console, getting used to the new layout. “Derpy, why don't you explore a bit. Just try not to get too far!”

Derpy nodded. Upstairs there were a multitude of bedrooms, as if the Tardis were expected many more ponies besides Derpy at some point. The console room held hallways of its own, and a pair of double doors besides the doors to the way out. Derpy went through the hallway first, and excitement filled her when she spotted the gigantic kitchen. The fridge and cupboards were filled to the brim with all kinds of pony food, as well as plenty of muffin ingredients.

Past the kitchen was an extensive library bigger than the one in Ponyville. Past that was shelves that seemed to go on forever, each filled with things that Derpy had never seen before. Deciding to turn away from that, she checked the other pair of double doors. They had to be opened with a button. Inside was a single small room with nothing inside. Confused, she went away from the small room, opting for the stairs instead. The stairs went up and down endlessly it seemed. Down stairs was a swimming pool, a gym, sauna, some odd rectangular black shape with seats facing it that Derpy didn't understand. There was a playground area, some sort of wind tunnel, and what looked like a greenhouse with its own lighting. Upstairs had storage, meeting rooms,, boxes, more books, and filing cabinets. Derpy hooves hegan to hurt from all the walking on the stairs, so she went back to the main console room, her face perplexed. “Is there an end?!” She asked.

“Oh I'm certain there is. I checked the elevator, and it said she's got over 100 floors, so it does go one for some time. How did each level seem?”

“Homey, I guess. Welcoming. Like the library.”

“Wonderful. Is there still a pool?”


“Sensational! Never know what my TARDIS will leave and keep. Each time it's a bit different. I think she likes you, Derpy.”

Derpy smiled bashfully. “I like her too. I hope we can be great friends.” She smiled.

“I think you already are. Now, first trip in the new Tardis. I tried to get us to a new planet. Let's see where she brought us!”

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