• Published 3rd Dec 2017
  • 4,878 Views, 142 Comments

Heart of the Force - fluttershyfan17

In the midst of Order 66, Jedi Knight Kaleb Taymar is transported to Equestria. Starting a new life, he becomes friends with the Main 6. However, the Force has awakened in Equestra, and their lives will never be the same.

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Chapter 19: Visions Near and Far

Kaleb was in a field of fog, barely able to see anything. The light shone through, making him able to see. He walked forward, knowing not the path in front of him, but there was something. The Force was all around him, the constant guide in the mist and shadow. The fog began to clear slightly, and he saw the grave that lay before him. Clone trooper helmets were mounted onto pikes, sticking up from the ground. But it was the design that caught his attention. They were painted in a scheme of orange and white, covering the sleek blue underneath. He sensed someone through the Force, and looked up.

There was another figure gazing at the helmets. Kaleb could not see who it was at first, as it wore a cloak of grey. But as the figure looked up, directly at Kaleb, he knew that face. Her eyes showed grief, but also a sense of wisdom.

“Ahsoka…” That was all he could say as she disappeared, walking into the fog. And he realized where he was.

The walls of the cave were wide, presenting a cavern with a height of about fifty feet overhead. Kaleb walked down a stone path, as it was the only one in front of him. All around him, fog and smoke presented a hazy scene, with distortions and echoes as his only path. He couldn’t see too far around him, for the only thing he could feel was the ground beneath his feet. All he could do was observe, and react in his mind, for he couldn’t find the voice to speak, not after seeing his friend. The one constant in guidance was the Force.

As he walked, he saw glimpses of the galaxy he once knew. Jedi younglings and masters, some of which he recognized, some of which he didn’t. All of which seemed to be frozen in time, running in fear. Clone troopers fired upon them, as he saw dioramas in the sides of the cave. He heard shouts of different voices, calling out in fear, some in fight. Others ran, as they saw their masters.

“Dume! Run.”

“Stay and fight. We have to…it’s the only way.”

“Don’t be a fool. Go!”

He saw different dioramas of these moments, all featuring the same overall scene. Padawans running, as their masters were gunned down by clone troopers. A particular apprentice with red-brown hair caught his attention, as a Jedi he recognized as Jaro Tapal was gunned down. The boy took his lightsaber. Kaleb could sense the fear in the boy’s eyes, as his escape pod crashed.

Other times the scenes he saw were out of the temple, where younglings were killed by a mysterious figure cloaked in black. Kaleb couldn’t see who was under the cloak, but the dark side was strong with them. Before him, legions of clone troopers fired upon numerous Jedi, as the fires began to grow and blood began to spill.

Time appeared to move in these scenes by years. The red-haired boy now worked in the shipyards, filled with guilt and trauma of hiding for years. Numerous visions came of the apprentices who had escaped, and how they were living. Scrap by scrap, some starving and living in fear. Having to run and see those try to protect them die, living with that guilt for the rest of their days. Some turned to despair rather than fight, living the rest of their days in depression. They sought the solace of the grave, and dived closer every moment.

The armor of the clones began to change, becoming more angular. It became a form Kaleb couldn’t recognize. They were no longer who he had fought with, but something different, reflecting their cruelty and malice. He saw apprentices and their masters now in hiding, being captured by these troops. Scenes of Jedi in captivity, being tortured as they were forced to give up the locations of others, or be turned to the Dark Side. One such scene churned his stomach. An apprentice with dark skin and medium-length black hair stood before her tortured master. The apprentice had turned to the Dark Side.

He recognized the pair. Cere Junda and Trilla Sudari, both of whom he had known. As the scene played out in front of him, he tried to intervene but was stopped by an invisible wall. He felt the ground give in from under him, and fell ten feet, floating in mid-air.

In front of him was a pool, and creature stood on top of the water. Its red-pink head was angular, extending to the sides like a hat. Underneath the sides were curves of gold. The tall neck was covered by tall beige and gold robes extending to the sides, and it eyes were blank shades of green. Wind whipped around the figure, rustling the waves. Kaleb walked out to the figure, reaching out as if to touch it.

It disappeared, and the pool was replaced by fog. Thousands of the troopers in new armor marched in line, in armor of white and black. Their conversations were in static. He heard Obi-Wan’s voice over the movements of twirling blasters. “The Republic has fallen. So begins the dark times of the Galactic Empire.”

Kaleb couldn’t believe what was happening, or what could have happened. He was trying to deny the thought in his head, that the Republic could have fallen, or given rise to darkness. Obi Wan’s message and this speech hit him hard, confirming those facts. Behind him, he heard footsteps and turned around. He saw a figure in shadow, ten feet behind him, its mechanical breaths giving him chills and echoing throughout. A blade of red ignited…and it was all Kaleb saw before the blade swung at him.

Kaleb opened his eyes with alarm and reached for his lightsaber, wincing with pain. It soon became clear that he wasn’t in that cave, or the Senate chambers, but on a hospital bed in a small room. He wore hospital robes instead of the Jedi kind, with bandages around his ribs. The only amount of light came from a small lamp to the side.

He held a hand to his head, trying to figure out what he just saw. What was that? That couldn’t have been real, but I could feel the Force. Glimpses into the future. The Republic can’t be gone, it can’t be. Am I denying the truth, or was this all a bad dream of my own creation? Faust…I feel so alone and confused. And helpless for that matter…

Thoughts poured into his head, nearly becoming too much to bear. All were silenced for now as a door opened, and he saw Flash walk in. “Kaleb! Thank Faust, you’re awake.” He walked quickly over to him, and grabbed his arm, helping him into a sitting position.

“Flash…” Kaleb shook his head, trying to clear it. “Where am I? And How long have I been out?”

“Seven hours,” Flash explained. “We rushed you to the infirmary as fast as we could. Dr. Bluejay managed to extract the remaining poison from the dagger and produce an antidote. After your vitals stabilized, he moved you to a private room close to his office.” He fixed Kaleb with a concerned look. “Are you okay? You seem…kind of lost.”

“I’m okay, just a little slow from waking up.” Kaleb remembered what he saw. I need time to process all of this. But not right now. Kaleb shook his head, and noticed his staff was leaning against the wall. “It seems like you’ve been here for a while.”

Flash nodded. “I’m on orders to guard you until you awoke. It’s been a hectic few hours of reestablishing order around Canterlot, and reassuring everyone the city is safe. Princess Celestia and Luna have recovered and are organizing everything. It appears the police were under the spell, and the guards who were kidnapped and replaced with changelings were found in the deeper catacombs of the tunnels.”

“What about my ship?” Kaleb asked. “Is it still at the train station?”

“Princess Luna managed to transport it to the bunker, along with every piece and scrap. It’s in rough shape.” Flash laughed slightly. “You managed to attract a lot of attention. Everyone in Canterlot probably knows.”

“It’s to be expected,” Kaleb said, shrugging. “The ship could only be kept secret for so long, and I won’t know the full damage it took for a while.” He put a hand to his bandages, noticing the tender areas. “How bad are they?”

“Could be worse, but it did a number,” the guard replied, looking at Kaleb’s chart. “Several cracked ribs on both sides, some close to fractures. Even though your sternum is healed, the bruising is going to hurt like hell. Medication and potions are being used for healing and managing the pain. It’s going to be difficult for the next few weeks, but you should make a full recovery.”

He paused and took a deep breath. “Before I tell anyone you’re awake, I wanted to talk to you in private. You saved my life, back when we were flying. I can’t tell you how much it means to me. When someone saves you like that, I just can’t describe that feeling. But with your friend…”

“Thankfulness,” Kaleb finished, knowing what Flash was thinking. “And brotherhood. When we were out there together, I felt that bond. I know I told you about Rogue, and what he meant to me. Even though he’s gone, part of him is still there.” He held out a hand to the guard who took it. “Consider us friends. Perhaps even brothers. We saved each other’s lives, that’s something to bond over.”

Flash chuckled slightly. “I’ll try and live up to his legacy. You still owe me that drink though.”

“Right. I’ll remember that,” Kaleb chuckled, before his voice turned to seriousness. “Are you sure all the changelings are gone?”

“At the moment, we are,” Flash responded. “We’re conducting a search through Canterlot, and we’ll be done by tomorrow morning. Dr. Bluejay is helping the Equestrian Guard, but he’ll be back by tonight.

Before Kaleb could say anything more, Flash responded to his worries. “Your friends are waiting for you outside. I couldn’t get an update on Fluttershy’s condition before I got here. Those children have minor injuries and are currently resting. Should I tell them?”

“Yeah, go ahead.” Flash nodded, and went outside. Kaleb took a look outside the window. I need time to figure out what that vision meant. What it means for the Jedi’s future as well as mine. I was never in the Jedi Council, so I never heard any conversations about any kind of coup. Who did this, and how did they collapse an entire government?

He took his lightsaber from the bedside table, gripping it before putting it back. They can’t know, not about this. This secret I must keep, even if it destroys me. Kaleb was in denial. The simple fact remained that the institution he had sworn to protect was gone, burned to ash and dust. Giving rise to a horror responsible for atrocity.

A knock broke him out of his state, as he gazed up at the ponies filing in. Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack all filed in, with Applejack carrying a basket of apples and flowers. “We figured this would be a good gift. I know how much you enjoyed the honeycrisp apples from the fall festival.”

“Thank you, this is very thoughtful.” She set it down, and they gathered around him. Kaleb noticed they had all picked up smaller injuries, and their coats were slightly faded from exhaustion. “I’m glad to see you five safe, but where’s…”

“Fluttershy’s okay.” Twilight interrupted before he could ask. “She’s currently unconscious, those wounds from earlier took their toll along with her wing. She’s stable, and should be waking up in a few hours.”

Kaleb nodded. “Thank the Maker, along with the rest of you.”

“And I want to thank you again for your bravery today. Equestria is safe because of all of you.” As he was thanking them, smiling, he noticed they looked at him differently. There was genuine concern instead of happiness, and confusion as if they didn’t recognize him. They were trying to appear joyful in front of him, but the true feeling showed in their eyes. He paused, noticing this, and looked at them with the seriousness they returned.

“We’re sorry Kaleb, there’s just something that’s bothering us right now,” Rainbow Dash explained. “And it kind of has to do with you.”

Rarity shot her a warning look, as Applejack punched her wing slightly. “Not in that way, darling. You saved all of us, including Spike, my sister, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo. And we’re all grateful. But something happened before the battle started…”

“All of you were in the magical dome, and saw those visions.” Kaleb had wished to avoid this conversation, but he knew in those moments it had arrived the moment they entered. They aren’t angry at me, they’re worried.

Pinkie Pie nodded. “Kaleb, was it all true? It couldn’t have been, maybe it was just a bad dream.”

Kaleb sat there for a moment, thinking. Chrysalis wanted to use me to scare them. To see their powers in a new light, and she succeeded. They’re scared of those visions, and perhaps even me. He closed his eyes before opening them again. “Yes.”

He spoke before any of them could reply. “Those flashbacks are real. And the emotional and physical torment is still there, even now. I never wanted any of you to find out this way, not like this. It would have been a conversation done years from now, not today. I’m sorry, for everything. Chrysalis used me to get to you. To scare you into surrendering.”

Pinkie Pie walked to his bedside. “It’s alright, Kaleb. She manipulated everyone, but we stuck together.”

“And nothing breaks the bond of friends, no matter what.” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “Without loyalty, we wouldn’t be around.”

“Especially friends who consider each other family,” Twilight finished. “We’re family, Kaleb. You said it yourself. That was an excellent speech.”

An inner voice rang through his head. Your other family is struggling to survive, dying and in pain. Yet you lie here, in comfort. What kind of family abandons each other? Everything you fought for is gone, and fallen to darkness.

Kaleb nodded, trying to push the doubts from his head. “Yeah, thanks. Just something that came to me in the moment.” The sunset poured into the window. “I wish I could keep you entertained, but I’m kind of tired. And hungry, now that I think about it.”

“Girls, let’s give him some space,” Twilight said. “But before we do, every family member needs to go through something.”

That was the moment they all bundled him in a group hug. As much as Kaleb enjoyed the sentiment, his injuries did not. “Okay, that’s nice….ow….ow… watch it, watch the ribs.”

They immediately all jumped back, apologizing. “It’s okay, hugging with cracked ribs isn’t the best idea. Let’s reschedule this for another time.” He chuckled, stopping when it became painful.

All except for Twilight said their goodbyes and left, closing the door behind them. The unicorn looked at him. “It’s around 7:00, by the way. There’s no clock in here for some reason. I think they’re serving dinner to everyone right about now.”

Kaleb picked up a menu, looking at it, while Twilight was speaking. “They have a small selection of food, so there aren’t many options.”

“It’s okay, I’m fine with it.” Kaleb clarified quickly. “I might start to add meat into my diet in moderation, at some point anyway. I think with today, especially with what I was doing, really took a lot of energy out. I’m going to need a little more strength if I’m going to adjust to the growth of my physical abilities and Force powers.”

“Was that what it was?” Twilight asked. “You managed to block every magical blast, and redirect it while flipping. And on top of that, you had to fight through a lot of changelings.”

Kaleb nodded. All of his friends had an understanding of when he was talking about the Jedi or the Force, that information needed to be kept in confidence. “I went into meditation during combat, something I thought was only possible from the most skilled Jedi Masters. Your state of mind changes from the Force and requires immense concentration that allows you to meditate during combat, boosting your physical and mental abilities as well. I was never able to go into it properly before today. The cost is it takes a great deal of stamina, and leaves the user drained.”

“Is it used as a last resort? I can see why you were.” He could tell that Twilight was now curious.

“Yes, only in circumstances most dire. I knew of only a few masters with that kind of control. Even my own couldn’t perfect it, although she was able to do it at certain times. That was why Drogo was able to stab me, doing it multiple times when you have no experience controlling it depletes your energy.” He thought back to the times when Obi-Wan and Master Yoda lectured him about it. “Keeping up your physical fitness and stamina is part of it, along with perfecting deep, advanced meditations.” From different sects of Force users, such as the ones on Jehda.

He could tell he at least made Twilight’s day. Rarity called out to Twilight, and she turned to him. “Spike’s awake, I need to see him. I think the rest of the CMC are as well.”

“Go, be with him,” Kaleb replied. “I’ll be fine here. I could probably use the quiet time anyway to think. Give them my best”.

Twilight waved as she left. Kaleb glanced at the menu.

Sweetie Belle gazed out of the window, as the sunset was quickly turning to darkness. She was sitting on a chair, up from her bed. I can feel them, the birds and the animals returning. Faint, but there. She sighed, thinking about the past day. Crazy, it went from huddling in a bunker to playing with Thunder’s pets, Jim and Frank. They did love the puppet show we put on for them, especially Spike as the singing frog.

“Sweetie Belle, are you coming over?” Scootaloo called out, her and Apple Bloom on the floor. They were at the small table, with a bevy of construction paper, glue, and writing utensils.

“I’ll be there in a sec.” She called back, looking at the sunset one last time. Moving down from the chair carefully, she went to the small table, looking at the stack of cards. “It’s a nice thing for us to do, making cards for those who were injured.”

“And on top of it, we can try for our cutie marks in card design,” Apple Bloom responded. “We can get two apples in one buck.”

“Well, we did try for a lot of things. Pan fighting, puppetry, pet counseling, playwriting,” Scootaloo listed off. “Your singing skills were off the charts.”

“That goes for all of us as well.” She responded. “Can I make Kaleb’s card? I all of us to sign it, and to make it as special as possible.”

“Sure, let me grab some glue.” Scootaloo got up and went to the box on the other side of the room, and came back. Sweetie Belle gazed at both of them. Are we really not going to talk about what happened last night?

She started to make Kaleb’s card, grabbing the construction paper and glue. That was scary for all of us. I don’t think they’re ready. Grabbing the colored pencils and crayons, she drew a heart and colored it in red, adding a blue background. Finishing up the card, she laid it down. “It’s ready to go.”

The other two nodded, with Apple Bloom taking the lead. “We need to get these other cards done so we can do a full sweep.”

“That’s fine,” she responded, taking note. “I’m going out for some air. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

She got up and walked out of the room, going down the hall. I could feel their trepidation. We all want to talk, but none of us knows how. Weaving through the floor, she made her way to a waiting area, and sat down on a chair. The walls were eggshell, and there were red chairs with lights on the walls. It was a moody atmosphere. A familiar voice caught her attention.

Princess Luna and Spike were talking quietly, their voices not able to be heard by her. She tried not to listen, no matter how hard it was. It appeared to be the tail end of the conversation, as Princess Luna got up and noticed her. “Good evening, Sweetie Belle.”

She jumped in her chair, slightly alarmed. “Hi, Princess Luna. Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude.”

“It’s alright, my young pony. I was just having a conversation with Spike.” she responded. Spike looked at her, clearly amused at this whole interaction. “He was telling me about the new comic books he is ordering this week. Very interesting indeed.”

Sweetie Belle looked at him, and he shot her a teasing glance. She resisted the urge to send him one back. “Well, I’m sure it was. I just came here for some air.”

“A good night for some. I must be going, but it was excellent to see you. Farewell.” She left, leaving the two of them alone in the waiting room.

She and Spike both laughed slightly. “That was my first time seeing her, without being with Rarity at least. It’s kind of intimidating. And I could have gone without the funny faces.”

Spike raised his hands. “Hey, I didn’t realize that, I wouldn’t have done it if I had known. But seeing your reaction was worth it.” She rolled her eyes slightly, as he chuckled. “She’s nice, once you get to know her.”

“I’m sure she is.” She said. “I thought you were with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.”

“I was, but I needed to visit Shining Armor,” Spike explained. “I was there briefly, but had to get back to Twilight. I was just coming back up to get some air before Luna came up to me.”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “Same here.” She looked at him, studying him. He seems fine, I guess just tired like the rest of us. But I just wish I could talk to…

Spike interrupted her thoughts, and broke her gaze. “Are you three holding up okay? I mean…after last night.”

She shook her head to clear her thoughts. “Maybe, I don’t know. It’s difficult to tell with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. How about you?” She didn’t expect to be asked by Spike.

“It’s kind of complicated.” Spike said, lingering on every word. “I kind of feel lost, in a way. I know that I’m safe now, but it’s scary when things get that serious. Seeing Twilight in distress was brutal.” He paused, looking at her.

She guessed he knew there were some things on her mind as well. “I just wish to Faust I can talk to the two of them. I have a feeling they’re not ready, and I just want to help them.” She looked back at him, as she moved her gaze from the hallway. “That must have been difficult, with Twilight. I know none of this is Rarity’s fault, but at the same time I’m having doubts.”

“You and her have a complicated relationship, by the looks of it,” Spike pointed out. “Talking it out tends to help Twilight and I when we’re having issues.”

She nodded. “I love Rarity, and we’ve been through a lot together. Maybe this is something we can work out together.” She thought of her friends. “I just wish that I could help Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. They’re troubled, but I don’t think they’re ready to talk.”

“Twilight always told me that we go through emotions in different ways, and it’s important to understand that,” Spike dispensed. “If they’re not ready, they’re not going to talk. They might talk to someone else instead of you when they’re ready.”

“I thought friends shared everything with each other…” Sweetie Belle replied, trailing off. They had always been close, but this felt like the first time they fell apart. “I guess that we there’s somethings that we keep to ourselves. I just wish I can help them.”

“Maybe just being there can help. Knowing that they can talk to you at any time can help. It doesn’t even matter where, or how, just having that support can make them feel better,” Spike said wisely, but with thought. His voice recoiled slightly, as if something was stuck in his throat.

She had a feeling, almost a sense, he wasn’t just talking about Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. “Oh yeah, I nearly forgot.” She rummaged through her saddlebags and took out a book, handing it to him. “I figured you could use some…new reading material…well not new, exactly.”

Spike gazed down at the book in amazement. “This is the Power Ponies Guidebook, covering the statistical stats and provided powers of the entire universe. This is awesome, and an older edition.” He was trying not to do claw motions on the alliterations, which Sweetie Belle found hilarious. “Where did you get this?”

“Rarity.” Spike looked at her, almost raising an eyebrow. “I’m not joking, turns out she snuck comics into my parent’s house, and got this from a used bookstore in Rainbow Falls.”

“Thanks, I can’t wait to read this tonight,” Spike said, almost a little confused but grateful. “I wish I had something to give you.”

“You can always let me borrow it once I’m finished catching up on the older runs,” Sweetie Belle said, slightly nervous. “Consider it a thanks. You did…kind of save me last night.”

Spike remembered, looking back. “Yeah…I guess I did." He looked at her, taking a few seconds to make sure nobody else was coming. “Dragons have this sense which triggers their defensive reflexes when anyone close to them is in danger. It kicked in when they attacked us, and my fire was the first line of defense. I couldn’t let them get all of you. But that muzzle, it was like I couldn’t breathe. I tried to break it, but it was too strong.”

“You did everything you could,” Sweetie Belle responded, trying to calm him. “Even without it, I have a feeling you would have jumped.”

“I guess you’re right. If there’s anyone I should be thanking, it’s all of you,” Spike added, rubbing his arm. He sighed and looked at her, as she looked back in confusion. “The last few weeks, the last month really, have been cool. Spending time with you, Scoots, and Apple Bloom. It’s kind of hard to explain, but I was in a really bad place before all of this. It was like I had been thrown this dark pit of bad feelings, negativity, and sadness, and I was falling deeper into it. The deeper it gets, the colder it is. Even though I’m climbing back up, I’m still slipping.”

“Did you ever tell Twilight about this?” Sweetie Belle asked.

He shook his head. “No, I couldn’t. It wasn’t until after I snapped at her that I think she realized there was something more. She doesn’t know the full truth, but enough to realize something was happening. But then you reached out, and kept me from falling deeper. Without that, I don’t know if I could have ever come back up.”

Her head filled with a bevy of emotions. Oh Spike. There was this one feeling she couldn’t recognize, a small one that spoke to her. “I just was trying to do the right thing, like any friend should. Nobody should have to go through that alone, not even you.”

“True. Sometimes, it gets lonely being Twilight’s number one assistant,” Spike added. “It’s not what I want to do for the rest of my life, sometimes it would just be nice to explore a little. When Twilight and I moved here, her friends became mine, in a way. But, it’s difficult to connect with them sometimes.”

“I feel that,” Sweetie Belle acknowledged. “Sometimes, it feels like Rarity is in her own different world.”

“But I never really had a group of friends my age, not even in Canterlot. When we first moved here, I found it really difficult to connect at first, but then The Cutie Mark Crusaders changed that. In a way, you three inspire me to try and branch out. I don’t want to be her number one assistant forever; I want to explore the world. Sometimes I wish I could be a part of something bigger. Twilight always talked about the magic of friendship, but I never truly knew what it meant until you three became my friends. So, thanks for that.”

She didn’t know what to say, but had gratitude in her expression. “Of course! That’s what friends are for.” She held out her hoof, and Spike took it, shaking it, before giving her a high five.

Spike checked the time. “I should be getting back to Twilight, but this was a blast. I guess I’ll see you at the ceremony tomorrow, and the reception.”

“Yeah, see you tomorrow!” she said with enthusiasm, as Spike wandered out of the room. Letting out a deep breath, she took a look out the window. There has to be something more I can do, or we can do for him. An idea bounced into her head. Maybe, just maybe I can convince them…

She trotted down the hall, faster than usual, arriving at the room only a few seconds after. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were organizing cards, with the young earth pony looking up. “There you are, we’re just sorting out cards before giving them out. We have to get these out quick.”

“Sorry, getting air took longer than I thought,” she said quickly, hoping it wasn’t too late. “But before we do, I’d like to call a Cutie Mark Crusaders special meeting.”

Scootaloo looked up. “If it’s a quick conversation, I’m good.” Apple Bloom responded the same.

“Okay.” Sweetie Belle took a deep breath. “I am submitting a nomination for an invitation to our group. I know it’s just been the three of us, but in times of special circumstances, we put in our code that we could consider more for membership.”

The two of them looked at her. Scootaloo nodded. “Okay, I’ll hear it. I guess these aren’t normal times.”

She closed the door before taking a deep breath before giving her pitch. “It’s someone who’s shown to be a Crusader both in spirit and action. Someone who has learned the value of friendship from us, and is inspired by it. Someone who has been our friend for a while now, and who even has helped us at some points….”

Apple Bloom raised her hoof, and Sweetie Belle stopped. She looked at her honestly, and with an understanding. “You’re talking about Spike. He’s the one you’re nominating.”

She nodded. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at each other, with Scootaloo speaking first. “When we started this club, it was just the three of us. We were already friends, and this was a way to really be able to hang out together, and work towards our goals of getting a cutie mark. I’m not saying that Spike isn’t worthy, but how will it affect our friendship?”

“Having more friends isn’t a bad thing, Scoots,” Apple Bloom replied. “And I don’t think it would affect the three of us at all. We can still hang out together, outside of the club.”

“I was just pointing it out, that’s all,” she said. “I like Spike, it’s just this is new for our club. We haven’t admitted anyone else before.”

Apple Bloom nodded, turning to Sweetie Belle. “I think Spike would make an excellent Crusader. But we need to consider the special circumstances before we make a decision.”

I know what they are, but it’s not positive. If I tell them, I need to make sure they know how serious this is. “Give me a Pinkie Promise that what I tell you doesn’t leave this room.”

Both ponies did the promise, partially surprised by the serious tone in her voice. Apple Bloom nodded to her encouragingly. “Okay, we promise to keep this secret. Please tell us the circumstances.”

Sweetie Belle took a deep breath, and started to talk about Spike, including about what had been happening over the past few months. Both ponies listened, trying their best to hide their expressions as she told them. She spoke nonstop for six minutes, trying to be as sensitive as possible and not divulging more than what was needed. After she finished she took a deep breath, and looked at them.

The trio sat in silence for over a minute before Scootaloo spoke quietly. “Before I was adopted, I heard stories from the ponies at the orphanage, older ones about those kinds of feelings. None of you can relate, but when you feel that alone, it’s difficult to get back up. There were some that couldn’t get out, that couldn’t stop those feelings. They never were the same again, or at the worst…decided life wasn’t worth it.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle held her hoof. “Thanks. Even after I was, I still struggled, but I had you two. I think friendship is more powerful than anyone thinks. Even the Mane Six doesn’t fully know what it can do.”

Apple Bloom chuckled. “My sis has that feeling sometimes. I know we started this club for us, but I think we have the ability here to help others and change lives for the better. It’s something that goes beyond the three of us getting our cutie mark. If we can help others, even in a small way, it’s worth it.”

Scootaloo nodded. “This is something that we should add to our guidelines, but that’s for another time. Anything more to add?”

Sweetie Belle started her conclusion. “Spike looks up and is inspired by us. He’s practically already helped us try and find out talents. If he has the spirit of a Crusader, and the heart of one as well, we should offer him an invitation.”

Apple Bloom looked at the two. “Shall we put it to a vote?”

Spike smiled as he moved the chess pieces on the table beside Kaleb’s bed. “Check.”

It was late, around 9:45 as Kaleb and Spike were engaged in the chess match for the ages. The board was set, and they each moved the pieces with quick precision. He had tried to put aside the troubled thoughts for another time, but they still plagued him. I can’t falter, not for Spike, not for anyone.

Kaleb set forth a series of movements with his knights, but it was not enough to stop the long strategy Spike was putting forth: drawing his pieces out for small skirmishes, leaving his king defenseless except for the queen. Kaleb moved his queen in front, buying time as Spike took the piece to be able to move his king. Finally, the king was trapped by Spike’s queen and a squadron of pawns. “Checkmate.”

Kaleb nodded, helping to put the chess pieces back in the box even as Spike insisted. “I’ll be all right, it’s good to get my wrist moving. It wasn’t badly injured, just sore.”

“Just be careful, okay. Twilight told me not to push you too hard,” Spike said, closing the box. “But I think I pushed the limits. That’s my first time ever winning at chess.”

“And it was a well-earned victory,” Kaleb said, shaking Spike’s claw lightly. “You had a good strategy. I saw some of my past moves in it.”

“Yeah, I kind of drew from you,” Spike responded sheepishly. “You still had the upper hand in those skirmishes, so I guess it was just luck.”

“And a great deal of hard work,” Kaleb added. “Maybe I’ll teach you dejarik sometime if I can figure how to build the board.”

“And what’s the strategy there?” Spike asked curiously.

Kaleb let out a mischevious grin, thinking of past missions to Kashyyyk. “Always let the Wookiee win.”

The young dragon was confused, but Twilight interrupted their conversation. “Spike, it’s time to go to bed. It’s past your bedtime, but I wanted to see how that game would end.”

“And it ended in victory,” Spike responded, standing up from the chair and heading towards the door. “Goodnight, Kaleb. Enjoy the comics I left on your nightstand.” Spike closed the door, walking towards the other floors.

Twilight smiled. “That was a good game. I was watching from my journal.” she added one last thing as she sat down next to his bed. “He really looks up to you, you know? He views you like an older brother, someone who’s there.”

“I’m glad,” Kaleb replied. “He’s a good kid, and I can’t wait to spend more time with him.” He picked up one of the comics, and set it back down. “Thanks for staying here. You don’t have to, you know.”

Twilight nodded. “I know, but that’s what friends are for. It gave me some quiet space anyway.” She pulled out a book with a blue cover and gold engravings on the front. “You might want to start doing journal entries.”

“You know, you have asked me many times to write letters to Princess Celestia or add an entry in your friendship journal, and I have kindly declined every time.” Kaleb pointed out.

Twilight chuckled before getting serious. “It’s not that journal, this is for you. Your very own.” She set it down on the table. “I find it helpful to write down my thoughts, feelings, and observations. It can help me sort them out, and perhaps make sense of it.” She narrowed her eyes. “It’s no secret that something’s bothering you, Kaleb.”

He didn’t try to deny it, but had an amazement that she was able to figure it out. “How did you know?”

“You always get this look in your eyes, and you have a tendency to tap your hands or fingers on your legs,” Twilight listed. “Look, you don’t have to talk to me. You can talk to whomever you’d like or don’t. I just want to know that you are being helped, or at least have the resource to do so.”

Kaleb nodded, looking at the journal. Maybe this could help me. I need to get this out, somehow. “Thanks, Twilight. You’re a good friend, better than I can ever ask for.”

She smiled. “Of course, anytime. There’s just one thing I need to ask. Is this problem you won’t talk about Fluttershy?”

He shook his head, sighing. “No, it’s about something else. But that is something which will need to be faced.”

Twilight thought towards the day’s events. “When everything broke out in that hall, I could barely see, and she was gone. What happened?”

“She flew towards me, taking the blaster hits,” Kaleb answered to her shock. “We were forced out the window, and fell three stories before I managed to grapple us both to a room. The wounds were bad, and I was trying to save her. Dr. Bluejay managed to get her bandaged up. The last words she said before the two of them left, was to come back safe.” He paused. “She said she couldn’t lose me.”

Twilight took a few seconds to think before speaking. “I know she was quieter than usual, because of everything that was happening. But I saw her eyes during that ceremony. They were right on you.” She saw his reaction. “You really love her, don’t you? Not just an attraction or passing fade, but a deep affection.”

Kaleb responded after a few seconds. “What you need to understand is the Jedi do not view romantic attraction in a positive light. She was the first one I ever had these feelings for. After everything that happened, do you think it was the best decision?”

Twilight couldn’t respond. “All that I know is there was something there. It looked like puppy dog love, but there was always something deeper. Do you think she still loves you?”

“I…don’t know. That is a decision both of us will have to make on our own,” Kaleb said. “All I want is for her to be happy, and to have a good life. There could be part of me that still does. But things have changed, more than you know. If not, somebody will have to end it, whether one of us wants to or not. It could be one of us, or both. But it should be merciful and swift, so no added pain is felt, and we can put it out of its misery if both of us are hurting.”

He still loves her, and cares deeply. But with everything that’s happened, I see how it left him torn, Twilight realized. “You know I’m here for both of you, no matter what happens.”

“I know. It’s just there’s other matters taking up my thoughts, not just this,” Kaleb added. “It’s kind of getting late, you know. But thank you for listening.”

Twilight checked the time. “You’re welcome. I should probably go, anyway. If you ever need to talk, I’m here.” She went to the door, opening it. “Cadance and Shining Armor are going through with the ceremony in the afternoon, and having the reception in the evening. If you feel up to it, just let someone know.” She closed the door.

Kaleb looked at the time, and to the journal. Perhaps in here will I find the answers I am looking for. He opened the journal randomly, looking at the two empty ones in front of him. Slowly, but surely, he began to draw things from his vision. Drawing was slow at first, as he pondered every thought. But as the minutes passed, it soon began frantic, as he sketched quickly with his hands shaking. At last, he took a look at the drawings in front of him. The cold gazes of the helmets blazed into his head, and the ominous creature stared back at him, as if a warning for what was about to come.

He jumped and quickly closed the journal as he heard two loud knocks on his door. He reached for his lightsaber on his nightstand, and relaxed when he saw who it was.

“I thought you would still be awake,” Dr. Bluejay greeted. “You’re going to be tired, but it’s difficult to sleep.”

“Yeah, the pain’s still fresh,” Kaleb replied, looking as the doctor glanced over his chart. “What’s happening? I thought I would hear from you earlier.”

He nodded. “It’s been a long day. I’ve been working to treat multiple patients while also coordinating with the princesses on security. The wedding will go on tomorrow afternoon, with the morning being used to make sure we are secure.” He looked over towards the door. “Kaleb, there’s someone here to see you if it’s not too late…”

“Yeah, it’s fine.” Kaleb had sensed her presence in the hallway a few moments earlier, as the door opened and closed.

Fluttershy walked in, limping slightly as she did. Her mane and coat were disheveled, and had cuts and bruises along her body. One of her wings was bandaged up, wrapped tightly in white.

“I have better supplies in my office, so I’ll be right back,” Dr. Bluejay stated as he went out of the door to his office.

Fluttershy and Kaleb both stared at each other, almost as if they were studying each other. Kaleb had known any first meeting would be uncomfortable, but he didn’t anticipate it happening so soon and late. She took a seat and sat down near his bed.

After what seemed like an eternity, even though it was just 20 seconds, Kaleb broke the silence. “So, who talks first? You talk first, I talk first…”

“I don’t think the order really matters,” Fluttershy replied. Her voice was neutral, but slightly worn out, as she looked around the room. “Applejack got me that same basket, with greens and carrots for Angel. I love the honeycrisp apples.”

“Yeah, they’re really good,” he replied. “Are you alright? How’s your wing?”

“Broken, but it should heal fine in a few weeks.” She looked at him. “How did you end up with all of that?”

“Well, it’s mainly my ribs that took the beating, but it just hurts all over,” he said, adding slightly with a cough. “Crash landing the ship didn’t do my injuries any favors.”

She nodded. “I could hear it in the air, even though I couldn’t see it. It sounded impressive.”

“Yeah, the whole thing managed to kind of work.” These negotiations are short, but could not be longer right now…

“Kind of is overstating it,” Dr. Bluejay interrupted while closing the door. “The shields failed, and parts were flying off, including the damn cockpit. I thought the hull was going to be sealed tight Kaleb, not falling to pieces during battle like a heated piece of glass.”

“I thought it performed well, despite all of that.” he defended. “The weight balance certainly was better, after what we found hidden in the storage area, which could have made for a great copilot and friend if you would have helped me.”

“Did I look like I had the time to fix an entire damn astromech droid?” Fluttershy snorted back a laugh. Kaleb glared slightly at her, as she shrugged. “I apologize for the attitude, it’s been a long day, like I’ve said. I’ve had probably a hundred ponies breathing down my neck for the past few hours, including the Equestrian Guard.”

“I’ll allow it,” Kaleb replied. “The ship did at least manage to stay in the air okay.”

“That it did, but we can talk about that later. I need you to sit up, Kaleb.” He sat up, and Dr. Bluejay put the stethoscope to Kaleb’s chest. “Breathe normally.” Kaleb took normal, deep breaths as the doctor moved it all around his chest, and onto his back. He nodded, and Kaleb relaxed on the pillows, adjusting them so he could be in an upright sitting position. Dr. Bluejay continued a few more tests including blood pressure and reflexes, before finally taking a seat on the other side of the bed, opposite of Fluttershy.

“Everything seems to be alright, including blood pressure,” he explained. “The poison is out of your system, but it’s going to leave you more fatigued than usual. You actually got lucky with the ribs, they’re cracked but in a way that’s easy to naturally heal with potions, even though the injuries are severe. Bruises are normal, and should be managed with icing and medications. You’ll probably be walking with a cane for the next few weeks, but you’ll be fine.”

He paused for a moment, taking time to put away the chart. “I also spent part of the day talking to Lyra. I think I owe both of you an apology and an explanation for what happened in my absence.”

“You don’t have too,” Kaleb replied quickly, “I understand the circumstances around your kidnapping.”

“Well, it actually started before that.” Dr. Bluejay said, silencing him. “We found that the changeling infiltration happened over the past nine months. One of the changelings in disguise was a member of my staff, who happened to take your initial exam when you first arrived here.”

This left both Kaleb and Fluttershy with a shocked expression. “Parts of that physical exam were covered up, so I didn’t have everything. When I was kidnapped, you were still getting medication through my office. That’s how they changed the medication and knew about any previous injuries.” He coughed slightly. “I can assure you that security will be tighter for my office, and each member will be required to rigorous examination. Equestrian Guard standards will be applied, since I’m part of the Royal Staff.”

Kaleb nodded. “Thank you for your service, and I hope that everything goes well.”

Dr. Bluejay stood up. “When I was talking to Lyra, she told me about what happened to you two. I need to examine your back, Kaleb.”

Kaleb let out a nervous, deep breath and nodded, sitting up. Dr. Bluejay moved over to him. “Fluttershy, I’m going to need you to turn around for this part.”

She nodded, giving Kaleb a calming glance before turning around. The doctor undid Kaleb’s hospital robes, and gazed at his back. Observing the damage taken to that area, he moved his hoof gently around the skin, being careful not to push too hard or to trigger a flashback. Kaleb kept his eyes closed, doing the imagery exercises Lyra taught him. It’s only for a little while longer.

After what seemed to be a great deal of minutes, Dr. Bluejay closed the robes and told Fluttershy it was over. She looked at both of them. “What did you see?”

He sat down, thinking for a few moments before speaking. “I think Kaleb was very lucky to have gotten out when he did.” He looked at them both, giving the seriousness of the situation. “It’s not just normal tissue damage, the entire muscle structure is twisted, damaging nerves in the process. Some of those burns never healed properly either. It’s deep, most likely going into the spine. If they had pushed any further, he would be lucky to be moving or even be alive.”

Fluttershy gasped slightly, looking at Kaleb and sharing his shocked expression. “This is beyond my field of expertise. Normally, I can help with healing normal tissue damage, even having my spellcasters do their work. But this isn’t a normal case.”

He continued, quickly telling them to take deep breaths to relax. “I think there might be a way to heal it. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna would be the only ones I would trust to have the knowledge and experience to do so, and we would only present you an option after my approval and rigorous talks and research.”

Kaleb looked at him, with a bit of a fighting spirit. “If there’s a chance that this can be healed, then I want to take it.”

“I’ll talk to them tomorrow, and we’ll go from there.” Dr. Bluejay looked at both of them. “Look, I know you two have been through hell. And are probably feeling a lot of emotions right now. I’m not going to tell you what to do or say, but I’m here to give information to guide you. Going into a relationship with PTSD is a challenge in itself. Especially in your case. My advice is to continue to communicate and seeking counseling. It can be together, or on your own.”

He got up from his chair. “I have to go file some paperwork, and then to bed. Have a good night, Fluttershy, Kaleb.” The door closed behind him, leaving the two of them alone.

They both looked at each other, with Fluttershy breaking the silence. “He’s really nice and all, we managed to get out of the castle through the secret passages.” Her voice faded, as they both went into a period of silence. “Kaleb…I think we need to talk.”

He nodded. “I know.” There’s still so many unanswered questions with that vision, but this can’t be avoided. “Better we talk sooner than later. But we’re both tired, injured, and perhaps in a great deal of pain.” Kaleb winced slightly at the dull pain in his ribs.

“How about this: we each get to ask one question each?” Fluttershy proposed. “You at least owe me that, after everything today.”

Kaleb thought for a few seconds. “Yeah, that’s fair. You go first.”

“How long did you know about Chrysalis, and why didn’t you tell me?” she asked, her voice firm but level.

He took a deep breath, meeting her gaze. “I didn’t know the full truth about her, not until this morning. However, I knew something wasn’t right the moment I stepped foot in Canterlot.” He took time to think, to give her a full explanation. “I didn’t tell you because I was acting under my role as a Jedi. Princess Luna had ordered me to investigate quietly on what was happening, so I was sworn to secrecy. She knew something was off, not even trusting her sister on this matter. I had to act inconspicuous in order to see what was happening. And I had to follow the Jedi Code, and not let my personal attachments blind me from the truth.”

Fluttershy was following his every word with rapt attention. “The plan Twilight, Dr. Bluejay, Flash, and Princess Cadance came up with hinged on secrecy. The reason I let you in was the fact there were children at the ceremony, which wasn’t anticipated. I couldn’t let him harm them, not after what happened to the CMC and Spike.”

“I know some of what happened,” Fluttershy revealed. “They were out looking for owls, and attacked by changelings disguised as royal guards.”

“Drogo was the one who ordered those attacks,” Kaleb replied, seeing her eyes widen. “And their orders were on the basis of assassination. I got there before it was too late, and managed to get them to safety.”

She nodded. “One more question: If you were sworn to secrecy, and was holding to the plan this morning, why did you visit me?”

Kaleb sighed. “Because there was a chance both of us could have died today. I had to try to make things right, even in the smallest of ways.”

“I think that was more than one question,” Fluttershy said, trying to take everything in and realizing her mistake.

“Granted, I said to you a while ago you deserved a full explanation, and I’m giving it to you,” Kaleb said. “Why did you jump in front of me? Those blasters could have been real for any of us could have known.”

Fluttershy thought about her answer. “You said love is protecting your friends, even if it meant sacrificing your life for another.” Her voice cracked, and faltered. “I…didn’t know you meant it literally.”

He thought back to those he couldn’t save. “If sacrificing my life meant saving yours, Sweetie Belle’s and all my friends, I would have taken the blasts in a heartbeat.”

She paused, recognizing the phrasing. It’s just like after Philomena.

Kaleb knew that this conversation was drawing to a close, for now. “We both need time to reflect on this. Perhaps we can continue this conversation another time. It’s a lot of information for a one-question conversation.”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” she said, blushing slightly, and raising an eyebrow. “How did you not realize there was a droid in there the entire time?”

“I took the first ship I saw, I didn’t know,” Kaleb answered. “We found it when examining why the balance was so off. I never mentioned it because I wanted it to be a surprise for everyone.” He spoke fondly with nostalgia. “Among my personal possessions is the memory unit for my droid, which Master Johanna gave me a year before the war. It was a birthday gift, and she was more than a droid; but a companion and friend. I managed to save her memory unit after she was badly destroyed in a bombing, and if I can install it in the astromech unit, I can save her.”

“I hope you do. I would enjoy meeting her.” She responded. “Are you going to be at the ceremony tomorrow?”

“Hopefully, it just depends on my pain level,” Kaleb explained. “Either way, I’ll be there in some capacity.”

She stood up. “Well, I hope you feel better soon. Have a good night, Kaleb.”

He responded in kind, as she closed the door. Closing his eyes, he let out a deep breath. This was a start, at least. But I don’t know what’s going to happen next. All I know is this vision is bothering me more than I realized. I need time to figure this out.

The cool evening air hit, as the sunset was soon a haze after the dinner. The sky reflected shades of yellow, orange, maroon, and purple, as the loud music from Vinyl Scratch was hitting the spot. It was one of chill vibes, which led to calm dancing or at least talking in this case. Sweetie Belle was moving around in her light pink dress, which had purple and white lace designs and a matching flower crown of the same color. And she was currently looking for Spike.

This invitation ceremony should hopefully go well, before Twilight starts singing, she thought as the crowd was mingling its way around the royal gardens. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were responsible for setting everything up. I hope they found everything. “And there you are.”

Spike was getting another glass of punch, wearing a small tuxedo with a red bow tie. His top hat stood out from the crowd. “Hey, Sweetie Belle. What’s up?”

“Looking for you, actually,” she said in a hurry. “Come on.” She beckoned as he quickly followed her, to the edge of the mingling ponies. She was slightly nervous, and that showed.

“Where are we going?” he asked, following her around to the edge of the gardens near a small grove of trees. “I thought we weren’t going to try to look for owls again around here.”

“It’s a surprise, you’ll see,” She responded coyly. They approached a small clearing. “Close your eyes.”

He did so, and stopped. She paused, looking at Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, both wearing similar dresses and gave her the nod. “Turn slightly to the right, and move forward.” He did so, moving into the clearing. “Spike, you can open them.”

He opened them to find Apple Bloom and Scootaloo behind a makeshift podium. They moved aside, so that Sweetie Belle could speak. “On behalf of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, I, Sweetie Belle, extend to you the invitation of membership. You have proven yourself to be a good, loyal friend, and with the approval of my fellow members, would like for you to become a Crusader, just like us.”

Spike was speechless, gazing at all of them at the podium. Is this really happening? They want me to join them? He thought of all the times they had spent together, and how he always saw the CMC in action. They want me to be a part of that, a part of something bigger. He gazed up at them. “You want…me?”

“Yes,” Scootaloo spoke up. “You’re practically part of the group. And you have a good singing voice, so you’ll fit right in.” Sweetie Belle chuckled at that line, remembering Jim and Frank.

“You have helped us multiple times, and we recognize that,” Apple Bloom added. “Our goals are not only to find our cutie marks together, but help others see the potential in them. You don’t need a cutie mark to have a special talent or skill in life. Let us help you, just as you’ve helped us.”

Their words confirm his thoughts. I want to find my calling, my purpose in life. They didn’t just look at me and judge me for being a dragon. They accepted me for who I am. He let out a small smile. “I accept your invitation.”

Their eyes lit up as bright as the sunset, and cheered. “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS TOGETHER!” They jumped up, and Spike was startled. Scootaloo saw him, chuckling. “We’ll teach you that. And a lot of things in time.”

The four Crusaders walked away from the woods, towards the dance floor and buffet. Apple Bloom looked over at the cake. “It looks like they’re handing out cake, we should get going.” She and Scootaloo hurried on over, as Sweetie Belle and Spike chuckled.

She looked over to Spike, and saw he was holding back tears. “You don’t have to hide them, not for me,” she said quietly.

He wiped his eyes. “Is it okay…” She nodded and the two hugged, only for a few seconds. “You have no idea how much this means to me. To my family.”

“I know,” She said, whispering right into his ear. “Why try and change the world alone, when you can do it together?”

He smiled. “We should probably get that cake now, before they run out.”

“You’re right, let’s go.” The two of them were off, and Sweetie Belle saw the dragon heading through the crowd. He’s going to be a great Crusader.

The two got their cake, which was chocolate adorned with white buttercream frosting with candy replicas of flowers, and sat down at Rarity’s table, where she was sitting alone. “Why, don’t you two look happy.” She replied, looking at the two of them. “What’s with the smiling faces?”

“Spike is now officially a Cutie Mark Crusader,” Sweetie Belle replied enthusiastically. “He just accepted the invitation.”

“And I could not be happier right now,” Spike added. “On top of that, they have candied gemstones. Those are difficult to make.”

“Now that is a cause worth celebrating.”

A figure in a blue robe sat down, leaning his cane against the table. Kaleb’s hood was still over his head, and he removed it. Under the Jedi robes, he wore a white dress shirt unbuttoned at the top and blue suit pants with his brown boots. “The Crusaders have found a worthy member in you.”

“Where did you come from?” Spike asked, looking around. The two sisters shot him the same look of curiosity.

“You’ll have to forgive my absence, Dr. Bluejay was doing a quick check-up that took longer than we thought,” Kaleb explained. “Everything’s fine, just double checking after walking all day.”

“Of course, we understand,” Rarity added. “You look quite mysterious in that robe."

“Thank you.” he answered. As Sweetie Belle and Spike were finishing their pieces, they saw Twilight taking the stage, with Vinyl Scratch and Pinkie Pie behind the podium.

“This goes out to my brother Shining Armor, and my new sister-in-law, Cadance.” Twilight turned around, and cued the two of them as they started up the music, and Twilight started a long intro.

Ponies began to gather the dance floor. Sweetie Belle was looking out at the ponies. “You know, it looks like they’re having a lot of fun.” she said, putting her focus on them.

Rarity was looking at the dancers as well, and Kaleb nudged Spike, nodding towards Sweetie Belle and speaking quietly to him. “Ask her to dance, Spike.”

“Wait…what?” Kaleb gave him an encouraging nod, and Spike and got her attention. “Do you…maybe want to dance?”

“Yeah…I’d like that.” That was all she said as her and Spike went to the dance floor. The feeling from last night came up again, this time stronger. What is this? Is it the power of friendship, or something else, something more? She didn’t know, but all she could feel was a rush of appreciation, and perhaps a little bit of affection just as Twilight began the chorus.

Kaleb coughed, and took a drink of water. “Everyone seems happy here, at peace. Thanks for repairing my robe, by the way.”

“Think nothing of it dear,” Rarity responded. “I hope you like the clasp as well.” It was one of a polished blue, the same shade of his lightsaber. “Though I have to ask, why was your hood up?”

He grimaced slightly. “As much as I’ve enjoyed the music and partying, it’s a little bit loud while I’m still recovering. This helps filter out the sound and allows me to focus.”

Rarity nodded and observed. “You seem to be adjusting to the cane well.”

“Yeah, it’s been a challenge. Some of the time, I have to balance using the Force.” He looked at her, and looked to the dance floor towards Sweetie Belle. It’s better to have this conversation sooner than later. “I believe we need to talk about someone who we mutually care for and want to protect.”

Rarity realized who he was talking about and looked at him. “I think so.” She took a deep breath. “She’s growing up faster than I ever could have imagined. There’s some stuff I imagined I’d be dealing with three years from now, instead of at this moment.”

“Children grow up fast, faster than we often want them too,” Kaleb acknowledged. “The important thing is as siblings, parents, or mentors, we must adjust to it.”

“She looks up to you, you know? I’ve done my best with her, even at moments I regret but I think she views you more as the sibling or parental figure than I am.”

Kaleb shook his head, looking at her with understanding. “You’re underestimating yourself. She cares about you, more than you know. You and her parents raised her, you were around. I just happened to be at the right moment at the right time.”

Rarity shook herself out of that state. “You’re right. I know our relationship has been strained, but the past day has actually been kind of healing. We’ve bonded more then than we have in a while. It’s not a hundred percent okay, it never will be. But it’s getting there.” She thought for a moment, making sure nobody else was listening. “What’s happening to her abilities?"

“The abilities have a tendency to change over time, but that depends on the child,” Kaleb explained, remembering his conversations with Master Yoda. “Age can play a factor, but their abilities are something of a wild card. There’s a reason why there was specialized training when working with them.” He thought back to her powers, and what has happened over the last few months. “I think her powers are in a transitional phase, between just a sensitivity to the Force and an actual connection. They keep switching back and forth.”

He gave her a calming glance. “It’s nothing to be worried about, it’s normal for her age range. There are often glimpses of larger abilities, but they’re small and happen randomly. Most major development happens around the age of fourteen, anyway. It’s very rare to have children her age display such maturity in their abilities.”

He sighed. “You understand after seeing my memories why I was so hesitant with her?”

She nodded. “I do. I can’t imagine having to go through that, and now have this responsibility. It’s a lot.”

“It is,” Kaleb agreed. “There’s something else I need to tell you. You know that Drogo was the one who ordered the attack on the CMC. However, he knew about her connection to the Force, and was intending to kill her or use her powers for his purposes.”

Rarity gasped, looking worried. “How did he know?”

“My suspicion is that he saw her break up the fight between Twilight and Chrysalis, and recognized her powers from my flashbacks. All I knew in that moment, was if I captured him alive, that knowledge could still be used against her.” He closed his eyes. “He was the only changeling who knew. And that secret died with him.”

Kaleb took a deep breath, still remembering the moment. “I didn’t intend to kill him, nor did I desire to, but he left me no choice in that moment.” He looked at her as she saw wisdom reflected in his gaze. “The reason I am telling you this, aside from you being her family, is to show the reality of this situation. We both need to work together to protect her.”

Rarity looked at him with a serious expression. “I can your reasoning. I’m just worried and concerned for her. We both are. There’s something else you want to ask me, I think.””

Kaleb nodded. “I do have a proposal.” Here we go. “With your permission, I would like to train Sweetie Belle as my apprentice. My Padawan, in the ways of the Jedi and the Force. She would be under my supervision, and this will allow me to keep an eye on her powers.”

She thought for over a minute. “I know where you’re coming from, but I do have concerns. What about her safety, and her well-being? She was nearly killed because of who found out about her powers.”

Kaleb nodded. She has every right to be concerned, to feel this way. “That is why I will be supervising every step, and will keep watch for those who would do her harm. I can not only do so, but teach her to protect herself and others around her.” He gave her a serious glance. “Rarity, I know you have mixed feelings not only because of what happened, but what you saw in my flashbacks. That did not reflect my regular training, but was in a rare and extreme circumstance.”

She nodded, taking that into account before speaking a little more gentle. “Kaleb, I think after your experiences that you would be more careful about the well-being of children in any case. I know Sweetie Belle trusts you, and I do. It’s because of that why I’m like this. You understand why I’m being so critical?” He nodded. “In that case, what was your training like, outside of that instance?”

“I was almost always under the supervision of my Master. If not her, then someone else in the Jedi Order. Any kind of missions I went on with anyone were supervised strictly, and not until I was ready. I didn’t go on my first solo mission until I was 15, just eight months before the start of the war. Even then, that was after training with the Jedi for my entire life. It was on the same planet, just a different area.” She nodded in understanding. “My point is, she wouldn’t be going on missions immediately into training. We would work our way up, and that takes time.”

“I have a better understanding now, darling, thank you,” She said, thinking. “I know the Jedi value their secrecy, I would just like any missions to be discussed with me.”

“Of course. I would try to give you as much information as I can in any case,” Kaleb said. “She’s still a kid, and I don’t want to take that away from her, and I wouldn’t separate Sweetie Belle from her friends. Innocence must be balanced with knowledge, however. Not all missions have the same level of danger or risk, and I would assess the situation before making any decision.”

He finished his statement. “Both you and I know she’s going to use her power to change the world. Let it be under the proper guidance and teachings.”

Rarity thought for another minute before giving her response. “Okay. You have my permission, Kaleb. We’ll have to talk about the minutia later, but what is settled here is done.”

The two shook, and looked back out at the crowd. Kaleb gazed out, and for a brief moment, saw something that caught his attention. Even if the image in the crowd was a flash, it was enough to alarm him. “Are you alright, darling?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, just tired.” Kaleb replied, trying to keep calm. “It’s late, I think I need to go. Sorry…” He got up, putting the hood back on, and limped back to the castle.

It was late in the castle, and the sunset had turned to night. The main lights of the library were off, leaving only the lanterns on the side of the walls. Kaleb was writing in his journal, trying to remember everything that had happened in his vision. The hood of his cloak was still up, as bookcases surrounded him. The chill of the wind blew slightly, as his view was illuminated by both the moon and the lanterns. This had been the case for an hour now, as he drew illustrations along the sides. Thoughts of guilt and abandonment were in his head. I can’t bury them, not again. That will lead to disaster. If I can get them written down, maybe it will make more sense out of this.

He was also taking time to look back, trying to figure out anything that could have lead to the downfall of the Republic. Nothing had been coming to mind, even as he sorted through his memories of conversations about the Council. Nothing, still nothing. This is impossible to get through, I’m going to need more time, more space…

His thoughts were interrupted by someone sitting in the seat opposite of him. He looked up, and saw Fluttershy, sitting at the small table. “This is a nice spot. I didn’t realize the library here was this nice.”

Kaleb nodded. “Back in December, there was a big snowstorm that made it impossible to concentrate in my bunker. The heating unit broke, and was getting repaired. I came here because it was warm, but also quiet. Kind of reminds me of the library at the Jedi Temple, in a way.” He looked at her. “Why are you here?”

“Because I want to help you,” Fluttershy said, emphasizing her point. “And I care about what happens to you, despite everything. I know something is bothering you, and not just from Twilight. Because the last time I saw that same foggy gaze, it was as you were walking out of the forest after Discord. And I won’t let go for a second, not again. So, what is this about?”

Kaleb felt taken aback, and he gazed at the wall, before asking her a question. “Do you think I’m a bad person? Despite all the good intentions I have, something bad always happens. And I can’t be there to stop it, and every time I try, I screw up.”

She looked at him, thinking about what to say. “I think…you’re a complicated person, who was shaped by the ideals and the experiences around you. You still hold on to them, like a lifeline. And I understand why you do, but you’re hesitant to trust anyone, and you hold onto your guilt instead of letting it out. And that pain is hurting you, more than you know.”

She sighed. “Kaleb, when you’re like how you are right now, you’re not fighting. You’re giving up. And I know these words are harsh. But you need to hear them, because I can’t watch you go through this again. And you shouldn’t have to.” To his surprise, she reached across the table and lowered his hood. “Now, will you please tell me what is bothering you?”

Kaleb took a few seconds to collect himself. “Promise me what I tell you doesn’t leave this room.” He saw her hesitate. “This isn’t like before. I’m not having those kinds of thoughts. This is information so sensitive, not even Celestia or Luna can know.”

She thought for a few seconds. “Okay, I promise.”

Kaleb took a few seconds to collect his thoughts. “The Force has many abilities, and powers even the Jedi don’t fully understand. However, in some cases, Force users can receive visions. They can be from the past or the future, of places near or far. Even in some cases, they allow us to interact with those beyond the grave. But they also tell warnings, stuff that can’t be understood right away, or even destinies.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Have you had those types of visions?”

“Several times, in my life. Including here.” He recalled Obi-Wan’s message, about the test of trust. “The vision I received was during when I was unconscious, after the battle.”

“What did you see?” she asked.

Kaleb took a deep breath. “The first thing I saw was Ahsoka, and I have all the drawings in my journal. But after the disappeared, I was walking in a cave, filled with fog. I could barely see anything. But everything played out like a diorama.” He handed her the journal, and turned to the page where he started to write. She looked at everything, from the words on the page to the drawings.

“I saw Order 66, from different points of view. Different masters and apprentices, some of whom I knew. Most were on different planets, on different ships. But there were a few I saw that were in the Temple, younglings being slaughtered by a figure in a black cloak. Jedi being gunned down by the clones.”

He continued on, speaking quietly and slowly, as if going over the scenes in his head. “But it went beyond that, going through years as if on a fast forward. The armor of the soldiers changed, beyond recognition. They become colder, crueler. I saw the lives of the survivors, their hardships. Some moved on, but others didn’t. They couldn’t, not after that. They sought the solace of the grave. Or you had some turn on their own masters, they were tortured or turned to darkness. The creature on the pool of water, it stood there as the wind whipped around. I didn’t recognize it, and fell deeper, as the soldiers marched.”

She looked at him, with a disturbed look on her face. “How could the Republic allow this to happen?”

Kaleb looked at her. “There was a recording by Obi-Wan that Sweetie Belle discovered by accident in the bunker. What he said I had to bury away, but it came back in this vision, confirming it. It wasn’t just the Jedi Order that fell, Fluttershy. The entire Republic collapsed, and brought the galaxy into darkness. The darkness of the Galactic Empire.”

He could hear her try and stifle a gasp. “The last thing I saw in that vision was heavy mechanical breathing, and the slashing of a red lightsaber. Then, I woke up in the hospital room.” He took calm and deep breaths, trying to steady himself. “It was so visceral, so disturbing that I had to relapse into my old ways.”

She gazed at him. “Could that vision have been just a bad dream?””

He shook his head. “You know that it’s a Force Vision, you can feel it.” The weight of guilt laid heavily on his words.

“Everything that I fought for, the institutions I worked to defend all my life are gone, and have given rise to something far graver. I’ve been spending my time since then trying to make sense of it, thinking how this could have happened. But, I have nothing.” He sighed. “They suffered, and faced hardship, while I crashed here, in this peaceful place.”

“It’s not survivor’s guilt,” Fluttershy realized. “But something worse.”

“I got lucky, landing here, and meeting all of you. But they’re the ones who are suffering,” Kaleb said. “I know I’m fortunate for everything I have now, But seeing what everyone else is going through is devastating. I’m isolated here, there’s no way that I am able to help.”

Fluttershy thought for a few seconds. “You know, I like to think everything happens for a reason. I know the spell created the portal that took you away. But if you hadn’t come here, you wouldn’t have met all of us.”

Still, I must be weary of the vision. “It feels like I’ve abandoned one family for another. Making peace with it is going to be a difficult journey, but it’s something I have to do. Besides, I sometimes see parts of my old family in all of you. In Flash, I see the dedication and sense of humor Rogue had, and I see the determination of Ahsoka in Sweetie Belle.”

“You’re never really alone, even if you think you are,” Futtershy added. “That’s why I gave you the locket at Heart’s Warming, to remind you of that. I see now why your droid is so important to you.”

“She’s all I have left, and I know I can repair her,” Kaleb added. “It just takes time to do these kind of repairs, and to make sure all the wires and processors are working.”

His mind turned to the looks his other friends gave him, their gazes betraying their words. “They look at me different now. My friends. Before and after Chrysalis showed my past. It’s almost like pity.” Kaleb asked her directly. “Did you ever pity me, Fluttershy?”

“Kind of, I never looked down on you,” She answered with honesty. “All I wanted was to take the pain away, but I knew I couldn’t.” She blinked back tears. “I might have given you a push out of the door, but you are responsible for your growth. For everyone else, I don’t think they realized the severity of your past, and are still processing it. It’s normal for them to feel sorry for you.”

“I’m not denying that,” Kaleb explained further. “But the looks they gave me, I’m not used to that. My visions caused them pain. Shouldn’t they be angry at me?”

“You weren’t the one sharing the vision, it wasn’t your choice,” she pointed out. “In fact, you managed to stand up for them, and saved all of us. To them, you’re a hero. Including me.” She saw through his standard response. “I know what you’re going to say, about your duty and upholding your code. No matter what you say, you’re my hero.”

Those words made Kaleb stop, and think. My…hero? He looked at her. “After everything that has happened, I’m not sure if you should call me that. Because of my actions, especially with hearts intertwined, death followed.”

Fluttershy realized what he was talking about. It’s more than the manticore alone, or even our relationship. It’s something deeper.

She nodded for him to go ahead, and he took a deep breath. “There was a reason why romantic attachments were forbidden in the Jedi Order, Fluttershy. They believed it distracted us from our duties and blinded us from the Force. And it never ended well, for those who did.”

“What happened to those who did?” Fluttershy asked. She knew he had mentioned it off-hand, but never went into detail.

“In most cases, the couple would break up, because they couldn’t be together since it was against the code. One or the other was left heartbroken, or both. If the Council ever found out, they were expelled from the Order or left entirely, forced to leave everything that identified them as a Jedi.” Kaleb paused, knowing how grave some situations were. “Or both of them were killed, or one died and the other lived, but the one who did could never live with the grief or guilt.

“My point is, when we both got into this, we were taking a risk, beyond the PTSD, larger than anyone could have thought. Chrysalis went after me, because of my powers and position as a Jedi, and you got caught in the crossfire.” That night was still seared into his brain. “And it resulted in death, and left both of us vulnerable to her plan.”

He looked at her directly, his voice in earnest. “Even though we both know what happened, I still hurt you. I’m sorry, and I wish I can go back and do things differently. But I know I can’t, and the past will remain unchanged. If one of us is going to end this, it should be you. I caused you pain, it’s my fault.” He had to stop, rubbing his forehead with his hand, the emotions causing a headache.

She looked at him directly. “Do you know who I blame for that night?” He shook his head. “Chrysalis and Drogo, the ones responsible. Not you.” She took a deep breath. “I initially did, before I learned the truth. You did hurt me, and I couldn’t understand your words or actions, or why you took them. I never had an animal die under my care, and I didn’t know how to process my grief. I still don’t, and I didn’t understand how you acted in the forest until the battle.”

She looked to the window, and then back to him. “Kaleb, hearing about the Clone Wars was one thing, but actually seeing and experiencing it through your eyes…was drastically different.”

“It changes you,” Kaleb said. “I didn’t realize I had fully gone into that mindset until talking to Thunder a few days ago. Apparently, it’s common with PTSD. It’s something I need to work on, so I at least know when I’m slipping, and how to get out.”

She nodded. “I was always going in-between blaming and not. It was kind of a weird process. That morning, those words were so different, it was like I couldn’t recognize you. You said you figured out who you are, but how?”

“I went through my Trials, in the eyes of the Force. And I became a Jedi Knight,” Kaleb explained, knowing he could say only that. “I wasn’t ready when the council made that decision. I’m forbidden from talking about it any further.”

“That’s amazing!” she replied. “Somehow, you have this way of inspiring others, just like you inspired me.” Her eyes and voice showed her honesty. “Before the ceremony, when we were talking, I saw someone who was trying to be better. Even though I couldn’t recognize you, those words were genuine, and I could hear the pain and grief in your voice.”

She continued, speaking with honesty and a sense of wisdom. “And I couldn’t believe it at first. But when you stood up to Chrysalis, talking to her about love, and still getting up after that flashback, I recognized the Kaleb I fell in love with. And I knew in that moment that I couldn’t lose you.”

Kaleb was speechless, and she stood up and moved around to chair right next to him, sitting down. He finally managed to speak. “I’m learning how to manage my emotions, to recognize and acknowledge them. As well, when it comes to my attachments, I realized while sometimes I have to let them go in order to fulfill my duties as a Jedi. But I can’t forget them. My attachments and the Jedi Code both drive me.”

He didn’t know what to say next, so he just rambled. “Look I know I’m a complicated person, and the Council’s rules make things even more complicated. Learning to balance my emotions and attatchments with my duties as a Jedi hasn’t been easy, but I need to keep trying. I have to create my own path, not the Council’s, and I can uphold the Jedi’s values without denying these feelings.”

His voice trailed off. “I don’t know if you’ll ever forgive me for how I acted. Or even want to be friends, or something more, but I know I need to try and be a better person. Not only for you, but for my family.”

She reached over, as quickly as she did to take the blaster hits, and hugged him hard. She whispered in his ear. “Tell me what you think.”

“Fluttershy, if you squeeze any harder, I’m literally going to break a rib.” he said, gasping in pain.

She pulled back just as quickly as she hugged. “Oh shoot, Kaleb, I’m so sorry. I forgot your ribs were cracked.”

“What is it with ponies and hugs?” he said, standing up and grabbing his cane. He and Fluttershy sat down on the nearby couch.

“We take them very seriously.” She added, chuckling, as her expression turned a little more serious. “Sometimes Kaleb, the simplest words are the best.” She saw his confusion. He has difficulty expressing emotions. I can help him. But his eyes always give it away.

“Tell me what you wanted Twilight to tell to me. Before you went unconscious.”

“I wanted you to be happy, and to have all the kindness, because you deserve it.” He realized deep down, those feelings were still there. I can’t deny them, no matter what happens. Love is a shot in the dark, and you have to take the chance. “And… I love you.”

He didn’t know how she would react. She gazed at him for a few seconds, before moving forward gently. Her hoof moved to his shoulder. She kissed him once on the cheek, pecking it and moving back, and saying in a softer voice, “That was all you needed to say.”

Both of them paused, before moving forward at the same time and kissing on the lips. It was a deep one, with her reaching around his shoulders, and him doing the same, his hands in her mane. They separated a few seconds after.

“That kiss, it felt different from the last time. Different from the first one,” Fluttershy observed, blushing slightly.

“It’s because we know each other, and have a better understanding,” Kaleb said. “And I’m sure that understanding and love will deepen with every kiss.”

“Smooth,” she said at exactly the right moment, making him laugh. “For you, every moment is worth the risk. Especially when we’re together. It’s going to take work from both of us, but we can make it work.”

He nodded. “Is there anything that I can do? I know some bridges are difficult to repair, but I have to start somewhere.”

She thought for a moment. “For a start, a redo on that date would be nice. And I could appreciate some more help with taking care of the animals. You could learn a few things.”

“And I can’t think of a better teacher,” Kaleb said, his mind turning to other things. “Many new things are on the horizon. I just got permission from Rarity to train Sweetie Belle.”

“Oh wow, that’s wonderful!” she exclaimed, a smile on her face. “How are you feeling about it?”

“Slightly nervous, but happy the legacy of the Jedi will live on,” he answered. “This is my first Padawan, so there’s always this nervous excitement. It’s a lot of responsibility, with many tasks ahead.”

“If there’s one thing your friends have taught you, it’s that you’re never alone,” Fluttershy pointed out. “I would be glad to help, and I’m sure the rest of our friends would too.”

“Any assistance would be balanced with secrecy, but I’m sure it can be done,” He responded, feeling better. “I just realized I never had any cake; do you think the kitchens would still have any left?”

“There’s only one way to figure out,” Fluttershy responded, helping him up. Together, they walked out of the library, close to each other as they passed under the moonlight.

Author's Note:

Hi everyone! I hope all of you are keeping safe and healthy this summer. I enjoyed writing this chapter, especially with the Force Vision. I really wanted to go all out with it, and it leaves many questions left to be answered. All I can say at the moment to confirm the question on everyone's minds: Yes, is that Jim and Frank will return. I bet many of you can guess the reference, they're one of my favorite film/TV franchises and Disney properties.

Kaleb and Fluttershy's scenes were the most difficult to write because of how intense the emotions were, but it was still important. Communication in any kind of relationship is key. My favorite scenes to write were with Sweetie Belle and Spike, their dynamic and their similarities really makes them fun to write for. And personally, I can't wait to see where they go as characters.

The final chapter is on its way, and I will have more information then. Until then, stay safe and healthy, and May The Force Be With You!

Edited by Mine Menace