• Published 3rd Dec 2017
  • 4,859 Views, 142 Comments

Heart of the Force - fluttershyfan17

In the midst of Order 66, Jedi Knight Kaleb Taymar is transported to Equestria. Starting a new life, he becomes friends with the Main 6. However, the Force has awakened in Equestra, and their lives will never be the same.

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Chapter 20: New Journeys

The sun was steadily rising above the town of Ponyville, casting light upon the surrounding scenery. The shadow of the cottage stretched around the perimeter, providing plenty of shade. The slow warmth of early morning was something Kaleb appreciated, as he gazed just past the sunrise to the Everfree Forest. After taking a moment to appreciate it, he closed his eyes.

The meditation began in an instant, as he opened himself up to the Force. Let go, but do not forget. In the moment, he allowed himself to let go of his attachments, feelings, and thoughts, as slowly, the Force began to awaken. Breathe. The rhythm and flow could be felt in every part of his body, as he felt the stream of the Force flow through him like a river. Just breathe.

Reach out. He could feel the energy, feelings, thoughts, and actions of the creatures around him, as the forest seemed to open and the river turned into an ocean. Beginning to listen to each one in turn, he allowed each thought to sit with him, as he pondered the meaning. Not every pulse of information, of emotions was clear, but he took in as much as he can.

The meditation lasted for a number of minutes, as he used the mantras taught to him by his Master to keep the focus. When the field of energy around him naturally become quieter, and his strength and endurance began to fade, he slowly repeated the words in his mind which would begin and end every lesson with Master Yoda.

There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force.

And so ended the meditation, which had begun every morning for the past few weeks. This time, however, was different. Kaleb let out a small smile as he opened his eyes, gazing out at the sunrise, now rising in the sky. “So this is what it feels like.”

This meditation is different from the others, he observed. This is the closest I’ve felt to the Force since before the war, and the most beneficial meditation since my Trials. I think my connection to the Force has begun to heal from years of fractures.

He stood up, wiping the dust off of his clothing. He wore his usual beige pants and brown boots, but instead of the usual Jedi robes, he wore a modified tunic with long sleeves. The garment was dark blue, and was tied with a sash and secured with a belt at the waist. Moving towards the cottage, with lightsaber attached to his belt, he picked up the can next to the door, and watered the nearby flowers.

Right behind him, he heard a bunch a beeps and whirls as wheels moved forward slightly before. he turned around. “Come on A5, the atmosphere is fine, I think you’ll like this.” An astromech droid with a white and turquoise color scheme slowly rolled back into the cottage.

Kaleb turned around, and made his way to the doorstep, kneeling down. He looked at A5 with an honest look. “Look, I know this an adjustment, and I’m sorry for not trying to repair you sooner. But this is a safe place, and nothing bad is going to happen to you.”

A5 glanced up at him, her sensors and cameras looking around at the surrounding scenery. She took a few seconds to decide, and pushed him out of the way, making her way down the path to the ship. She beeped at him.

“I’m on my way, just give me a second.” he smiled, chuckling. He had repaired her last night, and had to keep an effort not to wake up Fluttershy. She tried to electrocute me the moment she woke, but it’s a reasonable response. Hopefully she’ll be happy and be able to adjust.

He walked down the path, stopping right beside her. “Yeah, this is going to need some work.” The body of the ship had burns and scrapes, but that was normal for any well-worn ship. What Kaleb was most worried about was the shields and electronics. “I managed to re-attach the landing gear, and Princess Luna helped to teleport the ship to this spot. What do you want to take on first?”

She looked at the ship, and beeped. “You’re right, we should first make sure the landing gear is secure.” He moved under the ship, supported by adjustable jacks. Looking at the landing gear, he observed the hydraulics, touching and testing them. “They’re moving okay, but it’s a little more loose than I’m used to. We should tighten them.”

He looked at her for reassurance and she moved over, moving the grasper arm over and adjusted the various nuts and bolts. Kaleb grabbed a wrench, tightening them while she made the fine-tune adjustments and soldered for fine measure. Once they were all finished, he made his way over to the engine panel, knowing this would be critical.

“This is not going to be great, but maybe we can fix this.” She whistled. “The shields are only part of it, I know the electronics were flickering on and off all the time.” He undid the bolts one by one, making sure to keep them nearby and holding the panel up with the Force. Releasing it, he put the panel to the side and looked at the horror that greeted them.

A smell of burnt metal hit Kaleb’s nose and he wrinkled it. Only a few of the wires remained intact, with many of the others in connection to the engine having burned up completely.

A5 let out a torrent of beeps and whistles, and Kaleb agreed. “Yeah, that isn’t good.” No wonder the shields weren’t working, they were barely connected to begin with. “Let’s get out from under here and talk strategy.”

She went ahead of him, and he slowly made his way out from under the ship, sitting down in the grass. A5 gave him an inquisitive gaze. “Maybe if we can get the wires, and put in a little extra time, we can have it repaired soon.”

He nodded, and gave her a look of surprise at her response. ”Yeah, there’s a lot in that journal, some which I have no clue. Were you able to make any sense of it.”

She shook her head, asking a question. “I know some of your files on the Republic and Jedi Order were damaged, but I’m not sure if they are salvageable. Even so, they might be protected by passcodes that I don’t even have access to.”

She beeped a confirmation, and then asked another question. “Yeah, this isn’t my house. It belongs to someone who I met here, and helped me adjust to this place. She can communicate with animals, in a different way. Also is the literal embodiment of kindness.”

Even through the eyepiece, Kaleb can tell the look A5 was giving him as she whistled. “Funny, I thought you wouldn’t ask.” He circled back to her point. “Both of us knew there were secret romances in the Jedi Order, some more obvious than others. And we both knew Master Johanna didn’t approve of that rule in the first place. With the Order gone, I needed to find my own path, and I realized my attachments and the Code both guide me. Finding the balance between the two is the key.”

Through the Droidspeak, Kaleb knew exactly what she was saying. You deserve peace and happiness. He smiled. “Thanks, and I’m glad you approve. It was a rough start, but things are finally smoothing out.”

“But that doesn’t mean everything is different, some things are still the same.” She beeped quietly. “There is a child who is Force Sensitive. I’m going to be training her as my apprentice, and I can really use your help on a special project.”

She beeped a confirmation, and he smiled. “Thank you, I really appreciate that. And I’m not in trouble, not currently. We were separated for a few weeks, but I can fill you in on that later. The important thing is we give her the night she deserves.”

A5 looked to him, and looked to the ship, chirping off some facts. “Yeah, maybe it can start with not rushing this and postponing flight. There’s a bunch of supplies we’ll have to get, but the important thing is we break the news gently…”

“What news?” Kaleb turned around and saw Fluttershy with a bag walking around towards them, her eyes lighting up at the sight of A5.

The droid turned to Kaleb. “Right sorry. Fluttershy, this is my droid, R2-A5. Or A5 for short.”

“She is one of the cutest things I have seen today, oh my.” Fluttershy squealed excitedly, flying up to her. “You must be so excited to be here. I’m Fluttershy, and it’s really nice to meet you.”

A5 beep back at different pitches, and Fluttershy gazed at her for a second before turning to Kaleb. “She likes you, and says it is a pleasure to be here.”

“Sweet,” she said. “So what was the news you were going to tell me?”

“Remember how I promised you I was going to take you up in the ship Saturday night?” She nodded. “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”

“How come?” Kaleb indicated to the bottom of the ship, and she followed him underneath, gazing up at the panel.

“Oh my, what happened? I’m assuming this can’t be good.” She asked.

“These wires are the nerves of the ship, in a sense,” Kaleb explained. “They connect the control panel to the engines and electronics, even to the shields and cannons. With this amount of damage, it’s not safe to be in the air.”

“I understand,” she said. “Still, it’s very sweet of you to try.”

“This is going to at least take a month or two to fix, but it will be worth it.” Kaleb smiled. He looked to A5. “If you can get a proper analysis on which wires are damaged, it would be a big help.”

She beeped, throwing her arm in the air in confirmation. “Thank you for helping Kaleb fix his ship. I’m going to steal him away for a little while, if you don’t mind.”

A5 waved them away, going back under the ship. Fluttershy turned to Kaleb. “I need help feeding the animals, and I could use your help.”

“Of course.” They began to walk towards the Everfree Forest. As they walked, he observed her newly healed wing moving slightly with the wind. “How’s the wing?”

“It’s healing well, other than some soreness. I’m working with Rainbow Dash on strength exercises to help transition back into flying.” She observed a new bounce in his step. “How’s your back healing? Princess Celestia must have done a good job with the spell a few days ago.”

“She did,” Kaleb replied. “The muscles are a little tender, but that’s normal for the kind of repair being done. As long as I continue to keep active, it should be good.”

They came to the small creek, where many of the animals would gather for water. Fluttershy put down the bag around her shoulder, handing it to Kaleb. “Up in the trees, there are little bins I like to put in the branches for small treats for the squirrels, chipmunks, and birds. Can you use the Force to put the mix in?”

“Sure,” He replied, opening the bag to reveal the mixture of nuts and dried fruit. She handed him a cup, and he filled it up with the mixture. Carefully using the Force, he lifted the container slowly, being careful to put it in the right placement before pouring the mixture into the bins. The cup dropped back down, and Kaleb caught it.

They walked towards the other five bins around the clearing. “She likes you, you know? It’s just overwhelming for her to adjust to this new life. I was up half the night fixing her memory bank, and the other half explaining what happened.”

“That would explain a lot, I can’t blame her,” Fluttershy remarked. “I can see why you two have gotten along. To be honest, I wasn’t able to understand her.”

“She was speaking Droidspeak,” Kaleb explained, finishing up the third bin. “It’s a standard programming language made up of sounds used by astromech droids to communicate. Difficult at first to pick up on, but once you get the basics it’s pretty simple. I can teach sometime.”

“I’d like that.” Fluttershy replied. “How many languages did you have to learn as a Jedi?”

“Most species in the galaxy either understood or used Basic, but it’s always a good thing to be able to understand or speak multiple language. Out of respect for customs and cultures, along with other things such as negotiating.” Kaleb put the cup down, sealing the bag and handing it to Fluttershy. “Care to see the other thing I’ve been working on as well?”

She nodded, and they made their way through the forest, Kaleb guiding them through the small path. “Thanks for letting me keep my ship here, and allowing me to train Sweetie Belle in your woods.”

“You’re welcome,” Fluttershy replied with enthusiasm. “You might want to get a rain cover for the ship, or maybe Applejack can build some kind of hanger.”

“Good idea. There have been a few close calls,” Kaleb said. “I would never want to intrude on your property, but that would be nice to have.”

“I mean, you’re over here pretty much every day, and sleep over half of the week,” she pointed out. “As long as it’s small, I’m fine with it.” As they paused to watch a badger dash across the trail, she felt the fabric of his tunic. “I’ve only seen you wear long sleeves most of the time, what do the Jedi have against short sleeves?”

Kaleb laughed. “Nothing, though I might have burned or singed a few off. Our dress code was flexible to allow others to wear traditional robes from their home world. I wore this when I wasn’t on duty. This kind of tunic allows a wider range of movements, while still being light enough to keep cool or warm depending on conditions.”

“So, it’s based on survival,” Fluttershy concluded. “Like how animals adopt to their habitat.”

“Exactly. For example, this would be good on Tatooine since the sleeves offer good protection from the suns and sandstorms.”

Fluttershy let out a sly grin. “Two suns mean double the sunburn.”

“Yeah, and it’s not pleasant.” They arrived at the clearing, where Kaleb had been spending the last week preparing it for Sweetie Belle. The preparations had been slow, mainly clearing out all of the leaves, but the results had been worth it. Wind moved the grass slightly, and off to the side lay three rocks, one larger than the other between the two. This would serve as a small table and chair, along with other purposes. The symbol of the Jedi Order was burned into a small wooden panel laying near the table. “It’s not much, but I figured it would be a good start.”

“She’s going to love it,” she replied, her eyes looking out at the grass. “Where are you going to put the panel?”

“Somewhere. I figured having the Jedi Order symbol would be interesting,” Kaleb replied. They sat down, leaning against the trees right next to each other. “I’ve always liked this space. There’s so much room. Plus you can see the stars.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Speaking of which, I was thinking of taking small vacation over the summer, and I was wondering if you wanted to come?”

Curiosity filled his eyes. “Where were you thinking?”

She took out a map from her bag, and indicated to a bay right by Baltimare. “There’s this place called Seaward Shoals, and it’s a coastal town right on the bay. The nature preserve there is one of the best in Equestria. I figured we could get a cabin. They go fast, so otherwise camping would be the other option.” She put the map away. “Are you in?”

“I would love that.” She hugged him tightly for a brief moment of time. “How soon do we have to make the reservation?”

“By the end of this week,” Fluttershy explained. The two of them heard the faint ringing of schoolbells. “Shoot! I’m going to be late! I’m presenting at the school’s Nature Day presentations.”

“Luckily, I loaded up your cart last night.” They quickly stood up and started to speed-walk to the cottage. “I’m speaking at the end of the school day, Twilight asked me to do it. She said I need to work on my public speaking skills.”

“That should be interesting,” Fluttershy responded. “If I can, I’ll try and stay to hear it. When it’s a subject I’m passionate about, I love educating children. I don’t imagine it intimidates you.”

He shrugged. “It depends on the day. You get used to it after a while.”

The cottage was in sight, and they jogged lightly towards it. Her cart was already loaded, with Angel waiting impatiently at them, tapping his foot. After checking everything, she went to the front, lifting it upwards. “See you soon, love you.”

“Love you too.” Kaleb watched for a minute as she pulled the cart down the road leading to Ponyville, and let out a deep breath. He moved to the front door, hoping he could get time to drink tea and read more of the book Rainbow Dash loaned him before going into town.

He heard beeping, as A5 was trying to keep as calm as possible. “Hey, hey, it’s alright. Is all the wiring going to need to be replaced?”

She confirmed it, along with giving him a relay of data on the thrusters. “There’s only so much we can do without the wiring, but let’s see what can be done.” The Jedi and the droid moved back to the ship, conversing about data and making new memories in this world.

“…and that’s when Daring Do swoops in, grabbing the artifact from Mr. Bad Guy, and saves the temple from collapsing!” Scootaloo exclaims with vigor, her storytelling compared to no other.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle listened intently, though it was way too early in the morning for all three of them. Their desks at the Ponyville Schoolhouse were arranged in a small group, all facing each other. The fourth desk in their group was empty, and they usually used it to keep any extra supplies.

Sweetie Belle yawned. “Wait, so how did they get into the temple in the first place? Was it through the hidden tunnel or the secret stairway leading into the mountain?”

Scootaloo huffed with frustration. “It’s not any of those. It was in the underground springs moving around the temple. Are you listening to me?”

“Sorry, it’s just very early in the morning,” Sweetie Belle added, shaking her head to keep awake. “I need coffee. Or expresso. Whichever comes first.”

Apple Bloom chuckled. “I never thought I’d see you be the morning bird, Scoots. Thought you took influence from Rainbow Dash.”

“But it’s Nature Day, the day that’s hyped up over the school year!” Scootaloo defended excitedly. “Come on, we live for this stuff! Maybe we even get to learn about the truth behind some of Daring Do’s animal friends and foes!”

Sweetie Belle tried to perk up. “I heard the Canterlot Zoo is bringing their traveling exhibition. That should be really cool.”

They heard a bell ring out from the desk, and Miss Cheerilee stood up. “Good morning, class, and a happy Nature Day! I know many of you have been anticipating this day, as well as I. For the first surprise, there will be no pop quiz today.”

That got a large cheer from the class, and she chuckled. “We have a lot of surprise visitors, who should be arriving in the next half hour or so. Until then, feel free to talk amongst yourselves.”

The class heard a knock at the door, and the teacher turned. “And that must be our new student.”

Sweetie Belle perked up, and turned to Apple Bloom. “Wait a second, you don’t think…”

Apple Bloom returned the look. “I heard rumors from Applejack, but I thought she was just guessing.”

All three of them turned to the direction of the door, and let out the largest grin as it opened. Spike carefully closed the door, wearing a blue backpack. He turned to Miss Cheerilee. “Shoot, am I late? Sorry about that, last minute sorting around the library.”

She smiled. “No, it’s okay. You’re fine for today.” Spike turned to the class. “I would like everyone to meet our new student, Spike. He’s joining us for this last month of class, and will start with all of you in the fall.”

Spike let out a small wave. “Hey everyone, I’m Spike, but I guess you already knew that.” He paused for a second. “Anyway, I like the Power Ponies, gemstones, and learning guitar. Looking forward to get to know all of you.”

“And I’m sure all of are too,” Miss Cheerilee added. “Feel free to sit wherever you like.”

The class started talking again, as Spike let out a sly grin, heading over to where the trio sit. “Any room for one more?”

“Of course!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, as the three of them quickly cleared the fourth desk. “It’s so great to see you, I thought Twilight wouldn’t let you go here?”

“I managed to convince her, and it took Rarity and Appleajck for her to get on board,” Spike explained, as he sat down. He pulled out some of the contents of his backpack, which included a notebook, pencil, and an old paperback. “Oh yeah, how was the latest Daring Do book? I’m trying to catch up.”

“It’s awesome, Spike. I’ll lend it to you sometime,” Scootaloo said, eyeing the paperback. “Whoa, is that what I think it is?”

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom took a look at the book cover as well. The art was hand-drawn, and the title was well-worn. The image of an Earth Pony wearing a brown leather jacket and fedora over a beige backward, with a whip tied to his mid-section. “Twilight gave me some old paperbacks, and this came up. Never knew there were books as well.”

Scootaloo quickly filled the rest of them in. “A.K. Yearling was supposedly inspired by a lot of old adventure serials, including these movies inspired by them. Sweetie Belle, doesn’t Rarity have this poster in her room?”

“Yeah, I think she does,” she replied. "I’ve never seen them personally, how about any of you?” Apple Bloom and Spike both shook their heads.

“Okay, Cutie Mark Crusaders Movie Night, this needs to be a thing.” Scootaloo insisted. “I can’t believe none of you have seen these.”

“The book so far is great. No idea where it fits into the timelines of the movies, Twilight wanted me to read a book first.” He zipped open the second pocket of the backpack, and Scootaloo nearly gasped as he pulled out the iconic hat. “Twilight also pulled this out of storage.”

Sweetie Belle eyed the hat, and he picked it up and put it on. She stared at her friend, as his sharp green eyes stood out against the brown leather fedora. “Here, you can have a turn if you’d like.” And then he took off the hat and placed it on her head.

She tried to hide her expression through chuckling, and it worked to a degree. “Thanks, it looks good on you.”

“It looks good on you too,” Spike added. “It would look great on all three of you.”

Sweetie Belle and him shared a sly grin, and using her magic, bounced the hat onto Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. The four of them laughed before Miss Cheerilee settled the class down.

Kaleb and A5 strolled along into town, where they were greeted by a sight of colors and sounds of various booths. Nature Day was considered a holiday during which trees were planted, roads cleaned, and large farmer’s markets were held. They observed the festival, noticing the various ponies wandering around the stalls. Sweet Apple Acres had the biggest of them all, with seating underneath the large tent to shield them from the shade. Live music played from a shaded stage, where various bands would be cycled through the day.

A few ponies stared at the droid, but mostly with curiosity as they walked around the edge of the market. “I’ll probably stop by later,” Kaleb told A5. “First, we need to pick up an order from Carousal Boutique, and then you can work with Twilight at the library.” She beeped, pointing to the large business.

“That’s where it is, come on.” Together, they arrived at the door of the shop, and Kaleb opened it. They went in, with the door closing behind them and they moved forward.

“Just a second,” Rarity’s voice rang out as she finished adjusting something from behind a shade, and came out. “Ah, Kaleb. I was expecting you sometime this morning. And who is this?” She fixed A5 with a curious look.

“Rarity, this is A5. She’s my astromech droid.” Kaleb introduced, as she wobbled forward, extending the grasper arm.

Rarity shook it, smiling. “It’s wonderful to meet you, darling. Feel free to have a look around.” A5 beeped, moving to one of the displays to analyze some of the clothing.

“You’re late. I thought you were coming earlier this morning.” Rarity pointed out, as he followed her over to the display behind the shade.

“I was, but things got sidetracked with the ship,” Kaleb replied. “Sorry to keep you waiting, I know today is a big day for you.”

“It’s okay, you’re lucky my train for Canterlot doesn’t leave until one o'clock,” she said. “Prepare to be amazed!”

Kaleb followed her behind the curtain, and stared at the mannequin, the size of a filly. The Jedi Robes had been perfectly adapted for her. The beige tunic stood out most to him, the layers still being present and fitted similar to a jumpsuit. The pants went over the back legs, with a space for the tail built in. A belt modeled after Kaleb’s was just above the back legs. The robes were complete with a brown cloak, with a beige clasp at the neck and a hood.

He let out a large smile, looking at her. “Brilliant, just brilliant. Thank you, Rarity, she’s going to love it.”

“Think nothing of it, it has to be good for my sister.” She said with pride. “I tried to be as respectful to the original design as much as possible while also adapting it for a pony. The various drawings you gave me helped. Though I admit, I was drawn to the older designs.” Rarity pointed to the drawings on the table.

“Yeah, they do have something unique to them,” Kaleb added. “I believe those were in style over two hundred years ago, during the era of the High Republic. I’m a little foggy on my history, but I believe those are where they’re from.”

She nodded, and took out a large suitcase. After casting a spell to protect from wrinkling, she folded the robes and placed them inside, closing it. “I can deliver them to the cottage before I go, Fluttershy gave me a spare key.”

“Perfect,” he replied. “I assume she’s still under the impression we’re still in negotiations.”

“Yes, the secret is still safe.” Rarity added. “I gave a note to Miss Cheerilee saying Fluttershy can pick her up. There’s a process to get you on as a contact, but it’s very strict for security reasons.”

“I can see why,” he said. “There’s no rush to the process, and I’m fine with waiting.”

The two walked out, and A5 came back, chirping and beeping with excitement. “She likes the designs.”

“Thank you darling, I try,” Rarity replied, blushing slightly. “Take care, and I’ll have those over within an hour.”

They waved, and exited the shop, with Kaleb pointing A5 in the right direction. “Now, to Twilight’s. You’re going to be working with her for the next few hours on the project I mentioned earlier.”

It took them longer than expected to get around town due to the market, but after a ten -minute walk, they made their way to the library. A5 pointed out something as they approached the door.

“That’s a good point, I can’t always act as your translator. At some point, I’ll gather everyone for a lesson on the basics of Droidspeak in the next week or two. Today, you’re just organizing the books from the datapad.”

They entered the library, and saw the decorations for the event. Along with the selection on shelves were display tables, full on books about natural world and every animal you could think of. Kaleb chuckled, just as Twilight and Flash walked out of the kitchen.

“…and I’m telling you, this was one of the biggest mountain goats I’ve ever seen, it was at least six or seven feet tall…Kaleb!”

The guard pony walked towards him, and giving him a firm hug. “How have you been? It’s been at least more than a few weeks.”

“I’m good,” Kaleb replied, surprised by the appearance. “It’s great to see you.”

Twilight turned to Kaleb. “He walked about an hour ago, and was adamant to find out which kind of mountain goat he saw in his hometown. I believe you had a project I wanted to work on.”

Kaleb turned to Flash. “This is Jedi business, I’m sure you understand.”

“Of course,” he replied. “I was actually looking for you. Princess Celestia has a message for you.” He handed him a letter.

Kaleb opened it, reading the contents. “She wants to meet with me in half an hour at Café Hay.”

“How long will this take?” Flash asked. “I’m supposed to escort you there.”

“Only a few minutes.” Flash nodded and moved to the other side of the library. “Twilight, this is A5.” She extended a hesitant hoof, and A5 shook it with the grasper arm. “You two are going to be working together to translate and transcribe the contents of the Jedi Library and Archives from Coruscant. This datapad contains all of the information offline. Master Johanna had to fight in order to get me this.”

Twilight eyed the device as he set it down on the table. “How much information is on here?”

“Probably thousands of books, maybe reaching into tens of thousands,” Kaleb answered to her delight. “Again, normally Jedi are not allowed to take information out of the Archives. Master Johanna was allowed to copy everything into this, but she had to argue with the Council to do so. This not only contains information on the Jedi’s history, but also of the larger galaxy.”

“Kaleb, even I have to admit this is a lot of information,” Twilight pointed out. “And it takes time. I’m not sure how much I have to dedicate to this.”

“I will take on some of the responsibility as well,” Kaleb added. “Including some of the more sensitive files. This needs to be done not only to preserve these records if anything were to happen to this device, but so Sweetie Belle can have access. This is for her training.”

Twilight took all of this information in, and nodded both with excitement and anxiety. “I won’t fail you, she will have access to information. I’m sure of that, and that’s my promise as a librarian.”

“Thank you, and I have confidence in you two.” Kaleb signaled over to Flash who came over. “I’ll see you two soon. Drop by the school if you have time.”

Twilight waved to Flash and Kaleb as they walked out, and the last sight they saw was Owlowiscous perched on R2’s grappling arm. “That owl is kinder to A5 than me. He tried to attack me when I started talking to Twilight.”

“Yeah, Owlowiscious is very protective,” Kaleb replied. “How did you end up here, I thought you were being transferred?”

“Well, Shining Armor wanted to recognize me for my bravery at the battle, so he introduced me to Princess Celestia. She wanted me to be her personal guard before I go to the Crystal Empire in a few weeks,” Flash explained. “It’s nice to have the experience.”

“It’s well deserved,” He responded. “I spent the past few weeks recovering and spending time with Fluttershy. It takes time to repair that kind of relationship, but it’s going along well so far.”

“I’m glad,” Flash replied, taking a look at the vendors as they went past. “After everything, you two deserve some peace and quiet.”

“There’s always some adventure, even then,” Kaleb pointed out. “I’m sure those two are having fun on their honeymoon.”

“It’s more of a strictly-supervised getaway than a vacation, but yeah.” They moved around the bustle of ponies, turning in the direction of the café. “What kind of mountain goat did you first see? That must have been a story to tell.”

“It was,” he said, chuckling. “The size was massive. I didn’t get the chance to look it up yet, I was too busy talking to Twilight. We had spoken some in the caves and during the reception, but we were really getting to know each other.”

Kaleb noticed the inflection in his voice as he continued. “She’s really smart, you know? Kind of cute, and strong. Not to mention intimidating, but in an awesome kind of way. She literally had to use magic to separate that owl from me.”

“She literally threw you into a bookshelf,” Kaleb added with a key sense of wit. “Though, I suppose meeting the owl is even more intimidating than meeting the parents.”

Flash got slightly flustered at the remark. “Shut up.” To that, Kaleb just laughed.

“In the ways of the heart, I would suggest first making peace with Owlowiscious. He’s very wary of any potential suitors.”

“You’re not seriously suggesting that he knew my feelings?” Flash asked incredulously as they arrived at the door of the café.

“Flash, trust me on this,” Kaleb responded. “They always know.”

As the two walked in, Flash went up to the desk in front, and showed her a badge. She nodded, and allowed them to pass, with Flash leading the way. “We couldn’t risk having this conversation in the open, so they allowed access to their back room.”

Walking right past the kitchens, they arrived at a plain door leading to the back room. Flash knocked in a secret code. Kaleb had noticed the change in the air, as he sensed the magic surrounding the room. They heard a click from the door, and the guard opened it.

The room was mostly plain, but was still nice, having nice lighting and curtains drawn over the windows. The walls were painted a nice eggshell color. One side of the room was dedicated to boxes of supplies, and the other had a table and a set of chairs, along with a small couch and armchairs.

Princess Celestia sat at the table, a small smile forming on her face. “Kaleb, please have a seat. It’s good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you as well, Princess Celestia,” Kaleb greeted back, sitting opposite of her. “Flash did an excellent job of escorting me here.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Celestia turned to the guard. “Excellent work, Flash. If you can give our orders to the kitchen, that would be wonderful. I’ll have what we discussed earlier, and feel free to order lunch for yourself.”

“Thank you, I will,” Flash said, turning to Kaleb. “And I assume I don’t need to ask for your order, since the animals know it.”

He let out a small chuckle. “Very clever. I’ll have the grilled chicken club with mozzarella.”

“Cool, I’ll be back with those in a few minutes with some waters, and we’ll get down to business.” Flash hurried out of the room, making sure the door was closed.

Kaleb heard it automatically lock. “If your guard is as clever with his tongue as his sword, then he will make a worthy opponent. I’m assuming you have magical wards set upon this room.”

“I do, yes,” Celestia responded. “It’s a simple security measure, but one which can alert me to any kind of danger. Normally, I would have multiple guards with me, but I wanted this to be as low-key as possible. I’ll possibly attracted some attention when I visit the market, but Ponyville is usually a quiet location.”

“It can be, depending on the day,” Kaleb added, changing the subject. “Did you see my request? I had left it with Dr. Bluejay after the reception.”

Celestia nodded. “We searched those tunnels, and I came across the area you described.” She pulled out a small package from her bag, wrapped in brown paper. “It’s in the box, which you can open with the button on the side.”

Kaleb unwrapped the package to find the crystal placed in wooden box, with a hidden button just barely visable on the left panel. He opened it and put a hand above it. He felt the connection to the Force from the crystal, beating as softly as a heart. Closing his eyes, he probed further. This is a Force-sensitive crystal, but not the kind I was looking for.

He opened his eyes, looking at her. “Thank you. This will be very useful, even though it isn’t the specific type I was looking for.”

“What do you mean?”

“There are many types of Force-sensitive crystals,” Kaleb explained. “Each having their own unique characteristics. This is the type from the cave, and it indicates the one I am looking for is on this planet, which is called a kyber crystal.”

“I’m sorry, this was all we can find,” Celestia apologized. “Are they valuable to the Jedi?”

“Yes, for multiple reasons,” he said, being careful with his words. “I cannot tell you more because it’s sensitive information. I’m sure you understand there is knowledge that must be kept secret.”

“A good leader knows the value of secrecy. You have my word, Kaleb.” Celestia promised, nodding, just as the secret knock was heard.

Celestia allowed the wards to unlock the door, and Flash moved in, rolling in a cart of plates. Once he arrived at the table, he served the hay, lettuce, and tomato sandwich to Celestia along with chips. He got the same thing, and handed Kaleb his plate. All three of them began to eat.

Kaleb took a sip of his water after a few minutes. “With the magical wards on this room, I’m assuming nobody can hear our conversation. I am curious what you wanted to meet me here about.”

Celestia nodded. “I’m here first; to thank you for helping Luna with the investigation on the wedding, and for helping to defend Canterlot. Equestria owes you a great debt.”

“Think nothing of the sort,” Kaleb responded. “I was fulfilling my obligation as a Jedi, and following my code. There’s no need for debts or repayment.”

“Humble, as I’ve heard,” Celestia commented. “There is something I would like to ask you. Luna told me a little of the relationship between the Jedi Order and the Republic. Can you describe it more?”

“We worked with the government, but were on an equal ground acting as peacekeepers. Sort of like a separate agency,” Kaleb explained, careful with his wording. “We had our own autonomy and rules as part of the Order, but still worked with the Republic, going missions of diplomacy, taking on or assisting with investigations, and mediating conflicts.” He paused. “What are you really asking?”

“I want to form a similar relationship between the Jedi and Equestria.” Celestia stated simply. “More specifically, between Equestria and you.”

Kaleb took a bite from his sandwich just as she said the words. Not unexpected, but interesting to hear. I need more insight. After taking a drink, he paused, thinking before speaking. “That would be an interesting arrangement, but I would need to be careful down to the specifics. May I speak freely?”

“You may.” Celestia added, as Flash listened in.

“As a Jedi, I am not sworn to protect or follow the orders of specific individuals,” Kaleb began, phrasing his words carefully. “I was sworn to the Republic, which was a democracy of different planets and systems, not a monarchy as is in place here. Please take no offense, but I have seen other places with that same system of government where intentions were not peaceful.”

Celestia took all of this in. “I am not offended, I can understand to a degree. You would not be swearing fealty to the throne, nor to any princess. It would be to Equestria alone. Twilight and her friends are granted the same type of treatment as bearers of the Elements of Harmony. It’s public knowledge, but there’s no ceremony or particular attention.”

“For now, I would prefer any agreement, if this happens, remains private,” Kaleb outlined. “Not only for privacy, but for safety. In the letter, I went into more detail into why the secrecy of the Jedi is necessary.”

“I read that section, and for the safety and privacy of the particular individual, it must be the case.” Celestia agreed, referring to Sweetie Belle. “Now then, I want for you to lay out your terms. You know what the Jedi did better than I.”

Kaleb thought. “I would be in a similar role, and would be doing much of the same work here, acting as a peacekeeper and guardian. I can also act in a diplomatic role, or making sure those who are need aid receive it.”

“I do not want my role to be as a soldier or a general, extending to anything with the Equestrian Guard.” He turned to Flash. “No offense to you of course, but you understand why this is the case.”

“I completely understand, Kaleb,” Flash added.

“As do I, given your circumstances,” Celestia replied, looking curious. “Did the Republic ever have a military before the Clone Wars?”

“Surprisingly, no.” Kaleb replied. “After the Jedi-Sith War, the Republic demilitarized and the Jedi took on the role of guardians of peace and harmony. Until the formation of the clone army, peace stood by for over a thousand years.”

Flash let out a large whistle, and Celestia chuckled. “I don’t imagine it was completely conflict free, but that is impressive. There has been a lot of discussion about demilitarization for the Equestrian Guard, but I don’t think it is likely to happen. Even though Twilight and her friends defend Equestria, there’s still a lot of support for the guard.”

She decided to test him. “Those terms can be met, and will be upheld. However, what if there is conflict that would seem to be unavoidable?”

“If a conflict is unavoidable, and there are no other options, than I will defend or attack. Especially if innocent lives are at risk,” Kaleb said. “I only kill when if there is no other option, and if I must, it is never out of anger or vengeance.”

She took her time to analyze his response. “I am willing to agree to the terms you have set, and I hope I can live up to your expectations. We’ll have to go over the minutia some other time, but for now, let us agree to this partnership.”

She extended her hoof to Kaleb, and he shook it. “Now then, tell me how much you know about the history of this planet?”

“I’ve done a fair amount of reading, and I am aware vaguely of recent history,” He answered, trying to remember. “There was only so much time I had in Canterlot.”

Celestia nodded to Flash, who took over from there. “Equestria is used both as a general term for the continent and a specific name for our country, Kaleb. And we are not the only ones who live on it.” He pulled out a map, pointing to different places. “There’s Saddle Arabia, Griffinstone, The Dragon Lands, Yakyakistan, and places even further beyond our own borders. They have their own governments and lands which border ours at certain places.”

Kaleb nodded. “And if I remember, Equestria is not on the friendliest terms with all of them?”

“That’s simplifying it, but yes.” Flash explained. “The changelings have always been enemies with Equestria, going back nearly three hundred years ago. At the time, all of those countries were sided with the changelings, and this resulted war between all of us. However, it was discovered the changelings were manipulating the other allies. Each of the separate countries fought the changelings and won. Some where more successful than others, others were occupied for long amounts of time.”

“Ever since the changelings were last defeated many years ago, no formal treaties or declarations ended the war. It was just put on pause,” Celestia added. “It’s been years of tension ever since. There’s only some limited interaction, with trade of certain items, but it’s often with certain towns and local contracts. There’s an understanding we don’t interfere with that.”

Kaleb took all of this in. “And I imagine with tensions being high, that’s the reason why the Equestrian Guard is being moved to the borders most of the time.”

She nodded. “Even though it’s essentially a no pony’s land, border skirmishes are common. They’re often isolated incidents, and happen probably a few times a month. Sometimes, you will have citizens from other countries sneak across the borders, and then slip back in.”

The older dragons Spike was sneaking out at night to see, Kaleb remembered. By the time Twilight caught him, they were already gone. “Is there a hostile attitude from the citizens of Equestria towards these countries?”

Flash answered that question. “There was, for a long time, but it’s started to fade over the past seventy years. You still have small pockets who have hostilities, but they’ve been underground for a long time.”

Kaleb took a minute to take in all of the following information. “It sounds to me like there are multiple contracts for each country, and I would be acting as a both a third party mediator and representative, depending on the circumstances.”

“Yes, as well as a peacekeeper and guardian if need be,” Celestia answered. “There’s times this is going to be dangerous, Kaleb. Not just with the other nations, but taking into the consideration the large amount of organized crime, both specific to each nation and shared between us all, there are large stakes at play.”

Looking back, he remembered some of the readings. “There’s a lot of criminal organizations and families here, that take advantage of the chaos in war, during and between world-ending villains. Some of these families go back hundreds, even thousands of years.”

“The roots go deep,” Celestia acknowledged. “And everything is constantly changing year after year. Even though we’ve managed to arrest some big players, there’s only so much you can do.”

“The Jedi were in the same position,” he replied. “There were thousands of different criminal organizations, some bigger than others. Others slipping completely off the radar.”

Celestia and Flash nodded. The princess cleared her throat. “I have other business which I need to take care of today. For now, would you be willing to take on this role as Jedi Knight, peacekeeper and guardian of Equestria?”

Kaleb thought carefully about everything said. The legacy of the Jedi is at stake here. From what she has said, that role will be maintained. He gave his final answer. “We can work out the smaller details at a later date, but if you agree to uphold my terms, the answer is yes.”

He shook both of their hooves. “When would I begin this role?”

“We hope to reach out later this summer, and the work would actually begin in the fall,” Celestia explained. “Don’t worry, you won’t be thrust in just yet. There’s plenty of information you’ll be given ahead of time.”

“I’ll keep an eye out,” he replied. “Also, there might be an easier way for communication if I set up a holoprojector system in Canterlot Castle. That way, you won’t always have to send a letter or someone else to convey your words.”

“Look into that, and send me word.” All three of them stood up, and Celestia gave a nod of gratitude. “Thank you for this, Master Jedi. We’ll be in touch soon.”

“I bet we will.” Kaleb smiled, and gave Flash a hug. “Keep in touch. And give the newlyweds my regards.”

“Sure thing, and the same to you, my friend.” Flash let go, and returned the smile. “I’ll try and keep your advice in mind.”

Kaleb chuckled. “Now then, I must be off to prepare for an academic presentation. Have a good rest of your visit, Princess Celestia, Flash.” He turned and walked through the metal doors, the wards clicking behind him.

Sweetie Belle and her friends clapped as one of the last presenters finished up her presentation. After they finished clapping, she smiled. “That was awesome! So many different presentations today, so many stories.”

“Not to mention the ideas for the CMC this summer,” Apple Bloom added, finishing up her notes. “I’ll be submitting all of this in my report.”

“Good to hear,” Scootaloo replied. “We’re going to need a lot of stuff, if you’re thinking what I’m thinking.”

As the two went into their own conversation, Sweetie Belle noticed Spike staring out of the window, gazing at something beyond her reach. “Spike, what did you think?”

“Yeah, it was really cool,” He said, putting on a brave face. “Just a little tired, that’s all. I was up a little too late last night.”

She nodded. “I really liked the presentation Fluttershy did on animal care and ecosystems. You seemed really interested in the geology side of it.”

“I mean, gemstones are always interesting. I remember seeing pictures when I was in Canterlot, but out here, you can really get an idea of the landscape.”

“Is it something you want possibly as a career?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Maybe,” Spike replied. “It’s a possibility. A little too early to tell, but it’s always been something I’m curious about.”

Miss Cheerilee rang the small bell on her desk. “Okay, students. We have one more presentation today, but I’m not sure if he’s going to get here in time. He’s already twenty minutes late…”

“Sorry, am I too late?”

She turned to the door to see Kaleb peering in. “You’re cutting it close, Mr. Taymar, by about twenty minutes. But I’ll allow it.”

Sweetie Belle chuckled as she saw Kaleb move in, wearing his usual Jedi robes. “Sorry about that, I had to see a pony about some wiring, and then my droid got into a fight with a hawk nesting by my ship.”

Fluttershy called out. “Wait, was the hawk a red-brown with auburn speckled eyes?”

“Yeah that’s the one,” Kaleb replied. “Why do you ask?”

“His name is Albert. I need to have a serious talk with him about where he nests.”

“Please do, otherewise we’re going to have A5 fighting every animal near the forest…”

“You have three minutes, Mr. Taymar,” Cheerilee told him in as nice of a voice as she could muster. “Please don’t waste it.”

He buckled under her gaze, mumbled an apology, and addressed the class. “Right then. Good afternoon, young students. My name is Kaleb Taymar, and I have been asked to talk to you all about my experience with nature. First, how many of you have traveled outside of Ponyville?” Only a few raised their hands.

“Please close the blinds,” he indicated to the students as they did so, closing the windows. Setting the map reader down on the small desk near the center of the classroom, he activated it. Hundreds of small projected lights came out, floating similarly to their real-life counterparts. Half the class gasped, the other half just stared in awe.

“This is where I’m from, originally. Not just one planet, but from a whole galaxy,” Kaleb began. “I visited many places as I grew up, learned from different experiences and met different kinds of people. Your home, Ponyville, is home not only to you, but to the others around, including the creatures and wildlife who also call this place home.”

He strode around the classroom, pointing to a small distant planet. “These all may seem like different planets, but they are all connected. One choice, small it may be, can affect the other in a large way. Even a small change in the ecosystem of this place will change the course of history as we know it.

“The nature and wildlife around you, and the ponies who live here, both call this place home. It is a delicate balance. It is important to take the needs of others into consideration, so we may live to be better in our own lives.”

With a simple turn of his hand, the map reader was deactivated. He put it into his pocket, and indicated for the blinds to be reopened. “Look outside, look at the world around you.” At least twenty-five heads turned in the direction of the windows. “A shared world, from those who look at this place and want the same things we do. Food, clean air, clean water, shelter, and care. Take into consideration the impact your hoofprint has on them, so we can all tread more carefully, and live in peace and happiness. Thank you.”

He strode back to the front of the classroom as everyone clapped, and he simply acknowledged the applause with the raising of a hand. “And I believe that should be just under three minutes.”

Miss Cheerilee chuckled. “Well, just be on time next, okay?” The schoolbell rang, and the students jumped out of their seats. “Have a good weekend everyone. Please remember to take your things.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders jumped up, and packed their stuff. Apple Bloom went over the schedule. “So, we’ll be meeting sometime next week after school for study hours and some fun activities. I’ll get back to you Monday. In the meantime, I’ll see you tonight for the celebrations.”

The other three nodded, and all waved to each other. Sweetie Belle waved to Spike as he went out the door. “See you tonight!”

“See you!” Spike yelled as he started the walk back home. She smiled, and just as she packed her own stuff, she heard her name.

“Sweetie Belle?” Miss Cheerilee called as she was walking towards the door. “Rarity gave me a note yesterday, saying you’re to go home with Fluttershy today.”

“Oh yeah, she has that appointment in Canterlot,” she explained, turning to Fluttershy and Kaleb. “Are we going just to the cottage, or to the markets?”

“Just back to the cottage,” Fluttershy explained. “I have some business I need to take care of.”

“You two go on ahead, I’ll be right behind you.” They nodded, and leaved. Kaleb turned to Miss Cheerilee. “I was wondering if I can borrow a history textbook?”

“I should have a few extra in here,” she replied, getting them out of her desk and handing one to Kaleb. “Why do you need it?”

“I just want to get a perspective on how Equestria’s history is taught to children,” Kaleb explained. “Just out of curiosity. I promise I’ll return it in a timely manner.”

“Please do.” She answered, and waved to him as he left.

Fifteen minutes later, Spike returned to the library, noticing Twilight wasn’t on the main floor. But he heard noise downstairs. Must be in the basement doing something. He went upstairs, the tiredness in his eyes seeping deeper in.

After setting his backpack down, he went into the bathroom, closing the door. Turning on the water, he splashed the cold water into his face, gazing up into the mirror.

He blinked several times, staring at his reflection. Why was I so tired last night, and what were those angry voices? I haven’t heard from them since I blew up at Twilight a few months ago. Who are they, and why did they come back…

In the moment he next blink, he saw the landscape that laid before him. It was a red haze, with dust the color of blood surrounding the mountains, as he stood on top of the heap of rubble and stone. Thousands of voices seemed to call out, echoing anger, hatred, suffering, as he saw the shadow in front of him. A perfect replica of himself.

The shadow’s eyes glowed with the red of fire, and jumped at him, leaping to catch its prey. Spike roared in fear and anger, as he felt himself being forced back against the stone wall.

Except it wasn’t the stone wall, but the door of the bathroom, and the large crash echoed throughout the treehouse. Before him lay the mirror, shattered into bits, as he breathed heavily, his claw extended out in front of him.

As quickly as he went into that bathroom, he backed out slowly, slamming the door and running down the stairs.

Kaleb had just managed to catch up with Fluttershy and Sweetie Belle as they were walking back over the bridge of the cottage. “R2 is still with Twilight at the library, apparently they’re making good progress.”

Sweetie Belle turned to him and he waved it away. “I’ll explain later, it’s kind of a long story.”

As they finally reached the door, Fluttershy set the cart down. “I’m going to put a few things back, and then rest for a while.”

Kaleb and Sweetie Belle entered the cottage, as she set down her school things on a nearby shelf. “Kaleb, are there any snacks?”

“There should be some in the kitchen,” Kaleb called out. “Also, I think there’s something in there for you.”

As she went into the kitchen, she spotted a small suitcase right onto the table, right where the freshly-cut apples were. She took a few slices, along with some carrots and studied the case. Noticing there was a note right on top. She opened it.

Every great journey starts with small steps

These are your first into a larger world.

Keep on your feet, because you may never know

Where you get swept off to.

Kaleb heard her gasp just as he walked into the kitchen, and saw her larger reaction as she opened the suitcase. Only to find not just any Jedi Robes. But ones of her own.

He saw her tear up slightly as she stared with awe and amazement at the fabric, but also a sense of joy. Every stitch and seam spoke volumes of care, and she only knew that work to be of her sister.

“You might want to thank your sister for those, she was very insistent she would be the one to make them,” Kaleb explained, chuckling and taking some of the apple and carrot snacks. “Once you’ve tried them on, and had something to eat, meet me out in the clearing. There’s a path in the backyard which should lead you right to it.” He moved quickly out of the door, as she dashed to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, she emerged, wearing the Jedi Robes, noticing how light and breathable the material seemed. It was also rugged enough to withstand the elements. Breathing easily through the tunic, she walked outside, taking in the afternoon air.

The cloak had the same feel to it, as it was perfectly balanced. Rarity must have really spent a lot of time on this, it feels not too heavy, not too light. Just right. Sweetie Belle walked on the path, entering the forest. With every step she took, everything seemed more vibrant.

She arrived at the clearing in no time, taking a look at the meadow before her. The gentle hiss of a stream echoed in the distance, as the songbirds began to sing, almost on cue. She sat down in the center, slightly shaded by the large oaks offering protection.

From the shadows, Kaleb emerged in similar robes. He sat down six feet in front of her, crossing his legs in the fashion she had seen him do. They sat in silence for a considerable amount of time, allowing the sounds of the forest to become the dominant force.

After about eight minutes of this, he noticed her breathing followed the rhythm and flow of the natural habitat around her. “Patience.” She paused and he nodded her to keep breathing. She did, trying to concentrate on her surroundings. After a few moments he began to speak.

“Emotion, yet peace.

Ignorance, yet knowledge.

Passion, yet serenity.

Chaos, yet harmony.

Death, yet the Force.”

She continued breathing, and he let out a small smile. “You can open your eyes now, Sweetie Belle.”

She did, and waited for him to continue. “I was only a few years younger than you, when I heard Master Yoda first say that. It was a memorable experience, only second to where he scolded me for falling out of a tree, I climbed it trying to hear the birds.” The young unicorn chuckled at that line.

Kaleb leaned forward. “I wanted you to have that same experience. It does take some getting used to, but it’s good knowledge to have. Why did you think I chose this place?”

Sweetie Belle looked around, noticing the cadances of the world around her. “This place, it feels different. From any place in Ponyville, even. It feels alive.”

He nodded. “I started to come here back in the fall, because it was where the Force felt most alive. And it’s at a critical part in the ecosystem. Every creature in these woods somehow finds this place, and uses it as their home. As a place of welcome. “

She nodded. “That does make sense, I could feel there was this rhythm here.” Adjusting her robe, she fixed Kaleb with a curious look. “What does this mean?”

“Right, I suppose I should get to the main point.” He thought about phrasing, and started. “Rarity and I have been having a lot of discussions about you and what’s happening. It took us a while to get the details down, and to get on the same page, but we have come to an agreement.”

He paused for dramatic effect. “I will train you in the ways of the Jedi and the Force, and you would become my apprentice. My Padawan, if that is a route you are still interested in.”

She took the information in, and let out a large smile. “Yes, I am! And these robes are really nice. I like the style, and how Rarity adapted them.”

“She did do a good job,” Kaleb replied, going on. “If we go ahead with this our relationship changes. No longer just friends, but a Master and Apprentice. The basis of this is on mutual trust and respect. I will respect and trust you, and I expect you to do the same. I don’t expect this to be a problem, but it’s something to bring up.”

She nodded in understanding. “I want this place to be a sanctuary, for us. Where we can escape the problems of the everyday world, at least for a little while, and learn together. Your safety and well-being is my responsibility, and I have to balance having a safe learning environment with room for our training and growth.”

“How should I address you? Should it be as Master Taymar?” Sweetie Belle asked. “And why do you say ‘our’ training?”

“Only when the occasion requires it, which won’t be that often,” Kaleb answered. “Kaleb is just fine here. And the reason I keep doing so is because when a Master and Apprentice form a bond, it becomes a learning experience for both. It changes lives. I’ve never had an apprentice before, and Jedi are lifelong learners.”

Kaleb took a sip of water. “Your education would be in two concentrations. The first is about the Jedi and the Force, and would be the standard for what any apprentice is taught. There’s a lot of flexibility in this, so there’s plenty of areas to explore. The second is about the various worlds and planets in my galaxy.”

Her eyes beamed, as he knew this was something exciting for her. “You want to know more about my galaxy? I’m going to teach you everything there is to know.”

He nearly laughed at her reaction, as she tried to hide it. “Thank you, Kaleb. I am honored to have you as my Jedi Master. What you spoke to me before, was that some kind of oath?”

“Not exactly, but it is a code,” Kaleb explained. “The Jedi had a code which they followed, and I’ve written down the full version here.” He handed her an empty journal with the code written on the first page. She opened it as he continued. “The version I said was a simplified one for Jedi younglings. But even through there, the message shines through.”

She perked up as he addressed one thing. “However, it’s important to understand the importance of this code, but it is not perfect. It is a flawed code.”

“What do you mean?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Where are the flaws?”

“Between the lines,” Kaleb answered. “In practice, the code seemed to be perfect, a shining example for which every Jedi should stand by. And in some ways, it is. But even my own Master acknowledged there were flaws with how certain things are taught and handled. Including the matter of emotional attachments.”

He saw her confusion. “There are two sides to everything. Pros and cons, actions and consequences, one decision versus another. This includes the Force. Ashla and Bogan, Light and Darkness.”

Taking two stones, he placed them across from the other. “Ashla, or the light side of the Force. A philosophy build on calm, peace, and a passive nature. Tranquility, compassion, and selflessness drive it. This was the side the Jedi followed, and what I was taught. This is what the Jedi Code is about at its core.”

He indicated to the other stone. “Bogan, the Dark Side of the Force. The philosophy is built on raw emotions such as fear, anger, hatred, suffering, and vengeance. Practiced by the Sith, who were and still are the enemies of the Jedi.” He looked at her. “This was the darkness you experienced back in Canterlot when the changelings attacked.”

“I remember those emotions, vivid as day,” Sweetie Belle remembered. “It terrifies me. I’m sorry, I never meant to use them…”

“It’s okay, you didn’t know.” Kaleb spoke, addressing her apology. “And you shouldn’t be afraid of those emotions, that will only make it stronger. Facing fear is the destiny of the Jedi.”

He chose his words carefully. “These sides are locked in a battle longer than time itself. Fought by thousands of generations long before us. Bringing it back to the code, one of the big flaws is in how it deals with emotions and attachments. It says to bury them away, and forget and only focusing on the will of the Force.”

“I can see why that is taught. If the Dark Side embraces emotions fully, than the Jedi reject them for the will of the Force,” Sweetie Belle observed.

He nodded. “Exactly. The problem is, burying your emotions isn’t a healthy way to live. It may seem like a good idea, but in reality it can destroy you. It took me a long time after I arrived here to realize this, especially after three years of war.”

Kaleb breathed, and let a natural silence roll in before speaking again. “I’m going to teach you to follow the Jedi Code, but we have to acknowledge the flaws as we do. There are many aspects I want us to follow, but there are others where we can change. What do you think those are?”

She knew he posed the question as a kind of test. “Emotions and attachments are not always bad, but we cannot let them blind our judgement.”

He smiled. “Exactly. For me, the Jedi Code, my emotions, and attachments all guide me. At times, I do have to let go of emotion and attachment in order to fulfill my role, but I do not forget them. And instead of burying my own darkness, I recognize it. But I never act on it.”

“I don’t want to rely on the Dark Side,” Sweetie Belle began. “I don’t want to even go near it now. Not if it endangers my friends and family.”

Kaleb nodded. “And with any luck, you won’t have to. However, it is something you will have to face one day. And when you do, you will be ready. I’ll make sure of it, on a Pinkie Promise as a Jedi.”

He handed her a braid for her mane. “Take the strands of your mane, behind your ear. Either one is fine. Braid it into one long strand, and use that to keep it in place.”

She did so, looking curious. After a few seconds, she had the braid behind her left ear. “I’m assuming this is some kind of a Jedi tradition.”

“You are correct,” Kaleb informed her. “The braid is traditional for a Padawan, and is cut off when they become a Jedi Knight.”

She was put more at ease since his response to her previous statement. “Anyway, when do I get to learn to use a lightsaber?” She pointed to the hilt on Kaleb’s belt.

He chuckled. “And there’s the excitement for today. The lightsaber is a valuable tool, but it’s also a part of you. Unique to your spirit, your fighting style, your individuality. One day, when you are ready, you will go on a journey to find a kyber crystal, which is Force-sensitive, and use it to build your own.”

Her ears drooped slightly. “Yours is just so cool.”

“Don’t worry, I’m still going to teach you combat,” Kaleb added. “Patience, my young apprentice. The time will pass quicker than you think. Besides, the journey will be worth as much as the destination.”

Sweetie Belle’s eyes reflected a sense of humbleness and honor as he addressed her in that way. She felt the rhythm of the Force rising and falling as it seemed the entire forest began to breathe as the wind rustled. Her mane began to sway in the wind.

“Thank you, Master Taymar. I’m honored to be your apprentice, and I promise to do my best.”

He cast a wondrous tone in his voice. “Now then, Sweetie Marie Belle, out of all the things you can learn, from one planet to a system to an entire galaxy, brimming with the Force itself, where do you want to start?”

To that, she only let out a small smile.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! After much writing and rewriting, I have finally finished the final chapter. This was one that I enjoyed writing, especially with Sweetie Belle's scenes. It was only fitting that her Rarity be the one to help her start her path as a Jedi. I will always be taking bets on who wins a fight between Flash and Owlowiscious, and same on A5 vs. Albert.

Now, comes the end of a journey that has lasted three years. First and foremost, I would like to thank my editor, Mine Menace, who has helped me along the way and has become a great friend. Finally, I would like to thank all of my readers, who have stuck by this story and helped support it. This helped me grow as a writer and as a person. If any writer is inspired to tell their own stories by my work, than that is the biggest compliment I can get.

You might have noticed this chapter sets up many things for the future, and that is intentional. I am proud to announce that there will be a sequel to Heart of the Force, which will come out early next year. I've had ideas for a sequel for the past two years, and started developing it back in March. I'm in the middle of writing the prologue and first chapter right now, and I can't tell you how excited I am for all of you to read it. I'll be posting updates on my blog, so please feel free to follow me on here

Thank you for an amazing journey, and please stay healthy and safe.

Comments ( 15 )

So, Star Wars fan, eh?

Nice! Sequel to this story! I kind of figured there will be a sequel, especially with what you have Spike going through right now. Also, you might want to place the Star Wars tag for this story.

Ever since I was a kid, those movies, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars, helped inspire my interest in storytelling. And they still do to this day.

I just did, and thank you for the suggestion! Spike is playing a big part in the sequel. That's all I'm going to say for now, but his arc is going to be really interesting.

I’ve got a Star Wars crossover fic

I plan to write a Star Wars crossover one day

That's awesome, and I look forward to reading it!

i have money on Owlowiscious, this has been an amzing story, and it was one of the stories that convince to to start gettign into writign myself, and now you have me debatign if I should make a story about a grey jedi ending up on equestria

It's okay, I understand. This was the first story I ever wrote, and I was still learning as a writer particularly in those earlier chapters. There is a progression in a way, but I'm still glad I was able to learn from this story, and apply everything to the sequel and any futures stories I write.

This will always be one of my favorite star wars crossover fics and for the most part everything was handled very well. For this chapter I do have 3 slight issues: for one equestria would have good relationships with each nation except the dragons, as well as maybe the griffons but you can eloborate on that later. Second is that I think Kaleb should start self reflecting to relaize the repiblic he served had fell long before the battle of coruscant especially since his master was friends with Qui Gon who was always critical of how the jedi had blindly served the republic and were lapdogs
Lastly I don't think the secrecy of the jedi is justified and it was one of the big mistakes made by the order who locked themselves away in their temple, creating distrust and suspicion, forming onpy a few good freindships and connections with civillians, and most importantly allowing the populace to become ignorant of the jedi which allowed them to be manipulated by anti-jedi propaganda and the people not seeing any difference between jedi and sith to the point that very few were outraged by order 66. Its was also their ignorance of the sith that lead them to be so complacent with the emipre for a time and to never see any warning signs. KOTOR 2 does a very good job of explaining things and the series is very good at pointing out the faults of the Jedi. I also can't really think of a justified reason for the secrecy. Part of it was to put the child indoctrination and taking them from families under wraps but there just isn't any reason to keep things besides force techniques and lightsaber combat training secret from the public, but jedi history should definetly be public. It's also a slippery slope as an organization that lacks transparency can hide its own abuses and mistakes while being unable to be held accountable. Other then that I loved the story and the set up for the sequel that I will be reading now. The attention to detail, the characters being accurate, the dialogue, and plot are all very well done and I hope to see more in the future.

Will there be a sequel to this amazing story?

Haha, nevermind; I see there is in fact a sequel. :twilightsmile:

Starting the sequel now!

Thank you! I hope you enjoy!:yay:

Believe me, I certainly have. :pinkiehappy:

It’s ok, I just got annoyed with the wrong terminology

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