• Published 2nd Jan 2018
  • 1,351 Views, 33 Comments

Second Chances - Nailah

When Flim unexpectedly shows up at Apple Acres seeking advice from Applejack, she turns him away due to previous experiences but another mare steps in to help him in his time of need.

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Chapter 2: Lending a Hoof

“Goodnight Flim.” smiled Fluttershy as she had finally gotten Angel to eat his salad despite his complaining and groaning. Angel just glared towards Flim as Fluttershy headed upstairs.

Flim had time to think about all that had occurred. He had finished his tea, he had taken his time sipping at it, savoring the flavor but more than that he was too lost in thought to truly concentrate. He took a deep breath and sighed heavily as he glanced around the quiant little cottage. He heard faint footsteps as he looked towards the stairs and Fluttershy came down and handed him a blanket and a soft pillow.

“Here you go, it might get a bit chilly tonight. Are you comfortable?” she asked softly concerned and wanting her guest to be content and able to relax.

“Oh Fluttershy thank you again for allowing me to stay here, I really appreciate it. You are so kind.” He smiled towards her with a soft expression, his mind going back to his earlier thoughts. He wasn't lying to himself, he really did want to change. He was tired of all the games, he had to fix things. The only question was where to start when he didn't know who or where to turn too?

“Goodnight again Flim, you just let me know if you need anything okay?” Fluttershy asked softly as she turned in her hooves, yawing and turning off the lights while she headed upstairs. She would then head into bed for the night

Flim couldn't sleep, at least not right away for he had far too much on his mind. He couldn't help but wonder what Flam was up too, probably pulling off some grand scheme thinking he could do anything in the world. He knew the two had always made a great team so he hadn't really expected anything like this to ever happen, but here he was, sitting alone, not having a clue in the world why his brother had changed so drastically. He laid down on the couch as he removed his hat and put it to the side of the sofa. He pulled the covers over him, putting the pillow behind his head as he laid down on his back to look up towards the ceiling.

He couldn't help but wish things were different. He had to think of someway to get back on good terms with Flam but the only way to do that would be to pull off some grand scheme that would get his attention. He couldn't use Fluttershy, however he couldn't help but think about the many animals she had.He rubbed his hoof under his chin as he thought about what he could do but what if Fluttershy found out? She'd be heartbroken and he'd couldn't do that to her but he would have to think of something? He decided at least for now to get some rest, he could think more in the morning, and Fluttershy was kind enough to allow him to stay here but he wasn't sure if she would be the best one to ask about advice. He had really wanted to speak with Applejack but she wanted nothing to do with him and he completely understood but at the same time, he needed guidance. He didn't know where else to turn or whom to turn to in his time of need. He closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep, though it was a struggle at first, eventually he did drift off into a restful slumber.

“Good morning, did you sleep well?” asked Fluttershy as Flim awoke to see her sitting sideways in her chair. He sat up as he looked towards Fluttershy and noticed there was tea sitting on the end table next to the two of them.

“Well, as good as I could all things considered.” replied Flim honestly as he put the covers towards the side as he sat up beside Fluttershy.

“Would you like some tea?” she offered towards him holding out a tea cup.

“Sure I would love a spot of tea. Thank you again Fluttershy, truly words can't even begin to express my gratitude.” replied Flim as he nodded his head towards her in a respectful manner. “Fluttershy...," began Flim as he looked down at first and then continued. "I need some advice but Applejack won't even listen to a word I say, would you be willing to hear me out?” he questioned towards her. He was nervous as to what she might say, but he was hopeful that she would hear what he had to say rather than assume he was up to no good. Of course Applejack had every reason not to trust him, he understood her reaction to him showing up but he really wasn't trying to scam any pony, not this time.

“Of course, I'm always willing to lend a helping hoof.” replied Fluttershy softly as she took a sip of her tea and waiting for him to tell her more. She knew she might not be the best one to ask for advice but she would try her best to help him if she could. She hated to see any pony upset, and she knew that he was upset by his body language, just the way he slouched in the sofa and how he glanced off towards the side like he was looking for some pony, almost like he expected to see his brother beside him only to find it empty.

“Well...I don't know what to do. I've never been on my own, Flam and me have always been a team and now I am nothing, I have nothing, and no one is going to trust a con like me.” explained Flim with a heavy sigh.

Fluttershy thought about it for awhile before she responded. She knew that Applejack didn't trust him but she also had past bad experiences with the two but if he was really willing to turn over a new leaf then he couldn't see himself as a con pony. He had to see himself as a pony that needed to find a new purpose.

“You need to find something else that you enjoy doing that you are good at. You need to show people that you are willing to change, and then people might believe that you really want too. I mean look at Discord, he's been doing wonderfully ever since he was reformed and is one of my closest friends, I would trust him in a heartbeat.” smiled Fluttershy softly. She was glad she was able to have Discord as her friend, but they were really just that, friends. She had yet to find that special some pony in her life, but with how shy she was, she wondered if she would ever find it. She only hoped to be able to help Flim and give him the confidence she knew he needed to succeed in whatever path he chose next for himself, but she was willing to be with him every step of the way. She didn't care what any pony thought. She would never turn away any pony in need of help and he really needed a friend right now. She was willing to lend a helping hoof.

“You're right, I need to get back out there, I can't be stuck in the past, I have to focus on here and now. Thank you Fluttershy, so much for everything but you've done enough for me I really shouldn't trouble you more.” began Flim.

“Oh I don't mind, feel free to drop by any time for a cup of tea.” smiled Fluttershy softly as she went over towards Flim and gave him a soft and gentle hug. “I'm always here if you ever need a friend or just want to talk.”

Flim couldn't help but to tense up just a little bit, he couldn't believe that she was still willing to accept him when no one else would've even given him a second glance. He stood up, put his hat upon his hat and gently waved towards Fluttershy as he made his way out the door. Flim looked around to all the animals outside of Fluttershy's cottage it was amazing how she could handle so many. He couldn't help but wonder if he could help her out a bit. Hmm....he had to find a way and he immediately had a brilliant idea that would not only limit her amount of animals she had to care for but allow him to get back into his feet.

Applejack still wasn't sure what to think about Flim randomly showing up on her property asking for advice. Of all the nerves! Just who did he think he was trying to fool? She wasn't about to let him get the better of her, he and his brother, the two of them were good for nothing thieves. First they had tried to steal her farm with that machine, and then the issue with Granny and then she had to reunite the two with Fluttershy's help at the Las Pegusus resort only for the two to end up taking over the place. It was just like the two of them, con artists is what they were and the only thing they cared about was how much money they could make, they didn't care about anyone or anything except themselves so why would she believe he actually wanted to start a new? The only thing she couldn't figure out was what sort of scam the two were plotting now. She rubbed her hoof against her chin as she stood thinking as she decided to take a visit over to Fluttershy's, really just to check up on her, but more than that to make sure her friend's kindness wasn't being taken advantage of, and right now that was honestly her worst fear. Fluttershy didn't deserve that, it was awfully sweet of her to offer kindness to any pony, even Discord himself but at least with Discord she knew what she had been getting into. You never knew what you were getting into with those two brothers but then she also wondered what had broken the two off in the first place. There had to be a reason for all this madness and she was going to get to the bottom of it, if it was the last thing she did. She didn't really need much she gathered herself as she hurried over towards the cottage, she was worried but most of all she was concerned for her friend and she stopped in her tracks when she saw Flim in Fluttershy's yard, gathering up her animals into a truck. Immediately she raised her eyebrows at this but for now she would watch and wait to see what was going on. For all she knew Fluttershy might have asked him to help move some of the animals to the resort she had built.

“Fluttershy is just going to love this! I'll be able to get back on my hooves and she'll have less stress to worry about.” smiled Flim to himself. “Now here you go sir now remember our arrangement.” smiled Flim as he gave what looked like a zookeeper some kind of form to sign.

“Alrightly thank you so much and we'll be sure they have good homes at our zoo, and we'll tell everyone how you helped to save these poor animals.” spoke the zookeeper with a sly grin on his lips.

Applejack was beyond furious. What was the meaning of this? He was selling Fluttershy's animals to a zoo? Just like she thought he was up to no good like always. She knew better than to trust him. She had to say something to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy came out of the cottage after the zookeeper left. “Flim is everything alright? It was awfully quiet out here.” she began as she couldn't help but notice there didn't seem to be as many animals around as she was accustomed to seeing but perhaps they were just resting and would come out later.

“Oh yes Fluttershy everything is fine. You really are amazing you know that? A lovely mare worth your weight in gold.” smiled Flim as he softly kissed her upon the hoof.

“Oh Flim, you're embrassing me.” she blushed slightly.

Applejack continued to observe from the background and she couldn't believe what she thought she was seeing. Did Fluttershy actually care for this con artist? No she shook that thought out of her head but still there was no doubt the two seemed to be getting along despite their own unique differences.

“Fluttershy, would you care to join me for lunch?” offered Flim with a soft smile towards her.

“I would love too. Oh but Angel doesn't have anyone to watch him...hmm I suppose he'll be okay for a little bit without me.” smiled Fluttershy and with that the two went off towards Ponyville to find a good spot to eat and talk more.