• Published 2nd Jan 2018
  • 1,351 Views, 33 Comments

Second Chances - Nailah

When Flim unexpectedly shows up at Apple Acres seeking advice from Applejack, she turns him away due to previous experiences but another mare steps in to help him in his time of need.

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Chapter 5: Actions speak louder than words

Phew! Working on an apple farm all day certainly wasn't easy work, it was demanding even using his unicorn magic. Flim was exhausted by lunchtime. He took a bit of a break and Applejack brought him something to munch on, it was a delicious apple pie.

“Why thank you so much Applejack.” smiled Flim softly. Flim wondered why Applejack always gave him the evil look but at least she wasn't demanding that he get off her land since he had to work here for what he had done. He knew he had caused trouble but he really hadn't meant to. He was able to think a lot about who he was and what his purpose in life truly was. He looked towards the clouds and couldn't help remembering the good ole days when he and Flam would travel from place to place coning ponies into buying their gimmicks and making themselves a hefty nice profit but now he had no bits, no brother and no life. He would make a new life for himself he wasn't going to let his sadness get the better of him, and if Fluttershy was able to believe in him then he could at least try for her if nothing else. The rest of the day went rather well, he even managed to finish all the chores Applejack had assigned to him. He was quite proud of himself but she still wasn't trustful of Flim and asked him to leave at the end of the day. Flim understood and he wasn't about to begrudge Applejack's feelings. Flim headed off the farm but he wasn't ready to head back to Fluttershy's, he wanted to head into Ponyville first. He had to find a job, a real job and one that perhaps he could use his salesman's skills to his advantage. He walked into the town and he couldn't help but note how the ponies gave him suspicious glances. It was easy to see just how the ponies of this town felt about him.

He glanced to his side noticing someone by Sugarcube Corner Flim then saw Twilight Sparkle hurrying in his direction, and she didn’t look happy.

“What are you doing here?” questioned Twilight Sparkle as she was out running errands for an upcoming event and everything had to be perfect. Of course Spike was right there by her side.

“I'm here looking for a job, do you know anyone looking for help?” said Flim nervously with a sweat drop running down his face.

“Why do I find that hard to believe and where's Flam?” asked Twilight, after all with her role as Princess of Friendship it was best to at least try to give Flim the benefit of the doubt but still she wasn't sold on him being here after what she knew from Applejack.

“Listen, I know I haven't been very trustful, or trustful at all for that matter but I'm done with scams and cons. I want to be a different kind of pony, I want mares and colts to look at me with respect rather than distaste. I want to change, I want to be myself, so please just give me a chance," said Flim as he held his hat under his neck holding it against his vest near his heart. He really did want to change. Flim knew it would be hard but he knew actions spoke louder than words.

“Alright...well it just so happens I know someone that could use your help.” smiled Twilight willing to lend a hoof, even to someone like him. She took him over to a merchant's stand, it was Maud Pie whom had set up a rock stand in the middle of Ponyville.

“Twilight what brings you here?” Maud asked in a very dull tone, emotionless as she stared at her rocks and wondered why ponies weren't fascinated by the many different rocks she had on display.

“Oh I'm just out about running some errands for an upcoming festival and you know everything has to be in order, but actually I have another reason for being here. You see Maud, Flim here is looking for a job and I could think of no better job than advertising your rock stand to the public and getting them interested in seeing the many varieties of rocks you have, who knows maybe he could even make you some bits. I mean it is what he's good at. What do you say?” smiled Twilight.

Maud shrugged. "Sure, it could be fun." replied Maud her expression not changing in the slightest, her expression didn't seem to change or seem excited, that was more her sister's thing.

“Well...I'm willing to give it my best shot!” replied Flim eager to get started, of course he knew it would be difficult to sell people on rocks. Flim took his place in front of the rock stand, standing just a bit to the side, so all ponies could get a view of the spectulacle he was about to put on.

“Everyone stop what you are doing for I have something spectacular you don't get to see every day! Rocks of all various shapes and sizes. And don't be fooled, you can't find anything quite like this in all of Equestria!” announced Flim towards the crowd. The ponies of ponyville did glance over to Maud's stand and at first people didn't seem to care that much about it, but Flim used his skills of marketing to convince them to stay and a few of them even listened to Maud as she explained about the different types of rocks. Flim felt pretty good about himself and not all the ponies were drawn away by him being there. And he was quite surprised when Fluttershy stopped by at the rock stand.

“Oh hi Flim what are you doing here?” she questioned. She didn't see why Flim would care about rocks.

“I got a job, I'm promoting Maud's rock stand, it's getting quite popular now that I am doing the marketing for it, and don't worry I'm not even trying to sell the rocks, some ponies just like learning about the different varieties from all parts of Equestria.” replied Flim softly with a serious tone. In no way was he trying to harm anyone or really make a profit in all this. He had to prove he was a good pony now for people to believe he was really serious.

“Oh, that's wonderful. I'm glad to hear you're doing well. It's certainly a nice change from the last news I heard.” said Fluttershy softly.

“Would you like to learn about the many different kinds of rocks from all across Equestria? Quite frankly the limestone and marble are quite fascinating to learn about. It's hard to believe you can find limestone right here in Ponyville.” explained Flim with a warm and sweet smile.

Fluttershy giggled softly as she lifted her hoof to her lips as she couldn't help but find this all quite silly but at the same time, it was showing that Flim did care even if marketing something like this was rather a silly thing and a difficult thing. “Flim would you like to come by my cottage later tonight for dinner?” questioned Fluttershy.

“I would love too.” smiled Flim as he couldn't help but lean down to softly place a kiss upon her hoof. “You are quite lovely today.”

“Oh why thank you.” blushed Fluttershy a bit embarrassed at the gesture. “I need to get some things for Angel, see you later. It's good to see you again Maud as well.” smiled Fluttershy before she wandered off.

Flim couldn't help but to admire her from afar, she was just so graceful in her steps and her beauty readied through the entire town. Then he remembered he had a job to get to and decided to focus on selling the perspective of well rocks...how dull and he wasn't even trying to make a terrible rock pun.

Flim couldn't wait to see Fluttershy again, he was really having a good vibe that things were going in the right direction for once in his life. He wished Maud Pie a good night as she wrapped up her stand for the day, once the sun was beginning to set and he made his way towards Fluttershy's. He wasn't going to let the past get to him not anymore not when he had such a bright and wonderful future to look towards too and well he really wanted to kiss that future. He arrived at Fluttershy's cottage, knocking on the door, as he stood nervously, waiting for a response.

Fluttershy answered the door shortly, wearing a simple yet elegant dress of course it looked amazing on her and he was starting to wish he would have worn something nicer, he didn't really have any bits, but he was sure he could have managed to pull something together in a dash.

“Wow, you look radiant tonight Fluttershy.” he smiled towards her as she leaned down to kiss her upon the hoof in a gentleman like manner, after all he wasn't going to pull off actually kissing her, at least not yet. He really really wanted to, but he wanted it to be perfect. After all she didn't deserve just any stallion she deserved the best, and he wanted her to know he would do anything for her, even if it meant selling rocks to Tartarus he'd give it his best. He had a feeling Fluttershy wasn't going to ask anything that crazy, she seemed to be a very simple mare.

“I made some tea would you like a cup?” she asked softly.

“I would love a spot of tea, your tea is always pleasant to the palette.” smiled Flim as he sat down on the couch across from where she was sitting in her chair. He wandered what they might be having for dinner but he was sure
that whatever it was it would be wonderful.

“I made some sandwiches for us tonight, I hope you like them.” smiled Fluttershy softly as she went and retrieved the sandwiches, setting sat them down upon the table. Fluttershy then sat down and offered the sandwich plate towards Flim. “Go on try one.” she offered.

Flim took a sandwich taking a bite, and it was the most delicious thing ever. It was amazing. “It's wonderful. Almost as wonderful as you are.” he couldn't help but add that.

“Oh Flim I'm no pony special.” replied Fluttershy with a soft pink blush.

Flim couldn't believe what he was hearing, she was more than just some pony and he was just the pony to show it to her but she might need a bit of coaxing. Perhaps his skills were useful for things other than advertising and business, Perhaps he could use them to find love?

Author's Note:

It's a day early but I'm enough ahead with the writing that I figure why not. Enjoy. :pinkiehappy: