• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 599 Views, 15 Comments

Scootaloo's dia-no, Journal - Ephedianroyalty

Sam just wanted to live a normal life with her friends, do normal things, play normal games, as long as they're not too girly. But what happens when her and her friends' older brothers turn into female Anthros?

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Chapter 1: The Analysts' Offer

Well that’s just great. Not only did Matt turn into… whatever it’s called, but Amy and Melanie too? And they changed their names? What’s up with that?

I sat in my room in a huff, trying to hold back my tears. The most awesomest person I knew just got a huge body swap, and I was just expected to sit back and act like nothing was wrong? Like my new world wasn’t just shattered? Yeah, no, I thought, moving to my wheelchair. Screw that crap.

I rolled over to my computer. Who were the morons that Matt said changed her into Macaela? The theory analyst? Let’s see if I can find their channel. I scrolled through the options presented before me, and was unsatisfied with my findings. “Maybe I need to type in the full name to find them,” I murmured, browsing through the rest of the page. Just as I was about to go back to the top, a video caught my eye. It was something about a group called cmc or something, I really wasn’t that interested, but it was about MLP, so I clicked on it. Quickly, so as not to have my eyes tortured with the sight of ponies, I clicked on the creator tab, the MLP: theory analysts they called themselves. I found the video they uploaded about rainbow dash, the thing Matt had turned into, and loaded it, making sure to pause the video at the add. I scrolled down to the comment section and left a comment that soured my mouth.

You s**** turned the best person ever into a f****** walking talking rainbow! And you turned all my friends into monsters!! Hope you’re happy about ruining my life you m*******!!!

I don’t know where the swear words came from, but they seemed to present my hatred as deeper than I intended, because not a minute later I got a response back.

We’re sorry you feel that way. Please elaborate on why you think this ruined your life, because as far as we can tell, It has not down anything bad to your life.

I snarled, my hatred growing.

You can’t tell?! What are you, stalkers?! Of course you can’t tell, you’re not the ones living through it! What would you think if all the sudden you brother turns into girl and starts to ignore you?! How do you think it feels to have your friends start to spend less time with you because of this stupid transformation thing?! M****** piles of s***, you can’t even begin to realize!!

By the end of this little rant, I was breathing heavily, and I felt like my face was burning off it was so hot. I expected them to respond forcefully and rudely, giving me more ammunition against them. What I did not expect was what they said next.

Would you like to join them?

My hands paused over the keyboard as this simple phrase rattled around in my brain. Join them? What could that possibly mean? Did they want me to… no, they couldn’t be saying that. But just to be sure, I cautiously typed out:


Would you like to join them?

...Are you really offering that to me?

Yes. We ask again, would you like to join them?

I stared at their last message, my eyes wide with disbelief. Were they seriously trying to bribe her with a body change so she’d be more like the girls? What kind of psychopaths were they? Then again, to keep their friendship, would it really be that bad? I mulled over that one thought, wondering how far I was really willing to go to keep what I had here with them. After a while, Mrs Dashel jolted me out of my deep thinking by walking into the room and picking me up, and I started to flail around.

“Now Sam, remember what I said last time you didn’t answer me when I called you for dinner? No more technology for the rest of the night, missy.” Mrs Dashel proclaimed as she carried me down the hall to the kitchen.

“But Mrs Dasheeeeeel, I was trying to figure out what happened to Matt!” I wined, trying to push my head out of her ample bosom. She always held me too tightly like I was going to fall when she carried me. I giggled as she spun around through the house, going through rooms we didn’t need to go through and basically being just an awesome mo- no. that still hurt too much.

Mrs Dashel saw my mood change, and quickly moved into the kitchen, making little jokes here and there as she set me down and finished preparing dinner. I looked over through the doorway to the living room as the front door smashed open, allowing Macaela to fly through the door, bringing in gusts of wind and leaves. She quickly landed and blew all the leaves back outside with a flap of her wings. Closing the door, she turned around and caught me staring, and I quickly looked away with a blush.

Macaela waltzed in, coming over to me and ruffling my hair. “What’s up, Squirt?” she asked, smiling, only to frown as I shoved her away. “What’s wrong?”

”Stupid freaking Analysts and their stupid freaking body morph.” I mumbled, not wanting to curse in case they could hear me. Their soap tastes a lot worse than Mrs Smith’s did. I could tell by Macaela’s frown getting worse that she did, in fact hear me.

“Sam, what do you have against the analysts? Is it because I turned into Rainbow? Because I would have chosen to turn into her if given the option.” She said, her frown growing more disapproving. She started hovering in the air, folding her body into a relaxed pose.

“That’s just it! Even if you would have, you didn’t get the chance to say no! We don’t even know if they tampered with your mind or aren’t still changing you!” I cried out, tears starting to form. “And what about Amy and Melanie, huh? Did they chose to be turned into that? Did they even have a say in if they wanted to stay human? Or were they forced to go along with it, abandoning their previous forms, their life, me? Did they chose to leave me alone?!” I stopped talking only because I couldn’t hold in my tears anymore, and I cried, these great heaving sobs filling the air and racking my already damaged body. I shoved my head into my arms, laying them down onto the table as I bawled into the shirt my real mother gave me for my birthday, that fateful day. I barely caught the conversation the two Dashels were having in front of me, only little bits catching my attention as I wallowed in self pity.

“What’s… with her?”

“Macaela, you… she’s suffering… her birthday… waiting all day… you were… left… alone.”



The rest was drowned out by my wailing as a new scab was ripped clean off. I hadn’t really realized what day it was, and hearing it from my foster mom just somehow hurt more. I just sat there for a while, crying, and then slowly dozed off, my mind clouded with betrayal and mistrust.

Macaela groaned, running her hand down her muzzle. “I can’t believe I forgot her birthday.” she muttered, looking at the now sleeping girl the Dashels had recently adopted. She knew that Sam still thought of them as her foster family, and that she only made a couple friends at school. “I guess that’s what Sweetie and AB were trying to tell me about at the party. Why didn’t I listen to them, or even bring along Sam?”

At her mom’s nudging, Macaela picked up the sleeping girl and carried her to her bed, smiling slightly when she calmed down and snuggled into her sister’s chest. When she got to the kid’s room, she put her down on the bed, kissed her forehead, and began to leave when Sam suddenly began to weep quietly in her sleep, barely loud enough for the pegasus’ ears to catch. She sigh in frustration, and then flew over and got in under the covers, holding her little sister as she dreamt of horrors only she knew. Slowly, Macaela fell asleep, comforting her sister as best as she could, while unbeknownst to her, their mom stood in the shadow of the hallway, watching as her daughters slept together to stave off the nightmares.

Author's Note:

Wow. The feels. This hit closer to home than I meant it to. The tears that night were... indescribable. I didn't know that something so different could still affect me so much. ugh.

Anyways, this is another side story in the Lavender Heart universe. Give me every kind of feedback you like, including calling me a bad writer, I don't mind. We only get better with practice and failure!

I chose to release this just before christmas for a reason. I had previously planned to release it on christmas eve or christmas day, but I decided it was just too much of a hassle. I’ll be releasing the next one just before new years. Enjoy!