• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 600 Views, 15 Comments

Scootaloo's dia-no, Journal - Ephedianroyalty

Sam just wanted to live a normal life with her friends, do normal things, play normal games, as long as they're not too girly. But what happens when her and her friends' older brothers turn into female Anthros?

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Chapter 2: For the First Time Since Seattle

The next morning greeted me by shining a light in my eyes through my window blinds. In response to the rude awakening, I snuggled closer to the warm body holding me. Mrs Dashel must have brought me to bed and fallen asleep comforting me. I smiled at the thought, thinking about how nice it would be to have a mother again. This thought sent shivers down my spine, and rolled over, pushing my face into Mrs Dashel’s furry cleavage.

Furry? I thought. The only thing in this house that’s warm and furry is… Macaela?! The thought startled me, though not enough to make me jump out of bed. Maybe i’ll just lay here a little longer, and chew her out later.

When the option to stay near this warm fuzzy presence presented itself, I jumped at it, doing everything I could to ignore the part of my mind that screamed how creepy it was for a guy to do this, and pointed out that she was the reason I cried myself to sleep last night before dinner. With these thoughts vanquished, I fell asleep in my idols arms, not noticing the slight itch I felt in my toes.

When Macaela fell asleep last night, she was prepared to wake up to Sam moving around in her arms, maybe pushing her away and demanding to know why she was in Sam’s bed. So imagine her surprise when she woke up to Sam moving around, not to push her away, but to curl up tighter against her.

Little squirt must have had a really bad dream for her to just give up on getting out of bed. With this in mind, she pulled Sam in as close as she could, securing her head on her chest and surrounding them both with her wings. The day doesn’t need to come quite yet.

Rainbow couldn’t guess how long they stayed like that, but a few hours had to have passed before she felt someone poke her wings, eliciting her to open them up slightly so she could look at the intruder with a questioning gaze. Outside in the room around them were the two CMC Anthros, leaning over the sisters with confused looks on their faces.

“What’s happening here?” Sweetie Belle said, her voice a little louder than a whisper.

Thinking about what Sam said last night, Macaela chose her words carefully, trying not to reveal too much, but enough to get the gist across to the point that they wouldn’t push it. “Sam… fell asleep before dinner at the dinner table last night. I carried her to bed, but she was having a nightmare, so I stayed with her through the night.” She explained, hoping to satisfy their curiosity for the time being.

“Do you want us to come back later?” Applebloom asked.

Macaela opened her mouth, only to be interrupted by a slight groan and Sam moving a little bit. She smiled “No, no, I think it’s about time we got about our day.” With that statement, she took down her wing barrier, and carefully shook her sister awake.

Sam looked up bleary eyed at her friends. “Waa...?”

I could hear people talking, but I just wanted them to go away. I tried to snuggle up closer to Macaela, but I found I had already snuggled up as close as I could. It was at that moment that my host did something horrible. She shook me more awake! I looked up, my eyes still clouded from sleep, and tried to process what my mind was telling me.

“Waa…?” I mumbled, realizing the two colorful blurry shapes in front of me were my friends. I looked over at my furry pillow, and my brain finally registered what had happened last night and this morning. I felt my face heat up as I scrambled for my wheelchair, hopping into it and pushing myself to the bathroom, trying toignore my friends' gazes. Dangitdangitdangitdangit! Why did they have to see that?! I pushed the door closed, and then leaned my head against the backrest of my wheelchair with a groan. I then remembered an itching feeling last night, and I almost felt like saying ‘I have a really bad feeling about this,’ but I refrained from jinxing myself.

Slowly I pulled my pants’ leg up, hoping beyond hope that it wouldn’t be, only to have them dashed[heh] against the rocks when I saw the orange fur growing up my leg. Quickly, I shaved my legs, nicking them a few times, and then stared at my hooves, at a loss for how to hide them. I remembered Twilight saying something about the shoes still working, even though they were hooves because of the hoof breadth and other egghead terms. I would have just chalked it up to magic.

I don’t think I’ve ever been so thankful to have my own stash of clothes and shoes in that bathroom. When Mrs Dashel proclaimed that I would need it, I never knew how right she’d been. Sometimes I wonder if she can see the future.

When I finished pulling on my clothes, I checked to see how fast the fur was growing, and I was surprised to see that it had barely gone a quarter of the way up the area I shaved. Shrugging, I pulled on my shoes, finding that Twilight had in fact been right, and that somehow the shoes fit perfectly. I then realized that the nicks on my legs actually hurt, and I had been moving them around to see how well the shoe fit. No way, I thought, can I use my legs again because of the body morph? Thinking on my theory, I decided to try to see if my legs could hold me on my knees first. Grabbing the edge of the counter and the armrest of the wheelchair, I slowly pulled myself up, marveling at how the floor felt through my jeans. When I had my legs under me, I slowly decreased the weight I was holding up with my arms. I gasped, covering my mouth, when my legs held my full body weight with no problem at all.

I was all ready to leap up and jump around for the first time since the accident, when I remembered that the girls were waiting for me. As quick as I dared, I raised myself up, now using my legs as well, and then placed my feet firmly on the floor. At this point I was inwardly screaming, and as I took a somewhat wobbly step towards the front of the wheelchair, the only thing that stopped the scream escaping from my lips were the hands over them.

I can walk! I can walk! I screamed silently, trying not to make too much noise. I looked at the wheelchair, contemplating whether I should continue with my plan to hide my transformation for a while, or get rid of that chair as fast as humanly possible.

After a couple minutes, I heard Rainbow-wait... whose Rainbow? ...Meh, I’ll figure it out later.-call out to me. “Hey squirt, how much longer are you gonna take? Your friends are waiting for you!”

"I’ll be out in a minute!” I yelled back, grabbing a brush and dragging it through my hair, trying to make myself as presentable as possible. I sat down in the chair, my decision made for me, pulled open the door and rolled into the hallway, laughing as my friends seized my wheelchair and pushed me out of the house at top speeds.

“Where are we going?” I asked, turning my head around to look at AmyApplebloom running next to me.

“Why, to go crusading of course.” Sweetie Belle replied from behind me, using her magic to drive the wheelchair forward as she rode on the back.

"Crusading?" Why did that sound so familiar, and feel so... right?

At my confused look, Applebloom snorted, and said, “She means adventuring, Sam.”


Author's Note:

The plot thickens(not really). How will our intrepid heroine tread the darkened hallways of lies and deceit? To find out, join us next time on... Bah! Whatever. What ever happens next does not intrigue me as much as your comments. Please, feel free to be as candid as you want, as long as you're not insulting another commenter. I don't mind the insults, but I would rather not have to wade through a war zone to find the good comments. other than that, fire away! bring out your lasers and cannons, nothing can touch me! bwahahahahaha-

*ahem* Well, back on track, I hope you enjoyed your Christmas, I know mine was a blast. And everyone have an awesome New Years!