• Published 22nd Dec 2017
  • 1,798 Views, 49 Comments

Flurry Heart and The Original One - Sirdubya

After an old foe comes back for sweet revenge, the newly coronated Flurry Heart finds herself having to call upon a primordial force that has slept for ages, one that can surely help her purge the evil.

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Mysterious Visitor

Luna’s moon had finally been risen to bless the night upon them, and Flurry Heart found herself anxious as she finalized getting ready for bed. She knew she needed to sleep, but the events that would follow were some she was greatly looking forward to. She knew better than to expect everything to go right, but she learned from Celestia to live in the moment regardless of how wrong everything might have been going. Tomorrow, she would be formally crowned Princess of Balance, and her journey would have a new beginning.

Just as she was about to crawl into bed, she suddenly heard scurrying feet. “Huh?” When she looked around, she saw that her balcony door was slightly ajar. “H-Hello? Is somepony there?” Her curiosity overwrote her sense of safety as she cautiously approached the door and cracked it open. What she saw was even more curious.

Calmly sitting under the moonlight and facing her was an odd creature that she’d never seen before. It was a bizarre mix of a cat and a goat, but it only had one horn that jutted out of its right temple and curved up and around its head like a scythe. It had a snow-white coat, it’s horn along with its cat-like face and a jewel-like growth on its forehead were a dark grey, it had red eyes, its tail was shaped something like a bat wing, and its paws had dark grey claws that were spaced out in such a way that they almost looked like duck feet.

Flurry was certainly startled to see such an exotic looking animal suddenly appear on her balcony, but….she was strangely not unsettled by its presence, but at the same time, she could feel an ominous air around it. Although, she couldn’t place why; it seemed so relaxed and serene just sitting there staring back at her, but she could detect a hint of seriousness in its eyes, as if it was trying to tell her something important, but as it was something completely foreign to her, she couldn’t begin to interpret whatever message it was trying to convey. “Well, aren’t you a curious little thing. Was it you that got our guards’ attention earlier today?”

The creature just purred and calmly licked its paw in response before staring back at her.

Flurry lightly giggled at seeing it actually respond to her. “What brought you all the way up here? I don’t have any food for you.”

The creature suddenly stood up an all fours and looked at her more seriously. “…sol…”

“Huh!?” Flurry could swear it spoke something rather than make an animal sound. It then jumped onto the balcony railing with reflexes she’d never seen even in the Wonderbolts and stared at her with an almost authoritative expression.

“Absol…” it said. It’s horn began to glow a shaded whited aura, and a gust of wind suddenly started blowing.

“Wh-Wha!?” The wind gradually swirled around the creature into a small cyclone that enveloped it. Flurry shielded her eyes from the miniature storm, and when it subsided, she opened her eyes again to see that the creature was no longer there. “Huh?”

She looked around the balcony and even looked down below it to see if it had somehow survived a fall all the way to the bottom, but nothing. It had vanished without a trace. “Wh-Where’d you go?” she stammered, utterly flabbergasted that something that looked like a normal albeit undiscovered animal could disappear so mysteriously. “What was that thing?..... I’ll have to ask Fluttershy tomorrow, or maybe even aunt Twilight.” She muttered as she finally went to bed.



Flurry’s alarm clock resounded loudly, beckoning the young princess awake who would quickly shut it off and excitedly start getting ready for the big day. As soon as she finished fixing her bed mane and everything, she trotted out of her room and made her way to the dressing room where she’d receive her finishing touches.

As she trotted through her palace, the encounter from last night was fresh in her mind. Was it just a crazy dream she was having? If not, then what was that starnge creature, and what was it doing at her balcony? Something didn’t feel quite right, but she today, she wanted to worry about her big ceremony along with everypony else.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she realized that she had reached the dressing room doors. When she entered them, she was met with the sight of her mother, her aunt Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy all there ready to help her get ready. “There you are, birthday filly!” Cadance said as she trotted to and hugged her daughter. “Or should I say….Princess of Balance?”

Flurry giggled. “Thanks, mom.” She looked around the room at her peers. “All of you…”

Rarity ushered her up to the mirrors set up for her with her dress next to them. It was an extravagant gown that matched her mane and was adorned with crystalline flowers in the chest area. Rarity had once again outdone herself. “Oh, where has the time gone?” she said. “It feels like mere days ago that you were small enough to be carried in one hoof.”

Flurry blushed. “Oh, stop…”

Rarity and Twilight worked together to meticulously dress Flurry in her gown. Applejack was apparently helping the Cake twins with the baking while Rainbow Dash was obviously getting ready with the Wonderbolts, and her father and uncle were out rallying the royal guards while Pinkie was adding her magic touch to all the festivities. Cadance just happily stood beside her and watched her daughter slowly begin to come of age, wondering indeed where all the time went.
Fluttershy was having her animals help her do Flurry’s mane. The presence of the small critters around her made her think again of her unexpected guest last night, and she became a little uneasy of the unusual encounter, especially with how it ended. Why did such an ominous being appear to her the night before her coronation? Furthermore, what even was it? One would think that such a mystical creature would have at least been seen once, but as much as she’s read, she couldn’t place a name, face, nothing that would classify it. No potential records of its existence came to mind. It obviously bore some level of intelligence, so maybe it’s avoided contact with ponies until now, but why make its presence known now?

“Getting nervous, honey?” Cadance asked.

“Huh!?” Flurry was broken out of her train of thought upon hearing her mother speak. “Oh…. I guess so.”

Fluttershy could tell she wasn’t telling the whole truth. “What else is bothering you, Flurry?” she asked.

“Well….. You’re an animal expert, right?” Flurry asked.

“Of course I am, sweetie. Why do you ask?” Fluttershy said.

“Well, last night…” Flurry told them about her encounter with the bizarre creature and went into detail about its appearance and behavior, making a point to note how it ‘spoke’. “And then it just summoned a whirlwind and completely disappeared in it. Does that sound familiar to any of you?”

Twilight and Fluttershy were highly intrigued by Flurry’s story while Cadance found herself concerned about what her daughter’s encounter meant. Rarity was just mortified that an animal had found its way into a royal palace. “N-No, Flurry. I can’t say I’ve ever seen or heard anything so bizarre.” Fluttershy said.

“And it made sounds that sounded like speech?” Twilight said. “Are you sure you weren’t just dreaming?”

“I’m pretty sure Luna would have showed up to help me work through a weird dream like that.” Flurry said.

“We should tell those two about this as soon as we meet up with them. This could be a bad omen.” Cadance said.

“Oh, come on, mom. It was just some weird cat-goat thing. What? Was it going to spit up cursed hairballs everywhere during my coronation?” Flurry said. Despite her words, she too felt unnerved about something about that creature, but she didn’t want her mother to worry.

“EWW! Darling, never bring up a proposition like that again!” Rarity said. “It’s awful enough when Opal Essence vomits her own, and in my work room no less!”

Flurry giggled at Rarity’s reaction. “Sorry, Rarity. Maybe I shouldn’t have brought the whole thing altogether. Let’s just enjoy the day, ok?”

“A-Alright, honey.” Cadance stammered, still apprehensive. They finished dressing her and began making their way downstairs.


When they arrived outside, they met with the sight of the Crystal Heart overseeing a grand chariot with the Royal Sister sitting in the backseat, waiting for the one meant for the front row. Beside it were Shining Armor and Airheart, who happily approached the mares upon seeing them. Shining could barely believe that the decorated mare of honor before him was his grown daughter, and Airheart could only be proud to see his niece look so adult.

“Honey…..you…” Shining started to choke as though he was holding back tears.

Airheart patted him on the back. “Easy, big papa. We just had the floor waxed.” He said. He then faced his niece. “You look amazing, sweetheart. Congratulations.”

“Thanks, uncl- UWAAH!” Flurry was caught off guard when Shining suddenly embraced her.

“I’m so proud of you, honey!!!” He exclaimed followed by profuse sobbing.

Flurry just awkwardly smiled and gently patted her father. “Ehehe….Thanks, dad….”

Cadance managed to pry him off of her, and he came to his senses. “Oh. Hehe…. Sorry….” He said. The mares giggled while Airheart just shook his head in amusement at his brother-in-law. “Your uncle’s right though. I can’t believe this day is finally here…. I love you, sweetie.”

“I love you too, dad.” Flurry gave her father a gentle peck on his cheek.

Celestia called out to her. “Come, Princess of Balance. Your subjects await you.”

Flurry nodded at them and looked at the others. “I guess I’ll see you after the parade.”

“Have fun out there, sweetie. And remember to smile.” Cadance said. She gave her daughter a kiss of her own.

Flurry giggled. “That’ll be easy.” She happily joined the Royal Sisters on her chariot, and her former company watched as it rolled away, ready for the ceremony to begin.

As their own chariot pulled up, they parted ways with Rarity and Fluttershy and boarded it. As they did, Twilight and Cadance got their husbands’ attention. “Shining, Airheart, there’s something we should tell you.” Twilight said.


“Fillies and gentlecolts of all ages, dragons, zebras, changelings, yaks and griffons alike who’ve come to bear witness to this momentous occasion, today is a very special day for not just Equestria, but for the whole of the world we’ve come to be able to better share because of this one very special mare. Today is the day she comes of age and receives her crown as a princess of our nation. She has been raised by her parents, The Crystal Empire’s very own Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor, received the wisdom of the Royal Sisters, and was blessed with the knowledge and experience of Princess Twilight while Prince Airheart shared his experiences with her. She can only be the Princess of Balance! Behold Princess Flurry Heart!”

The announcer proudly proclaimed Flurry’s coronation as her chariot came rolling out with parading guards at the front. As both griffon and pony guards alike raised their weapons in salute and griffon trumpeters resounded their horns, the Wonderbolts came soaring out and performing over the chariot, and then out came Ember and Spike along with a few other dragons following suit. They exhaled celebratory flames as they whipped and whirled through the air with their equine wingmen, the ponies below jubilantly cheering them on as they hailed their new royalty. The yaks had built a series of ice and snow sculptures in the likeness of the Princess of Balance with the craftsmanship that only they possessed, and they did a stomping ritual in her honor as they passed by them. Zebra dancers performed a ritualistic dance of their own that was accompanied by music of their native land while spiritual incenses were burned. The Changelings fluttered about and scatters sparkling scales and magic dust as confetti around the parade.

Flurry Heart was in awe of everything that was happening. As she waved to and blew kisses at the crowd, she felt overjoyed seeing all the cultures beyond ponies coming together and just celebrating as though they were one people. Even if she hadn’t been an official princess yet, Flurry knew that this was her greatest accomplishment yet, and she knew that everyone would be happier in the end. Nothing made her quite so happy herself.

But as ponies threw flower petals into her parade’s path, she happened to look atop a random house where a familiar face looked back at her. “Huh?” It was hard to make out immediately, but her visitor from last night was standing there as if to proclaim its territory, silently watching her with that same mellow authoritative stare. Everyone else was completely oblivious to its presence, and it completely ignored the festivities as it focused solely on her.

“Flurry Heart?” Luna said.

“Oh! Y-Yes?”

“Is everything okay, dear?” she asked.

“Oh… Yes. I-I’m sorry.” Flurry said before she went back to smiling and waving. She discreetly looked back atop the building to see that the creature had once again vanished. “What are you?” she muttered to herself. She wondered that for the rest of the parade until they completed their round back to the palace.