• Published 22nd Dec 2017
  • 1,796 Views, 49 Comments

Flurry Heart and The Original One - Sirdubya

After an old foe comes back for sweet revenge, the newly coronated Flurry Heart finds herself having to call upon a primordial force that has slept for ages, one that can surely help her purge the evil.

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When Flurry Heart’s chariot arrived back at her palace, she and the Royal Sisters got off, and the soon-to-be crowned Princess of Balance joined the celestial sovereigns on a set stage overlooking their subjects. All the cultures stopped what they were doing and congregated around the stage to hear the royalty.

Celestia tested the microphone before speaking, signaling everyone to give her their undivided attention. “Thank you all for coming to this wonderful celebration, and for all of your contributions to the ceremony as we gather her to welcome the newest addition to Equestria’s royalty. The circumstances of her birth were unexpected to say the least, but perhaps it was a positive omen foretelling the wonderful changes she would help come to pass. As far as we’re all concerned, I’m sure we’d all like to say she became one long ago, but today, I am more than proud to formally crown our dearest Flurry Heart as Princess of Balance.” As Celestia was speaking, Flurry Heart took the opportunity to discreetly eye around for the strange creature, but as far as she could see in the little seconds that she had, it was nowhere to be seen.

Everyone clapped as Flurry stepped up to Celestia and lowered her head to receive her crown. Her humble yet joyful smile resonated with Celestia as she placed the crown on the young alicorn’s head. Flurry then walked up to the microphone as Celestia gave her the space. “<ahem> Thank you, everyp- no….everyone. I think we can all agree that today isn’t necessarily about me, but all of us coming together as one. When I was little, I was around many who believed that we were meant to keep each of our part of the world to ourselves, never truly trying to find peace and common ground, but I never believed that for a second. We’re all children of this world, and children are taught to share what they have with others at a young age, why shouldn’t that continue into the rest of our lives? Seeing you all here smiling for me, for all of us as though we were together form the beginning….I can only be optimistic about the future. I can’t give enough thanks to my parents for raising me, my aunt and uncle, the Royal Sisters, Spike and Dragon Lord Ember, Prince Rutherford, King Thorax and his brother, Pharynx, The rulers of Griffonstone and the all of the Zebra chiefs I had the opportunities to meet….all of them and how they left their mark on me. The world has always been a canvas meant to be painted with all the beautiful colors that it gives us, but it’ll take all of our combined efforts to keep this masterpiece as it is. Thank you.”

Everyone clapped more joyously than before as the newly crowned Princess of Balance concluded her speech, and Cadance couldn’t help but to shed a tear from watching her daughter finally come fully into adulthood. Shining hugged his wife, and Twilight and Airheart looked at their niece with humble pride, as did the Royal Sisters as she walked off the stage and joined up with them. Tables full of delicious-looking food lined the courtyard around the Crystal Heart just for them while the townsfolk and visitors had entire areas to themselves. The other Elements and the Cake twins were also present along with the grown CMC, and they all happily welcomed Flurry.

Cadance was the first to embrace her daughter as she let the dam barring her tears give way. Flurry returned the fervent hug and patted her mother’s back. “I’m so proud of you, honey!” she lightly sobbed.

“Take it easy, mom.” Flurry whispered. Cadance managed to calm herself as she let go of her daughter.

Pinkie suddenly popped up between them. “Wowie Kazwoie! That was a party for the Pinkie history books! You looked great there, Flurry! And that speech was the icing on the cake!!! Happy Coro-Birthday-nation, Flurry Heart!!!”

Flurry giggled. “Thank you, Pinkie. You really went all out for me.” Pinkie made her signature exaggerated smile.

“Aww! What about us?” Pumpkin Cake trotted up to her along with her brother, who didn’t appear quite as sullen as usual. “We practically pulled an all-nighter finishing up preparations.”

“In other words…we only got about four or five hours of sleep.” Pound added. His head seemed to involuntarily lower for a split second before he corrected himself, snoring in the process.

Flurry nuzzled her head under Pound’s chin and giggled. “And I’m so thankful for you, Poundy!” she cooed. Pound gently pushed her away while trying not to let his face fall into a frown on Flurry’s big day. “And you too, Pumpkin. I’m so glad to have friends like you!” She hugged her. “And you too, Ms. Applejack.”

Applejack nodded. “You sure all welcome, Sugarcube.” She then held her hat over her heart. “Ah still can’t believe it mahself… It’s just like watchin’ Applebloom get big all over again.”

“Oh, stop. All of you. Today’s not just about me. Look at all this delicious food. It’d be shame if Applejack, Pumpkin and Poundy’s efforts went to waste.” Flurry said. They all agreed and started gingerly mingling as they picked up a snack or two.

At some point, a few more familiar faces finally joined their end of the soiree. “Thorax! Pharynx!” Twilight said.

It was indeed the Changeling king and his brother, their self-proclaimed warlord despite them not ever having been in any major conflicts. Even Pharynx’s militant disposition carried throughout the celebrations, but not without a sincere smile. “Hi, Flurry! Oh! I should say ‘Princess of Balance’.” Thorax said.

“Just Flurry is ok, Thorax. Good to see you!” Flurry said. She turned to his brother. “You too, Pharynx.”

Pharynx lightly chuckled. “No problem, shrimp. Ya did good.”

“Pharynx, be a little more excited.” Thorax said.

“You should know how I am by now.” Pharynx responded.

“It’s ok, Thorax. But mark my words, I’ll find a way to bring out his soft side.” Flurry said.
Pharynx cracked a devious smile. “Challenge accepted.”

Powerful wing flapping could be heard approaching, and they revealed to be carrying Spike along with Ember. “Are we late?” Ember smarmily asked.

“Right on time, I’d say.” Luna said. “You all put on such a splendid performance, I must say.”

“Really! And thanks for not burning everything to the ground!” Flurry joked.

Spike laughed. “Our pleasure!” he said. “Oh! Ember had a coronation gift for you.”

Ember roughly nudged him. “Dude!”

“You do?” Flurry asked.

Ember sighed. “It’s….kinda stupid, but….” She reached into her ceremonial armor and pulled a golden necklace adorned with a grey jewel that was surprisingly lustrous. “I found this weird little gem and had it all ‘embroidered’ or whatever into this necklace. Thought you might like it.” She was noticeably blushing as she handed it to Flurry.

“Oh! Thank you, Ember!” Flurry said as she gazed upon her new treasure. As she took a closer look at the jewel, she strangely felt as though it was somehow….dead, as if it had something sucked out of, or it simply withered away from starvation. Even stranger, she could swear that she could make out a pattern that looked something like a section of a DNA strand. “It’s so lovely! Where did you find it?”

Ember pondered the question. “Somewhere back home, but….can’t remember exactly where I dug it up. Anyway, when I popped it in my mouth, it tasted terrible, so I thought I’d gift it to you instead. Don’t worry; I cleaned it.”

Flurry giggled. “How courteous.” No one else of interest came by for a while, and everyone pretty much centered their attention on Flurry Heart, who was more than happy to interact with her friends and subjects alike. As she did, she made a point of looking around for the creature, but again, it had made itself scarce.

After some time had passed, the other royals caught up with Flurry Heart. “Enjoying yourself, princess?” Airheart asked.

Flurry nodded. “I am. How about you all?”

“Well, your mother and Twili told us about your little visitor last night.” Shining said.

“Would you kindly describe it again for us?” Celestia asked.

“Oh, sure!” Flurry went into detail once more about her nighttime visitor just as she did in the dressing room before the parade. “Ring any bells?”

As much experience as they had, even Celestia and Luna found themselves utterly befuddled by the existence of such an enigmatic being, and they were thus clueless about its identity. “No… I’m afraid not. What a curious thing.”

“Before anypony asks, no, she wasn’t dreaming. I would have sensed so.” Luna said.

“Told you so.” Flurry said.

“Can’t say I ever came across anything like that in my own travels before I met Twilight.” Airheart said. “And it summoned some wind and just….vanished?”

Flurry nodded. “It had a single horn, so maybe it’s magical in the same manner that unicorns are?”

“While that may be conjecture, it’s still a sound theory. Let us know if it appears again.” Celestia said.

“Ok.” Flurry said.

“In the meantime, your uncle and I are gonna get ready for our ceremonial duel.” Shining Armor said.

“Cheer us both on, ok, Princess?” Airheart said.

“Sure! Just try not to kill each other, ok?” Flurry said.

Shining shook his head. “Nah. I’m past those days, honey.”

“You keep saying that, but I swear, man!” Airheart chuckled.

“Oh, shut up.” Shining said. He and Airheart playfully nudged each other.

“Ok, boys.” Twilight giggled. The two stallions bid their farewells and parted ways with the mares. “<sigh> Those two…”

“Right?” Cadance said. “He and I are going out for pizza later tonight with Flurry. You two wanna join us?”

Twilight shook her head. “Sorry, Cadance. We’re probably gonna have to start packing up tonight. He’s got that dueling class he teaches to foals on weekends back home, and I still need to review those foreign affairs proposals that Flurry wrote. They’re official now that she’s a coroneted princess.”

“I hope they don’t turn out too ridiculous.” Flurry said.

“Don’t worry, Flurry. I have more faith in you than that.” Twilight said. They all shared a little laugh and went back to doing their own thing.

Flurry found herself a moment of peace and quiet away from all the festivities. It was nice to take in the solitude, especially considering what today was. Even if her mysterious visitor occupied her thoughts, she was still being graced with the joyous laughter of everyone around her. There wasn’t a thing that could keep her from smiling. She basked in the light of Celestia’s sun, letting it warm her coat as the cool breeze tickled her skin underneath. As she looked out into the distance, the fabled Mt. Everhoof stood proud and tall in her sight. She had always wondered what was atop its summit, as no one in recorded history had ever surmounted it, much less even traveled there. Now that she was the Princess of Balance, perhaps she could rally all the strength the world would offer to finally explore its wonders; she could always sense that something was there waiting for her, but she couldn’t imagine what.

Suddenly, Flurry felt an odd shift in the atmosphere that lasted for a split second. “Hmm?” She didn’t know why, but it felt as if it originated from the mountain, as if it was trying to call out to something. She looked around to see if anyone else felt it, but everyone was as blissful as can be. “Hmm…” Then, she suddenly heard what sounded like a distant roar from a ferocious beast. “Huh!?” She looked around quickly and just so happened to actually look into the sun, where she for a split second caught a glimpse of a silhouette that looked as though it might have belonged to a manticore before it just vanished. The sunlight’s intensity returned and prompted her to look away again. “It’s just one thing after another…”

All of a sudden, the sounds of laughter turned into shrieks of fear, and Flurry looked up to see inexplicable dark clouds forming over the empire that bore an incredibly evil aura, and she was afraid she knew why…