• Published 29th Dec 2017
  • 3,908 Views, 374 Comments

Iron Mountain - computerneek

An ancient war machine is awakened by an enemy strike- but can it figure out what's going on?

  • ...


“Did you really have to do that?”

“Do what?” Zeus asks innocently.

Twilight glares at him for a second, before turning to look at the second sun, outshining Luna’s moon. “Really?”

Zeus glances upwards, and shrugs. “What?”

“You made a second sun?

He shakes his head. “Nah, the blast will dissipate- and finish glowing- in a few minutes.”

“Did you really have to?”

“What? Can you name any one object or creature in Equestria capable of standing up to eighty simultaneous 1.3-T-ton augmented fusion warheads at close proximity, alongside the impact of four 200-gton augmented Hellrail rounds?”

“There’s that word again!”

“Word? Which one?”

“The one Daring Do used to describe that ‘Hellbore’ thing!”

“You mean fusion? Yes. Quite feisty stuff, that.”

“... and what’s a Hellrail…?”

The dark princess standing next to them, just below the cave entrance, sighs. “That won’t do any lasting damage, will it?”

Zeus shakes his head. “Nah- your planet’s magnetic field will deflect everything dangerous, long before it hits atmosphere- or the magic field, both of which would make further absorptions or deflections.”

“What about my Moon?”

“Too far away for much other than a bit of light and radiation- just like us. Athena is probably having a field day.”

I have no clue what caused this massive flare of light in the sky; whatever it is, my solar capacity has been run right up to its limit. The excess is not enough to cause damage- but I am absorbing almost thrice as much power as my fusion plant would produce at full power. The named power plant is running at its lowest, and most efficient, setting. I have tried checking emissions signatures- but the glare is too great for any kind of weapon to produce, and too inconsistent to be a new star. Supernova? I hope not- I doubt any of my ponies would survive that.

“Who’s Athena?”

“Right… You would know her as ‘Guardian’.”

“She died, though.”

“She got better. We’re good at that.”


“I did it too. Admittably, my processors weren’t quite as badly decayed as hers when I first received power here, but I did have to repair or replace almost 93.41% of my cognitive matrix- and that’s not even counting the other repairs.”

“No way!”

“You’ve seen how easily I can manufacture new comsets for you and Princess Celestia- who, by the way, appears to be waking up- right?”

“That’s easy- a simple assembly spell will do that.”

“Uh, no, actually. They’re too complicated for that kind of spell. Anyways, I can also make parts for myself the same way. So can Guardian- and while her Personality Center was offline, you told me yourself she still responded, right?”


“Yes. Thing is, her main processors remained functional. Some part of her Damage Control facilities shared that same fate- and was able to take the nanites I left in yours and Celestia’s comsets to make some repairs. Repairs that sealed Guardian’s destiny as a restored Bolo.”

“And the eighty-first missile?”

“I didn’t think you’d notice that one. That one carries no warhead- rather, it’s a materials shipment for Guardian. She said she’s missing a few critical elements for her primary reactor.”

Tracking zeroes in on an inbound object, countergrav emissions, before it even crosses the radio horizon. I only have ballistic projectile weapons to fire at it right now- the Tanneri turrets’ weapons self-destructed when I cut into their programming, and they did not contain the appropriate elements for me to reconstruct any of my energy weapons. I have not had time- nor spare resources- for missile construction… Or VLS construction, for that matter.

Oh wait- this new object, clearly a missile, has made contact, Concordiat IFF. It’s the delivery vehicle Zeus promised me, carrying me a small supply of gold- and the trace elements I need to finish off that ‘synth fusion’ power plant, Fusion 11. Once that’s lit, literally anything is fuel- and parts. I guide it in for a harmless landing against the inside of one of my surviving armor plates, not far from my Command Deck.

Materials shipment? What exactly did she need?”

“Mostly gold, for processor repairs- put her mind back together. She didn’t exactly specify what she needed the chromium, tellurium, or metastabilized tennessine for, though.”


He waves a hoof dismissively. “Specific elements. Tennessine is artificial- and, without metastabilization, will disintegrate in just moments. Took me several hours to build the accelerator needed to produce and metastabilize it.”

“Uh… Remind me to never quiz you on chemistry.”

Princess Celestia jumps awake, lying on her back on something soft- feels like a couch.

Suddenly, a golden head with a similarly golden explosion of mane pops into her field of view. “Good evening! Zeus wants to know if you’re feeling okay?”

Speedy Thought then dodges the suddenly screaming Princess’s flailing hooves with practiced ease. “Just ‘No’ is fine!”

“PINKIE!” Celestia bellows. “A UNICORN! NO!”

“‘Fraid so,” the brown stallion states- and ignores her continued scream, looking at the ceiling. “I wonder how Discord likes that?”

Discord stares unblinkingly at the cavernous hole in the road before him. It’s hardly ten light-seconds across- but his car, one of the best in its class, can only jump nine point nine eight lightseconds. Shoot- he’d have to drive a few dozen lightyears the OTHER way and get a NEW car from the Galactic Mothership Constructors before he could go the two this way it’d take to reach Exceptional Purchase! WHY couldn’t they make an interlocking road network with multiple routes in it? Then again, why had he gotten this stinking Crushyler to begin with?

… At least he could stop by Sugarcube Corner on his way past, in a few minutes- that daisy and anvil sundae sounds good right now… unless Pinkie somehow presents him with something better.

“Maybe, maybe not,” Speedy Thought mutters. “Remember, he was planning on going to Exceptional Purchase today.”

“True,” her brother answers. “We might have disrupted the lightwave.”

“What are you looking at?” Bonbon asks, looking at the ceiling.

“Or talking about?” Night Light inserts, halfway through sliding on her earpiece.

“Discord,” the two answer in tandem. “And a little mayhem happening in deep space above Equestria right now.”

Hawkeye looks back at the ceiling. “Ooh- looks like we did disrupt it, right in front of him, too. Here he comes.”

Speedy Thought squints inexplicably up at the ceiling. “He does look a little bothered, doesn’t he? We might’ve outdone a simple consumer vehicle like his.”

“Shoot. Any ideas for the apology?”

“Well, he showed some favor for that tea...”

“And I don’t think drums will cut it this time. It’s gotta be something a little more…”

The two look at each other, figurative lightbulbs going off above their heads.

“Pinkie! Discord will show up in thirty-seven seconds, mark. He’ll need a jalapeño seed and crystallized hydrogen sundae, sprinkled with half-ton warheads and topped with an active fusion plant!” He hoofs over some supplies. “Don’t drop them.”

“Got it!” The kitchens of Sugarcube Corner become very busy very quickly.

Author's Note:

Hear that? You can even hear the sewing machine!

And no, I don't have anything against Chrysler.

Comments ( 29 )

Holy bajeebus man you are good at typing to get all of this out

Eh... I make 110 WPM, on a slow day.

wat. I have utterly lost track of the plot by this point. Wasn't there an enemy army or something about to attack?

It's still a couple days out...


I have no idea what happened. Is it April First again?
Why did Zeus decide to light off a unholy frackton of missiles and assorted weaponry, and what on Earth is up with Discord's road trip? That was weird even for him (though I assume the missiles are responsible for his detour, however that worked).

And I don't even want to know how Pinkie is going to make that sundae, much less how it can be eaten. And I'm fairly sure it's impossible to freeze hydrogen.

SPOILERS: Rumors say the REDACTED. Or not! Even I don't know.

All them missiles & guns were clustered about a teapot, dealing with the foe that had just attacked Twilight. A simultaneous invocation of Macross Missile Massacre, Nuke 'Em, and There Is No Kill Like Overkill, probably. That's more than enough firepower to shatter several planets.

Yes, the explosive weapons going off in deep space somehow broke Discord's etherial road- forcing him to get a new car before he could cross the gap. Road maintenance just takes too long... Then watch- they'll be finishing up the repairs when he gets back with his new car that can hop the gap! As for that sundae, I don't know. It'll probably be about as edible as his daisy & anvil sundae, sprinkled with drums, with an extra piano on top... What would that even look like? This one, he's got some very hot peppers and some frozen hydrogen (put it down to absolute zero and you can freeze anything, Pinkie's good at that), sprinkled with enough explosives to wipe out Ponyville and topped by an active fusion plant, such that containment failure would wipe out Ponyville...

"Don't drop them."

No clue how he's going to eat it, or how Pinkie's going to make it- but both will happen, somehow, without blowing up Ponyville. Then...

I'm honestly not sure what kind of plot arc I want to do next. No, an enemy showing up won't do- not with how I've dealt with the last several enemies, all in a 'pew they're gone' manner. Such is my style and, besides, I've lacked the ideas to do it in any other way.

... and April is next month. Two more weeks to wait.

I think maybe we missed the step where they decided to launch the missiles, but that makes sense now. Still, that is one really weird sundae.

Offscreen, that step. Twi probably didn't know anything was happening until he already had them beyond orbit.

And yes, weird sundae. But it's Discord- and this one's gonna be cold! ... And hot.

I'll also add that the element you list is a new one to me. I find it fascinating that they've possibly hit the Island of Stability now.

It was a new one to me too- discovered last year, it seems. I figured most people wouldn't know of it- so I provided a link.

I'm still waiting for somepony to figure out what real-life car company Galactic Mothership Constructors is a ripoff of... XD

Yes, GMC. I do enjoy my Yukon...

Ahh... Good thing I have somepony that understands these things floating around, then :pinkiehappy:

9017426 Hypocracy would imply that I'm complaining about someone else doing what I do myself. Read my stories. You won't see Cadence randomly deciding to punish her sister in law and the person who saved her life by making them risk death walking through the frozen North.

When I make Twilight walk lengthwise through the frozen North, it's because of a teleporter accident, caused by her stabbing Chrysalis through the phylogastric sac and getting enough magical energy to feed an army of changelings and go horn to horn with Sol Invictus fed directly back through her horn, doing a Tempest Shadow in the process (she gets better). That was because I got fed up of the standard Canterlot Wedding accusation fic where Twilight turns on her friends and tears them a new one.

While I agree that their actions were pretty douchy, and in dorect contradiction to a lesson they'd learned earlier that season (Lesson Zero), I could never see Twilight turning on her friends like that. So I had her feel guilty that she failed to stop Chrysalis and warn everyone, because she ran around acting like a crazy mare rather than doing research and calmly explaining things. This turns to righteous anger when Chrysalis does her monologue, and when it looks like Celestia is loosing, her guilt leads her to the aforementioned charge and stabbing Chrysalis with her horn. You see how this works?

When I introduce a plot point. It stays relevant. Chapters focus on the main characters. I do my best to keep ponies IC, and where I err, it's on the side of them being the best they can be. I don't have them act arbitrarily or OOC, and I always try to give a good reason why they act the way they do.

As to this guy being a newbie, he's written 11 stories, mostly about Bolos in Equestria. I will take another look, but I expect to come to the same conclusion. Legacy did it better. It's a pity, I see so many good ideas on this site, ruined by poor execution.

As the author, I agree.

And yes, I’ve written 11 stories at this point, all Bolo stories... Did you know, this one happens to be the very first one, and even I’m not satisfied with it? It’s stuck on writer’s block, probably indefinitely, precisely because of this.
My other stories, particularly the latest three (Secret Search, Fortress Equestria, and Denial for Equestria) are generally better.

9017758 I figured as much. For what it's worth, the basic idea was solid. It was the detail stuff that didn't work as well as it could. I'd need to reread it to give you the specific things I spotted. I'm not going to beard you about not finishing stories as that would be hypocritical, just look at my story list.

I will, however, have a look at some of your later stories, see how you've improved.

That would actually make you the first one to see that right away, and mention it. Congratulations!

This is still a fun read, but all coherence is failing.

Is this intentional ? Or are you just writing words for words sake.


Or are you just writing words for words sake.

That is, unfortunately, what this story has devolved into. Hence why it's unlikely to (ever) continue. Given how thoroughly I would have to rewrite it to fix much of that, I find myself reluctant to do that; I don't believe I can publish a rewrite as a separate story. On that thought, I'm going to have to look into that...

Many a reader here are always up for good bolo-fics, there really aren't that many here.
Best of luck which ever way you go.

Well, it was alright until too many threads were created and shoved around.
But hey, experience is experience!

As far as I can tell it's a good story so Idk why it would be canceled. Not sure if when you mean "broken" you mean later on in the story or as a whole. Sure it has its own problems but so does every single other story. Except those on my MasterPieces folder.

Tho tbh I'm probably going to stop reading this story soon because if I reach the end I'll be wanting more but because it's canceled won't get more. Best to leave a point where it won't matter to much.

Yeah... sorry about that. It just had no plot to it, so it went basically everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

Sometime down the road, I'll potentially write another Bolo story... that will actually have a plot, and so leave this old thing in the dust.

Besides, it'll also be written in past tense. That's one of the major weaknesses of this one.

Ok, I will stay on watch for your next story, thx


As basically the sole purveyor of Bolo fiction in this hellish site you should try and not have too many stories going on at once, you might end up burned out, the thing is I thing you write good stories yet you cancel a lot of em, it's really sad to see a good story cancelled

I couldn’t agree more. I’m better now- only a couple active stories…. None of them BOLO fics at the moment, though, sorry about that.

Don't worry the only thing that matters is to improve your craft godspeed

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