• Published 5th Jan 2018
  • 1,049 Views, 8 Comments

Trashing Rarity's Outfits - The Dark Wolf

Rarity has to go through several outfits in the day due to getting dirty.

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Rarity vs. Trixie

Author's Note:

Another chapter, semi-requested. Apologies if it doesn't have as much detail as you'd prefer, but I did try, and proofread it twice.

It was the week after Rarity had won the fashion show and gotten her winning dress very dirty. It was Monday, and school had just finished for the day.

Rarity was wearing her usual outfit, her purple skirt with a light blue T-shirt, which had washed perfectly after Saturday. After all, her outfits had cleaned up from far worse than just mud, and Rarity always had the strongest detergent possible for her washing machine. She had been annoyed at the cat she had tripped over, but couldn't stay mad at a cat for long.

Rarity was walking across the field to her home, hoping it wouldn't suddenly rain today as it sometimes did. But, if it did, rain was better than mud, even if it messed up her hair.

She was surprised when Trixie walked in front of her. Trixie was wearing her usual outfit, consisting of a blue shirt and a purple miniskirt that was blue along the lower edges.

"Trixie will have her revenge for winning that fashion show!" She threw a can of whip cream and a bottle of butterscotch syrup to Rarity's feet.

"What are those for?" said Rarity. "Do they have some sort of... hidden ingredient?"

"No, they're for our duel! A syrup and whip cream duel!" She held a can of whip cream and chocolate syrup. "By the time we both run out of ammunition, whoever is covered with the least substances wins!"

"No thank you. It doesn't sound very... very clean. Challenge Pinkie Pie, she'd love that kind of thing. She'd probably TRY to lose so she can eat it all off herself." She giggled at the thought, even though she'd hate to be covered in whip cream and syrup herself.

"Pinkie Pie didn't defeat the Great and Powerful Trixie in a fashion show!" Trixie sprayed Rarity in the face with whip cream, getting some on her hair.

Rarity wiped the whip cream out of her face and felt her hair. "Oh it... is... on!" Rarity picked up her containers and sprayed the front of Trixie's shirt with butterscotch syrup.

Trixie sprayed Rarity's skirt with chocolate syrup, getting some on her legs as well. Rarity ran around Trixie in circles, spraying her all over with butterscotch syrup and whip cream. The third time Rarity ran in front of Trixie, Trixie sprayed Rarity's side with chocolate syrup and whip cream at once, getting both parts of her outfit dirtier and causing her to squeal.

As Rarity sprayed Trixie more, sure she was dominating their duel as Trixie wasn't able to dodge very well without her smoke bombs, a part of her felt this was actually fun, even if she hated how dirty she was getting. Maybe if she got a little less prissy she'd even challenge Pinkie Pie one day. But, not any time in the foreseeable future.

After several minutes of their "duel", Trixie sprayed whip cream at Rarity, hitting the sleeve of her shirt, and then she ran out. Rarity sprayed Trixie in the face with the last of her whip cream. Trixie wiped the whip cream off her face and sprayed chocolate syrup at Rarity, but she ducked, avoiding getting any dirtier. Trixie tried to spray Rarity again but she was out of syrup. She could only wait until Rarity ran out of butterscotch syrup.

Rarity sprayed Trixie with butterscotch syrup, which hit her directly and saturated her further before she ran out.

"Our duel is over!" said Trixie. "Lavender Lace, who won? It was totally Trixie, right?"

"Um..." Lavender Lace, whom Trixie had asked to be the judge, looked at Trixie and Rarity.

Rarity was covered from head to foot in whip cream and chocolate syrup, but she did have a few clean spots on her. Trixie, on the other hand, was completely covered in whip cream and butterscotch syrup. There was not a single clean spot on her at all. Syrup dripped off her hair and skirt more so than Rarity's.

"I'm really sorry Trixie, but... Rarity won."

"This cannot be!" Trixie was outraged, but regained her composure. "You may have vanquished Trixie today, but Trixie will get you next time!" Trixie stormed away, and, despite the state she was in, Rarity felt a sense of satisfaction at having beaten her at her own game.


Rarity showered thoroughly, leaving her dress on as it was just as dirty as the rest of her, and then changed into a light blue tank top and her purple Legend of Everfree shorts. It was a beautiful day today so she decided to go for a walk at the park.

She was enjoying the breeze, the clear sky, and being cleaner than she had been minutes ago, when Trixie, still covered in whip cream and syrup, tackled her off the path and down the muddy slope she had fallen down while walking with Applejack.

They slid down the slope and splashed into the muddy water at the bottom. Rarity stood up and gasped at the dirty state she was in.


"The Great and Powerful Trixie challenges you to a rematch!" said Trixie. "This time, a mud duel!"

Rarity and Trixie rolled around in the mud together, each trying to get the other down, and getting mud all over themselves. Both were completely covered in mud by the time Rarity got Trixie facedown, sat on her back, and held both her arms behind her back.

"Ow! All right! Trixie surrenders! You win!"

Rarity got off Trixie and stood up.

"Let's climb back up this way," she said.

They started to walk up the muddy slope, but Rarity stopped at the edge. Trixie tried climbing up, but slipped and fell back down. Rarity giggled a bit and walked over to the grass slope Applejack had showed her, while Trixie continued to try to climb up the mud slope, and kept slipping and sliding down.

As Trixie splashed into the muddy water for the twentieth time, she made a mental note to never challenge Rarity again.


Tuesday, after school, Pinkie Pie was on her way home, wearing a white and pink T-shirt and jean shorts, when Trixie stood in her path, wearing her now-clean outfit from yesterday, and threw a container of whip cream and butterscotch syrup at her feet.

"Oooh, tasty!" said Pinkie.

"This isn't for eating," said Trixie. "This is for a syrup and whip cream duel! The Great and Powerful Trixie challenges you! By the time we run out of ammunition, whoever is covered in the least substances wins!"

"Can I eat it after?"

"If you wish."

Pinkie squealed in excitement and picked the containers up. "This is gonna be so fun!"