• Published 13th Jan 2018
  • 3,119 Views, 30 Comments

After The Storm - Bluecatcinema

The Storm King has fallen. But there is still much to be done...

  • ...

Clear Skies Ahead

There was a celebration going on in Canterlot. The reasons were twofold; one being the belated arrival of Equestria's first Festival of Friendship (which had been delayed due to unforeseen circumstances), and the other to mark the ponies' victory over the ruthless Storm King.

The festivities were currently at their peak, thanks mostly to a performance from Songbird Serenade, with the visual assistance of a spectacular fireworks show, courtesy of a certain Unicorn, one with a broken horn. Her birth name was Fizzlepop Berrytwist, but for some time, she had been going by Tempest Shadow.

Tempest had received quite a few looks of adulation and awe for the impromptu fireworks display she had started with her horn. She was flattered, but at the same time, felt as though it was undeserved. After all, not much time had passed since she'd led an invasion on the city, and turned three of the four Alicorn princesses to stone.

'Look at all this.' She thought, glancing at the party, and all the joyful ponies. 'I never imagined the invasion would turn out this way. Especially for me...'

Hours ago...

The day was won. The Storm King had been defeated, and the Staff of Sacanas had been used to return the Alicorns' magic to their owners, restoring the damage caused to Canterlot during the invasion in the process. Twilight Sparkle and her friends had gathered around the Princesses in triumph, while Tempest stood off to the side, observing the moment.

"Well done, everypony." Princess Celestia smiled at Twilight and her friends. "Once again, you've saved all of Equestria from a terrible fate."

"Hey, it's what we do." Rainbow joked.

"We're just glad everypony's safe." Fluttershy added.

"And that the Storm King got what wuz comin' tah him!" Applejack grinned. "Him an' his army won't be conquerin' any other places anytime soon!"

"...Are we to assume there's a reason why this one is still here?" Princess Luna asked, casting a suspicious look at Tempest, who bowed her head in shame. "If memory serves, she was the one who turned us to stone in the first place."

"It's okay." Twilight assured her. "Tempest turned against the Storm King. She even saved us from his final attack."

"Indeed." Rarity nodded. "Let's just say that if it weren't for Ms. Shadow, we'd all be modelling that rather tacky 'stone overcoat' look right now."

"Yeah, we owe her big time!" Rainbow added.

After a quick explanation, there was a moment of silence as the Princesses processed the information.

"Tempest, could you please come closer?" Celestia requested.

Tempest stepped forward.

"I... I have no excuse for my actions." She admitted. "I betrayed my own homeland out of selfishness. Brought pain and misery to my fellow ponies... and I'm sorry." She dropped to her knees. "Whatever punishment you think I deserve, I'll accept it."

The Princesses shared a look.

"I don't think that will be necessary." Celestia declared.

"It won't?" Tempest looked up, confused. Her confusion grew when she saw the kind smile on Celestia's face.

"No." Celestia smiled even more widely.

"If Twilight says you've changed your ways, that's good enough for us." Cadance nodded.

"It certainly is." Luna agreed, her former suspicions gone. "And in truth, you are by no means the first pony ever to have lost her way. When push came to shove, you chose the right side, and we thank you for that."

"I think you just got an official, unofficial royal pardon, Tempest!" Pinkie smiled.

"Congratulations." Twilight added.

"Thank you." Tempest said quietly, humbled by their acceptance. "Thank you all..."

The present...

After that, the clean-up went quite smoothly; The Staff of Sacanas had been safely stored away, as had the Storm King's shattered remains. The members of the Storm King's army who hadn't been swept away by the tornado he'd created were in no condition to fight, and the news of their leader's defeat had left them with no choice but to surrender peacefully, throwing themselves on the mercy of the Princesses... Who turned out to have plenty to spare. Some had even been allowed to attend the party, a fact that bemused Tempest.

'They really are a forgiving bunch.' Tempest thought of her fellow ponies. 'They forgave me for all I did. But I'm not sure if I even deserve it...'

Tempest's thoughts were interrupted by a muffled sound, coming from under a nearby refreshments table. Moving in to investigate, she pulled up the cloth, revealing her former second-in-command, Grubber, enjoying a slice of cake. His formerly white hair had been dyed multiple colors, and he had replaced his uniform with a vest that had a picture of a cupcake on it.

"Just as I thought." Tempest declared. "I'd recognize the sound of you stuffing your face anywhere..."

Grubber nearly choked on some cake.

"C-Commander Tempest!" He said nervously.

"You don't have to call me that anymore, Grubber." Tempest rolled her eyes. "I'm pretty sure we're both out of a job at the moment."

"Oh, right." Grubber nodded. "Eh, no sad loss. The Storm King nearly blew us all away, and he didn't even keep his promise to fix your horn... I'm startin' to think he wasn't a very good boss."

"Tell me about it." Tempest rolled her eyes. "...How did you survive the tornado, anyway?"

"Well, when all the fightin' started, I, er... hid behind some crates." Grubber admitted sheepishly. "All those crates saved me from gettin' blown away... Barely. Good thing, too, or I'd've missed out on all these great eats!" He shoveled another piece of cake into his eager mouth.

"Same old Grubber..." Tempest rolled her eyes. A thought suddenly occurred to her. A quite regretful thought. "Grubber, I... I'm sorry."

"Okay... For what?" Grubber frowned.

"For always being so harsh with you." Tempest admitted guiltily.

"You? Harsh? Nah!" Grubber laughed nervously.

Tempest raised an unamused eyebrow at Grubber.

"...Well, maybe you were a little harsh sometimes." Grubber admitted. "But I probably deserved it."

"No, you didn't." Tempest said firmly. "You stood by me through the entire mission. Supported me all the way. That's more than can be said about our former master." She added with a grimace. "You may not have been the strongest soldier, or the smartest, but nopony under my command was as loyal."

"Aww, thanks." Grubber blushed. "Cupcake?" He offered her one of the several confections he had procured.

"Sure." Tempest smiled, accepting the treat.

For a moment, they eat their food in silence.

"So... What are ya gonna do now?" Grubber asked. "What's next for miss Tempest Shadow?" He held up an eclair like a microphone.

"... I was thinking I'd stick around." Tempest admitted. "Equestria is my home, and I'd say I've been away long enough."

"That's cool." Grubber nodded. "Maybe I'll head back home too. Back to my tribe... Where I'm just the runt..."

"Oh. That's... That's a plan, I suppose." Tempest mused, as another thought came to her. "But I was wondering if you'd... Like to stay with me?"

Grubber almost choked on his food again.

"You want me to stay?" He asked, surprised.

"Like I said, you always stuck by me." Tempest reminded him. "Truth be told, I've gotten used to having you around. And..." She sighed deeply. "I really don't want to be alone again. Not ever. I spent years thinking that was the only way to survive, but I was wrong."

"Well, uh... I'm not exactly married to that whole 'go back to my tribe' idea." Grubber admitted. "I guess I could stick with you, if that's what you want. ...'Sides, it'd be a shame to break up such a winnin' team, am I right?"

"Of course it would." Tempest chuckled lightly.

"And I liked being around you too." Grubber declared. "Even when you were being just a little bit harsh with me."

"Yeah, just a little bit." Tempest rolled her eyes again.

"You won't regret this, I promise." Grubber pledged. "Whatever happens, whatever trouble's ahead, I'm with ya all the way."

"You know something?" Tempest smiled. "I think I had a friend with me all along, and I just never realized it."

"Wow." Grubber beamed. "Gotta say, I'm really liking this nicer side of you, Tempest."

"Thanks." Tempest grinned. "Now, how about first thing tomorrow, we head out, and find a place of our own to stay in? A place where we can live the way we want to, with no big-headed, small-minded Kings telling us what to do?"

"Sounds like a plan." Grubber nodded. "But right now... more food!"

Grubber ate the eclair in one bite, and offered Tempest a piece of funnel cake, which she gladly accepted.

From a short distance away, Twilight had observed Tempest reconciling with Grubber. It warmed her heart to see that Tempest was letting friendship back into her life, but that act reminded her of something she needed to do.

'Tempest isn't the only one who needs to apologize for something tonight...' She thought.

Resolutely, Twilight made her way over to where Queen Novo and Princess Skystar were. The two Hippogriffs were enjoying both the party, and their reunion. As Twilight neared them, Novo took notice of her presence, a stern look on her face.

"Queen Novo, may I speak with you?" Twilight requested.

"Yes, you may." Novo said flatly.

"I am so sorry for trying to steal the Pearl of Transformation." Twilight bowed her head in regret. "I wanted so badly to save Equestria that I lost sight of what was right. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I can only ask that you at least give me a chance to earn your forgiveness."

Novo looked at Twilight, her face impassive.

"Come on, mom!" Skystar stepped in. "Cut Twilight some slack."

"Skystar, please stay out of this." Novo frowned.

"Or what?" Skystar said defiantly. "I'm already grounded. What are you gonna do, super-ground me?"

Novo's eyes widened, surprised by her daughter's sudden burst of assertiveness.

"So Twilight tried to take the Pearl." Skystar shrugged. "She was desperate! Her homeland, all her fellow ponies, they were counting on her! Can you honestly say you wouldn't do the same thing if it were the fate of all our kind on the line? If it were me who was in danger?"

"Well..." Novo mused.

"Besides, now that the Storm King's gone, we can finally go home!" Skystar pointed out. "We don't have to hide any more, all thanks to Twilight and her friends. I'd say that more than makes up for the whole 'trying to steal our Pearl' thing, don't you think?"

"Okay, you have a point there." Novo admitted. "After all this time, we can finally come out of hiding and return to Mount Eris. I suppose we owe you that much, Twilight."

"It's the least we could have done for you, Queen Novo." Twilight said gratefully. "Not that I'm assuming that'll be enough for you to forgive me..." She added hastily.

"No, but it's a good start." Novo smiled. "There is much rebuilding to be done back home, old alliances to be remade... And I suppose it would help to have a little assistance from time to time... I don't suppose you know of anypony who could help?"

"I'd be honored." Twilight nodded. "Whatever you need, I'll do my best to provide."

"That's good to know." Novo declared. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm feeling a little hungry. Chasing after your runaway daughter will do that to you..."

"Ah-heh-heh..." Skystar laughed sarcastically. "Good one, mom..."

As Novo made to get some food, Twilight turned to Skystar.

"Thanks for sticking up for me, Skystar." She smiled.

"No problem." Skystar winked. "Like a mutual friend of ours once said, 'one small thing'..."

"Somepony talking about me?!" Pinkie suddenly popped up between them.

"How'd you guess?" Skystar chuckled.

Across the courtyard, Rarity was talking with Capper.

"It's been a while since I've been to a party this fancy." Capper admitted.

"You think this is fancy?" Rarity smiled gracefully. "Darling, you have no idea. There are much fancier parties that are held around here. The Grand Galloping Gala, for instance... Now that is the height of sophistication."

"Sounds like quite a shindig." Capper mused.

"It certainly is." Rarity nodded. "And it doesn't hurt that most of the attendants purchase some of my fashions for the event."

"Well, if those outfits are anything like this little number, I can see why." Capper declared, indicating the top hat and cloak Rarity had gifted him with a short time ago.

"Flatterer." Rarity blushed.

"Hey, Rarity." Spike suddenly stepped in. "I was about to get some punch. Would you like some?"

"Of course, Spikey-wikey." Rarity cooed. "It's so sweet of you to offer."

"Anything for you, Rarity." Spike smiled dreamily.

As Spike headed over to the punch bowl, he threw a cold glare at Capper.

"I don't think your little dragon friend likes me all that much." Capper frowned.

"Oh, don't take it personally." Rarity told him. "Spike's probably just a tad jealous. He has a... little bit of a crush on me."

"The little fella's got good taste." Capper admitted, smirking widely.

"There you go again with the flattery." Rarity rolled her eyes.

Spike returned seconds later, carrying two glasses.

"For you, Rarity." He offered to her.

"Oh, you are a dear, Spikey-wikey." Rarity picked up the glass with her magic.

"Yeah, you're alright, little guy." Capper added. "Rarity's lucky to have a friend like you."

"I certainly am." Rarity patted Spike on the head.

Spike blushed deeply, then threw Capper a smug look. Capper took it all in stride.

"I think I'll get some punch too." He declared. "Catch ya later."

As Capper cut across the crowd, he passed by Captain Celeano and her crew, who were toasting their part in the day's victory alongside Rainbow Dash.

"To victory!" Celeano raised her cup of cider.

"Victory!" Her crew added.

"Awesome victory!" Rainbow added.

"That scurvy Storm King finally got what was comin' to him!" Boyle cheered.

"And now we're free to sail the skies again, seekin' out treasure." Mullet added.

"Caw!" Squabble squawked.

"You said it, matey!" Lix chuckled.

"Of course, first we're gonna have to find us a new ship." Celaeno frowned. "On account of our old one's currently at the bottom of the sea."

"You could always use one of the ships the Storm King's goons showed up in." Rainbow suggested. "There are a few scattered around from that tornado. Not exactly a cool ride, but they'll get you in the air."

"Any port in a storm." Celaeno shrugged. "Any of those flying junk heaps will do until we can get ourselves a real ship. Don't suppose you'd like to come along for the ride?"

"Yeah, we could use a gutsy little pony like you." Boyle nodded.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm gonna have to pass." Rainbow declared. "I got friends right here in Equestria that I just can't leave hangin'."

"We can respect that." Celaeno smiled. "But as far as we're concerned, you'll always be an honorary member of our crew."

"Sweet." Rainbow bumped her hoof against Celaeno's talon. "Now, how about some more cider?"

"That's the ticket!" Celaeno nodded.

"Comin' right up!" Rainbow took off into the air. She grabbed the cups out of the crew's talons, and just as quickly replaced them with full cups.

"It's a pity you can't come with us." Lix sighed. "You'd be great help in the galley."

"Thanks, but I'm pretty sure I'd be a bigger help here." Rainbow declared.

"I'll drink to that!" Celaeno raised her cup.

Rainbow and the crew drank back the cider.

"Someone remember to bring a couple barrels of this stuff back with us." Celaeno instructed.

"Will do, cap'n." Mullet nodded.

"Just try to save some for me." Rainbow joked.

The crew and Rainbow all shared a good laugh.

The festivities continued on into the night. There was hardly a long face among. It was safe to say the first ever Festival of Friendship was a resounding success.

The next morning...

Tempest, Grubber, Capper, Novo, Skystar, and Celaeno were preparing to depart. Twilight and her friends were seeing them off.

"Good luck, Tempest." Twilight smiled. "You too, Grubber. Feel free to visit us in Ponyville any time."

"Don't worry, we will." Tempest nodded.

"Especially if ya got food as good as you had last night." Grubber added, carrying a small bag full of leftovers.

Pinkie gave Skystar one of her best goodbye hugs.

"Promise you'll write to me?" She asked. "Because I'm going to write to you. Every day!"

"I sure will." Skystar nodded. "I've never had a penpal before! But it might take a while for us to set up a postal service... mom can you put that on the 'priorities' list?"

"I'll do what I can." Novo nodded.

"Say 'hello' to all the other Hippogriffs for us, please." Fluttershy requested. "We may not have been there long, but I know we had a lot of fun together... Even if it didn't end well."

"More fun than we've had in a long time." Skystar nodded. "And once we tell them what happened here, I'm sure they'd love to have you back sometime."

"Oh, we'll be back." Pinkie grinned. "I try never to fun with somepony only once. It's kind of a policy of mine..."

Celaeno and her crew had succeeded in salvaging one of the Storm Guards' ships, and were all ready to go.

"Stay awesome, you guys!" Rainbow told Celaeno and her crew.

"You too, Dash." Celaeno grinned.

"Remember, you can still sail with us any time." Mullet assured her.

"Happy trails, y'all." Applejack declared. "Good luck with yer treasure hunts."

"Oh, we don't need luck." Boyle grinned.

"Just clear skies ahead." Lix nodded.

"Caww!" Squabble agreed.

"Enough of the mushy goodbyes, ya scallywags." Celaeno chuckled. "All aboard!"

The birdlike buccaneers boarded their temporary vessel. Capper was about to join Celano's crew on the airship (having been offered a lift back to Klugetown), but was taking a moment to bid farewell to Rarity.

"If ever you need a new addition to your wardrobe, all you need do is ask." Rarity told her.

"I shall, milady." Capper said gallantly. He noticed Spike standing nearby, clearly not enjoying the sight of their goodbye. He made his way over to Spike. "Hey, Spike, can I ask a favour?"

"Like what?" Spike frowned.

"Keep an eye on Rarity for me, will ya?" Capper smiled. "Be a shame if something happened to such a dazzling beauty."

"Yeah, it would." Spike gazed at Rarity. "And don't worry. I always watch out for Rarity. A noble dragon can do no less."

"That's the spirit." Capper nodded. "You're alright, kid."

"Thanks." Spike smiled. "You're not so bad yourself."

Rarity grinned widely, glad the two of them were ending thing amiably.

"Hey, whiskers!" Celaeno called. "You comin' or what?"

"Right behind ya, mon capitan." Capper waved.

Soon after, Capper joined Celano's crew on the airship, which took off into the sky. Novo and Skystar followed suit, joined by their guards. Tempest and Grubber were the last to depart, leaving Canterlot by hoof (and paw).

And so it was that Equestria's newest allies parted ways, all seeking out a new beginning.