• Published 13th Jan 2018
  • 3,114 Views, 30 Comments

After The Storm - Bluecatcinema

The Storm King has fallen. But there is still much to be done...

  • ...

A Trip To Ponyville

The sun rose over Clydesvale, spreading its light all over town, which included a small cottage on the outskirts.

In her new, sparsely-furnished bedroom, Tempest was still asleep. But not for long...


Tempest suddenly awoke, finding Grubber standing on her bed, carrying a plate stacked with slightly burnt pancakes, covered in a generous helping of syrup.

"Have a good sleep?" Grubber asked brightly.

"I did." Tempest groaned. "I don't seem to recall asking for a wake-up call, though..."

"Hey, isn't that what good roommates do?" Grubber grinned.

"If only you had a snooze button..." Tempest rolled over and pulled the covers over her head.

"Come on, Tempest, up and at 'em!" Grubber gently nudged her with his paw. "I made ya breakfast in bed!"

Not long after moving into the cottage, Tempest and Grubber had agreed on rotating the house duties between them. That day was Grubber's turn to cook. While most of his dishes were usually burned at the edges, and a little heavy on the sugar, Tempest didn't mind too much, having eaten far less palatable meals in her time. At the moment, the scent of the syrup covering the pancakes teased her nose, even through the blankets.

"Okay, I'm up." Tempest removed the covers and sat up.

"Atta girl." Grubber gave her the plate.

Taking hold of the knife and fork that had been jabbed into the top of the stack, Tempest started eating (making sure to avoid the burnt parts).

"That's it, eat up." Grubber nodded. "We got a big day ahead of us, remember?"

"Of course I remember." Tempest said through a mouthful of pancake. "It was my idea."

Now that they had finally gotten settled into their new home, Tempest had decided the time was ripe to take Twilight up on her offer to come and visit her in Ponyville. Returning home and reuniting with her former friends and parents in the same day had proven quite the emotional rollercoaster. That, coupled with the remaining feelings of guilt threatened to overwhelm her. She needed somepony to talk to, and while Grubber was more than willing to listen, Tempest had a feeling he wouldn't be able to provide the kind of guidance she needed.

"I can't wait to get down there." Grubber declared. "Always nice to see new places... y'know, when you're not part of an invasion force."

"Well, we're not exactly going sightseeing." Tempest pointed out. "We're going there for a reason."

"I know." Grubber nodded. "Ya wanna talk with Princess Twilight. Still, no reason we can't grab a snack or two while we're there, right?"

"I'm sure Twilight will have some food." Tempest declared. "Just try to eat a big enough breakfast that you can hold out until we get there."

"Aww, you're always lookin' out for me." Grubber beamed. "I knew we'd make great roomies!"

"Make sure not to take too long eating, 'roomie'." Tempest smiled. "We don't have all day."

"I'll try." Grubber dashed out of the room, making a bee-line for the kitchen.

After finishing their breakfast (which, to Tempest's relief, didn't take too long on Grubber's part), Tempest and Grubber took the earliest train to Ponyville, being sure to sit in the rear passenger cart so as to not draw much attention.

As they walked through town, Tempest took note of the rustic cottages, which were in sharp contrast to Canterlot.

"Hard to believe a Princess lives here." Grubber said what Tempest was thinking.

"Well, she does." Tempest shrugged. "Pretty modest, for royalty..."

As usual, ponies glanced Tempest's way as she walked. Tempest suspected her broken horn wasn't the only reason for their looks, as she vaguely recognized some of them as being present during the opening moments of the attack on Canterlot. The cold stares they gave her reminded Tempest of the main reason for her visit.

'You knew this might happen, Tempest.' She told herself. 'Don't let it get to you...'

As she and Grubber turned a corner, they spotted Twilight's castle ahead, resplendent in its crystal glory.

"Now that's more like it!" Grubber grinned. "That set-up totally screams 'Princess'!"

"At least we won't need directions." Tempest noted.

They made their way over to the castle. Once they reached the large double doors, Tempest knocked on one three times. Moments later, the doors opened, and a pony emerged.

"Hi, Twi-" Tempest started, then stopped, as the pony she was speaking to wasn't Twilight.

It was a light purple Unicorn mare with a long, dark purple mane (with aquamarine streaks), blue eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a glimmer of light with two streams following it. Her eyes performed the all-too-familiar glance upwards, taking in Tempest's broken horn, before focusing back on Tempest's face.

"Let me guess... Tempest Shadow, right?" The mare asked.

"Looks like my reputation precedes me." Tempest said drily. "And you are?"

"Starlight Glimmer." The mare answered. "Twilight's told me all about you."

"I'm sure she has." Tempest replied. "Speaking of which, I was hoping I could talk to her about something important. Would you mind letting her know I'm here?"

"Oh... sorry, but she headed up to the Crystal Empire a couple of hours ago." Starlight admitted. "Some kind of diplomatic meeting. Might take a while."

"Great." Tempest groaned. "So I came all this way for nothing."

"Not necessarily." Starlight declared. "If you need somepony to listen, I'd be happy to lend an ear."

"No offense, but I'm not really comfortable talking about my issues with a total stranger." Tempest said bluntly.

"Are you sure?" Starlight urged. "Sometimes, just having somepony to talk to can help you feel better about things. I'm sure you've already traveled a long way, so a little time to rest and recharge wouldn't hurt."

"Well..." Tempest mused, uncertain.

"And it's not just me here. Spike stayed behind too." Starlight added. "We can whip up some snacks for you, if you like."

"You did say we could get some food while we're here." Grubber told Tempest. "Be a shame if we had to go home on empty stomachs..."

"Okay, I guess we can stay for a little while." Tempest sighed.

"Great." Starlight smiled. "I'll think I'll show you to the kitchen first. You must both be starving."

"I like her already." Grubber declared.

"I wonder why..." Tempest snarked.

Starlight led them through the corridors of the castle.

"This place is huge." Grubber noted. "How do ya not get lost all the time?"

"I used to." Starlight shrugged. "But eventually, I remembered which doors lead where. Speaking of which..."

Starlight opened one of the castle's many doors. On the other side was the kitchen. Spike was there, clearing away some plates from breakfast.

"Hey, Spike." Starlight smiled. "Guess who dropped by for a visit?"

Spike turned around, and saw their visitors.

"Oh." He grinned. "Hey, Tempest. Grubber. Good to see you."

"Hello, Spike." Tempest said curtly.

"Yo." Grubber nodded.

"Tempest came by to talk with Twilight." Starlight pointed out. "But since Twilight's not here, I'll be keeping her company for a while. Do we have any snacks for our guests?"

"I think we got some stuff left over from breakfast." Spike nodded. "Plus the cupcakes from Pinkie's 'happy half-anniversary of the day you became Twilight's student' party yesterday."

"Say what?" Grubber frowned, confused.

"Don't ask." Starlight chuckled. "Let's get some food, then we can have our talk, Tempest."

"Sure." Tempest shrugged. "Grubber, why don't you hang out with Spike for a while? I'm sure you don't want to sit around and listen to the two of us talking. Especially not when there's some sweet stuff to be eaten."

"Ooh, good point." Grubber grinned. "Okay, I guess I can stick around the ol' kitchen for a while."

"You don't mind keeping Grubber company, do you, Spike?" Starlight asked.

"Nah, I'm good." Spike assured her.

"Great." Starlight opened one of the cupboards, levitating a plate teacakes out.

"You play nice now." Tempest jokingly told Grubber.

"Will do." Grubber nodded.

"We'll be in the study if you need us." Starlight declared.

Starlight and Tempest left the kitchen, and Starlight led the way to the study. As they entered, Tempest couldn't help but notice a number of books laying around in neatly stacked piles.

"Somepony around here really likes to read." Tempest noted.

"That would be Twilight." Starlight replied. "She's never met a book she didn't like... here, take a seat."

Tempest sat down on a nearby chair, one situated by a table. Starlight pulled over another chair so she could sit opposite Tempest, placing the teacakes on the table.

"So... what is this 'something important' you wanted to talk to Twilight about?" Starlight urged.

"Well..." Tempest sighed. "You already know about what happened up in Canterlot, right?"

"Actually, I was there." Starlight admitted. "Well, not there-there, like when you and the others touched down. I was helping my friend Trixie with some fireworks at the time. Then we heard all of the commotion, and followed the noises. That's when we found out Canterlot had been invaded."

"And I led that invasion." Tempest said bitterly. "On the Storm King's orders."

"Because he'd promised to restore your horn." Starlight added. "Twilight told me all about that."

"I'm guessing you and your friend were captured too?" Tempest asked.

"Yep." Starlight nodded. "We put up a fight against those Storm Creatures, but my magic was useless against their shields. By the time I realized it would probably be a better idea to run, I was too exhausted to teleport us away, so we were both captured."

"Along with every other pony in Canterlot." Tempest bowed her head. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"You were only following orders." Starlight comforted her. "The Storm King was the real bad guy there."

"You're just like Twilight, you know that?" Tempest shook her head. "She was so ready to forgive me for everything I did. And she convinced her fellow princesses to do the same. Why would she do that for me?"

"Well, she is the Princess of Friendship." Starlight pointed out. "And a big part of friendship is being able to forgive."

"...What if I feel like I don't deserve to be forgiven?" Tempest blurted out. "I betrayed my own kind, attacked Equestria's leaders, all for my own selfish purposes! For them to overlook all that, to allow me to roam free instead of just throwing me in some dungeon..."

"Well, you did save Twilight and her friends from the Storm King's last attack, even knowing that it would turn you to stone." Starlight declared. "If Twilight hadn't caught you, you would have shattered to pieces on the ground below. You were willing to sacrifice yourself for them. That kind of act goes a long way."

"I... I was just repaying her for saving me before." Tempest retorted. "You have no idea how long it had been since somepony had helped me like that, without expecting a thing in return."

"That's just how we do things in Equestria." Starlight smiled. "Guess you were away so long, you forgot."

"Not everypony has been so willing to forgive." Tempest remarked. "Even on my way here, I saw ponies glaring daggers at me. They knew who I am, and what I've done, and unlike most, they aren't so willing to forgive me that easily. Not that I can blame them..." She added sullenly. "Because they're right."

"No, they're not." Starlight countered. "You made amends for what you did. The Storm King can no longer threaten anypony now, because of you. If those ponies can't forgive you, it's their problem, not theirs."

"What if it's not them I'm worried about?" Tempest asked. "What if it's... me."

"Sorry?" Starlight frowned.

"I did all sorts of terrible things back then." Tempest declared. "Even if the Storm King was the one giving the orders, I still turned three of the Princesses to stone. I hunted down Twilight and her friends remorselessly, ruthlessly punishing anypony who got in my way. Then I just stood by and watched while the Storm King stole all the Princesses' magic, because he'd promised to use it to restore my horn. I didn't see anything wrong with my actions at time, but now I do... and it disgusts me. Every cruel, hateful thing I've ever done stays with me, holds on tight and refuses to let go. How can it be so easy for Twilight, her friends, the Princesses, even you to forgive me, when I can't even forgive myself?!"

Tempest buried her head in her hooves, weighed down by her guilt and self-loathing.

"...You know, I can understand what you're going through." Starlight admitted.

"You can?" Tempest raised her head.

"Actually, yeah." Starlight nodded. "I was a pretty bad pony myself not too long ago, so I can relate."

"Oh, really?" Tempest raised a skeptical eyebrow. "And what did you do that was so bad?"

"Well..." Starlight took a deep breath. "After a Cutie Mark caused my best friend to leave me, I tricked an entire village into giving up their Cutie Mark's in an attempt to achieve some twisted semblance of 'equality'. And after Twilight and her friends exposed me, I tried to take revenge by going back in time and erasing their friendship, which led to the accidental destruction of Equestria six times over."

Tempest felt her jaw slacken as she stared in shock.

"...Yeah, that seems to be the standard reaction." Starlight said humorlessly.

"Okay, that is pretty bad." Tempest admitted. "So... How did you go from there to here?"

"Luckily, Twilight was there to talk some sense into me." Starlight declared. "She took me in as her friendship student. She taught me so much, helped me become a much better pony than I was before."

"This... This actually makes a lot of sense." Tempest mused. "Now I know why Twilight was able to forgive me so easily after everything I did; she's had practice."

"You have no idea..." Starlight grinned. "But like I said, I know what you're going through. I know what it's like to feel so guilty over your past mistakes."

"Any tips on how to handle it?" Tempest asked.

"I'd like to say it'll be easy, but that wouldn't be true." Starlight sighed. "I struggled with my guilt for a long time. Sometimes, it felt like it was eating me up inside."

"You're not really filling me with confidence here." Tempest deadpanned.

"In the end, I was able to let go of my guilt when I realized that I had changed, that I had become a better pony." Starlight smiled. "Give it time, Tempest. Because things will get better. I can promise you that. As long as you have friends who believe in you, you'll be able to believe in yourself."

"Maybe that would make me feel better if I had more friends." Tempest sighed.

"You've got lots of friends." Starlight retorted. "Twilight, Spike, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Grubber... and me. I'm your friend too, Tempest."

"...But we just met." Tempest frowned.

"Trixie and I became best friends moments after meeting each other." Starlight announced. "That's the wonderful thing about friendship. It doesn't take long to form a bond that will last a lifetime."

"I'll have to take your word for it." Tempest shrugged.

"Just know that I believe in you, like everypony else." Starlight assured her. "I'm not going to lie; your guilt won't just vanish overnight. But as long as you remember that you have ponies like us in your life, ponies who care about you, and see the good in you, it'll help to lighten the burden."

"I'll definitely try, at least." Tempest nodded. "Thanks, Starlight."

"Anytime." Starlight beamed. "That's what friends are for." She held up a teacake with her magic. "Teacake?"

"Don't mind if I do." Tempest accepted.

For a while, the two mares talked between themselves, discussing matters like Tempest getting used to being back in Equestria, and what had changed since she had been gone.

"Finding out about the Crystal Empire was a real surprise." Tempest declared. "An entire city of Crystal Ponies, popping back up after being sealed away for a thousand years..."

"Tell me about it." Starlight snorted. "I was so busy putting together my village, I barely noticed its return myself."

Just then, Twilight entered the study.

"Starlight, I'm ba-" Twilight stopped mid-sentence, realizing that Tempest was there. "Oh. Hello, Tempest."

"Hey, Twilight." Tempest smiled. "Sorry for dropping by uninvited. If I'd known you had Princess duties today, I would have come another day."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to greet you." Twilight apologized.

"That's okay." Tempest declared. "At least Starlight was here for me to talk to. We had a really nice chat."

"Did you?" Twilight smiled. "That's wonderful. Though I wouldn't have minded being there to talk to you myself. Maybe next time you should write ahead?"

"I'll keep that in mind." Tempest nodded. "I really should be heading back, though. Better pick up Grubber. We left him in the kitchen with Spike. Let's hope he hasn't made too big of a dent in your food supply..."

"Mind if I join you?" Twilight offered. "We can talk a little on the way there."

"Sure, why not?" Tempest nodded. "No offense, but this place is kind of a maze. It'll take a while just to retrace my steps..."

"Been there." Starlight chuckled, as she came along too.

As they made their way back to the kitchen, Tempest and Twilight discussed matters, such as Tempest's reunion with her foalhood friends.

"I know I should forgive them." Tempest admitted. "Especially since I've been forgiven for far worse. But there's a part of me that doesn't want that to happen."

"I know forgiveness can be hard sometimes." Twilight declared. "Believe it or not, it hasn't always come easily for me. But it sounds like Glitter Drops and Spring Rain are truly sorry for what they did. Don't you think they at least deserve a chance to earn your forgiveness."

"I guess so." Tempest nodded. "I'll try, Twilight. I promise."

"That's all I ask." Twilight smiled.

As the three mares entered the kitchen, they found Spike and Grubber on the floor, stomachs bloated, surrounded by remnants of food.

"Spike?" Twilight frowned.

"What happened here?" Tempest asked.

"Well.." Grubber stifled a burp. "Spike here was showing me all the great food ponies have, and I wanted to try it all."

"And I wasn't going to let him have all the fun." Spike continued. "Guess we got a little carried away..."

"A lot carried away, by the look of things." Starlight joked.

"Come on, Grubber." Tempest sighed. "Get up. We're going home."

"Urrrghhh..." Grubber tried to stand up. For a moment, he teetered on his paws, before collapsing under his extra weight. "No good. You're gonna have to carry me."

"Fine." Tempest rolled her eyes at the same time as she knelt down. "Climb on."

Grubber grabbed hold of Tempest's garment, using it to hoist himself into her back.

"Oof!" Tempest grunted, slightly straining under the weight of her passenger.

"Hey, this is kinda nice." Grubber smiled as Tempest started trotting.

"Don't get used to it." Tempest snorted. "And you're going on a diet when we get back."

"Ohh, seriously?" Grubber pouted.

"Don't give me that look." Tempest frowned. "I'm just looking out for you. It's what good roommates do, remember?" She gave him a playful smirk.

"Yeah, I guess..." Grubber muttered.

Twilight (carrying Spike on her back) and Starlight escorted Tempest and Grubber to the double doors.

"It was good to meet you, Starlight." Tempest announced.

"You too, Tempest." Starlight beamed.

"Come back soon." Twilight urged.

"I will." Tempest nodded. "And I'll be sure to write first."

"See ya 'round, Grubber." Spike declared.

"Not if I see you first." Grubber grinned.

With that, Tempest and her temporary passenger headed back toward the train station, exchanging waves of goodbye with Twilight, Starlight and Spike.

Even with the bloated Grubber on her back, Tempest felt as if a great weight had been lifted from her. While she knew she still had a ways to go, knowing that there was another pony who had struggled with guilt like she had made her feel much better, as did the knowledge that so many ponies cared for her. She felt good enough that she could disregard any cold stares she received on the way back to the train station.

"Our trip to Ponyville didn't turn out the way I thought it would." She admitted to Grubber as they sat in their train seats.

"It didn't?" Grubber asked.

"No." Tempest smiled. "It turned out even better than I'd hoped."

On that note, Tempest gazed out of the window as the sight of Ponyville receded into the horizon, assured that, one day, the problems she had spoken of would also shrink away as she moved forward with her life.