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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Jack and Percy Meet the Ponies

Meanwhile at the Sugarcube Corner, Toon Link, Ness, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spike, and Yoshi were outside having a picnic that Pinkie Pie insisted on making for them. She had a lot of picnic tables, and with their help, she got them out real easily. Pinkie also made some of the best chocolate chip cupcakes that they had ever tasted. When they had all finished, Toon Link sat back and said, “That was excellent! Pinkie, you should cook for the rest of the smashers sometime.”

Pinkie smiled and said, “I’m glad you liked it.”

“Wow,” Spike whispered to Rarity. “I think that’s the first time she’s only used one sentence.”

“It is a new record for her,” Rarity smiled.

At that moment, they heard two gasps behind them. Rarity whipped around to see Jack, along with Percy, standing just outside the fence, staring with mouths agape.

“T-t-talking ponies?” they heard Jack say. “And a dragon? Also, aren’t those… kids? And a weird dinosaur thing? I must be losing my mind.” Percy was heard to say, “I have never seen more colorful creatures in my life. They make some of the creatures I’ve seen look pitiful. Even Blackjack isn’t as eye catching.”

“Who are you?” Spike asked, standing protectively in front of Rarity.

Jack stared. “Uh, I’m Jack. You’re…?”

“Spike,” Spike said. “How did you get here?”

“That’s the thing.” Jack rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “I was walking home, and then there was this flash of light, and, I ended up here.”

He’s not bad looking for a human. Rarity thought to herself.

Spike turned to Percy. “And who are you?”

Percy jumped. He had been staring at Pinkie Pie for a long time, thinking, I have never seen a more bright pink in my life. Hearing Spike speak (that’s fun to say), he snapped out of his reverie. “I’m Percy Jackson.”

“You two have very drab names,” Rarity quipped, tossing her mane. “Take my name for example. Rarity is mine.”

Percy tried not to laugh. Rarity? he thought. Now that’s a name.

Then, it got quiet. If crickets were nearby, they would chirp.

“So, do you want cupcakes?” Pinkie Pie asked, breaking the awkward silence. “I made them myself.”

Ponies making cupcakes, Jack thought. Next, they’ll be able to break dance.

Cupcakes? Percy thought. Made by a pony? They’d be a hit at a circus.

Rarity let Jack and Percy in, and soon, they heard about Jack’s world. Pinkie Pie was amazed at how much cool stuff they had there. Although she did keep coming back to one point.

“Did you have lots of parties?” she asked every thirty seconds. Each time, Jack would respond with a simple, “Yes, when I was younger.”

“Pinkie, please don’t bother the gentleman,” Rarity scolded.

“What about your world, Percy?” Pinkie asked, bouncing around Percy’s chair.

This pony has more enthusiasm than Leo, Percy was thinking. What he said was, “Well…”

Just then, they heard laughter. They all looked around, Percy sighing with relief, mainly because he really didn’t want to explain that he was a son of a Greek god. Soon, the source of the laughter came into view.

“It’s Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie squealed in delight.

Right behind Rainbow Dash, was a fat man that Ness and Toon Link instantly recognized. Yoshi did too, for he gave off a sigh.

“It’s Wario.” Toon Link said when the ponies looked at him. “Or Fartio as we like to call him.”

Jack chuckled. He looked at them and said, “That’s a guy that radiates hilarity. I wish I could be as comedic as that.”

“What do you mean?” Spike asked.

“I tried getting a job as a stand-up comedian. It didn’t work too well.”

Percy looked at him, and Jack shook himself. “I’m fine,” he said, but Percy didn’t think so.

Wario apparently was very tired, (his body wasn’t built for extensive exercise) for he was lagging behind, shaking his fist at Rainbow Dash. He yelled in between huffs, “I swear, (huff huff) when I get you (huff huff) I’ll…” and then he farted; which made Rainbow Dash laugh so hard, she forgot how to fly, and she fell into Pinkie Pie’s yard. She landed directly in front of Yoshi, who gave her an affectionate lick.

“Blech!” she exclaimed, rubbing Yoshi saliva off of her rainbow mane. Yoshi looked down and gave a sad “Yoshi.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t like to admit it, but she had a soft spot. She knelt next to Yoshi and said “Sorry about that. You kinda startled me.”

Yoshi looked up at her with such an adorable expression on his face, that it melted Rainbow Dash’s heart. She almost did something, then said “Dang it! This dinosaur’s making me sappy!”

The tender and funny moment was broken by Wario, who burst into the yard. He looked up at the ponies.

The ponies looked back at him.

They stared at each other for a long moment, not saying anything.

The seconds dragged by. Then, seeing Pinkie’s cupcakes, Wario exclaimed “Ooooh, snack time!” before grabbing five of them and stuffing them in his mouth. Rarity moved away from him with a muttered “How rude.”

Just then, down the street, Luigi made his grand appearance by tripping over a cobblestone and falling down the street. Since there was a bit of a downward slope, he rolled down the hill and slammed face first against the fence. Rarity, who had her back to the fence, felt the “thunk,” and hurriedly opened the gate, asking if he was okay. Luigi got up, trying not to move too much of his body, and hobbled into the yard, Rainbow Dash and Jack both trying not to laugh. Mario then appeared at the gate with Fluttershy next to him, the latter looking panicked. They rushed into the yard; Fluttershy instantly asking Luigi if he was okay, and soon introductions were made. Pinkie Pie went to make more cupcakes, for Wario had eaten the rest of the ones she already had.

When she returned, Wario instantly reached for them, but Rarity slapped his hand and said “You’ve had plenty!” Wario was so shocked that he let out a surprised fart.

Rarity wrinkled her nose, and went to sit by Toon Link and Spike, the latter of whom was blushing (which I never knew dragons could do until now).

“Whoo, these are hot!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed after making the mistake of taking a huge bite of fresh cupcake.

“They are fresh from the oven,” Pinkie Pie said. “I hope they’re good.”

“Eh, they need to be about twenty percent cooler,” was the answer.

“Literally?” Spike asked. Seeing the puzzled expressions, he snickered. “You know… cooler?”

Rainbow got the joke. She made a noise that sounded like a combination of a snicker and a groan. “Ya got me.”

“These are delicious,” Luigi said as he stuffed a cupcake in his mouth.

“Pinkie Pie’s a great cook,” Fluttershy said. “I wish I could cook like that.”

“Hey,” Luigi reassured her. “The snack you made for me when I crash landed in your kitchen was great.”

Fluttershy blushed and looked up at him. Luigi smiled back at her.

Mario looked over at the two as he nibbled on his cupcake. They seemed so comfortable around each other, Mario was almost envious.

Don’t be foolish, he thought to himself. If Luigi does have a girl that likes him, even if she happens to be a Pegasus, it’s fine. Also, it’s amazing he actually has a girl. I never imagined that he would. Then he looked over at Jack. There was something about him that seemed… off. As if one bad situation could make him… someone else. Mario pushed the thought aside. Jack seemed a decent guy. Hopefully, he could help them. Finally, Percy. Mario instantly liked him. He sensed bravery, loyalty, and power, three things that made a good hero. Mario knew that there was someone to rely on.

Rainbow Dash meanwhile, was having a cupcake eating competition with Yoshi and Wario at the other end of the yard. Wario was probably only in it because he was still hungry, and he kept looking nervously over at Rarity to make sure she wasn’t going to slap him again.

Toon Link, Ness, and Spike were whispering to each other. Mario didn’t catch the topic of the conversation, but he could somewhat guess it; since they kept laughing and pointing at various people in the yard; especially Wario and Luigi.

Probably sharing stories, he thought. Ones I probably don’t want to rehear.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie were watching everyone. Rarity looked like she was itching to make something, but she hadn’t remembered to get her sewing needle or anything. Pinkie Pie looked like she was trying not to get too overenthusiastic.

“Well,” Mario said loudly, which instantly drew everyone’s attention. “Where should we go next to find the rest of our friends?”

“Oh, we STILL haven’t found everyone?” Rarity asked as if this was completely inconvenient on her schedule.

“Nope,” Luigi said. “We’re still missing Lucario, Pikachu, and Shulk.”

“Well,” Rainbow Dash said, flying right in front of Luigi, which made him almost fall over. “I saw two beams go toward Applejack’s farm, so that’s where I say we should go first.”

“Lead the way, Ms. Dash,” Mario declared, gesturing for Rainbow Dash to do just that.

Rainbow Dash smirked and flew slowly (for once) in front of the smashers, ponies, dragon, Percy and Jack, leading them out of Pinkie Pie’s yard to the farm. Wario stuffed some cupcakes in his shirt as he walked out. Rarity, however, spotted him, and galloped towards him. Wario ran as fast as he could; farting as if trying to boost down the street.

“Well, how’s the grub?”

Applejack had made a 4 course dinner for the two Pokémon, as well as herself. Lucario hadn’t realized how hungry he had been until he saw the food. And boy was it good.

Quite good, Lucario replied, watching Pikachu eat as if it would never eat again.

“Well ah sure am glad you’re enjoying it.”

How long have you owned this farm?

“It’s been in the Apple family for years. Mah Granny Smith would constantly give me stories about mah relations.”

Lucario finished his meal, and sat back, looking out across the valley of apple trees. Applejack looked at him curiously and asked “Where are ya from?”

A place called Smash Mansion. It’s where people or creatures from multiple universes compete in fights.

“That sounds amazin’!” Applejack said. “Ah’d give my left hind leg to do somethin’ like that.”

I wouldn’t, Lucario replied. You can’t fight with three legs.

Applejack laughed. “Well, are ya ready to search for yur friends?”

That sounds fine to me. Lucario got up and stretched. He glanced at Pikachu, who was trying to stretch too (woo, that’s fun to say), but fell over with a frustrated “Pika!”

“Well, then, let’s go. Last one up the hill’s a rotten apple.”

And with that the three ran out of the yard and through the trees into the sunset.