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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Sweet Apple Acres

A fart split the air. Again.

Rarity had chased Wario for a while, but by the time she caught him, he had already eaten the cupcakes. Now, he was walking a ways in front of her, looking back occasionally. Every time he did, he got the evil eye from her. She could make a good one.

Mario was walking in front, with Rainbow Dash flying upside down overhead. They were on the outskirts of Ponyville by now, and were, according to Rainbow Dash, getting close to Applejack’s farm. All there was to see around them was trees and bushes. Mario had long since grown tired of sightseeing, since everything looked the same.

The group was really big now, consisting of Mario in front with Rainbow Dash, Luigi behind with Fluttershy, whispering to each other. Behind them was Wario, still looking sheepish, then Pinkie Pie with Ness. Finally in the back were Toon Link, Yoshi, Rarity, Jack, and Spike, who had found a gem in the road and was chowing down.

“Are we there yet?” Pinkie Pie asked, hopping to the front. She almost knocked Mario over but didn’t seem to notice.

“Not quite,” Rainbow Dash said, not even looking behind her.

“What about now?” Pinkie asked ten seconds later.

“Nope,” Mario answered.

“Are we there now?”

“Still not there,” Rarity yelled from the back.


“We’ll get there when we get there!” Wario bellowed, right in Luigi’s ear. Luigi, surprised, fell over face first in a mud puddle.

Pinkie Pie fell silent surprisingly. Fluttershy helped Luigi up.

“Okay, now we’re here,” Rainbow Dash announced. Mario looked past her, and saw three hills away, a large farmhouse, with a huge apple tree forest all around it.

“She must like apples,” Toon Link observed.

“She’s passionate about them,” Rarity said, still glaring at Wario’s head as if she wanted to karate chop it in half.

“Will she mind if a sample a few?” Wario asked.

“NO!!” Rarity exclaimed, and came up to Wario; giving him a good smack. Wario, in reply, farted.

“Girls, you’re both pretty, but we need to get going,” Rainbow Dash said.

Just then, they heard a yodel. They all looked around, but saw no one.

Suddenly, an orange blur appeared and slammed right into Mario, who flipped a few times, before hitting the ground in an awkward position.

The blur stopped, and an orange pony with a cowboy hat suddenly was visible. From the same direction down the path, two familiar Pokémon appeared from behind a tree (an apple tree to be precise. Surprise!).

“Oh, ah apologize,” Applejack exclaimed, helping Mario up. “Ah guess ah got a little too hyper.”

Then there came a happy reunion, with yodels, farts, and all sorts of noises. I’ll skip to the end.

“Well, who are we missin’?” Applejack inquired.

“All we’re missing now is Sulk,” Wario said, scratching his rear.

“He means Shulk,” Luigi said, leaning against a nearby apple tree. “Where on earth is he?”

“That’s why we’re looking for him lunkhead!” Wario yelled, pushing Luigi against the tree. The impact caused the apples on the tree all to fall on Luigi’s head.

“Oh, goodness,” Fluttershy squeaked, looking over from caressing Pikachu. Applejack’s prediction had come true, for Fluttershy, seeing Pikachu, had rushed over to him and started cooing over him. This made Pikachu slightly uncomfortable at first, but it took to it.

Fluttershy rushed over to Luigi and frantically asked if he was okay. Then she helped him back onto the path. When she passed by Wario, she gave him such a withering look that he farted nervously. Now he had two mad ponies on his hands. Actually, he had three, because Applejack wasn’t too happy about him abusing one of her trees.

“Yur gonna regret that,” she growled. Before Wario could react, she rushed over to him and kicked her hind legs in his sizeable gut. He crumpled up, and collapsed to the ground.

“That. Was. Awesome,” Toon Link said in awe.

“Aw, shucks, it wasn’t much. He looked like he needed sum’ discipline.”

“Can we just leave him?” Luigi asked, nursing his head.

“I wish,” Mario replied. “But I don’t want Master Hand mad at me.” He looked at Applejack, who wasn’t even winded. “Where’s Twilight’s house?”

“All in good time,” she replied. “How about first, ah get ya some grub?”

Mario opened his mouth to answer, but then a burp was heard.

Rarity gave Mario a disgusted look. “How rude.”

“That wasn’t me,” Mario said. “Honest.”

As soon as he said “honest,” Applejack’s eyes narrowed. She brought her muzzle directly in front of Mario’s face, and gazed into his eyes. Her look was so intimidating that Mario found himself sweating.

Applejack stared at him for several long seconds. Then, her face relaxed. “He’s tellin’ the truth.”

Mario sighed with relief. “Thanks for making me feel really nervous.”

“Ah apologize there, Sugarcube,” Applejack said. “Bein’ the Element of Honesty, ah have to keep mah reputation.”

Mario wondered what that meant, but he decided not to ask.

“Okay,” came a voice. “You busted us there, AJ.”

Out of the bushes came a certain human wearing glasses and smiling in a slightly stalker like way. “Name’s Eddie Nashton,” he said. “And I already know all of you.”

“So yur sayin’ that we’re all in a… what’d ya call it… a TV program?” Applejack exclaimed, looking incredulous.

“Well, you Equestrians are,” Ed said. “The smashers, however, are part of a video game called Super Smash Brothers. It was created back in 1999 on the Nintendo 64, as a four player fighting/party game. You ponies were created in 2010 on a Hub Network TV show program called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.” He smiled, waiting for reactions.

“Well, how about that.” Mario said. “Interesting.” He was rather floored, so that was all he could manage. Sure, he had known that he was in games in their world, but he didn’t know that the games were actually made on Ed’s world, or that he had been created by someone like Ed.

I mean, imagine knowing your whole life that you were in video games that were only made on your planet. Then one day, you realize that not only are your games all around the universe, but that you yourself were created in a game. That's how Mario felt.

Applejack was giving Ed the same look she had been giving Mario. She finally declared that Ed had told no lies.

Ed brushed some sweat from his face. “Whew!” he said. “I’ve been watching ya’ll for a while, and all of that sneaking wore me out. I need a rest.”

“Tell ya whut, Sugarcube,” Applejack stated, giving him a friendly smile. “How about ya come with us, and Ah’ll get ya’ll some food.”

Jack came forward. “Hi, Ed.”

“What’s your name?” Ed asked.


“You know, you seem almost familiar,” Ed said, giving Jack a searching look.

“Yeah,” Jack said. “Ditto to that.”

The two stared at each other for a minute.

“Come on,” Rainbow said. “All this flying has made me hungry.”

“And who are you?” Ed asked, giving Rainbow an eyebrow raise.

“The amazing Rainbow Dash,” was the response.

“You remind me of my sister,” Ed said, looking wistful. “She died when I was ten.”

For a moment, Rainbow felt a stir. She somehow felt a connection to this human. She looked at him, wondering why she felt that, and why words suddenly seemed hard to find.

“Did you know that rainbows are formed from water particles in the air mixing with light molecules?” Ed suddenly said, using science talk to cheer himself up. Now Rainbow felt another stir, recognizing that talk. She’d heard it before, even before Twilight. She shook it off.

“I can just imagine Twilight now,” Rainbow said. She then slipped into an impression of Twilight. “Oh, my, are you a scientist too Mr. Nashton?”

“You know what?” Ed said. “I’m tired of that name too. How about…” he brightened. “Since I like riddles, Edward Nigma.” He smiled. “I like that.”

Now it was Rainbow’s turn for an eyebrow raise. “Seriously?”

“Whoo!” Pinkie interrupted. “I’m starving!”

Luigi gave her an inquisitive look. “You just ate an hour ago…”

Applejack chuckled. “Well, cum’ on then.”

“Well, this seems a nice town,” Shulk declared as Twilight led him and the superheroes through Ponyville. Stark and Peter were still bickering like an old married couple, and Shulk looked ready to Back Slash one of them. But still, it was an adorable town, he said to himself.

He meant it too. Shulk had never seen such a blue sky, or such lush lawn. Some of the lawn, though, was a little too healthy. Just looking at it made Shulk itch to get out a lawn mower. If he had one that is.

“It is quite nice,” Twilight agreed. “I haven’t been here as long as the rest of my friends, but I’ve kinda gotten attached to the place.”

“Where are you from?”

“I was a student of Princess Celestia at Canterlot.”

“You mean as in Camelot?”

“What’s that?”

Shulk, realizing that the Tales of King Author had perhaps not made it here yet, simply said, “Just a story I read a while back.”

Twilight studied him for a while. Her eyes on him made his skin prickle, like she was X-raying him. He tried not to seem too nervous. From his eyeballing, he sensed a lot of great magical energy around her, thanks to the power the Monado gave him. This didn’t help his nervousness.

“You know,” she said finally. “I get the sense you’re a little nervous around me. Why?”

“I don’t know,” Shulk replied. “I know you have a lot of power, so I guess I’m scared that I’ll do something wrong.”

Twilight smiled reassuringly at him. “Don’t worry,” she said gently. “I won’t do anything bad to you.” They looked at each other for a little while. Then, when they realized what they were doing, they looked away from each other blushing.

“Can you feel… the looooovvvee tooonight,” Spidey sang, coming up behind the two. Twilight used her magic to shove him backward into Stark, and the two began their bickering again.

Shulk was also finding the heat a little oppressive. Looking over at Twilight, all she had to do was spread out her wings. He tried cooling himself with his shirt, but failed. He did this when Twilight wasn’t looking, so she wouldn’t ask.

Unfortunately, she did notice. “Are you alright?”

“I feel like I’m roasting like a chicken out here.”

“Why are you wearing so much?” she wondered as if clothes were completely foreign to her. Maybe they were.

“It was the beginning of fall at Smash Mansion,” he said, a little pathetically.

“Hold on,” she said, her horn beginning to glow. A soft beam from the horn touched Shulk and suddenly he felt as if an air conditioner had been installed inside of him.

“What was that?” he asked in wonder.

“A cooling spell,” she explained, all teacher-like now. “I use it on Spike sometimes.”

“Wow, thanks,” Shulk said gratefully. By now, the group was nearing the outskirts of the town. In the distance, Shulk could see a red farmhouse surrounded by trees. When he pointed it out to Twilight, she declared, “Yes. That’s Applejack’s farm.”

“I hope my friends are there.”

“They will be,” Twilight said confidently, touching her hoof on his hand reassuringly; making an electric shock pass through his body, like it always did when a girl touched him. “Let’s go meet them.”

The rest of their walk was uneventful, but the end wasn’t. As they neared the farm, they heard whooping and hollering, and also farting.

“Sounds like a party,” Stark said. “Is it a kind of party with scantily clad ponies?” Seeing the looks he was getting, he shrugged and said “Just asking.”

Twilight looked over at Steve, who was trying not to throw his shield at Stark’s head. “Is he always like that?”

Steve sighed, and that was all the answer Twilight needed.

“Ah, forget him,” Spidey declared, wedging in between Twilight and Shulk. “Let’s just find out what all the (here’s my favorite word) hullabaloo is about. And I don’t mean that Baloo owns the hull of a ship.”

There was a collective groan from the group as they neared the entrance to Sweet Apple Acres, trying to find the source of all the noise, noise, and noise. Did I mention the noise?

Realizing that it was coming from inside, they went inside the barn.

A lively sight met their eyes. Everyone from the previous paragraph was all having an insanely fun dinner. Food was flying everywhere, and Fluttershy was flying as well, but of her own accord, offering drinks.

“Wario, catch,” Rainbow Dash yelled as she threw an apple at him. Wario, who was already weighing his chair down with his sizable girth, caught the apple in his mouth. The chair, finally unable to take all the weight, collapsed, and Wario crashed to the ground. Everyone laughed, even Rarity, and Wario got up nursing his behind, looking a little peeved (the pony cuss word). Then, he caught sight of Twilight, Shulk and the superheroes.

“Hey, look who FINALLY showed up!” he exclaimed. “And they brought more people!” The rest of the smashers looked up and the room suddenly got quiet.

Mario got up first, smiling, and shook Shulk’s hand. “Welcome back, Shulk.” Then, he turned to Twilight. “You must be Twilight. Thanks for taking care of him.”

“A pleasure,” Twilight said. “Now, is there any food left? Shulk and I could use some.”

“Don’t forget me!” Spidey said.

“You ate only two hours ago!” Tony said. “Now I on the other hand ate six hours ago, so I need food more than you.”

“Oh, really?” Spidey said, crossing his arms. “We’ll see about that.”

“Hello?” Mario exclaimed. Finally earning their attention, he said “Okay, so who are all of you?”

After introductions were made, Ed stood up smiling. It was the first time he had genuinely smiled in two years. “This is the best day of my life!”

“Now about that food…” Spidey said, looking around.

“Someone has a one track mind,” Wario declared with a fart.

“Absolutely,” Applejack declared, ignoring Wario. “Now that we’re all together again, it’s time for a party that Ponyville has never seen!”

Jack smiled cheerfully. “You know,” he said. “I haven’t been this happy in a long time. Thanks everyone.”

Mario raised his glass of apple cider. “A toast to our good fortune and for meeting these incredible ponies.”

Everyone echoed the toast, and drained their glasses.

Pinkie Pie, who had heard the word “party” exclaimed “Party?! I’ll give you a party you won’t believe!”

Luigi nodded. “Let’s celebrate.”

Wario farted in agreement. Everyone laughed. Their troubles all seemed to be behind them.

None of them noticed Ed suddenly mumble an excuse and get up. He went to the simple restroom, which was simply an outhouse with a dirty mirror and a hole. As he finished, he heard a voice say "What a day right?"

Ed whirled around, but no one was there. Finally, he happened to look at the mirror and saw himself.

He almost sighed in relief, but then realized something. Ed wore glasses, and his hair was a wreck. The reflection in the mirror didn't have glasses, and his hair was slicked back.

And he was smiling. A creepy, eerie smile.

Ed ran out of the outhouse, laughter erupting from behind him.

Everyone's troubles were far from over.

Meanwhile, in the Canterlot Garden, a white alicorn named Princess Celestia was standing in front of the fountain near the middle of the garden. For some reason, she was feeling uneasy. Something was off.

She shook the feeling aside, and started to walk back to the castle.

Suddenly, a whoosh, followed by a crash, erupted behind her. She whirled around to see a giant crater in the middle of her freshly planted pansies (tongue twister of the year).

Inside this crater was a huge ship. Clearly a flying ship. And it was huge too; it took up at least a quarter of the clearing.

A door whooshed open, and Celestia tensed, ready to fight anything that came out.

What came out was a voice. “Whew, that was an excellent landing from the best pilot in the galaxy.”

“Well, Mr. Best Pilot in the Galaxy, you succeeded in making it impossible to get out of our landing zone. You broke your ship.”

“Leia my sweet, that was completely intentional.”


“Okay you two,” came a third voice, sounding slightly younger than the first two. The first voice had been male, with a cocky sound to it. The second had been female, but a female who was willing to get her hands dirty. This third voice sounded young and wise, but with a twinkle as well. “We won’t get anywhere by fighting. Let’s just go out, and see if the locals can help us.”

“I’m wondering what the locals will look like,” said the cocky male.

Three people stepped out. One was handsome, with shoulder length brown hair, a smirk, and a pistol in his right hand. The second was a female with strangely braided hair, and a sarcastic look to her face, directed at the first man. The third really got Celestia’s attention. He was tall, handsome, with short brown hair, black shirt and belt, with black tights, and a strange sword-like weapon. It was made out of green light. She sensed great good, but also great power in him.

The first man stepped out first and saw Celestia. He raised an eyebrow, whistled, and then shrugged. “Heh, sorry about the mess there, strange pony thingy.”

“Well, this is certainly interesting, isn’t it Han,” the woman apparently called Leia said.

“I’ve seen strange creatures before,” Han said. “But a cartoony looking pony?” He whistled. “Interesting.”

The other young man stepped forward. “Excuse me, can you talk?”

“Indeed I can,” Celestia said. “Who are you and what are you doing in my kingdom?”

“I’ll introduce. My name is Luke Skywalker, and I’m a newly trained Jedi. My pilot friend is Han Solo. He’s the one who managed to crash…”

“I didn’t crash,” Han replied, looking affronted. “I merely had a bit of a bumpy landing. No one’s perfect except me, and I did that intentionally because I wanted to let everyone know we had arrived. The louder the crash, the better the service.”

Luke sighed. “…our plane called the Millennium Falcon into your kingdom. The lady right there is Princess Leia, my sister.”

Leia bowed. “And who are you?”

“I am Princess Celestia, ruler of the day.”

Han whistled for the second time in two minutes. “I am among two princesses. This is royally overwhelming. I might faint if I wasn’t so awes-OOF!” he was cut short when Leia elbowed him in the ribs.

“Don’t mind him princess,” Leia said. “He’s really nice once you get past his large ego.”

“It’s called Self-Confidence.”

Luke turned back to Celestia. “Do you think you could find us shelter until we fix our ship?”

End of Part 1