• Member Since 31st May, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Bringing personal and commission horse words to you over a cup of steaming Earl Gray! I write in many genres, for all audiences. Check my library bookshelves for convenient sorting of my stories.


Comments ( 25 )

Just stumbled across this series of stories, and, well ... damn. It's kinky and filthy, but also ... kind of wholesome? Which can be a tricky thing to find in clopfic, but you do a heck of a job with it. So, uh, keep up the good work!

(Though I kinda wonder how the other characters fit in as students and/or faculty now. Hmm.)

And now I'm vaguely wishing somebody would draw porny fanart of my stuff. Ah well. :)

I was tasked with trying to somehow mishmash non-con with a loving relationship, and in this setting it couldn't be too over the top fetishy. This is how it ended up playing out, heh.

Well, glad you liked it. The first story in the series was inspired by Audrarius's artwork, who in turn was inspired by it to create art. It became reciprocal from there!

*Intense fangirling* How did I not see this back in January?!

Glad you saw it now, anyway! :twilightsmile:

Okay, I have finally read the entire two chapters and I love them. It's just as amazing as the other ones if not better. Though, this is just me going on a tangent, it has been bugging me for hours how Applejack raped her friend. Like, even if Cheer was okay with it afterwards, it's still rape considering she was drunk out of her mind and AJ gave into her hormones without controlling them. Which is why i feel the "young and confused" statement is very wrong since she was old enough to understand that it was wrong. Even if they're on good terms, it's still a terrible thing. It reminds me of this image.

Sorry, sorry, when it comes to stuff like that i get all bent out of shape and uncomfortable. Still a really good story though!

That's why AJ was so upset about it when she recanted the story to Fluttershy. She knows what she did, and that she felt she had no excuse for it - which is further why she didn't talk about it to Cheerilee after the fact, and assumed the mutual silence from the latter meant it wasn't okay. In this case, it just happened to work out alright for them in the end once they finally got around to talking about it.

Glad you enjoyed them all, they're a fun thing to work with in return from some great art from an artist I really like *pinkiehappy*

Like a caged succubus.

Any other shippings you like?

I take it you're enjoying yourself :twilight blush:

Holy shit... :rainbowderp:
That was intense....
Thumbs up 👍 x100
Please don't have Applejack come after me.

Beware, y'all :ajsmug:
Glad you enjoyed it!

Didn't see this, sorry, heh. That's a rather broad question. I put Flutters with Twi once and I felt that worked out well, and was pretty fun. I've been wanting to try some more off the wall things too, unexpected stuff. I keep a list of ships to try in my idea book.

I’ve had all three chapters of this stored on my tablet for a while but was reading thru them again, will we ever get another chapter? Inquiring minds want to know

Glad to hear you enjoyed it that much :twilightblush:

I suppose it depends if the artist wants to do more trades with me on it, because aside from part one, that's what cause it to happen. Otherwise, well, anything's possible!

Wow, what a lovely set of stories! I wasn't expecting that. I loved reading them all. Especially for the story and the characters, their personalities, their reasoning, their hopes, dreams and desires. Wonderful, simply wonderful, and I can't help but feel a personal relationship pretty reflected in Shy's and AJ's. Took me by surprise, but I can't remember ever feeling such connection. Obviously, it's not like you knew or probably even had a "target" in mind, but what an interesting coincidence. It really made me enjoy this a lot more. I'll have to keep your stories in mind!

I'm glad you took that much away from it, as I prefer to write things like that than just straight up clop, heh. It's nice to have some motivations and reasons on the part of the characters. Audrarius providing the artwork certainly helped to keep it going, too. There are a few more images on derpi that were inspired by these three stories, but alas I cannot link them here!

Anyway, so glad you liked them! :twilightsmile:

Oh I know them all, Audrarius is one of my favorite artists out there so yeah, I've seen'em and love'em! Keep up the great work!

We have that in common then. I'm sure he and I will do a trade again :twilightsmile:

And I'll be waiting XD

Aj look like fucking edwrared elrick from full meat almesit (cat spell for shit)

“You have...a chastity belt?”

“No,” Applejack replied. “You have one..."


As with the earlier stories. Very well done.


This is a magnificent set of stories. When I get the chance I'll probably look in to your other work. Well written. Good build up. Not a 'ship' I would have expected. I'm a rari-jack fan. My experience with women of Flutters personality they tend to end up with Dash types and are unhappy because they have to be the adult. I look forward to more of your work. Cheers!

Sorry for the slow reply, and thank you for your interest. This was mostly born out of the unexpected chain of art trades with Audrarius, but Appleshy is a ship I like, so it wasn't like I wasn't invested myself (and the story came before the images did). I'm not a Rainbow Dash fan in general so chances are you won't see any ships involving her from me. Rarijack works too, but I feel it's sort of expected. I like how this one feels, the two 'earth' related characters.

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