• Published 1st Feb 2018
  • 1,535 Views, 41 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh Equestria Duelist - FireFlash15

A young pony find a Millennium Item and has to save equestria by playing Duel Monsters

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Chapter 3: Blaze's Past Part 1

Author's Note:

The names of the character in this chapter are just one I found from a random name generator. So now you know where the names come from. And also "Blaze's Past will be a 3 part chapter so you all will get the idea.

Chapter 3: Blaze's Past Part 1

Canterlot middle school: 1 year ago

The bell rang in the classes and the students were dismissed. Some of the students were still in their classes talking to their friends. Except for a young 12 year old Blaze making a tower of cards. "Almost," Blaze says as he was gonna put the final card on his tower, "Almost." Then a voice said, "Hey Blaze," and it made Blaze lose focus and made all the cards fall. The red colt looked up and saw the student that called him. "Maybe you should get your head out of the cards and actually make some friends." the student said as he and his friends laughed with him.

Blaze sighed. "Its not like I can make some anyways." he said with a sad voice. Then he pulled out an Egyptian like box from his backpack and put it on his desk. "Maybe now I can continue working on my treasure." the red colt smiled. Then a brown hoove grabbed the box from Blaze's desk and Blaze saw it was, 'Rough Gunner' a brown coated Pegasus with blond hair. "Well lookie what I found." Gunner said, "Little Blaze stupid box, what'cha got in here? More stupid cards. Ha Ha Ha." Rough Gunner is the bully at Canterlot middle school and loves to bully Blaze.

Blaze got off his desk and tried to get his box back, "Hey Gunner, give it back." Gunner then pushed Blaze away, "Or what you gonna call your mommy?" he said, "Oh wait! You can't. Because she's dead." He continued laughing. The hurt Blaze really hard. "Hey Gunner!" A male voice called out and it reveled to be Gunner's friend 'Lightning Rider' a blue earth pony with black hair, "That's enough. That was dark dude." Gunner looked at Blaze and saw that he had tears in his eyes. "Whatever, hey Blaze." He called the red colt. "What do you got in the box?" he said while opening the box. "No," Blaze yelled, "Don't touch it!"

As Rough Gunner was about to fully open the box it was taken by him from a pink unicorn filly with yellow hair. Blaze realized who it was as she was walking closer to him, it was 'Sweet Sunrise' one of the cutest fillies in the school. "I believe this is yours," She says while giving Blaze his box. The red colt grabbed his box and thanked the filly. The she looked back at the other two colts and she wasn't happy. "Don't you two have anything better to do then bully someone?" She said with a scary voice that made the colts shiver in fear.

"w-w-We were j-just h-having fun," Gunner said trying to act innocent but Sunrise wasn't buying it. "Maybe you have more fun with my hoove making contact with your face!" Sweet says showing her hoove. And that made the boys run away from them. After she calmed down, she looked at Blaze. "You ok?" Blaze nodded but she knew he wasn't telling her the truth. She and Blaze look a seat at Blaze's desk and she said, "You know Blaze, you need to learn to step up for yourself." Blaze nodded, "Yeah I know, its just..." he stopped for a moment, "I hate violence." The pink filly agreed with the red unicorn.

Then she looked at Blaze's box, "So what's in the box?" she asked and Blaze looked at his own box. "It's not finished yet, but its my treasure." That made Sunrise confused. Blaze opened the box and she saw just little pieces. She picked up a piece, "Your treasure?" Blaze nodded, "Yeah my sister gave this to me, who got it from my mother before she...well..." The pinked filly looked at Blaze and saw the sad look in his eyes. She put her hoove on Blaze's, "Sorry Blaze." The red colt then pick up another piece and said, "Before mom and dad died," Blaze started, "she gave my sister this box telling her to give it to me one day."

Sweet Sunrise looked at the box, "And I'm guessing it's not done?" She looked at the box as Blaze shock his head. He then looked at the filly with a smile, "You wanna meet at my place? I would like to show someone my home." he asked. The filly thought for a second and grabbed her bag, "Sure lets go." Then the red colt put the box in his backpack and they left.


Rough Gunner and Lightning Rider are out of breath trying to run away from Sunrise. "Man," Rider spoke, "how can a cute filly be so scary?" Gunner shrugged, "I don't know?" As the boys were getting their air back Rider saw that Gunner had something, "What do you have?" Gunner smiled and reveled it to be a gold-ish piece with and eye on it (Not literally). The Blue colt was confused and Rough Gunner explained, "I snuck it out of Blaze's box before Sunrise grabbed it." That made Rider scared, "Don't you think that might have a problem?" That made gunner confused, "What do you mean?" "Well," Rider started, "Don't you think when Blaze finds out he will tell Sunrise and then we might be in trouble."

Gunner laughed, "Please, he will never know." Lightning Rider looked at his friend confused. As they walked off and left school.

Back with Blaze and Sweet Sunrise

The two walk through Canterlot and made it to a building that said, "Game Shop." That made the pink filly confused, "I thought we are heading to your home?" Blaze smiled as he opened the door, "It is my home, Fillies first." he said. Then Sweet smiled, "How kind of you." Then she was a mare in her 20s with a light red coat, white hair and green eyes walking to the two. Blaze opened his hooves and have the mare a hug, "Hey sis!" he said making the filly shocked. The mare continued the hug, "Hey little brother, welcome home." then they broke the hug. "Sweet Sunrise," Blaze called the filly, "Meet my older sister, Flare Blitz." he introduced his friend.

The Mare smiled and shook the fillies hoove, "Nice to see you finally made a friend, Blaze." The filly smiled, "Nice to meet you." then she looked at Blaze, "What do you mean, this is your home?" Flare Blitz giggled, "This isn't just a game shop, Sunrise," She told the filly, " I also made it a home for me and Blaze." The filly then got the idea and nodded. The Flare looked at her little brother, "So Blaze, are you still working on the puzzle?" she asked the red coat and he nodded.

That made the mare giggled as she look at Sweet Sunrise, "My little brother is trying to solve that puzzle for quite a while now." The she whisper into the fillies ear, "Sometimes I caught him awake at night on his desk trying to solve it." That made both of the mares giggle. Blaze then grabbed the box out of his backpack and thought, "I will solve this. And my wish will finally come true."

To be Continued in Part 2.

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