• Published 1st Feb 2018
  • 1,535 Views, 41 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh Equestria Duelist - FireFlash15

A young pony find a Millennium Item and has to save equestria by playing Duel Monsters

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Chapter 5: Into The Mind

Chapter 5: Into The MInd

Twilight and the others put the unconscious red colt on a nearby couch putting his head on a pillow. AppleBloom is holding Blaze's deck in her hooves, while the others started to talk about Blaze. "What do you think happen to the poor fella?" AppleJack asked. Twilight spoke, "Well maybe it because he wasted his energy on his duel with Dash?" Rainbow shook her head, "He wasn't acting like he was wasting energy, he was calm and determined."

Pinkie Pie nodded, "Yeah if he was wasting energy he would be like "I ATTACK YOU WITH MY MONSTER!" or "I FUSION SUMMON A MONSTER" or ..." Fluttershy put her hoove on pinkie's mouth stopping her from talking. "We get it pinkie darling." Rarity said to the pink pony. Spike walked up to the others, "Well I don't know about all of you but he is awesome at dueling!" he said happily. "I never seen anyone duel with a dragon card like that."

Scootaloo chuckled, "You always had a thing for dragon cards, don't you Spike?" Everypony looked at AppleBloom who was still looking at Blaze. She hasn't spoke a word since Blaze fell. AppleJack then walked up to AppleBloom, "you've been quiet for a while know Bloom. Whats up?" She asked her younger sister. AppleBloom didn't look away from Blaze and said, "I'm just worried about him." Everypony agreed, They didn't know much about Blaze but he seems to be a really nice colt.

Twilight was still confused, "What happened to him earlier?" Everypony and dragon looked at twilight confused, "Back when he was dueling Diamond Tiara?"

Flash Back

"Ready to play blank flank." Earlier Diamond Tiara said to Past Blaze. "Playtime is over!" Blaze said. Then the bright light appeared, "Yu-Gi-Oh!" Blaze yelled as his voice was getting deeper. When the light faded Blaze was different. Diamond Tiara was shocked, "What? How did?" "Now Diamond Tiara," Blaze said with a deeper determined voice, "Prepare yourself because it's time to duel."

Everypony agreed except for AppleBloom. "Yeah," Spike was the first to speak, "He not only looked different but also sound different." AppleBloom then spoke, "Whoever he is, He got me my card back." AppleBloom then grabbed her deck and grabbed her Dark Magician Girl. She smiled, "He said it his sister's favorite monster as well." Fluttershy walked up to the yellow filly, "He said that?" she asked and AppleBloom nodded.

Then Everypony in the room saw a bright light and they all saw it was coming from Blaze's Millennium Puzzle. Twilight was about to use her magic but then it stopped glowing. After a minute of silence Twilight looked at Spike, "Spike I need a letter to Celestia." The Purple Dragon nodded and grabbed a paper and quill and Twilight told him what to write.

Dear Princess Celestia

I know you might be busy with your work but there is something you must know. Today we met a colt named Blazing Blitz who dueled with Diamond Tiara to get AppleBloom's card back. In the duel we noticed he not only looked different but sounded different too. After the duel he said he was looking for me so he can get answers about his amulet he is wearing. We got the the library and found the book he was looking for. It is called the 'Millennium Puzzle', and ancient artifact that existed years ago by a powerful pharaoh. Then Blaze had a duel against Rainbow Dash. He came victorious but then he fainted after duel. We put him on a nearby couch and then he Puzzle started to glow. Me and my friends are really worried about him. Please help me and figure out what to do

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle.

When Spike finished writing it words down, he rolled it up and blew fire on it and it vanished.

Canterlot Castle

Princess Celestia is in her dinning room having some lunch her chef made her. Nearby is her sister Princess Luna but she is having a cup of tea. She looked at her sister and said, "Lovely day isn't it sister." Celestia nodded, "Quite so Lulu." Then the letter appeared before Celestia and she grabbed it with her magic.

"It's from Twilight," She said to her sister, "She must be giving me something she learned today." The big alicorn opened the letter and read it. When she was done she has a surprised look. "It's been found." She said quietly. That made Luna look at her with a confused look, "What's been found Tia?" Celestia looked at Luna and said, "The Millennium Puzzle!" That made Luna spit out her tea and cough for air.

"Impossible," The blue alicorn said, "I thought it's been destroyed." Celestia has a determined face, "GUARDS!" she called and a White stallion with gold armor ran up to Celestia. "Get my chariot ready. Me and Luna are going to Ponyville." The guard nodded and left to tell the others. After a few minutes The chariot is ready and the royal sisters got in. "Get us to Ponyville as fast as possible," She ordered her guards as they nodded and took off. "After 3000 years, he'll finally return." She said.

Back to Ponyville

Twilight and the gang waited for Celestia's answer for almost and hour now. Rainbow is getting board so she just flies around the place, "When is she writing back?" she asked. And Twilight shrugged, "I expect her to write back almost 55 minutes ago." Spike is going through his deck and trying to find a good strategy for dueling. He only won duel and that was with Dash. AppleBloom is still sitting near Blaze who hasn't woken up yet.

"I arrived as soon as i could." They hall heard a voice. They turned to see Celestia and Luna near the door. "PRINCESS!" They all said and galloped to the royal alicorn. "Where is he?" She asked everypony and they turned to Blaze. Celestia and Luna walked to the unconscious red colt and looked at him millennium item. "Finally," Celestia said as she went to grab the item, "It's been found." But when she touched to it shocked her.

"Seems that the item won't let go." Luna said to her sister. Twilight and the others were confused. They called the princess to help but Celestia is more focused on his Puzzle. "Celestia?" Twilight called the white alicorn, "Why are you staring at Blaze's Millennium Puzzle?" The two sister's turned to the ponies. "Forgive us, my little ponies. We are just amazed that the Millennium puzzle is found." Luna looked back at the unconscious colt.

"How long has he been unconscious?" she asked the gang. "Almost a hour." Fluttershy said to the blue alicorn. Luna thought for a minute and looked at her sister, "I'm going to use that spell sister." Celestia looked at luna and knew what she was talking about and nodded. Rainbow Dash is now confused like everypony else, "What spell?" She asked the sisters. Luna looked at dash, "The spell I'm going to use allows me to go into his mind and see who he is. And also figure out how to awaken him." Nopony knew of such a spell.

"I am allowed to bring one more pony with me, but it could be dangerous so you have to stick with me." Luna described. Nopony volunteered at first but then Twilight walked up. "I'll do it." she said to Luna. The blue princess nodded and closed her eyes, then her horn started to glow and she fired a harmless beam at Blaze's head. Then she and Twilight disappeared.

Blaze's Mind

At first Twilight saw nothing but bright light as she walked with Luna. When the bright light faded she saw that she was in a hallway with two doors. One door had a Red color and the other door was Darker Red. "Now this is strange." Luna spoke to herself. Twilight is confused, "What's strange, Luna?" "There are two doors here," Luna told Twilight. Twilight didn't get it, "So?"

Luna shook her head, "When i use the spell the is always one room." She walked to the bright red door and opened it to see a room filled with toy's and a child like room. "This room is nice and peaceful. Suitable for this colt." Then they walked to the other door with darker red color. When she opened it she and Twilight saw a pony in there. Twilight recognized the pony, "Blaze?" she said to the pony.

But she was wrong. The pony looked like an older version of Blaze that is taller and has longer hair and red eyes. "It's alright," The older colt said, "You can enter but tread consciously. I won't allow any harm of the colt whom's vessel I share." he warned them. The two alicorns walked inside and noticed the room looked like a ancient Pharaoh's tomb. "May I ask why you both are in here?" The mysterious colt said to the two.

Twilight spoke first, "Blaze is unconscious and my and my friend's are worried." The colt nodded. "No need to worry he is OK. Just resting." Now it is Luna's turn. "What is your name stranger?" The colt looked at Luna, "what is it to you miss?" "Luna, Princess of the Night." She told the stranger and he nodded. "I go by many names over the years. Pharaoh, Blazer, and sometimes Yami."

Twilight then thought of something, "You won't happen to be a pharaoh from 3000 years ago would you?" The dark red colt shook his head and said, "Forgive me but my memory is not conclusive." Luna didn't buy it. "If you would mind give us passage though your mind. Show us what you do know." The colt thought for a minute and nodded. "Alright let me open the doors to you." Then his eyes shined gold and the ancient room turned into a labyrinth.

Both Twilight and Luna are amazed. "Never have I seen some complexity in someponies mind" she thought. The Older colt grin, "And now I leave you to your search." Then the colt disappeared leaving both alicorns alone. Luna started to walk around the rooms. She opened the first door and right when she was about to walk in something bi smashed the floor almost crushing Luna.

"Princess Luna!" Twilight yelled as she galloped to the blue princess. "It was a trap," Luna said, "He is not allowing access to his mind." After so many trap doors, Twilight was about to give up but she saw Luna open another door. "It appears to be safe." Luna said to herself. But then as she was walking the floor collapsed beneath her. "LUNA!" Twilight said and she ran to grab Luna but fell also but Luna grabbed her and ledge.

"Another trap!" Luna said, "This isn't good!" Twilight whom is scared asked the princess, "What's not good?" Luna looked at Twilight, "If we fall, we will be stuck in his mind forever." Both alicorns tried to use their wings but then they heard, "I don't know what's happening but I won't let him harm you two." Both alicorns looked up and saw Blaze as his usually red coat with regular brown hair and eyes. He grabbed Luna hoove and pulled both alicorns up.

After a minute of rest, Twilight looked at Blaze and asked, "How are you here?" Blaze gave her a look, "Your in my mind. But I think I should ask why you two are in here?" Both alicorns thought for a minute and Luna explained. "Twilight and the others are worried about you. They said you have been out for an hour so she sent a letter to my sister and we both arrived." Blaze nodded, "Still doesn't explain how you are here." Luna chuckled, "I used an ancient spell that allows me to go into somponies mind."

"And that shouldn't be allowed!" The two ponies heard and looked behind them and saw the older colt from before. Blaze is confused and walked up to the colt. "Who are you?" he asked the colt, "and why do you almost look like me?" The older colt chuckled, "As I told those two, I have called many things. Pharaoh, Blazer, and sometimes Yami. I am the spirit of your millennium puzzle. For why I look similar to you, I am no sure."

Blaze thought for a minute and nodded, "Well Yami." he said to the colt, "I am sure that Luna here won't do it again. And I think we should leave." Yami nodded and then a portal appeared behind him. Twilight was the first to leave saying by to Yami. Luna walked up to Yami and Blaze. "I don't yet know what's going on. But I have an idea. Farewell Yami." Then she walked to the portal.

Before Blaze left he looked at Yami, "Will I see you again, Yami?" And the spirit nodded. "I will never leave you, Blaze. You will see my spirit in the real world but others cannot." The young red colt nodded and walked through the portal.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

I apologize for not making the chapters like i said. I now have summer school and it really takes out of my writing time. So the chapters won't be out faster that I thought. If you have an idea for the next chapter Please let me know before 7/10/18.

Have a great day,