• Published 17th Feb 2018
  • 2,659 Views, 51 Comments

A Stressed Spike - JordanOlson

Being a full time assistant is tough. Being a child is tougher. Now add some slight depression into the mix and you've got a recipe for Spike.

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Chapter 4: The Dragons Risky Plan Put Into Action

Scouting, planning, and patience. It seems like three simple steps but in reality it couldn't be further from the truth.

Spike was currently outside watching his target, a medium sized foal care store known as...."Foal Care"..... He watched how busy it was and if he remembered correctly from listening to the Cakes, the store closed at 8:00pm. From working all day to finding and researching the "Forever Foal" topic, he had less than three hours to both plan and act.

Spike knew that he had a short window of time to act if he wanted his plan to work. He also knew that he needed to use whatever resources he had available to actually make everything successful. That said, he needs a specific recourse for his plan to be accomplished, currency.

Twilight never gave Spike any bits since he was an assistant and not a paid employee but he was given the next best thing, gems. While Spike didn't want to use his gems to pay for anything, he didn't have much of a choice.

"Lets see, with the gems I've gotten from my gem hunts with Rarity and any leftover gems from meals and snacks I couldn't finish, I should have enough. However, I can't go and only buy diapers. No, much too suspicious. Much too risky. If spending extra on something I don't need will lessen my suspicion then it's worth it." Spike told himself sadly with a hint of a frown on his face.

"I'll need a fake chore list to make it look like I'm running an errand for somepony. I'll also need to be both discrete and open with my purchase. In order to do this I'll need to let any ponies currently inside the store see my purchase but only ponies inside. I'll also need to look panicked once I enter the shop and come in a few minuets before closing time to seem like I was running behind on my chores."

Spike then grinned at the next "devious" step of his plan. "If I do this just right, I'll be creating a small 'scene'. This will make it so nopony will associate my visit as a personal visit. After all, why would a pony trying to hide something create a noticeable 'scene' in front of others. Reverse psychology at its finest."

"Now onto the retrieval phase. I'll need a diaper that fits me without saying it's for me. This next part is simple. I've given Rarity my measurements so I know what they are. If I write down my hip and waist measurements on my 'chore list' and show it to the pony working there then I can get him or her to find a diaper for me." At this point Spike was practically bouncing in place as his plan coming together. Luckily for him no pony noticed this.

"Other items such as foal powder and wipes won't be a problem getting at all so long as I choose my words carefully if any questions are asked about those two products. Unfortunately, I can't get any other items like pacifiers, toys, bibs, or foal food, but I might be able to get a bottle. Getting a foal bottle is definitely gonna make things much riskier but it won't matter if I'm careful enough with the wording for this as well." Spike couldn't contain his excitement as he let out little chuckles of glee along with his slight bounce. Again, nopony saw or heard any of this.

"There is a very small chance that things won't go exactly as I planned. If that happens then the only thing I'd be able to do is play things by ear and wing it. All I have to do now is get my gems, make my list, get my saddle bag, and then wait for the perfect time to make an entrance." Spike thought to himself as he walked home with a grin on his face and determination in his eyes.

As Spike entered the library, he rushed to the bedroom he shared with Twilight, grabbed his saddle bag, went to his "bed", and moved it slightly. Spike being the clever little drake he is, kept his hidden stash of gems in a place that nopony knows about. Not even Twilight knows about Spike's hiding place. With all the time Twilight has disappeared on him he has been making some slight "renovations" to the room. More specifically, under the bedroom.

Spike put the tip of his claw in a tiny hole in the floorboards and then tilted the claw tip slightly. He then lifted up his arm slowly. Doing this removed the floorboard from where his basket sat and revealed a small hole underneath filled with gems.

"I'm honestly glad Twilight hasn't found out about this. If she did, she'd probably think I was hoarding like other dragons, which I technically am. I could only imagine the questions, tests, and possible freak out that would occurre." Spike shivered at that thought as he took some gems and filled up his saddle bag.

After grabbing a sizable amount of gems and putting them into a section of his saddle bag, he put the floorboard and his "bed" back in place. He then went to write a list and sit down for a while as he readied his mind and body. "All that's left is to do now... is wait..."

Two hours later....

Spike was tired. Not from sleep though, from exhaustion. He was running through ponyville carrying many bags of animal food. Spike remembered when he was feeding the animals earlier that a few of them were low on food. This surprisingly worked well with his plan since he figured he'd need to be carrying other items with him for his plan to work. He just wasn't expecting the food to be so heavy. Spike is always used to carrying and pulling heavy things so while this wasn't to difficult, it did slow him down and give him a small workout.

It's about time to start the plan. Once I go in, there's no turning back." Spike didn't even need a second to banish these thoughts from his mind. After all, he made a commitment to this whole thing and he certainly wasn't about to chicken out now.

With less than fifteen minutes left to spare he ran to and entered the foal supply shop with some work-out sweat running down his forehead. He then quickly takes in all of his surroundings. "Okay, there are two ponies here besides the stallion with a tag labeled 'Shiny Smile' working the register and a mare with a tag labeled 'Bright Heart' who must be the pony who can help me. Both the workers seem to be in their twenties which helps my plan quite a bit. That mare most likely is the one who has the most information on the foal products since she is trotting around the store. If I don't do this just right, I'm royally bucked. However, if I do this perfectly then everything should go smoothly."

Spike then notices the very few ponies in the store looking at him but his thoughts were far from worried. In fact, he's never felt as ready as he feels now."Showtime"

Spike then runs up to the mare with animal food still in claw. "Excuse me ma'am, please tell me your still opened. Spike says to her as he pants loudly to give off the 'I just ran all the way here and I'm both out of breath and desperate' vibe.

"We were just about to close for the day in five minutes. Are you alright sweetie?" The mare asks with slight concern on her features.

Spike then replies with a loud sigh of relief as he continues panting slightly. "Thank Celestia!" I could really use your help. You see, I am currently taking care of animals for a friend while she is away and she left me a list of chores to do. Apparently she was running out of supplies for some bear cubs who aren't currently house trained and she didn't write down 'diapers' on the note along with a few other items. Pleasetellmeyoucanhelpmesoidontgetintotroubleand—

"Woah, woah, woah, it's alright. Take some deep breaths ok sweetie? The mare said putting a hoof on his shoulder and giving it a little rub to 'calm him down'.

Just as Spike planned. All four of the ponies in the store were currently looking at him, all with varying looks of concern. "So far so good." Spike thought to himself.

Spike then took a moment to "calm down" before he started speaking again. "I'm... I'm really sorry. I just ran here and I'm very desperate. I didn't mean to get all panicked. He then looked down, pretending to be sad and ashamed.

"It's okay hun. You don't have to be sorry. You haven't done anything wrong." The mare then put a hoof under Spike's chin and pushed upwards, as to bring Spike's eyes to meet her own.

"My name is Bright Heart but you can call me Bright. Can you tell me your name sweetheart?" The now confirmed Bright Heart asked.

Spike then gave the mare now known as "Bright Heart" a comforted smile. "My name is Spike, Spike the dragon. Everypony just calls me Spike.

The mare started to make small talk with Spike to keep the situation calm. "Spikes' your name huh? That's a very nice name." She then got back to business. "Well then Spike, you said you need some diapers for some animals right? Do you have any idea of what kind of diapers you need? Any measurements I can go off of?"

"No I don't know what I'm looking for, I do have measurements though." Spike then hands over the fake chore list which had many crossed out things on it except for all the foal supplies and some numbers which were the measurements. Those were the numbers you wanted, right?"

These will do just fine. I think I can help you out. Just come with me sweetie. The mare then smiled and motioned with her hoof to follow.

Spike dropped his animal food bags by the register and gave the cashier a "don't lose these" look. Spike then silently observed the mares behavior as he followed her"I can't tell if she suspects anything or not. She seems very kind though. While I don't know if she bought that lie, I do know that I still need to be cautious either way."

After walking for about twenty to thirty seconds, they reached a very large wall with all kinds of diapers and diapering supplies. If Spike weren't hiding his emotions he'd end up gaping like a fish.

"Alright, these are all the diapers, pull-ups, and absorbent 'pants' that will fit the size your note specified. Since you are dealing with an animal that is not house broken, either pull up diapers or diapers with tapes will be your best bet. I wouldn't ever recommend pull-ups unless the wearer was going through potty training or in the cubs case, house training. Absorbent 'pants' are for discrete wear so they are automatically off the table. Spike could barely keep from looking at the mare in shock and awe as Bright Heart professionally spoke about each diaper and their pros/cons.

"Thank you so much for your help! You have no idea how much of a life saver you are!" Spike said in an overly exasperated sigh. He then went up to the mare and gave a big hug making sure she had seen a grateful smile on his face. "This hug could backfire badly but I have to make it seem like she helped keep me from disappointing a friend. Even if she doesn't know the truth, she still is helping me and that does make me truly grateful."

The mare was initially surprised by such an action but she immediately accepted the hug with a bright smile. "Aww your so cute! I'm just doing my job but I'm glad I could help you. This must be important to you huh?" The mare asks as she disengages the hug.

Even though Bright Heart was very kind and Spike felt horrible for deceiving her, he couldn't just tell her the truth now. At this point he could only continue down the path he'd chosen. "Yeah your right. I have lots of ponies depending on me and this specific pony is the last one you'd want to see sad. I also made a commitment. As part of my dragon code I cannot ignore a promise I make."

"You even have your own code you follow? That's adorable! The mare said as she unintentionally made a squee sound.

"Horseapples! I wasn't supposed to be cute and adorable I was supposed to be noble and responsible. If she decides to make a connection between my 'adorableness' and the diapers then she might find out what's really going on. I might just be paranoid but I can't risk it. I have to push her away gently to keep her new thoughts about me to a minimum. Spike silently told himself while inwardly panicking.

He then gave Bright Heart a sincere and apologetic look. "Thank you for the compliment. I do try very hard to be responsible and dependable. Also, while I don't mean to be rude, I should really let you get ready to close up the shop. I should be able to get everything I need from here. I'd really rather not keep you past your closing time."

The mare then flattened her ears in embarrassment and sadness. She really wanted to continue talking to the adorable dragon in front of her but she knew that there wasn't much time left before she had to leave. "Oh yes, of course. I almost forgot about that! Just finish getting what you need. If you need my help then come look for me by the register."

Spike then inwardly grinned but remained calm on the outside. "Thank you, I will be as fast as possible." As Spike watched the mare leave, he turned towards the diapers with tapes and looked at each one.

"Alright. I'm gonna get some diapers with tapes, designs, and plenty of thickness. I'll also get changing supplies just in case and a foal bottle.
Spike immediately saw a package of diapers with the "Power Ponies" on them and quickly grabbed them.

Spike then grabbed the powder and wipes along with a "Power Pony" themed foal bottle and went up to the register. "This is the final step. I'm almost outta here."

Once Spike reached the register where both Bright Heart and Shiny Smile were, he placed all the foal products on the counter and let the Stallion known as "Shiny Smile" do his work. Luckily for Spike, the stallion was just like Big Mac, he just rang up the items and didn't say a word.

"So Spike, you got a bottle too it seems?" The mare asked with a questionable look pointed at Spike.

Spike knew that he had to take a leap of faith and make a pretty good lie here otherwise he would get caught. "Yeah. While my friend has some bottles to use, they are shared by all the animals that need to be fed. I figured I'd get a separate one that the cub wouldn't have to share."

The mare looked at Spike in surprise. While she'd already known Spike had more manners then most ponies, she never would've guessed she'd meet such a generous dragon considering most are greedy. "That's very thoughtful of you. I'm sure your friend will appreciate the gesture."

"I hope so." Spike said then pulled out a fifth of the gems from his saddle bag and placed them on the counter. While he didn't know how much it all was yet, he knew that the gems he had would cover the cost. "I hope these gems are good enough for payment. Also, keep the extra. You can consider it a 'thank you' for saving my hide."

Both ponies were clearly surprised. It's not often anypony would pay in gems, let them keep the extra as a tip, or have a dragon customer. "W...wow, thank you very much Spike. While I wouldn't normally take this, something tells me you won't take it back." The mare said, too shocked by everything that's occurred to even think straight.

Spike then grabbed all the bags of animal food he left by the counter and the new bag of foal items which were concealed perfectly from prying eyes and began to walk away, only to turn back slightly and respond one last time. "Like I said, keep the extra. Also, thank you for the very helpful service you provided. I hope we meet again soon."

Spike was more then pleased with the results even if he lost some gems in the process. He then decided that now was the time to go home and left the store, seeing as the two ponies working were too stunned to give a reply. "It seems the game is over and I've officially won."

Author's Note:

WARNING! Very long authors note ahead! Reading could cause possible symptoms such as: loss of consciousness, boredom, melting eyeballs, and in rare cases brain damage.

Hi everyone!
I know what your thinking: "A much longer chapter, why do that? It should probably be around the same length as the other chapters to follow the pattern and consistency you have so far."
Yes, yes I understand and I can assure you this wasn't intentional. I had originally planned for this story to be within the 1400-1700 word range but I was to far "in the zone" to notice how many words I had typed. Eventually I finished and looked over to see if I had enough words thinking I hadn't done enough. However, this was not the case when I found out I had ended up at a little over 2800 words... I think I turned into Rarity while I was typing....:raritydespair:
My next plan was to cut the story off right before the plan was put into motion. I couldn't do that because then the story wouldn't have been able to progress and it would've ended up being a filler chapter. I also couldn't do it because the chapter seemed too short when I tired. :flutterrage:
I then tried to find other ways to fix the problem without redoing everything. I got nowhere. I then gave up and decided this would be a long chapter.

Now onto the chapter itself.
I attempted to make Spike very paranoid and plan out everything which you might've seen at some points within the chapter. You might have also felt that Spike was being very manipulative towards the mare Bright Heart. While I normally wouldn't have made Spike like this, I felt this had to be done this one time.
Remember Spikes biggest fear right? Well, if he had his deepest darkest secret revealed to possibly all of Ponyville, do you think he'd want to show himself in public? How about showing himself to Twilight? No. He would believe that he had to leave where nobody knew him so he wouldn't have to live in what could possibly be constant bullying and shame. He would do anything to avoid his fear coming true, even if it meant acting a bit out of the norm.
If you can't understand it from Spikes perspective then look at it from you own. Are there those that you hope never find out your biggest secret? If you were caught would you rather run or confront the tormentors, especially if said tormentors were all public people in your city or town? I imagine that if your desire was considered "wrong" in the publics eyes and you were caught then you couldn't get a job, you'd be constantly bullied, and you'd have to move to a new place.
There are many other reasons as to why I made Spike act the way he did but if I try to explain them all then I'd be writing enough words for the next chapter.
I hope you all enjoyed!
~Sincerely Jordan Olson
PS: Spike having his little hiding place was also paranoid but honestly, who hasn't had a little hiding place for something before. I know I have! :pinkiecrazy: