• Published 20th Feb 2018
  • 5,678 Views, 134 Comments

Semi-Charmed Life - FamousLastWords

Fleur de Lis wants a taste of life outside the prim and proper walls of high society. Luckily, Spike is there to be her guide.

  • ...

I Want Something Else

The sun shone through the bright-lit sales floor of The Canterlot Boutique. The smell of fresh linen chemically cleaned floors, and flowery fragrances lent itself to an environment of the most regal and pristine variety.

All of this was entirely lost however on the dragon sitting atop a chair in the room. He slurped down his soda and idly watched as Rarity, his closest friend, whisked her way around the mare she was trying to assist.

“You know, Rarity,” Spike said, nonchalantly eyeing the situation. “I may only be a nineteen-year-old dragon, but I'm pretty sure the dress might work better if it was hanging on the ground like that.”

Rarity flipped around and gave him a look that would send the devil himself running for cover. “I’m quite aware of that, Spike. I’m simply not in the hemming phase, yet.”

The dragon shrugged. “Alright, whatever you say. I’m just trying to help Fleur de Lis out. I’m sure she’d rather not trip over the dress when walking down the runway.”

The mare in question, who had been standing still for an obscene amount of time whilst being fitted, let out a soft snicker. “I appreciate the thought, Spike. Tripping and tearing this beautiful dress is the last thing I’d hope to do.”

Spike gave her a thumbs up and winked. “It’s what I do. I’m a giver.”

“Yes, well, have no fear, Fleur,” Rarity said, eyeing one of the many seams on the garment. “By the time I’m finished you will positively be the star of the show. I know how important this is for you and your career. Isn’t the lead editor of EquestriaTainment Magazine supposed to be there?”

“Yes, that is correct,” she stated with a soft sigh. “He and all the high-end nobles looking for the next face of fashion will be there.”

Rarity smiled up at her. “Well, I’m definitely happy for you, darling. And I’m ever so grateful you decided to come to me for your outfit. It’s really quite flattering.”

“Of course,” she replied. “Fancy Pants always raves about you and your work at our business meetings. I figured I’d take the time to see for myself.”

Rarity squealed with excitement. “Does he really? He raves? Did you hear that Spike? He raves!”

“Here we go…” the dragon whispered under his breath before putting on a smile. “Yes, Rarity, I heard. That’s great! You’re making a name all over the place, now!”

Rarity hummed quietly to herself, a smile of the utmost bliss plastered on her face. She danced around Fleur, eyeing her work with even more attention to detail. The mare at her mercy just let out a sigh and did her best to not move.

After a few more minutes of Fleur being immobilized, Rarity reveling in her own satisfaction and Spike continuing to watch the scenery in ignorant bliss, Rarity finally paused.

“Spike, dear?” she asked, turning from her work to the dragon.

“Yeah?” he responded, pausing the slurping of his beverage. “What’s up?”

“I need to run across town for but a moment to retrieve some golden sash.” Rarity rubbed her chin, looking at the garment. “Yes, golden would work beautifully. Would you be able to keep Fleur company until I return?”

Spike nodded. “Sure thing.”

“Excellent!” Rarity began trotting toward the front door. “Please provide her with whatever she needs! “

Spike shooed her out the door with a claw. “Yeah, yeah, I get it, Rarity. No worries.”

“Very good, dear. I’ll only be gone for but an hour at the latest. Ta-Ta for now!” And without a twist Rarity popped out the door.

…Leaving Spike and Fleur alone in the room. By themselves. In silence. With nothing to talk about.

“Ahem. Erm.” Spike cleared his throat, looking around the room, anywhere but the dressed-up mare in front of him. She seemed to be doing the same. “So…”

“Uh, yeah…” she replied, taking a sudden interest in the ceiling.

“Mhm,” Spike said, finding the ceiling quite interesting as well.

The awkwardness continued for a total of two treacherous minutes. If the air was any heavier the fabric of time and space would have imploded by this point, releasing untold terrors into the world. Luckily for both of them, Spike finally broke the silence.

“So, how about the weather?” he asked, finally bring his eyes to meet her.

Fleur let out a sigh, her gaze traveling down to the floor. “I hate this…”

Spike blinked a few times. “Really? I thought sunny and sixty degrees was rather nice for this time of year.”

“No, not the weather,” she corrected him. “This show tonight. This dress. The four hours of hooficuring. The whole thing is just stupid!”

This was the point where Spike was sure he must’ve said something offensive. Ponies don’t normally go on these kinds of tirades in front of strangers, do they? Then again. he’s seen Twilight fly off the handle for much less, so perhaps he should just roll with the flow.

“Umm, Okay?” Spike asked. “I take it you’re not a huge fan of the dress? I’m sure I can get Rarity to alter it. Or, you know, you only have to wear it for tonight, so—“

She shook her head and trotted over to him, stumbling over the said dress in the process. “It’s not about the dress, Spike. I just… I didn’t even want to do this whole thing tonight. Is it so wrong to want a night off from traveling, getting prettied up and being eye candy for the world to see! I can’t remember the last time I saw my own apartment!”

Spike stat stiff as a board on his box, the only movement coming from the occasional blink of his eye toward the now huffing and puffing mare. “Umm… that sucks.”

Fleur flung her head back, emitting a small growl, before walking back over to the area she was previously standing. Her head slumped down upon arrival. “I’m sorry for going off like that, Spike. I was just frustrated is all.”

“No, no, I get ya,” he said, waving a claw. “We all need to vent once in awhile. I do it at least three times a week! I’m just more or less shocked you’re saying anything. You’ve never really been much for words the first few times we’ve met. I was starting to think you were mute or something.” His attempt to lighten the mood fell on deaf ears.

“Well, I shouldn’t do it,” she stated, glancing over at him. “This is probably the biggest modeling event of the year. A dream come true for most ponies. But all I can think about is how uncomfortable this dress is and how long I’ve been standing here.”

Spike scratched the back of his neck. “I’ve never been one for modeling or anything, despite my good looks, so I can’t really sympathize too much. But, I gotta ask… Why not do something else, instead?”

Fleur widened her eyes a tad and looked at him. “Do something else?”

“Yeah,” Spike said. “If you don’t wanna go to the shindig tonight and would rather just chill, do that instead.”

“You know it’s not that simple, right?” she asked, shaking her head.

“Are you sure? It sounds pretty simple to me.” Spike hopped off the box. “Call up your agent, tell him you’ve got better things to do and go have a burger or something. Read a comic book. Take advantage of the technological gap in Manehattan and watch a movie. Whatever floats your boat.”

Fleur opened her mouth to respond but quickly shut it. After taking a minute to process what he had just said she let out a light chuckle. “I can’t do that. There are so many people depending on me to be there. My agent, the audience members… even Rarity.”

Spike shrugged once more. “Eh, the way I see it though, you’re letting down the most important pony of all, right now?”

“Let me guess…”

“Yourself!” Spike exclaimed, finishing her thought. “I’m not gonna pretend to know you personally or anything, but you don’t look like somepony who’s having a good time. You may as well change that. Better to disappoint a few ponies and have fun then please everyone but yourself. At least that’s how I look at it and trust me, disappointing superiors is one of my specialties.” He finished his pep talk of the century with a smile dripping with confidence and a wink to send it on home.

Fleur took a moment to respond. She looked all around the room before her eyes locked on the dress she was wearing. As they traveled up the beautiful tapestry of cloth and ribbon she found her eyes even more attracted to the front door of the shop. It was early enough in the afternoon that the sun was still brightly streaming over the paved brick streets. The town citizens, trotting, and smiling looked to be having such a good time in their freedom. No shackles.

She wanted it.

“Alright, I think I’ll do it!” She shouted, directly in the face of the dragon.

“Excellent… and loud,” he replied, rubbing his ear. “Now quick, go on and get out of here before Rarity gets back and flips out. Enjoy your freedom!”

Fleur rose a hoof, about to take her first step forward, but quickly put it back down and looked at Spike. “Um, Spike? I’m not really sure what to do? I’ve never taken the time to really explore the town before.”

“Hold on,” Spike said, shaking his head. “You don’t know the fun stuff to do in your own town? How long have you lived here?”

The mare blushed and shied away from a few steps. “Well, I’ve lived in Canterlot for a few years, but I spend much of time elsewhere. So, that has to count as an excuse, right?”

Spike sighed. “I guess it’ll have to. But, you know what? Sounds to me like you need a guide. And there’s nopony better equipped to show you around a bit then this dragon with the thumbs.”

Fleur gave him a weak smile. “You’d do that for me? I mean, you’re helping Rarity, so aren’t you busy?”

“Nah fam, we good,” he stated, waving his claw. “Rarity’s my best friend, so I tend to follow her around on jobs like this. But as far as actually being helpful, I don’t do much more than idle conversation.”

“I see,” she replied, turning her gaze back outside. It wasn’t ideal, exploring the city with somepony she barely knew, but he was offering and she wanted to see what there was out there. “Okay, Spike, let’s do it!”

“Perfect!” Spike gave her a wink. “Now, let’s get you out of that dress and have some fun! …And that didn’t come out the way I wanted it to.”

Fleur chuckled and slipped out of the outfit, leaving it in a heap on the floor. It looked a bit cruel almost, something so beautiful being thrown into a crumpled heap, but that’s exactly how she felt while being forced to wear it.

The pair dashed over to the front door, Spike holding the door open for her, and they walked outside.

The crisp, spring afternoon air wafted by them, taking the time to dance with Fleur’s flowing mane. It was not an unusual sight to see the sun’s brilliance, but to the mare, it looked just a little brighter… a little more beautiful than usual.

“Okay, Spike,” she said, bouncing in the air. “What do we do first?”

Spike rubbed his chin in thought but was interrupted by a distinct growling noise coming from Fleur’s stomach. “Hmm, it appears our decision is already made. Follow me.”

Fleur blushed but she was admittedly hungry, despite the fact she had already eaten her allotted two carrots for the day, so she followed along closely. “I suppose I could use some food. Where are we going? I do believe there’s a celery salad place just around the corner.”

Spike laughed aloud. “Oh man, that’s a good one. Nah, if we’re gonna do this freedom thing right, we’re eating at a place I approve of.”

“And what would that be?”

“You’ll see.”

Fleur looked down at the plate of food before her. Never had her eyes witnessed such an insult to all that is healthy and wholesome. Grease pooled at the bottom of the plate, it’s progress only being slowed by a paper towel separating said plate from the food.

But she couldn’t deny, it looked tasty… whatever it was.

“Spike?” Fleur asked, taking a moment to clear her throat. “What is this?”

Spike chuckled. “That right there is a genuine hayburger on a grilled, marble rye with house cut fries, deep-fried to perfection.”

“Ahh, I see.” The mare blinked a few times, eyeing the food. Her mouth began to water and the scent of it trailed through her nostrils. “I’ve heard tale of this hayburger before, but I wasn’t sure if it was real or not. Is it true what they say? That it has the power to bring smiles and destroy arteries at the same time?”

Spike took a large bite of his own sandwich and nodded. “You better believe it. You won’t find a more enjoyable heart attack anywhere else. Trust me, I’ve looked.”

Fleur couldn’t remember the last time she saw any morsel of food that wasn’t the epitome of health and dieting. To go from a carefully monitored diet of kale (or even the occasional apple on a cheat day) to a plate loaded with greasy food questionable repute was about as big of a culture shock as she could comprehend.

“Well, here goes nothing.” She levitated the sandwich up to her lips. As it got closer she could see the intricacies of the crunchy, toasted bread, the flakes of seasoning peppered across the hay… the spear-like pickle that seemed to have no business being there. She closed her eyes, opened her mouth and…

…It hit her like a bag of the most delicious bricks one could imagine. Her eyes popped open as if she had just bore witness to the golden spires of heaven itself. Her mouth was alive with the taste of sharp yet sultry morsels of hay, spicy yet savory bursts of seasoning and the robust flavor of rye bread holding it together in a beautiful package of flavor and satisfaction.

“Spike…” Fleur gently set the sandwich down, almost at a loss for words. “This. This is…”

“Good?” He asked, taking another bite.

“Amazing!” She immediately took another bite and fell into a blissful ignorance of the world once more. “I just… How did I go so long without this in my life?”

“I hear that a lot from the ladies,” Spike said, kicking back in his chair. He received a cock-eyed look from Fleur, causing him to sit back up in his chair. “Ahem, well, that was a joke. But, I’m glad you liked it!”

Instead of replying, Fleur greedily downed another bite, a smile of the most heavenly proportions on her face. She then popped a few fries into her mouth and her elation grew to new heights.

Spike couldn’t help but smile at the sight before him. There was something to be said about the beauty of seeing a pony at their happiest. “So, you’ve really never had food like this before? Ever?”

“No, I haven’t,” she said, shaking her head. “I’ve never even been allowed to step hoof around a place like this. My modeling agent wouldn’t ever—“

“No, no, no,” Spike exclaimed, waving his claws around. “That’s not what I’m talking about. I mean before all that. When you were a filly. I’m sure you had food like this a few times, right?”

Fleur shook her head. “No, I never did. My parents were just as strict as any agent I’ve had.”

“Oh, man… that’s cruel and unusual.” Spike shrugged. “I mean, everyone’s gotta bounce to their own beat, but I’d go crazy if I wasn’t allowed to eat junk food.” Spike reached down to consume another bite of food but was disappointed when his claw was met with naught but empty air. He glanced his eyes down to find that the food had been eaten. “On that note, I guess it’s time for some conversation.”

Fleur looked up from the remaining fries she was rendering carnage unto and addressed Spike, wiping crumbs from her mouth as quickly as possible. “Conversation? Uh, okay. About what?”

“I ‘unno,” he replied. “What do you usually talk about when hanging out with others?”

Fleur rubbed her chin. “Fashion, upcoming shows, mane stylists, magazines. The usual things ponies talk about I suppose.”

Spike blinked several times. “If that’s what normal ponies talk about I have a lot of social development skills to learn.” Spike slouched back in his seat. “Well, let’s try this from a different angle. It seems obvious you don’t talk about normal things much. So, what do your parents do for work? You mentioned they were pretty strict with you so I assume there’s a reason.”

“My parents?” Fleur paused for a moment. “Well, my mother was a theater actress. She… was never very good, or so the headlines would say. My father was a farmer, however. An earth pony.”

“A farmer and an actress?” Spike asked, scratching his head. “I mean, I guess opposites attract and all, but still… wow.”

She nodded. “Yes, it is rather odd. But, in regards to my earlier comment, my father was never really the strict one. He, uh, he wasn’t around a whole lot. We grew up on his farm and well, long hours took a rather quick toll on him. Between working and sleeping, I mainly associated with my mother and she was insistent that I maximize my beauty at every opportunity.”

“Really?” Spike nodded. “I guess I can see that, her being an actress and all.” The dragon patted his trim yet slightly squishy stomach. “Maybe if Twilight followed those ideals I’d have grown up a bit more in shape.”

Fleur snickered a big behind her hoof. “Heh, oh you’re nowhere near some ponies I’ve seen before. Although, I can’t speak for what counts as physically in-shape for dragons.”

Spike blushed and rubbed the back of his head. “Well, let’s just say that I’m not exactly the most prime example of draconic strength. “

Fleur was about to further the conversation but both were interrupted by a loud bang as the door to the restaurant swung open. Fleur and Spike both swiveled around to take a look at what caused the intrusion.

A pink unicorn stallion trotted in a confident smile on his lips, expensive-looking sunglasses covering his eyes. He had a black mane with a pink stripe running through it that he swung out of his face with a simple head jerk. Levitating the sunglasses off of his face, he winked at the mare working the cash register behind the counter.

“How ya’ doing, girl? You know what I like.” He then dropped a few bits on the counter and trotted off toward the restroom, leaving the mare blushing and giggling in response.

“Oh, gosh, not him…” Spike said, shaking his head.

“Who’s that?” Fleur asked, staring at the bathroom door behind which he disappeared to.

“That’s Poptart,” Spike said with a huff. “He’s quote, unquote 'Celestia’s gift to mares' and not exactly the nicest stallion on the block either. He’s trouble, trust me on that one.”

Fleur kept her eyes glued to the door a few more seconds before finally peeling them away and looking back at Spike. “I see.”

Having completely emptied their plates and food baskets by this point, the two were about ready to leave.

“So, you ready to head back yet?” Spike asked, dropping a few bits on the table as a tip. “I mean, you could probably have some time to chill at your apartment or whatever else you wanted to do.”

Fleur shook her head. “No way! I wanna see what else there is to do! Besides, you said you could be my guide for the afternoon.”

Spike nodded and smiled. “I suppose you’re correct. Well, what do you wanna do next?”

“I don’t know,” she said, scrunching her face in thought. “What else is there to do?”

Spike shrugged. “Well, later tonight I know there’s generally concerts and stuff going on. But for right now… oh, I know something you might like.”

“What’s that?” she replied, a small smile and wide eyes on her face.

“Well, I couldn’t help but remember how sick and tired you were of wearing those fancy dresses and stuff, so why not pick up some new clothes? You know, for fun!” Spike scratched his head for a moment. “Just a little ways away there’s actually a really cool clothing store that has everything. Why don’t we check it out and see if they have anything you like?”

“That sounds great! Let’s go!” Fleur clapped her hooves in excitement.

Spike began standing up out of his seat but was immediately knocked back down as a particular pink pony paraded past him.

“Watch it, loser,” Poptart exclaimed, trotting towards a table in the back. “Hold on a second.”

Poptart flipped around and made eye contact with Fleur who was turned around to look at him. “My, my, my… Aren’t you pretty? What say you and I go have some fun tonight, huh?”

Fleur seemingly lost in his dangerous smile, just fumbled around for words in her mouth. Luckily, Spike had a few to put a halt to the confusion.

“Beat it, bro,” Spike said, rising to his feet. “We’ve got plans, already.” Spike reached out a claw, helping Fleur off the seat and onto her hooves. “C’mon, Fleur, let’s get out of here.”

Poptart smirked as the two walked away. “Well hey, if you get tired of hanging out with that clown, come find me. I’ll show you a real good time.”

And with that, the two shut the door behind them and made their way to the next stop for the night.

Meanwhile at the boutique…

“Oh, you would not believe how beautiful this ribbon is,” Rarity said, levitating it behind her as she strode blissfully into the boutique. “Wouldn’t you agree, Spike?”

Her hears were met with complete silence.

“Spike, darling?” Rarity levitated the ribbon over to a nearby counter and looked around the room. “Fleur?”

She trotted a bit further in, eyes glancing to and fro in search of the lost friends. “Spike, Fleur… where’d you go? This really isn’t fun—“ And then she saw it. “AHHH!”

Rarity’s screech could be heard from miles away as she raced to the middle of the room, eyes glossing over at the sight of her beautiful dress slumped on the floor.

“W-What could have happened here?” Rarity said, tears flowing from her eyes. “What sort of terrible evil could’ve gotten ahold of poor Spikey-Wikey and Fleur? And how could they have left my dress on the floor!? The horror!”

Without wasting another breath, Rarity levitated the dress up onto a hanger and hung it from a nearby rack. If there was a terrible evil lurking about, she’d at least see to it they didn’t damage her clothes any more than it already had.

“Alright, Rarity, now that the dress is taken care of, what’s the next step? Fleur and Spike are missing and there’s a fashion show starting in only a few hours that you were supposed to bring said Fleur too. This isn’t so bad. This is… This is… This. Is. Horrible!”

Tears flowing from her eyes, Rarity dashed out of the boutique, making sure to lock the door behind her of course. She knew exactly where she needed to go and who she needed to speak with. Perhaps they weren’t lost after all. Perhaps they had gone off in search of further ways to enhance Fleur’s chances of winning the fashion show. Either way, Rarity was on a mission now and there was a pony she had to talk to. And with any luck, everypony would come out of this little disaster okay at the end.

Or so she hoped.

Author's Note:

This story was primarily inspired by the old Disney movie "My Date With the President' s Daughter". I. Strongly recommend you watch it.

Either way, I hope you enjoy the story. It should be finished within a week or so.