• Published 20th Feb 2018
  • 5,678 Views, 134 Comments

Semi-Charmed Life - FamousLastWords

Fleur de Lis wants a taste of life outside the prim and proper walls of high society. Luckily, Spike is there to be her guide.

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To Get Me Through This

Spike and Fleur casually walked down the sidewalk, sunlight beginning to fade into the blackness. Street lanterns were lit by this point, adding a soft luminescence to the scenery. It wasn’t particularly cold or hot, which made for excellent conversational weather.

“So, Spike,” Fleur spoke up. “How far away is this clothing store you spoke of?’

“Eh, just a couple more blocks down,” Spike said. “You won’t be able to miss it, trust me.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” she replied, a soft smile forming on her lips. “But, tell me, Spike. How do you know about all this fun and exciting stuff? You live with royalty so I’m sure you’re quite busy. How is there any time for fun?”

The dragon released a hearty chuckle. “Me? Busy? Psh, I’m a glorified roommate at this point. Granted, I’ve been known to save a Crystal Empire or two through random luck and undeniable charm… but for the most part, I just laze around and try to occupy myself. I found out about all this stuff around here because what else is there to do when I come with Twilight to her royal meetings?”

“Fair enough,” Fleur stated. “But, just out of curiosity, do you have any plans to try and do more for the Princesses? Couldn’t you become a Prince or something of that nature?”

Spike shrugged. “Eh, In the loosest sense imaginable I guess you could say I am one already. But, to be honest, I’m not really sure that life is for me. Politics, schedules… expectations. It seems more trouble than it's worth.”

“Heh, I can agree with that.” Fleur looked over at the dragon as they turned a corner. “So, if that’s the case, what do you wanna do?”

“Well, I…” Spike paused for a moment. “I don’t really know. I guess I never thought too much about it.” The dragon felt a bit of a shiver run down his spine. He had never been asked a question like that before. At least not since he was in classes with Celestia and Luna back in the day. He honestly didn’t have an answer. “What about you, Fleur? I can’t help but think you must have some aspirations in the modeling world to stay in the field for so long.”

“You could say that,” she said. “I always wondered what it would be like to reach the top of the modeling pole. Be on all the magazine covers and so on. For the most part, I’ve done and seen most of what there is to see. So, as far as that goes, I’m really not sure what else I can hope for in this career.”

“That’s definitely an interesting way of looking at it,” Spike said. “You work so hard to get somewhere, but what happens when you actually get there? Do you stop at the end of the road or do you find a new road to travel down?”

“Yeah,” Fleur said with a light sigh. “But I guess it wouldn’t be so bad to at least see what it’s like to finish the journey.”


An air of silence took over the two of them for the next few steps as they continued their trek down the sidewalk. Neither really knew what to say.

Except for Spike, that is.

“Well, this conversation just got real deep, real fast,” he said. “Remember, we’re here to have fun tonight. There’ll be plenty of time for self-reflection and inner-monologues when we’re both in therapy someday.”

Fleur let out a small chuckle. “I suppose you’re right. Let’s actually have fun.”

Spike winked at her. “No problem. Now, right around this corner…”

Fleur and Spike turned one more corner and their destination was in plain sight.

“That’s a clothing store?” Fleur asked, eyes agape.

“You better believe it,” Spike said with folded arms and a quirky smile. “May I present to you Canterlot’s hottest urban-wear shop, Fashionista le Freak.”

At the end of the sidewalk on the opposing street was a stone structure, aglow with bright neon lights and a lit up sign sporting its name in all caps. All in all, the pure wave of energy it was giving off just screamed mop-tops and acid washed jeans.

“This doesn’t look like any clothing store I’ve ever been to,” Fleur said, almost afraid to step toward it. “Are you sure this isn’t secretly one of those parlors of ill repute that are popular in Manehattan?”

“Heh, given all the moody teenagers that shop here it may as well be,” Spike stated. “But trust me, if you wanna shake up your style a bit, this is the place to do it. Do you trust me?”

Fleur looked at the place up and down once more and then looked at Spike who was wearing a soft but confident smile. “Okay, let’s do it. Let’s go.”

“Right on!”

The two quickly made their way down and across the street until they finally arrived at the front door of the store. Spike held the door open for Fleur, allowing her to step in first before following behind.

It was like nothing Fleur had ever seen before. Instead of the usually organized beauty of a high-end clothing store, everything seemed to be in a haphazard mess. Racks of various clothes were splayed across the concrete flooring. Neon lights flashed and danced across the walls and floor, providing just enough light to see what you needed to. Loud techno and rock music blasted through the store, adding a new layer of rebellion to the image presented. And that was just the atmosphere.

Just from what she knew of high-society fashion, she could tell that the items sold here were not of noble variety. She saw dresses and stockings that seemed barely long enough to even qualify for their intended purpose. Shirts with color combinations she couldn’t imagine would have ever existed were on display right in front of her.

It was so new. It was so strange. It was so… so…

“Amazing!” She cried out. “I cannot believe I’ve never seen this place before!”

Spike nodded his head. “You see? Told you you’d love it. Now, go be the angsty teen you never got to be before and pick something out. It’s on me.”

Fleur immediately paused her wonderment and glanced back at Spike. “Anything? On you? Are you sure? Really?”

Spike couldn’t help but laugh. It was like seeing a foal open presents at their birthday party. “Yeah, of course. For all the complaints I make, living with royalty does have its advantages. Get anything you want.”

Spike didn’t have a chance to blink before he was swept into a tight, spur of the moment hug. “Thank you, Spike!”

With a dash, Fleur de Lis started eyeballing every piece of clothing that she came across, sorting through every rack and gathering an obnoxiously large pile of things to try on.

“Heh, a high-society mare freaking out over clothes?” Spike shook his head. “I guess some things never change no matter where you come from.”

Meanwhile at a fancy mansion belonging to Fancy Pants…

“So, Rarity, let me get this straight,” Fancy Pants said. “You think aliens are responsible for the disappearance of Spike and Fleur?””

Rarity bobbed her head. “And throwing the dress on the floor. Let’s not forget that negligible act.”

“Ah, yes, I see.” Fancy Pants paused for a moment wipe his monocle on his shirt before continuing. “Well, I do value your creative thinking in the world of fashion, but I must say this notion seems just a tad implausible.” Fancy Pants wandered over to his easy chair in the living area of his home and took a seat, leaving a rather disheveled Rarity standing in the middle of the room.

“B-But,” Rarity began. “I simply haven’t the slightest idea of what else could commit such a crime. Taking away the most prized model in all of Canterlot and my poor Spikey Wikey to boot! No creature in all of Equestria could be so dastardly.”

Fancy Pants tapped his hoof against the armrests of his chair. “Rarity, my dear, has it possibly occurred to you that they left of their own volition?”

The white mare blinked a few times. “You couldn’t possibly mean…”

“That they decided to go explore the town and have a night of fun?” Fancy Pants stated matter of factly. “Yes, I’m sure that’s completely impossible to comprehend.”

“But what about the show tonight?” Rarity asked, eyes pleading for an answer. “It’s the biggest of her career! She wouldn’t simply abandon it for nothing!”

The stallion shrugged. “If she wants to make this decision, so be it. It’s not my job to tell her how to live, I just do my best to set her up for success. What she chooses to do after that is up to her. Frankly, given her recent pattern of distaste with the shows and glamour, I’m surprised it took this long.”

Rarity’s jaw hung to the floor. “No, I refuse to accept this!”

“Rarity, I appreciate you bringing this to my attention.” Fancy Pants looked at her with a soft stare. “It shows how kind you are at heart to care so much. But, I assure you, she’s simply out doing something for herself. Your friend Spike was probably just the catalyst in some way toward helping her reach the conclusion. When she turns back up I’ll go over the career ramifications with her. And don’t worry, I’ll still compensate you for the time and materials of the dress you were designing.”

Rarity rose her hoof to argue her point once more but dropped it. She simply couldn’t comprehend the idea that Fleur would abandon such a glorious career opportunity such as the one she was presented with. And to imply that Spike assisted her in this grand folly was insulting, to say the least. But, Fancy Pants had clearly made up his mind and there was no use wasting any more time when her best friend and Fleur de Lis could be in serious danger.

“Now, Rarity,” Fancy Pants said. “I’ll get in contact with the show coordinator and inform them that Fleur won’t be attending. I suggest you close up the shop and go back home to get some rest. Things will be okay.”

Rarity bit her tongue and simply nodded. “Yes, of course. Thank you for your time.”

With that, Rarity flipped around and trotted out of his home. Of course, she had no intention of going home. Not when her friends were in dire need of her. She was the Element of Generosity, after all.

Spike really wished he had a hoofwatch because now would be the perfect time to look at it to express his growing impatience in the clothing store. He should have known something like this would happen when she disappeared into the dressing room with more clothes than any pony, dragon or any creature would ever need for one lifetime. Luckily for him, growing up around mares his entire life had prepared him well for times like this. Even Twilight herself, Princess of Efficiency, was known to get a little sidetracked in a clothing store.

The dragon paced back and forth in front of the dressing room area, waiting and praying for any sign of movement from beyond. Now that he thought about it, why’d they need dressing rooms anyhow? Nudity was the social norm, after all. If anything, there be closed rooms for when you’re wearing clothes. That’d be a million dollar idea.

Before Spike’s mind could wander any further down the depths of insanity, however, music was brought to his ears in the form of the door handle shaking and finally inching open.

“Spike, be honest,” he heard Fleur’s voice say from the other side. “What do you think?”

Spike stretched out his arms and turned towards the door. “Alright, let’s see what’s going on he—” His jaw fell open.

Fleur stepped from behind the door revealing herself in totality… and she looked stunning. She had picked out a charcoal black dress, just short enough to accentuate herself, but long enough to still give off an air of formality. It had lace trimming that danced around her legs. Her mane was tied up in a ponytail with a matching black hairband and the front was parted to the side, hanging over one eye.

She certainly didn’t look the part of the fashion conscious model everypony knew, but she looked amazing nonetheless. Somehow, she managed to keep her mature level of beauty and grace while creating an undertone of fun and freedom that she was missing before.

Spike, who had now been staring for a borderline inappropriate amount of time at this point, finally shook his shock off enough to speak. Of course, all he could muster was a single word.


Fleur blushed and walked toward him. “So, you like it then? I was having a hard time finding an outfit that worked my mane color and also fit so I just decided on black. I figured it kinda matches everything so….”

“It looks amazing.” Spike was trying everything he could to pull his gaze away from her, but easier said than done. “You look amazing, I should say. The clothes are good and all, but you look great, too.”

“Hehe, thank you, Spike,” Fleur said, brushing her mane out of her eyes. “I’ll take your compliment as a good sign considering you work with Rarity. You must know your way around a dress or two.”

“Yeah, well, I just call it like I see it,” he said with a grin. “Trust me. If you looked terrible I would’ve been just as honest.”

They both shared a laugh as they strolled to the checkout. Spike paid for the clothes as promised and they both exited, Spike especially happy to finally be moving on to another location. The store was cool, but you can only be in one spot for so long before a change is needed.

“So, where to next?” Fleur asked. “That is if we’re still planning on doing other things.”

Spike rubbed his chin. “Hmm, well, we definitely wanna give you a chance to show your new style off, don’t we?”

Fleur rapidly nodded.

“In that case…” Spike had a few things in mind but one finally clicked with him. “So, there is a little concert not too far from here. I think I mentioned it to you a bit earlier. But, the real question would be how much you’re willing to go out of your comfort zone tonight?”

“Well…” Fleur thought for a moment. “Things have been great so far, so why not push the envelope a bit more. Lead the way!” She looped a hoof around Spike’s arm, causing the drake to freeze up for a bit.


Fleur chuckled. “I do believe this is the gentecolt’s way to escort a lady around Canterlot in the evening, is it not?”

Spike looked back at her hoof and then back up at her. “I guess so. Let’s get a move on, then.”

The two sauntered off down the streets, Spike leading the way and Fleur excited to see what else was waiting for her on such a wonderful night.

Meanwhile at the Canterlot Police Station…


Rarity looked over the counter at the police pony with a harsh glare. “What else could it have been? Will nopony take me seriously?”

The officer let out a sigh and took a quick swig of coffee. “Look, Miss Rarity, we know of your reputation as a hero in this land and we want to do everything we can to help you. But… this just seems to be a little far-fetched. Are you sure your friends didn’t just go out for a night on the town?”

“Arghhh!” Rarity screeched. “It simply isn’t possible. That would simply make no sense! I’m terrified that something has happened to them. Please, at least put out flyers, send a search team, anything! I’m terribly worried about my darling Spike…” A stray tear ran down Rarity’s face. “And Fleur is a good pony, as well.”

The police pony looked at her from across the desk and finally slouched back in his chair. “Alright, alright. If it’ll give you some piece of mind, I’ll send out some search teams right away to try and find them. If we do and there’s any kind of danger, we’ll bring them back here and inform you immediately. Okay?”

Rarity’s mouth dropped and she squealed with delight. “Oh, thank you, officer. Thank you so very much!”

“Yes, yes, of course,” he said. “Just, do me a favor and don’t go up to the palace and bother the Princesses with this. At least not until we’ve done our job first, alright?”

Rarity nodded and headed toward the door. “Of course. I shall be waiting at my boutique down the road in the meantime. Please find me there when you hear of something.”

The mare stepped out onto the streets and emitted a soft sigh of relief. With any luck, everypony would be okay and things would be back to normal sooner rather than later.

But once again, she could only hope.

Author's Note:

Sorry about some of the formatting errors you may have noticed in this chapter. When I copied it over, it got rid of the italics and horizontal rules. I think I fixed it at this point, but if you guys see anything, feel free to call me out.