• Member Since 12th Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen Monday


hi I'm jakkid166. I lived in Equestria and wrote about th things that happen there.

Comments ( 72 )

The Amount Meme is Hillarious...

I hope to god no One took this seriously. Or You Seriously.

Don't read the actual story. It's worse.

My brain refuses to acknowledge a universe in which this is a serious story.

My brain hurts :, )

Think I'm gonna need a cold shower and a Brillo pad after exposing myself to that.
This is exactly what I needed to lighten up my day; shameless and intentional garbage.

This is actually fucking hilarious.

The peak of human evolution.


This is hilarious.

I approve of this trollfic.

Absolute garbage. I loved it.

You can just tell by the cover art this is a bad story OOF


"Thats where youre wrong partner" said applajack And she ripped her pants off revealing her Gigantic Dong.

I think death would be preferable at this point.

If you’ll excuse me, im going to go smoke an ass load of weed to kill the cancer this just gave me.

Well done good sir

What is this concentrated toxic waste in a bottle?

Doesn't this story break the rule of a basic level of grammar? It's so horrible it's practically unreadable.

Obvious b8 is obvious.

It is good that this now exists.

mai bruddahs...

i ave found de wae, de troo wae

This is simultaneously the best and worst story I've read in a good while.

plenty of misspellings in this story. Your grammar needs work. And also:

She was purple because she was born that way, and also because her favorite color is purple.

We know she's purple, and you're basically implying she can choose and change her fur color. Hope your writing improves in the future.

Not trying to offend you or anything, just a couple of errors i noticed.

It’s pretty hilarious this even exists. This is the peak of humanity boys.

"Wat you say!"

YOU HAVE CROSSED A FUCKING LINE SIR. I could tolerate this laughable attempt at a story. I could ignore the pointless self insert. I could even tolerate everything else I skimmed over! HOWEVER. slams fists on table I WILL NOT TOLERATE YOU TARNISHING THE NAME OF THE GREATEST SCI-FI STORY OF ALL TIME, FUCKING ZERO WING. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED, YOU HACK!

An objectively good story

thanks for the grrrrreat reviews guys ill make sure to make the thrid chapter even BETTER

Considering the descriptions, and what little I've drawn from the comments(because I dare not actually read this yet), I think the grammatical errors, misspellings, and everything else I can garner seems to point to the conclusion that this not really a serious story. No, if anything this is just one of those way out there stories, that doesn't care how bad the grammar, pacing, or story writing is. In fact, I think it draws comedy because it is just that bad, and is making fun of itself. I've seen a few stories like this on the site. I read a one shot about John Cena fighting Queen Chrysalis during the royal wedding episodes, and it was absolutely bonkers. And apparently he could fly for no given reason.


Now, while I might agree that was the intention here, I am not of the opinion that simply using poor English dialed to 11 makes satire.

From what I've come to understand, this person maybe younger than 11...

Comment posted by DrOcsid deleted Feb 23rd, 2018

Okay, might have been poor judgement to let my curiosity get the best of me this time.

As bonkers as that other I story mentioned was, I was highly entertained by it. This.... I have no words for it really. I'm extremely stupefied by what I read. I never reached that peak of "What the HELL did I read?!" before, but I'm here now. The view is only so-so.

The site's rules say "Do Not Post:"

  • Non-English stories.

...Does this count? I feel like it should count.

Majin Syeekoh


Looks like English to me.

help me majin magic man my story isent public anymore

Majin Syeekoh

Your stories were revoked due to failing to meet minimum grammar standards. If you’d like to appeal the decision, contact a site moderator.

ill meet ur garmamaremarmamr standards or my name isnt jakkid166, then it will be good

ok guys i got one of those EDITORS they talk about, now the story will be good

Oh god, is it safe to assume you have continued your shitposting reign?

" whose cock dong was growing by the hour."

I don't think any song, novel, or video game from any universe could contain a line as amazing as this. Kudos....I think, for this amazing troll.

Hold the fuck up. First, I should say I haven't read the story and don't plan to. Second, did you seriously use a freakin screen shot of a google image search for your cover art? Seriously?

Aaaaaaannnnnndddddd the award for the cringiest story ever goes to... Jakkid166

I don't think it's possible to read this sober.

If this is an honest attempt at writing a story, then you failed harder than your dad's condom.

I swear, this is almost as bad as Evictus' stories.

This is THE ROOM of MLP fanfiction. And for that, you get a like

Absolute masterpiece

"Thats where youre wrong partner" said applajack And she ripped her pants off revealing her Gigantic Dong.


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