• Published 7th Mar 2018
  • 488 Views, 14 Comments

Rúmcierr - Matthais Unidostres

Applejack travels through space and time.

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Applejack grunted in exertion as she pulled the heavy plow across the field. The Sun was hot that day, but Applejack had her hat to keep the Sun out of her eyes and off of her head and neck. It was times like this when Applejack really appreciated her hat.

As for why Applejack was pulling the plow when it was usually her older brother Big Macintosh who performed this task, it was simply because he had gone and pulled a muscle hoisting up a rock-climbing wall for the Cutie Mark Crusader’s Cutie Mark Day Camp. This left Applejack as the only one who could get this plowing done, and she planned on doing just that.

However, Applejack work was interrupted by a loud clang as the metal plow struck something.

“Dang-nabbit,” Applejack said in frustration, and she quickly unhitched herself from the plow. She then walked around to see what the plow had collided against.

She looked down at the spot where the blade of the plow had cut deep into the deep, rich earth. Then she dug at the spot with her hoof a bit, muttering to herself on how annoying this whole situation was. Suddenly, a flash of green light burst out of the spot, temporarily blinding her and causing her to stumble backwards.

“Great horny toads!” she cried out as she blinked her eyes excessively, waiting for her sight to return. Once her vision came back, she looked warily at the spot, panting slightly when she saw the strange green glow that was reflected off of the metal plow.

Applejack gulped nervously, fighting the urge to back far away from the light, as she knew that she needed to know exactly what was on her farm as soon as possible. She couldn’t risk leaving whatever it was alone for a single moment.

Applejack cautiously stepped closer and closer to the light, then looked down into the hole she had dug. She could see what looked like a metallic handle coming out of the top of a metal object that seemed to be mostly buried, although the green light still shone up through the cracks.

“Alright,” Applejack said tensely, “Ah guess Ah better see what we got here.”

Steeling herself, Applejack bent down and grabbed the metal handle with her teeth. She gave three sharp tugs, making the third one extra-long, and the entire object slid right out of the hole.

Applejack backed up and set the metal object down in front of her. She stared at it in surprise, as it was unlike anything she had ever seen before.

It was an egg-shaped object, about the size of an ordinary bucket. It was metallic gray, except for the bottom part, which was like a lantern that continued to glow with that eerie green light. It stood on a very short tripod, made up of stubby legs which also glowed green. What could be assumed was the front of the object were a pair of windows that displayed the current year and time in glowing numbers. A golden watch was also imbedded into the object, as well as a red button. There was also a keypad with buttons numbered from 0 to 9 on the left side of it, and on top of it was what Applejack had thought was a handle, although it appeared to be a kind of retractable cover that seemingly was meant to shield a pair of round antenna-like objects that stuck out of a hole in the top.

Applejack gave the device a good looking over, then remarked, “How in the hay did a crazy lookin’ clock get buried in mah farm?”

Applejack leaned in closer to the device and frowned. “Who in the hay would even want a crazy lookin’ clock like this?” she said as she tapped it with a forehoof. As she did this, she pressed the red button in front with her forehoof without really thinking.

Immediately, the numbers on the front of the device began to change randomly, much to Applejack’s confusion. She huffed and remarked “Huh. The dang thing’s broken too. Wonder if Twilight and Starlight might get a kick outta trying to fix it.”

Just then, one of the round antennas on the device started to sparkle and glow with what looked like bluish-white magic. This caught Applejack’s interest, and she stared at in curiosity at first, only to quickly back away from it, as she was quite familiar with what magic could do.

Just as she was about two yards away from it, the device shot out a bolt of lightning in her direction.

Applejack yelped and threw herself flat onto the ground, covering her face with her forehooves. She lay there for a moment, and then she carefully uncovered her face to see that the device had was now still and quiet.

“Whoa, nelly,” Applejack remarked breathlessly as she got up slowly, “Talk about a close call.” She raised her right foreleg to wipe her brow, only to suddenly notice that something was missing. She touched the top of her head, and only found her mane.

“Where did-?” Applejack said as she looked around, searching the surrounding area for her hat. When she couldn’t find her iconic headgear, it didn’t take her long to come to the obvious conclusion.

Applejack snorted and scraped the ground with her right forehoof as she glared at the odd device with rage and hate. “You no-good, ugly piece of junk!” she shouted, and she charged at the device, knocking it over and standing over it.

“Ah’m gonna turn ya into scrap!” she shouted as she reared up onto her hind legs. Towering over it, Applejack brought both forelegs down hard onto the front of the device. However, her left forehoof also happened to press the button, and the device emitted another bolt of lightning. This bolt struck Applejack square in the chest, and both she and the device immediately vanished without a trace.