• Published 7th Mar 2018
  • 490 Views, 14 Comments

Rúmcierr - Matthais Unidostres

Applejack travels through space and time.

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Applejack opened her eyes, and saw that all she could for miles around were great big hills of snow. In addition, all she could hear was the sound of the howling wind of the blizzard buffeting her.

“Ah’ll take it,” Applejack said with relief and gratitude, appreciative of the lack of imminent danger. She brought a foreleg up to her face to shield it from the fast drifting snow. She took a good look around, and spotted her hat a few feet away, having been blown off a bit by the wind before it was partially buried by the snow.

Applejack picked it up, shook the snow off of it, and put it back on her head.

“Huh. Kinda feels too easy, this one,” Applejack remarked suspiciously. However, she quickly abandoned the thought and turned to walk back to the device. “Well, Ah can’t stay out here like this. Ah guess Ah just gotta keep tryin’.”

Then, Applejack felt like she was hit by a wall. She forcibly pushed backwards the howling wind, which had suddenly gotten much stronger.

“Dang. . .nabbit!” Applejack grunted as she struggled to remain standing. She opened her eyes and saw the green glow of the device through the blizzard. She gritted her teeth and forced herself to take a step forward, the snow being blown by the harsh wind making it rather tough going. However, Applejack persisted, moving her front right leg and back left leg forward, then her front left leg and back right leg forward, digging her hooves into the snow as deep as she could in order pull herself forward.

Eventually, the device was in reach, and Applejack reached out with her left forehoof to press the button. However, the wind forced her hoof back, and Applejack grimaced as she felt the wind seemingly tug on her tail as it caught the powerful air currents. Applejack reached out with both of her forehooves in desperation, right before the breeze flipped her over and sent her sprawling to the snow-covered ground on her now freezing back.

With her teeth still clenched, Applejack ground out, “Oh, yer not keepin’ me here, ya hear!”

She rolled over onto her stomach and slowly crawled forwards, digging her forehooves into the snow in order to drag herself forward. Eventually, she was within reach of the machine once again.

“Alright,” Applejack said while in her crawling position, then she took a deep breath, and quickly pushed herself up onto her hooves. She shifted all her weight forwards, extending her right forehoof towards the red button as she did so. “Yes,” she said as she brought her hoof towards the button.

There was a loud whoosh of the wind, and what felt like an icy wall flew right into her. When it passed, everything was dead silent, and Applejack found herself unable to move. She could see that her extended hoof was completely covered in a thick, icy frost. She soon realized that she completely encased in the frost from head to tail.

“Aw, nuts,” she mumbled, her voice muffled by the white frost covering her face.

Applejack’s eyes then focused on the red button just inches away from her frozen hoof. Applejack jerked her frost encased body forward. This caused her to tip forward a bit. Applejack repeated the motion, and she tipped forward a bit more. Her heart leapt when the tip of her hoof touched the red button, but then she tipped backwards again.

With a loud grunt, Applejack forced herself forward with a mighty heave of her muscles, and her frozen form tipped forwards, landing her forehoof right on the red button. With a flash, she and the device were gone.