• Published 8th Dec 2011
  • 1,679 Views, 21 Comments

Attack on Pony Harbor - Sweetie_Belle_Derelle

When his world is falling around him (Quite literally), will our young naval stallion survive?

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HEy guys

Sorry about not updating in a while. Like so many fic authors before me, ponies took a precedence in my life, and as a result, my grades turned to shit. (My GPA dropped to a 0.86)

Now that they have recovered, I can get started again :3

And for your trouble, Here is a picture of Fluttershy Derping:

Comments ( 3 )

No problems, at worst, your fiction just sits on the tracking list, nearly forgot about this fiction truth be told... oh well, can't wait to see some updates.

Meh. My patience is like granite.

Just don't take it for granted.

Ohoho puns galore!

May God and Celestia have mercy on our souls. :ajsleepy: :pinkiesad2: :fluttercry: :fluttershyouch:
Happy Anniversary Pearl Harbor!!!

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